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Origin Standard Starship Torpedoes

A few items that I can see.

What is the range of the torpedo? Who is the primary user of this?

Unguided? Then how does it drop out of FTL to hit its target, because if its going to hit at FTL speeds, then a warhead is unneccessary, as the kinetic energy would be devastating.

Cluster what is the performance of the warheads, speed, range, etc

Sensor what kind of sensors, range/sensitivity of the sensors, and what kind of communication
Also level 4 anti-FTL means entirely disabled CDD drive, you'd need some other engine to propel it in that situation.
If it is disabled in an Anti-FTL Zone, have it switch to a sublight drive. Since this is a torpedo, we can't very well strap on a very long distance drive system since there would be no room for a more robust power source/supply to power it.
Just so you know, the tactical choice of area-wide FTL denial may even up the score of your FTL is already wrecked.

Maybe that's what the torpedo should be: a specialty torpedo for tactical missions to be used as an equalizer or to prevent the escape of a mission-critical target (even if it means putting yourself at risk).

It seems ideal for capture missions.
How big are these torpedoes, FiveMarks? I don't see that listed anywhere. I would suggest finding a common torpedo size (perhaps AS-5 or 7 series size) so that they can be utilized by anyone.
kai said:
How big are these torpedoes, FiveMarks? I don't see that listed anywhere. I would suggest finding a common torpedo size (perhaps AS-5 or 7 series size) so that they can be utilized by anyone.
You might want to take a second look at some of the speed entries.

mere fraction of the speed of light (.5c)

Mere fraction, half the speed of light? At least based on https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... d_standard That is faster than most ships.

How long does it remain in FTL mode? It takes light approximately 8.3 minutes to travel 1 AU. At 10c you're looking at 49 seconds to get to the 1 AU limitation.

As for the Clusters, .8c to travel 5 km? You're talking about
5/239,834.4 or .00002 seconds

Nashoba said:
You might want to take a second look at some of the speed entries.

mere fraction of the speed of light (.5c)

Mere fraction, half the speed of light? At least based on https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=st ... d_standard That is faster than most ships.

How long does it remain in FTL mode? It takes light approximately 8.3 minutes to travel 1 AU. At 10c you're looking at 49 seconds to get to the 1 AU limitation.

As for the Clusters, .8c to travel 5 km? You're talking about
5/239,834.4 or .00002 seconds


Hit them hard. Hit them Fast. Make sure they don't get up again.

Just like you did when you stole some stuff from Kai's planning.
Just like you did when you stole some stuff from Kai's planning.

Five, hate to inform you, but I have not stolen anything from Kai's planning.

I have no idea where his planning is.

And if you are referring to his entry in the Tech Challenge. Hate to break it to you, but I had been toying with the idea of a breaching unit for about two months before I even saw the challenge. And also for the record, when I learned about the challenge, I intentionally did not even look at his submission until after I had mine submitted.
Yeah, chill you two.

As for the torpedoes, anything above, or at a '4' on the little Anti-FTL scale thing will stop their CDD easily enough, and below slows them enough to the point where most computer, and targeting systems can acquisition them with a degree of accuracy that makes it viable long before they even complete their 1 AU range due to most Anti-FTL fields having a large radius. But, the cluster torpedoes would be near insta-hits with their speed offering very little, to no time at all for evasion, let alone targeting. :S
Five. When I say stuff like that on IRC, I'm joking. It was a competition and I lost, I was having fun pretending to be bitter about it. Don't bring that up again.

I do still think that they are too big, especially for what Origin Industries would design. I have a few other concerns, mostly the fact that the VLP is unfinished, and the Torpedos will be useless without it, unless you change the diameter from 2 meters to 2 feet.
two feet, and are 5 meters long.
Why is this mixed (measuring systems)?

I would like a max damage cap of DR 4 for the cluster munition -- otherwise it will always be used instead of the normal DR 4 munition since it delivers 5 damage as written.
Wes said:
two feet, and are 5 meters long.
Why is this mixed (measuring systems)?

I would like a max damage cap of DR 4 for the cluster munition -- otherwise it will always be used instead of the normal DR 4 munition since it delivers 5 damage as written.
I don't see why having a cluster warhead, where each warhead can be shot down seperately after seperating, needs to be limited to a max DR 4
I believe what Five is saying is, as it says, each cluster is SDR 1. They're separate warheads basically packed into one launch vehicle, fired out, and could hit different, or the same target, but along different portions of a ship, or group of ships. Basically, shotgun torpedo. At least that is how I'm viewing it.
Wes said:
two feet, and are 5 meters long.
Why is this mixed (measuring systems)?

I would like a max damage cap of DR 4 for the cluster munition -- otherwise it will always be used instead of the normal DR 4 munition since it delivers 5 damage as written.
A thought - cluster munition may deal 5 damage if all of the individual pieces hit. Its more likely that they wont all hit and will do proportionally less damage.

If (for example) it breaks into ten pieces and all ten hit, it might do significant damage. If 8 or 9 of those pieces are instead eliminated by point defense/countermeasures/what have you, it probably wont even really put a ding in shields.