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[Origin] Starfighter accessories


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Please go over these for the following items:

A general topic sentence under the title header
The in-character year of creation/manufacture.
The Standard Product Nomenclature System
And for Spell check errors

Also for your missiles, you should probably have a different speed for atmospheric than space.

The front end has 10 tubes, each capable of holding 10 of the mini-missiles, giving the pod a total of 100 mini-missiles.

Seems a big hazardous to have 10 missiles in the same launch tube. A hit on the pod or down the tube would detonate the first missile and create a chain reaction of explosions destroying the pod. Better to have the missiles stored in a compartment or magazine, and loaded into the tubes for firing. Missile tubes don't have to be long since the missile has its own guidance.

The Blast Radius should be listed for each missile.
Also the proximity warheads, what is the proximity, 1meter, 100 meters,

I'll review more later.
Nashoba said:
The front end has 10 tubes, each capable of holding 10 of the mini-missiles, giving the pod a total of 100 mini-missiles.

Seems a big hazardous to have 10 missiles in the same launch tube. A hit on the pod or down the tube would detonate the first missile and create a chain reaction of explosions destroying the pod. Better to have the missiles stored in a compartment or magazine, and loaded into the tubes for firing. Missile tubes don't have to be long since the missile has its own guidance.

The Blast Radius should be listed for each missile.
Also the proximity warheads, what is the proximity, 1meter, 100 meters,

I'll review more later.

Only chemical explosives work like that. A Nuke won't explode just because another nuke or a bomb went off next to it
There are ten missiles per tube following the KISS rule. They are just tubes and the missiles do not interfere with one another when firing. If the pod is hit, no matter what system you use for storing and loading the missiles, it will still have the possibility of having all the missiles going off.

I added Proximity fuses and blast radii, though.
No problem with the way you are storing the missiles, was just asking.

Moving on.

Baby FTL Torpedoes
First how do the Torpedoes attach to the fighter? You describe the torpedo, but not the mechanism for launching it. Also no dimensions are included.
Also the DR Ratings show that for "Shuttle Craft Big Missiles have a DR of 4 not 5.
Shield Boosting Pods
As written this would allow small craft to violate the DR rules.

it automatically makes a starfighter or small craft's shields 'advanced' and add 2 extra threshold points to the total. If the craft already has 'advanced' shielding, it simply adds 2 threshold points.

Most Common Shuttles, and Fighters can have a 4 threshold being in the fourth class. Adding two would give them a 6 threshold.
Added a physical description.

Also, this is Armor/Mecha DR, not Starship DR on these torpedos. These are only barely strong enough to damage starships, if at all. most any shielding in the SDR range would stop them immediately.
Oi-Z3b Streaker Rockets
200KM range is probably fine for on a planet, but seems rather short for space usage.

Also should have a separate velocity for in atmosphere
Nashoba said:
Oi-Z3b Streaker Rockets
200KM range is probably fine for on a planet, but seems rather short for space usage.

Also should have a separate velocity for in atmosphere

I'll get on that.

Edit: And Done.
Nashoba said:
Shield Boosting Pods
As written this would allow small craft to violate the DR rules.

it automatically makes a starfighter or small craft's shields 'advanced' and add 2 extra threshold points to the total. If the craft already has 'advanced' shielding, it simply adds 2 threshold points.

Most Common Shuttles, and Fighters can have a 4 threshold being in the fourth class. Adding two would give them a 6 threshold.

Missed this one.

I clarified it to make sure that the threshold will never go past five, sorry about that oversight.
Isn't the shield add on essentially the exact same thing as the multiple shields to get a higher threshold exploit that Wes changed the rules to explicitly ban?

It would be better to work within the rules rather than requesting a special exception for your own stuff.
It isn't adding extra layers of shielding, it boosts the existent shielding. Besides, anyone can buy this shield booster and put it on any small craft to get a boost.
No, it isn't. I fixed the article where Nashoba pointed it out to me. It now complies with the DR rules.

Do me a favor and actually read the article before making uneducated comments about it.
That is also against the DR rules if the unit using the pod has a maximum threshold of 4 or less which is the majority of power armor and other small vehicles.

Please read the DR rules.
The maximum threshold is always 5. I do read the DR rules. A lot. Every time I make something I go over the DR rules again to refresh myself.

Also, I'm not concerned about Powered armor, this isn't something that will fit on one. It is made for fighters, shuttles, and perhaps mechanized frames, which are considerably larger and more powerful than a Powered armor.

Please stop arguing for the sake of argument. it adds nothing to the site and only serves to annoy tech mods and the people who work hard to make submissions.
Threshold is related to size class. Adding these pods is just a way to increase threshold beyond what a vehicle should normally have for its maximum.

Star fighters and other shuttle sized vehicles are capped at a threshold of 4, with larger vehicles getting up to ADR 5 threshold and large power armors getting capped at 3 according to these rules.

Here is a link to the DR rules so you can read them: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=damage_rating