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[Origin] Starfighter accessories


Retired Staff
Inactive Member
Heavy Laser
Suggest removing this text. This is true of any weapon system, that if you hit the shields enough times they go down.

These Lasers also are able to defeat Shields by eventually overwhelming the Shield system's feedback, and bringing them down with repeated hits.

Otherwise it looks good.
Sensor Booster
There is no price for this option on the page,
How does this attach to the fighter? And how does it tie into the onboard sensor system.

And can we get a clarification on this.

for a fairly small tradeoff in weapons payload.

What exactly is the trade off,

it takes up a hardpoint, which could be otherwise used for more weapons
Added the prices.

Everything in this submission is designed to be attached to hardpoints, some are larger and require heavier duty hardpoints than others. If i haven't clarified that in the articles, please tell me so I may do so.
You may want to double check them, for example the Shield booster has no mention of connectivity, and no price.

Streaker Rocket no price

Other than that these are good to go.
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