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Osbourne Corporation


Inactive Member
Proposal for Osbourne Corporation

"We need breathing room!"

Wishing to form his own private corporation for research, development, and construction of his more radical designs which were rejected by other companies, Razeal Kresh took a large amount of capital and formed The Osbourne Corporation a.k.a. OzCrop for just this purpose.


OzCorp is a privately owned corporate entity, with its benefactors and supporters often preferring to remain shrouded in secrecy. The chief engineer and founder, Razeal Kresh, is the only known member of the supervisory committee that heads the company.

Corporate Mission Statement:

OzCorp will often develop technology that is rejected on ethical or moral grounds by any other company. They sell to the highest bidder or whoever's business might best benefit the company in the long run. They are also secretly fierce Nepleslian loyalists, and only seem to refuse sale to Yamatai or Yamatain based companies on sketchy grounds.

Manufacturing: OzCorp owns a large converted asteroid mining base as its primary factory. This asteroid factory, known as Carthage, is capable of producing everything from power suits to battleships and features fully equipped R&D labs. Located within the Old Ralfaris nebula the asteroid base wasn't on most charts, due to it being abandoned because the mining company went under rather quickly. The nebula also offered a degree of privacy due to its negating effect on sensor scans from outside it.

Corporate Goals:

1. Design and production of ships & technology.
2. Military market dominance of Nepleslian trade.
3. Construction of its own fleet via The Carthage Project.

Corporate Resources:

Razeal Kresh & a number of unknown board members.
Sounds alright. Where does startup funding come from?
I was hoping the 20K I got from the sale of the Warhorse and Red Hill designs to NAM would be sufficient.
Looking very approvable so far...I'd like to see more detail, though. For instance, where is their manufacturing center?
If the Nepleslian government was cool with it, yes.
I don't have a problem with it...

...but why does it have to be sensor proof and whatnot? What does this company have to hide?
It's not absolutely sensor proof, just not sensor friendly. And they have a lot to hide if I can get the Carthage project off the ground. OzCorp is going to not only help Nepleslian trade but in rearming the Nepleslian Star Army. And in order to do this and draw minimal attention from the Yamatain government, a degree of secrecy seemed necessary.
2. Military market dominance of Nepleslian trade.
3. Support and eventual control of Nepleslian Star Army via The Carthage Project.

Also, these may be a problem.

#2, because Phoenix Arms may have a problem with that.
#3 because I may have a problem with that. Eventual control of the Nepleslian Star Army? Please explain.

And I still want an explanation of the Carthage Project.
I still haven't worked out all the details, but the Carthage Project is the basic build up of at least 2 fleets. One designed for general combat and the other strictly anti-yamatain.
I call out the name - Osbourne Corporation? OsCorp? Norman Osbourne? We may not be the most original critters on the internets, but I think we could do a little better than that.

Also, 'We need breathing room'? We all know about Godwin's Law, but that just seems a bit blatant.

Just to let you know, "We need breathing room" is a quote of Hitler.

Sounds like fun X3

Promise us, however, you're not going to ripoff Spiderman with some sort of super-trooper gone horribly wrong. Well... If you do, do it well, mmkay?
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