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Osbourne Corporation


Inactive Member
Proposal for Osbourne Corporation

"We need breathing room!"

Wishing to form his own private corporation for research, development, and construction of his more radical designs which were rejected by other companies, Razeal Kresh took a large amount of capital and formed The Osbourne Corporation a.k.a. OzCrop for just this purpose.


OzCorp is a privately owned corporate entity, with its benefactors and supporters often preferring to remain shrouded in secrecy. The chief engineer and founder, Razeal Kresh, is the only known member of the supervisory committee that heads the company.

Corporate Mission Statement:

OzCorp will often develop technology that is rejected on ethical or moral grounds by any other company. They sell to the highest bidder or whoever's business might best benefit the company in the long run. They are also secretly fierce Nepleslian loyalists, and only seem to refuse sale to Yamatai or Yamatain based companies on sketchy grounds.

Manufacturing: OzCorp owns a large converted asteroid mining base as its primary factory. This asteroid factory, known as Carthage, is capable of producing everything from power suits to battleships and features fully equipped R&D labs. Located within the Old Ralfaris nebula the asteroid base wasn't on most charts, due to it being abandoned because the mining company went under rather quickly. The nebula also offered a degree of privacy due to its negating effect on sensor scans from outside it.

Corporate Goals:

1. Design and production of ships & technology.
2. Military market dominance of Nepleslian trade.
3. Construction of its own fleet via The Carthage Project.

Corporate Resources:

Razeal Kresh & a number of unknown board members.
Nepleslia apparently has yet to post any laws of its own, so I would think it'd be using Yamatai's laws (mostly) for now. There's also the matter of the Star Army's "Eliminate all possibly threatening forces" doctrine...
Wes said:
Nepleslia apparently has yet to post any laws of its own, so I would think it'd be using Yamatai's laws (mostly) for now. There's also the matter of the Star Army's "Eliminate all possibly threatening forces" doctrine...
As they say; shoot first ask questions later. It works until one finds someone who can actually match your gunning.

Hence the massive prolonged war with Mishhu. Whee!
As I had previously stated , this fleet buildup is going to take some time. And I have already devised a possible solution to negating, at least for a short amount of time ,the military effectiveness of Yamatain "superior" technology.
Yeah ... that's not going to be easy for yah. Especially in the realatively hard science setting we try to live in.
Raz, stop trying to build something just to be anti-YAM.

Roleplay first and figure out if the Neps actually WANT help.

As for your fleet build-up, you can't turn the RP into some game of your own for your personal amusement with copypasta ship designs.

Learn about the setting and see why Yam technology is "superior".

I had a way of making many technologies moot but it was frowned on so my concept for a large plotship was sort of scattered off into the wind and at this rate, my next one will also be.
RazealK said:
And I have already devised a possible solution to negating, at least for a short amount of time ,the military effectiveness of Yamatain "superior" technology.

This is the statement that angers me.

You want a pissing match. Plain and simple. You want it whether you admit it or not. That is not healthy for the RP, especially on this size of scale.

What would convince me you don't want a pissing match? Just play a character. Fian's doing a good job with Nepleslian technology and it's usually reasonable; we don't need more than his hat on the hat rack.
People don't seem to like your motives, but Wes found nothing wrong with your little trampoline, so, yes, it is Approved.

Many of the details will have to be fleshed out ICly. You will have to start small and put long term effort into your objectives, not to mention put up with other people ICly. You will have to deserve every achievement you get, so, don't expect to get anywhere near your goal without a lot of time and attention invested in the SARP.
Kotori said:
You will have to deserve every achievement you get, so, don't expect to get anywhere near your goal without a lot of time and attention invested in the SARP.

Meaning, you won't get a fleet overnight. You'll have to fight tooth and nail pretty much everyone to do that, and from the looks of this topic, you haven't made many friends around here. Indeed, from the looks of things, you've got quite a few people who really don't like your ideas.

RP is pretty much unavoidable at this point, so my reccommendation? You get out your dice, print off a character sheet, and roll up your Yamataian 1st level Technical Sentry.

Who knows? You might actually have fun.
Sorry If I've pissed everyone off, I am having fun here thou, and love being surrounded by people who actually understand my tech talk. BTW, what trampoline do I have? O.o
You can't build your base in Old Ralfaris. That's within the 2nd SF's sphere of influence:


I don't think they'll let a Nepleslian corporation operate there, much less an anti-Yamatai one.

I recommend the pirates' cove near Vordachibea. You'll be mixing with pirates, and it's not a nice place to live, but making a living shouldn't be too hard, and pirates tend to not ask many questions.

(Vordachibea's native species is hostile to humans in general, by the way.)
I don't like this for OOC reasons, mainly that I feel it's getting into territory a new player shouldn't approach.

However, if there's reasonable cause for the corporation ICly, after all the debate, there's nothing I can do.

I STILL want to know how one man can get the backing to create a corporation like this.

If our friend here is willing to invest the time and effort into making his company a longterm dream, then go for it.

Just don't let OOC motives interfere with IC advancement.
My earlier post shouldn't be taken as a personal approval of this, by the way.

This RP has been through the pissing-contest phase. Been there. Done that. Bought the T-shirt. Then burned the T-shirt. :)

And RazealK, while I have no problem with you emotionally investing in the RP, please don't take things personally when things go badly ICly. And things will go badly ICly. I mean, that's kind of the point of roleplaying.

Taking things personally is usually how OOC drama starts. Please save the drama for the RP, not us, okay? ;)
I can't say I like how Razeal just suddenly got his Carthage station, shipyards, docks and even swivel chair. There was no development as to him hiring people to get it built, no foreplay in this regard at all.

Not to mention you seem to exceed the 25 NPC limit for a non-GM member.
I didn't name them thou, does that help? >.> And Carthage is already there, it's just being heavily modified by the Osbourne corporation.
We make toasters. Honestly.