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Osbourne Corporation


Inactive Member
Proposal for Osbourne Corporation

"We need breathing room!"

Wishing to form his own private corporation for research, development, and construction of his more radical designs which were rejected by other companies, Razeal Kresh took a large amount of capital and formed The Osbourne Corporation a.k.a. OzCrop for just this purpose.


OzCorp is a privately owned corporate entity, with its benefactors and supporters often preferring to remain shrouded in secrecy. The chief engineer and founder, Razeal Kresh, is the only known member of the supervisory committee that heads the company.

Corporate Mission Statement:

OzCorp will often develop technology that is rejected on ethical or moral grounds by any other company. They sell to the highest bidder or whoever's business might best benefit the company in the long run. They are also secretly fierce Nepleslian loyalists, and only seem to refuse sale to Yamatai or Yamatain based companies on sketchy grounds.

Manufacturing: OzCorp owns a large converted asteroid mining base as its primary factory. This asteroid factory, known as Carthage, is capable of producing everything from power suits to battleships and features fully equipped R&D labs. Located within the Old Ralfaris nebula the asteroid base wasn't on most charts, due to it being abandoned because the mining company went under rather quickly. The nebula also offered a degree of privacy due to its negating effect on sensor scans from outside it.

Corporate Goals:

1. Design and production of ships & technology.
2. Military market dominance of Nepleslian trade.
3. Construction of its own fleet via The Carthage Project.

Corporate Resources:

Razeal Kresh & a number of unknown board members.
I should point out that I'm contractually stipulated to play 'That Song From Eva That Comes On When Things Go To Shit' when something like that happens.

Says right here under the pay rate and benefits listing. Better than working at Wal-Mart, just barely.
Fian pointed it out , but actually it's named after Ozzy Osbourne. If anyone listens to monster magnet, they'd noticed a lot of my proposed ships are named after their songs, or such as the Red Hill, after U2's Red Hill Mining Town.

Oh, and my slogan inspiration:

Chang: "To be or not to be?" That is the question which preoccupies our people, Captain Kirk. We need breathing room.
James T. Kirk: Earth. Hitler, 1938.
Chang: I beg your pardon?
Gorkon: Well... ...I see we have a long way to go.
I still haven't worked out all the details, but the Carthage Project is the basic build up of at least 2 fleets. One designed for general combat and the other strictly anti-yamatain.

So, they're building two fleets, one for general combat and one just for anti-yamataian procedures.

So, basically, they want to start a war with Yamatai at a very inopportune time for both nations?

That's just plain suicidal, not to mention that this corporation wouldn't have nearly the resources to field a competitive fleet with "hey, Razeal and some guys are funding it!"

If you're looking for government funding, there's no way in hell they'd allow a corporation with this much overexcessive (and dangerous) pride to throw a wrench into their own plans, so you could count that out.

I could POSSIBLY allow Razeal to SOMEHOW have found a fully functional asteroid platform, complete and ready for construction procedures, but this sounds to me like you're expecting your own slice of Nepleslian space, not for the sake of research and design, but for the desire to throw your hat into the international diplomacy ring.

Something of this magnitude has an effect on not only the RP world but the entire player base as well, which is an unacceptable level of power for a non-mod/GM to have.

Corporate Goals:

1. Design and production of ships & technology.
2. Military market dominance of Nepleslian trade.
3. Construction of its own fleet via The Carthage Project.

I see you've changed #3, but I have trouble believing that your ambitions have been quashed with a simple one time edit.

I'm calling you out here.

I want to know what you're really getting at with this company.
The Carthage Project can't be completed for a few years at least.

That's just plain suicidal, not to mention that this corporation wouldn't have nearly the resources to field a competitive fleet with "hey, Razeal and some guys are funding it!"

The anti-Yamatain fleet (Izial) would use numbers to it's advantage, such as large numbers of automated gunships that detached from disposable automated transports. This would in turn be controlled by a single command ship with a shield generator designed to last for a few hours and protect from most if not all weaponry.

If you're looking for government funding, there's no way in hell they'd allow a corporation with this much over excessive (and dangerous) pride to throw a wrench into their own plans, so you could count that out.

I don't intend to involve the government, since they're so scared of the mighty Yamatains. Using a shadowy corporation that carries out its own will on behalf of the Nepleslian people, in my mind at least, creates plausible deniablity. The government, if we are discovered, can denounce us as terrorists, radical fascists, or madmen for all I care. I am trying to draw the heat away from Nepleslia if I can thou, but this depends on the discovery of Carthage.

I leave diplomacy to the diplomats. I simply wish to bring Yamatai to its knees for the greater glory of Nepleslian stellar dominance.

3. Construction of its own fleet via The Carthage Project.

I see you've changed #3, but I have trouble believing that your ambitions have been quashed with a simple one time edit.

I don't want to control Nepleslia. I want to create a protective fleet that also fulfills the hearts and wills of the people in the way our government is not capable of outrightly doing. Carthage would never attack the homeworld and would defend it to the last ship if so needed. And I also wish to put us at the very least, a level playing field with Yamatai, even if it means cutting them off at the knees to do so.
Tihs kind of sounds similar to the Nepleslian Red Fleet.
Gee Willikers, Wes. That sure was helpful! :|

Anyway, where are these resources being drawn from? What shadowy corporations?

The reds and blacks are doing their own thing right now. Who's left?
I'm sorry, I can't be silent about this.

This seems more about Razeal's desire to screw over the big dog of this RP than anything else. Just as people have before you, and that's only in the 15 months I've been here; everyone wants to take down Yamatai. You can design fancy ships and what not, and that's all that matters to you.

You think the NDI couldn't waste your stuff with THEIR automated vessels? You think Yamatai's quality is such that they can get wasted by droves of your vessels? Which, I should add, could not stand up to Yamatai's weapons without DIRECT backing from someone much more powerful than the Reds?

Someone stop me if I'm wrong here about the Reds. But they're using machine guns on the ground; something tells me they won't have thousands upon thousands of gunships above ground unless it's some lost fleet. That simply makes no sense.

Fred occasionally gets pissed about something and he rattles off, but I'm usually more calm about it. But not this time. Many other players have invested in this RP, and you're proposing something that equates to hacking bits and pieces of the RP because that's what's fun for you, whether you realize it or not.

If you can't play a single character, limited in scope, and enjoy that, why are you here?
I have both an in character and out-of-character perspective on this.

In character, the vast majority of Nepleslians do not like Yamatai. They don't like them because of their elitism, xenophobia and aggression (in the form of gunboat diplomacy).

Out of character, I get several messages from players or prospective players inquiring about Nepleslia because, and I quote "Yamatai sucks." Wes, and the entire community as a whole has done a fantastic job at creating an empire that both is fun to play in and, at the same time, has drawn some real ire from other people.

In fact, some of this anger is almost irrational, as if these players want to pardon my french, 'fuck up' Yamatai.

The problem here is separation of IC and OOC thinking. Players link the "elitism, xenophobia and aggression" of IC Yamatai into their OOC feelings as well, and that's where the RP stops being fun and starts to turn into a personal competition, a grudge, if you will.

Nepleslia has experienced amazing growth over the last few months, with players who want to enjoy the grittier life and develop tech for the nation.

That's awesome, and I'm happy that people are getting attached to Nepleslian independence, but people need to realize that a Moderator/GM staff exists for a specific reason: to keep the RP universe balanced and running smoothly.

The moderator/GM staff have been entrusted with their roles because they have been here long enough or have contributed enough to understand several things about the RP:

  • 1. The universe, and how different factions/races/etc function and interact.
    2. The militaries of the universe, and how they operate.
    3. The role of corporations and other private factions in the universe.
    4. The dynamics of serious character development (which is the most contributing factor to the previously mentioned points).

With these four points comes a degree of maturity as well, an ability to step back and see the RP from the big picture. If you invest the time into making a character you like to play, then, naturally, you develop an attachment to the universe he or she lives in. When you develop a familiarity with the universe, then you want to learn more about it, which leads to an understanding of governments, militaries and corporations.

Are you seeing a pattern here?

I have no problem with the creation of a corporation by a player who has the ambition for it. There's nothing wrong with it, as long as the player uses that corporation as a means of enriching his or her experience in the RP world as a whole.

I guarantee you'll have more fun that way.

For now, work on developing your understanding of the universe as a whole instead of trying so hard to change it.

And who knows? Maybe one day you'll be able to use your corporation to influence plots.

You'll know when the time is right.
As I see it, Nepleslia's position is similar to that of Germany after WWII, with the treaty of versalies seriously restricting their military power. The germans got around this by reclassifing ships, making them overpowered and under armored, and by shuffling a lot of paperwork. Nepleslia is restricted only in that they are newly independent.

And yes, I do have a fervor for Nepleslia ooc, because I am essentially my characters, and they are me. I can't really play anyone wildly different from myself or my views, nor do I want to. I am more then willing to RP, and have been trying to get in every JP for my Marine character and have also been SPing Razeal a bit. I don't really have a problem with yamatai, they are a large and obvious target however.

I am trying to channel my energy into something I enjoy and also trying to please, to an extent, those who wish me to gain more role-playing skill experience. I also feel very tenuous ands grueling experience of tech submission will ultimately be rewarding ,I have however, limited the number of said submissions in order to also appease those who would complain about my lack of SARP experience. i have a lot of free time, and do and wish to spend it on this site and on projects related to it, it's a passion for me.
I would also like to blow some shit up.
But that's just me =D
Hmm...Instead of pouring all this energy into trying to change our RP in drastic ways as these, which will not go over well with anyone, why not just make your own RP community, or assist another who may want your skills?

Just a suggestion.
Yo, FM, let's not try to drive people away. All submissions are welcome, but not all will be approved. This submission seems alright so far to me, but it needs some more explanation...
I tend to agree with the people who've been around longer.

While I know I've made a few errant suggestions of my own, it's because I enjoy it when people like what I offer and use it.

In Mister Kresh's case it seems more that he just wants to take over every aspect of the RP, controlling everything the way he sees fit. It doesn't work that way though, and for good reason.
While I could go intodetail about why trying to take over is a bad idea, I'll leave that to someone who is a more tactful speaker and who can deliver a firm point and a strong reprimand without coming off as rude or overbearing.
The long and short of it though, Razeal, is that you are again moving too far, too fast. Start small. Roleplay, don't just jump straight to being "hey I'm the new boss, worship me." If you really want that kind of authority and respect you should work for it, earn every piece of it.

I must also point out that IC there is a war on and the Star Army would probably retaliate in force to an opportunistic bonehead taking potshots at their ships.
I've been watching over this for quite some time >_>;;

Actually, it's is fine if the cooperation is accepted or whatever...It's the need for a Real Life system limit that need to be implanted. I mean, in just 30 game years...Look at all the amount of technology that can simply appear in just 1 game year of the entire rp...That's one of the few reasons why people tend to make more "Overpowered" tech because the idea are taken up by the rest.

There should actually be some form of records about the research done on several tech before it's published and how much funding was taken for it to be on the market...

So, if this is somewhat applied, I doubt the OzCorp can really become powerful enough to uphold its own fleetment.
I see no real problem with the Osbourne Corporation having its own fleets simply because in the past the QIS had a fleet, along with NovaCorp and KFY being allowed to keep ships of their own. Just as long as it's not a sudden, immediate blowup of the production capabilities of a newly started company that is not recieving government aid, I see no real problem.

Honestly, for a single company with two fleets I see no real threat that they could pose to the Yamatai Star Empire. I do not see it as realistic, nor do I think a bunch of heavily armed Nepleslian transports could do a bunch of damage to a group of Sakura class gunships.
KFY is not a private corporation, it is a government entity. To prevent incident like the QIS one from happening again, civilian ownership of military fleets was made illegal.

I do not see it as realistic, nor do I think a bunch of heavily armed Nepleslian transports could do a bunch of damage to a group of Sakura class gunships.
A bunch of heavily armed Nepleslian transports would be wasted by one Sakura, Im all kinds of certain.
Does it apply to non Yamatai coporations though?

NAM is an extension of the goverment, so I dont have to worry about that if it does apply to Nepleslians.

Agreed, thats why I dont bother with a standing fleet. For now.

Edit: 40,000 Get!
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