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RP Osman University: Something is a Mist

An attempted murder, here? Why? Kolorsha thought to herself upon hearing the officer’s reply.
She followed the others toward the auditorium, no doubt many of the other students and staff had similar questions, but one thought in particular stayed in her mind:
What here would be worth killing someone over?
As the student and faculty were herded inside Gym 1, either by the announcements coming over the school’s intercom or directed by the scattered police patrol. A break-in and attempted murder just a few days after the death of the nation’s leader had clearly it had taken on the morale of the few people that were still at the school. A collection of chairs had been haphazardly placed in an ugly attempt at a square at the center of the gymnasium. Professor Otieno directed the students and faculty to sit down wherever they wanted, while Professor Wojewódzki had already found a seat and had seen Kolorsha and Roland enter standing up she waved “Kolorsha, Roland, I saved you a place to sit!” she called across the room. Standing at the end of the gymnasium with a podium and an attached microphone was Interim Principal, Noam Charron, the man was covered in sweat and pacing back and forth until Professor Otieno came up to him letting him know that it was time to begin.

Standing at the podium he tested the microphone and began “Thank you, everyone, for coming. I know how shocking the sight of police being here on campus must have been to you. It is my hope that I will be able to reassure you that everything is well in hand currently but last night Professor Andres Jansson was attacked by an unknown assailant last night who is suspected of also stealing a number of the Ganja artifacts.” The principal paused pulling out a handkerchief and wiping the sweat from his brow before continuing “Professor Jansson was found alive and taken to the hospital have receiving grievous wounds. I know turn over to the Detective, Jiro Aoki, the lead investigator.” Charron stepped back as Jiro, who looked as fresh-faced as someone could be from the academy, standing at the microphone while looking through his pockets. “Thank you, Principal Charron, I had a small speech written down, but I seem to have lost my note pad.” He laughed awkwardly at the deafening silence of the crowd “I do want to let you all know that law enforcement is taking this situation very seriously and are making every effort to locate this perpetrator and recover the artifacts. I now open the floor to questions or you can leave if you need too I was informed that teachers can hold classes like normal but not in the Social Studies building.”

Upon accessing the ISD database Ayla would find only a small amount of information about the crime, that Professor Jansson was in the hospital and stable after having been stabbed by the suspect in the shoulder with a metal spear. The description of the suspect was a person of unknown gender wearing a purple robe, an ornate mask, and carrying a spear.
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Upon hearing her name being called out, Kolorsha looked toward the source of the voice, seeing Professor Wojewodzki, waving her and Roland over.
She made her way over, giving the woman a nod of thanks with her head before sitting next to her. She didn’t get to say anything before Principal Charron gave a brief summary of last night’s incident. “Professor Jansson?” Kolorsha said, her voice indicating her slight surprise. “He was fine when I left last night, I didn’t think anyone else was here!”
Detective Aoki’s statement caused a sigh and a frown to appear on the musical mare’s muzzle. Well, that would put even more of her classes on hold while the building was under investigation...
Adi, sitting next to her sister, was shocked to hear about the attack. "A-an attack?!" she stammered, jumping into Adria's lap, scared. Hades, the reapers, her dad, and now this? It seemed like the assailants just never stopped. Adria was secretly worried as well, but she wasn't amused her little sister had jumped on her and was blocking her view. "Get off me," Adria snapped, nudging Adi off. The curvier princess whimpered and sat back down in her seat. "They didn't come for us, at least, I don't think they did..." Adria told her, letting her fears show slightly. Adi could tell too well her grouchy sister wasn't confident about what she said, and it wasn't reassuring.

Chlorate beeped, she was unsettled that there was an attack on the campus. Naturally, she wanted to know if they were safe from the mysterious attacker now. "What is being done to defend against another attack?" she asked.
Detective Aoki answered questions from a few other teachers on where they would hold their classes, he let told them that they would be assigned to a new classroom they can use for the time being. Looking to Chlorate when she asked her question “I can assure you, ma’am, that myself and a few officers will be assigned to protect the building.” He answered smiling thinking he was successful easing the fears of the crowd but to everyone else, it was clear how much he was failing to do so. After a few more questions Detective Aoki announced that he was finished taking questions, but he could be contacted either directly or through Principle Charron and walked off the stage and out of the gym.

Otieno watched as Aoki left before looked to Charron next to him “Could I get his number too, Principle?” looking confused at the four-armed giant Charron answered, “He never gave it to me.” Otieno couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh before putting a hand over his mouth barely holding himself back from saying something that would have been out of line.

Sighing Charron walked back up to the podium “That will be all everyone please feel free to return home or go to your classes at the scheduled times, updated classrooms will be sent out in the next half hour. As for the teachers, I will need you all to attend a meeting after normal hours today in the faculty lounge.” It was clear how exacerbated the man was as he turned to leave as well.

Professor Wojewodzki turned to the mare next to her “I don’t know about you but I’m not confident in the police response to this situation.”
“Response? Equus, is that what they’re calling it?” The massive mare said in reply, with a shake of her head. “Frankly, I’ve heard better responses from Nepleslian police in the middle of gang territory!”
Maybe a bit harsh, however Kolorsha was once again facing most of her classes being canceled for lack of proper facilities, something of which she was getting tired of having to put up with.
“I share the same lack of confidence. Even with everything that’s gone on since the NDC was founded, I’d have thought the police could spare someone a bit more.....experienced than Detective Aoki. Not doubting her sincerity, but she seems fresh out of the academy to me.” Kolorsha finished. “I suppose there’s nothing for it but to wait for the revised class schedules to be sent out...”
A frown remained plastered firmly on the Undercover ISD agent’s face as she listened to the detective. She decided she would examine the crime scene. While she had her other duty to take care of, making sure that the members of the royal family were kept safe would have to be the focus. She turned her head to the two beside her. “phhft! if that was considered a response, then I think I’d prefer a non-response, maybe get more reaction that way.’ she said as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Professor Wojewodzki shrugged at the mare “I’m sure they can find you a spare room for your music class. I agree they shouldn’t have sent anyone if that’s the best they have especially with how valuable these artifacts are.” The green-haired woman turned to see that most of the others in the gym had started to leave “I need to get to my class, I’ll talk to you later.” She said goodbye as she entered the dwindling crowd.

Otieno heard Ayla as he passed by as he was leaving stopping, he reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder “I couldn’t agree miss, I’m thinking it might be up to someone besides the police to find the culprit.” He said smiling.

This is the end of Act I of the plot and will be continued in Act II as its own separated thread here in the next few days. Thank you to everyone for participating so far and helping me grow as a storyteller here on SARP I’m excited to see where we take this plot together!
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