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Paragon Reboot.


Ser Spit
Inactive Member
After much thought and deliberation I have opted to take active possession of the old abandoned Paragon company. The faction I run had many dealings with the company before it was liquidated, so I can spout out several precedents in which the company can be resurrected.

Icily I like the idea of an additional private firm with in the Gartagen Union Faction. OOCLY I have to look at the truth. I feel the content is entirely too good to simply let float off to be exfoliated. It is in my humble opinion an asset to the forum as a whole, and well worth my time an energy.

I feel very strongly about this, and it is very personal to me; as I did watch, comment, guide Arieg as he developed Paragon since its inception.
Not a good idea. It's basically a transparent transfer of Nepleslian technology and ideas to the Gartagens for basically no cost other than whatever expanses the Union is going to need to make to gain the assets.

The Imperium could and should block this.
Paragon already had facilities and contracts that the Union heavily invested in, at worst this move would sour relations with the Imperium and the Gartagen Union. Even then I never said anything about the Gartagen government taking active control of a privately funded company, not to mention the Imperium did not use much Paragon equipment to begin with.
The designs incorporate technologies which are largely considered to be trivial and common (maybe due to IP expiration or something) in Nepleslia, but are not in the Gartagen Union. Don't take this the wrong way, but it's basically the same the same as Steyr Manlichter going defunct and their Ugandan branch deciding to open a new company in Uganda with their current know-how, vastly improving the Ugandan arms industry.

And therein lies the issue. Even if Steyr is defunct, those patents and designs (even the ergonomics and outer casing as something independent of all the mechanisms count as a form of intellectual property) belong to somebody.

Not to mention there are all sorts of moral and ethical issues wrapped up in this situation, like the Gartagens being handed antecedents of Nepleslian technology (which has been a point of contention before), despite being expansionist and militaristic. It's a problematic situation, and you really can't expect non-intervention in light of that.

Technological uplift should always occur under controlled circumstances. The Lorath pretty consistently demonstrated why just handing people old or underused stuff could backfire.
I see the point you are making, but the technologies are still being used by the union in any event. Also there is a free trade agreement in place, and diplomatically the Union is an Ally of the Imperium.

As far as the ergonomics are concerned, part of the plan I have is to give some of the workers who are probably unemployed their old jobs back.Mind you this is not about me wanting to lift Nepleslian technology, this is me interested in preserving a good asset to the setting.
The ergonomics weren't really a point for you to address. It was more of an example of what sort of things fall under somebody's particular intellectual property umbrella and how aping a design wholesale can be problematic even if the underlying mechanisms become public domain.

A gadget that looks and works 100% like an iPod but uses internals that are public domain or self-designed non-Apple hardware and open-source software that merely emulates the 'feel' of using one (maybe with a vastly altered GUI display, etc...) is still going to step on toes.
But when Apple gets purchased by Bill Gates, all of its intellectual property will become his, because he owns it. The idea is not so much for a complete relocation, but a Junta shift. The company in essence will remain and function largely the same, but will have new owners, investors and patrons.
The bigger problem is most of the IP for Paragon was sold off to various companies.
I took that into account as well, But the Union does own several pieces of the Paragon IP(at this point any how)

Simply put, the New Junta will endeavor to re-acquire the IP, as much as they can. This is a business transaction, and those who do business will typically be willing to deal.
I took that into account as well, But the Union does own several pieces of the Paragon IP(at this point any how)

Not to put you on the spot, but is there a particular agreement you can cite for this?
The M-Sar

The Paragon Rocket Launcher

The Bombers

and there was a top secret project under development.
For what it's worth, arms manufacturers have licensed and/or abandoned weapons designs and factories to nations before (Beretta and S&W in Brazil, Walther in Turkey and Argentina).

Those manufacturers left antiquated designs to the national manufacturers that took over their factories. Then, Beretta, S&W and Walther innovated and came up with much better designs, leaving the old designs to be sold more cheaply by places such as Brazil.

Just an example.
The Free Trade Agreement does not include military arms.

1) Both nations agree to free trade, with the exception of military hardware purchased by either military which can not be resold for reasons of mutual security."

Also, everything on the treaty expires on April 6th. Uso is no longer around to re-negotiate so you'd have to speak to Kokuten for Nepleslian government decisions.

Let dead dogs lie, especially such controversial ones.
Actually that comes with the idea of a free trade agreement. Both nations allow their companies, corporations to trade freely among their worlds with both ruling parties pretty much allowing the money to flow.

Paragon was, and has been clearly stated to be a Business. Not a government organisation, or even government owned. But an independently and traded business.

Which if this motion is blocked ICLY I can and does violate the free trade agreement as agreed upon by both parties involved.

Shara purchased very limited technology from NAM, and has not violated that agreement of selling or reproducing Nepleslian technology due to security reasons(with exception of the F2, which was agreed on, and Nepleslia does reserve the right to reclaim the F2s Shara has made at their behest...why they would do that in the middle of a costly war to one of the nations aiding them in this brutal conflict is beyond me.)
Well I am more then ready to put things into motion so that this is not done in a silly way. No one is doing anything with the articles and I intend to.