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Senate: Passed [PASSED] 95 - Clarification to Neko Law


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Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Standing up, the senator asks,

"Aren't we all, at this point, Nekovalkyrja of one model or another? Are we all supposed to give up our bodies, simply because the government wishes us to do so?

"And what other artificial bodies do you propose we transfer to - the Lorath ARIA?"
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

For the purposes of this bill, Nekovalkyrja refers to:

NH-2 series
NH-7 series
NH-17 series
NH-27 series
NH-28 series
NH-29 series
NH-33 series
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

"That still doesn't answer my question," the dark-haired senator continued, tapping her papers on the podium in front of her representative chair. "Although I assume you are suggesting we all transfer to the NH-31, in order to avoid an arbitrary, and even casual, military draft at any time.

"We who served, served our time faithfully, and were assured that we could become civilians and leave the military without changing bodies just this last year. The ones who remained in military service, I am particularly talking about the model 29, had to be modified to stay and operate with the new update of PANTHEON and certain other encrypted services. This has been government policy. We were, frankly, released.

"When we were civilianized, we lost these codes; we thought we were leaving the military behind us. And now you're saying we can't. That inhabiting our bodies, the bodies we were born in and fought with and even died, sometimes repeatedly in, are still not ours?

"Where are we going to draw the line?"

She motioned around herself to many of the other senators. "Clearly we're civilians. But we're also impartial voters, too; would you like to draft me, Taisho, so that I'll be in the military and will have to follow orders?

"I like my body and I want to keep it."
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Glancing up to the voting mechanism at the top of the thread, the senator adds,

"And why are we disregarding senate procedure? Nobody has called a vote to this yet; the bill is still in the working stages. Or have you already got some canned voters lined up to shove this bill through so quick we can't do anything about it? Is this the sort of thing we bought with the new constitution we passed into effect?"
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

I abstain because of a conflict of interest. My personal thoughts aside, other people (OOC: players) must take precedence.
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

"This is preposterous.

I was born to Yamatai in my nekovalkyrja body. I had no choice in the matter of being human or neko - I am a nekovalkyrja. I was raised as one, and followed in the footsteps of my mother's service until I felt something better had to exist than just being a servant.

That thinking eventually drew me to the Star Army of Yamatai, where I excelled. But my motivations for being a soldier, an officer, were to protect my nation. As a nekovalkyrja I was stronger and faster than those whom are allowed to live in peace on our planets. I could face suffering they would not have to, in a sense of noblesse oblige.

This choice is what makes us nekovalkyrja warmaidens honorable and good. If we are not given the choice and must fulfill it by obligation to be ourselves, then it is no choice at all. It is a tax to be who we really are.

Yamatai, the Empire, gave my race life. I am grateful to it. I care about it. But I will not be forced into my choices.

I identify to what I was born as, as it is me. I have mightily struggled to save my nation, sacrificed much, suffered much. If I desire to cease fighting, I do not see the state as entitled to stripping me of what makes me, me.

I do not become inconvenient as a nekovalkyrja, a warmaiden, simply because I stop fighting. It is not unacceptable for me to dwell freely within the society I protect. I do not have to be toned down, dumbed down in any way because it should be okay for me to remain me. It is, in fact, parts of those freedoms that I fight for as a soldier.

As I see it, after I bleed and suffer for my nation, I should be more than welcome to make my own choices. The priviledge of having been given birth is not something humans have to pay for, and I don't see why we should not be equal to them in that respect. I consider that if I have risked my life and honorably fought for my nation that my nation in turn should honor my having that freedom of choice.

Of it being okay to be a nekovalkyrja. Of it being okay to stop fighting and remain as I am. Or me being able to choose to have an offspring in my image and grant her the same range of choices I enjoy when she reaches autonomy. Of me being able to choose if I leave my family - my nation - to find another home elsewhere. Yamatai is akin to my parent, but there is such a thing as stiffling parenthood as well.

As I see it, my nation now owes far more to me than me to it. Whatever I do should be met with its approval as I have already given so much. I do not think I owe it anything. I think it owes me the dignity of being me without slapping words such as 'capital offense', 'approval', 'designated' or 'relinquished' on any condition preventing me from being who I want to be. The state does not get to decide that.

I champion the nekovalkyrja race for what it is; a proud offshoot of humankind. Not a set of conveniently disposed tools interchanged, given or withdrawn away at the government's whim. Our lives have more value than that."
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Ketsurui Hanako put in her opinion:

"I think that if the first paragraph of the bill were removed, this law you be fine. I motion to change by removal of the following text:

Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

"I will second the motion to remove that paragraph; I also suggest that we remove this paragraph. I make the motion to do so."

3. Any person using a Nekovalkyrja body is subject to being recalled for military service during times of national crisis or war until such time they transfer to a new body. Any Nekovalkyrja offspring (younglings) are subject to the same.

"Any Nekovalkyrja who has served her time should not be called again; neither should their children. If you want more soldiers, don't force old soldiers to fight - make new ones. There is no law against that!"
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

The law has been updated based on Hanako's proposed change.

Ketsurui Yui challenged the above proposed change. "Part of being a Nekovalkyrja is defending the nation and its people! If you are not willing to do that even in times of national crisis or war, then you should not be a Nekovalkyrja. Hell, you shouldn't even be a citizen."
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Taisho Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko offered in protest of the proposed law. "Supporting this law will be sorely remembered the next time we are short on troops. Having to mobilize drafts is a waste of resources when all Nekovalkyrja should be in service to their nation, especially when we have seen the tolls of being unprepared." She shook her head, the tension of her first words to grace politics in fours years passed as she fell silent again.
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

"Mistress-Taisho, your words hint at what I meant earlier by 'a tax to be what we want to be'. You are two-decades the elder of many of us... but how many choices to determine who you are have you had? How many mistakes have you been allowed to experience and learn from?"

"It is unfair not to give us the chance to explore what else the nekovalkyrja could be beyond the Star Army with this black-and-white determination of yours. Your words cheapen the choice of our selflessness by forcing us all into the mold you yourself have made your life into. In a way, this is just as worse as the humans whom would be determined to control us as tools and weapons."

"Since decades, even the geshrins have been able to decide what pursuit in life they wanted for themselves and no one has ever questioned it. As the nekovalkyrja are thier own race, thier own people, I believe we have the right and priviledge for just the same. There are other ways for us beyond this myopic point of view."

"If the sense of honor and duty is to mean anything in our nation, then the freedom to apply it individually must also be. Forcing it just makes the government an untrusting parent. Also, it could be construed that such a stance is insulting simply on the basis that even if a nekovalkyrja would not want her choices forced that she would be unwilling to protect what she holds dear."

"I feel it is a parent that is mistrustful of her children whom would not extend those rights. Why not trust? Why not allow us our right to learn by our own mistakes? Why not appeal to our better nature instead of being all but willing to force the issue on a determination of what identity we should all be forced to adopt?"

"I say love us enough to allow us to grow as people, not a pure extension of the state. If Yamatai is the utopia it prides itself on being, it should allow for this much. Else we pale even by comparison to Nepleslia, where all have thier freedom to choose and yet they are one of our mightiest neighbors. Why ideologically come second place to them?"
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Ketsurui Hanako spoke:

"We need this law clarification. If we need to remove the draft to pass it, then I am willing to make that change."

Motion to change: I propose the removal of the following:
Any person using a Nekovalkyrja body is subject to being recalled for military service during times of national crisis or war until such time they transfer to a new body. Any Nekovalkyrja offspring (younglings) are subject to the same.
"Taisho Yui, as the other senator pointed out, you can always make more Nekovalkryja instead of a draft."
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

"Very well," Yui said. "I withdraw my challenge to the proposed change."

OOC: With Gallant's change now seconded, the law has been edited to remove the draft. Please update your votes!
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

"I won't pretend I like the NH-33 feature that makes a Nekovalkyrja, in time, become less capable than she is. However..."

Wes said:
1. Being a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire is a prerequisite to use of a Nekovalkyrja body. Any Nekovalkyrja who changes allegiance to another nation must return the Nekovalkyrja body. Failure to do so is a capital offense.

3. Certain models of Nekovalkyrja bodies (such as stealth models), designated by the Star Army of Yamatai, must be relinquished prior to separation from the military.

"It is my impression that the same NH-33 feature makes point 1 and 3 largely irrelevant. Any nekovalkyrja changing nation won't be offering that other nation a whole lot more than what that nation is already capable of achieving itself.

Don't engineer the loyaly a nekovalkyrja should have for her nation strictly through fear and punishment. It's not the way loyalty is inspired.

Also, I have seen reluctant soldiers in the past, and would rather not in the future... so I am all for not forcing the issue through something that is almost like a 'be with us if you want to be you, or else' kind of blackmail."
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Katsuko nodded, following the lead of the Mistress-Taisho. "I will change my opinion as well." It seemed that the bill had morphed itself more towards logical courses rather than costly recalls and things that effected mobilization time.
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Motion to close.
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

Wes said:
Motion to close.

Katsuko nodded, "Motion seconded." The visiting former Empress inwardly smiled, enjoying her step back into politics.
Re: 95 - Clarification to Neko Law

This proposal passes 3-2-2 and is approved by the Empress of Yamatai, Her Imperial Majesty Himiko.
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