Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Hidden Sun Clan Paws reaching out across the stars

Kohaku listened to Cui's response. Her mind quickly sorting the details provided and considered what to ask next. Saflea leaned over to her and whispered that food items were ready to be brought aboard.

"Sar Cui, we have received word that a member of my entourage is ready to bring some of our refreshments over. That way we will have food and drink items we know are safe, and your people can take samples for your medical personnel to test. With your permission, I would like to signal them that they may cross over." She said leaning back.

She wondered about the terms she had used Daur and Laibe.

"Could you please clarify the distinction you made about your people, the Daur and Laibe? Are they class distinctions, or positions? Also while we are asking for clarifications. What exactly is the proper term for your species, and those of the others with us?" she said with a gesture of her right arm pointing to the other Neshaten with them.
"Thank you, go ahead and bring some of your food onboard, I'll have my own medics ready to test a few to make sure things are fine. I'll also have some of my people's food set aside so that you're own may likewise test it," Cui' nodded and then stretched her back a bit, the sound of a 'pop' could be heard in her spine, which made her wince a bit.

Cui smiled and nodded and glanced toward a tall looking female who barely had any clothing on, except for a loin cloth that covered her privates; the My'leke beckoned the person over and then looked toward one of her assistants and asked for them to come over; this one was almost fully clothed.

"This might be a bit confusing," Cui said and gestured with her tail to the one on her right, the tall one that had only a loin cloth covering their lower areas. "This person to my right is known as a Shukaren Laibe, they are the tallest of the Shukaren," the Laibe took a bow, revealing a band on their left arm.

"And on my left," Cui's tail switched to the left. "Is a Shukaren Daur, they are the smallest of the Shukaren," her tail then moved away and the tendals on the end seperated and pointed toward her. "I'm a My'leke, the only species within the Kingdom of Neshaten that walks on all fours."

She turned toward the Laibe and Daur and nodded. "Thank's you two."

"Sure mah," they both responded in unison. Cui wasn't about to mention 'who' the aggressor was in the Great War, it wasn't worth mentioning, as most Laibe have long since shed those kinds of desires.
Kohaku looked at the three species, the physical appearance of each was very different. She looked at her data pad reviewing some of the data. A moment later a pair of Tula came in carrying covered trays. The silver furred one placed the tray they were carrying near Kohaku and her entourage. The brown furred on one placed the other tray of to the side. She turned to Kohaku,

"Sar, as requested each tray has the same items. Kywiqor with orange glaze.
Seasoned Laminwiqor'ka on skeweres, an assortment of fruits and vegetables. Pickled Voqmetao eggs."

"Thank you Sasti." Kohaku said with a small hand gesture and the two Tula left.

She turned back to Cui'. "So on your homeworld there were three separate species that evolved at the same time? What is your culture like?

From your comments earlier, you are not originally from this region of space. So I sense there is a story there."
"A story, and a long history," remarked Cui' as she glanced off to one side upon hearing some footsteps enter into the room. She saw that their food had been prepared, and ready, to be served; a My'leke had a tray sitting upon their back, but it wasn't just the My'leke whom had food but also a Daur who carried a tray with drinks upon it.

"Mah, your food and drink," spoke the Duar as she set down a glass that had a red liquad in it. "Fuia'she, I hope it is to your liking," the Daur stepped off to the side and placed another glass on the table for the guests to check out.

The My'leke walked up and, using their tail, took a plate of food off the tray and set it down upon the table. The plate had looked like fish and rice on it, but the rice was of an oddly colour - blue to be exact, and the fish didn't look like anything someone outside of the Neshaten's territory had ever seen - it had three eyes with two on the front and one on its back just below its tail. Also on the plate was a green leaf-like item that had blue veins that ran along it, the veins actually seemed to 'pulse' a bit with each passing second. Finally, the last item was apparently a kind of dipping sauce, it was likewise green much like the leaf but it had a number of seasonings mixed in with it.

Cui picked up the glass with the tendrils of her tail and rested it in the air for a moment. "Our scientists still don't know exactly what my species evolved 'from', sadly much of our science was lost in the Exodus. However, our culture is one of respect and pride, our people work to create a society that can one day stand at or above that which we had before the Great War. Our people are naturally curious about what lies beyond our world, but as well, cautious. If you are interested, I can request that you be given access to our world, so that you may see for yourselve my people and our culture - it mayhap give you a chance to experience some of what brought my people here."
Kohaku smiled at the offer from Cui. "Perhaps someday I will take you up on that offer. But then that is in fact part of the reason for our coming here. To establish a treaty between our people, which would hopefully allow our people to visit each other and learn from each other." she said.
"A treaty would be grand, and something we can certainly work on, " Cui' nodded and then took a sip from her drink. "Ultimately it'll have to be approved by the citizenry, but depending on how the treaty is written up, that shouldn't be too much of an issue - so long as their voices are heard." She knew better than to go against her fellow citizens, because in doing so she'd be given a vote of no confidence and risk losing something she'd work very hard to obtain. Their system was probably very different from that of the HSC, but that was just Cui' assuming, she had no clue and would learn in time.
Kohaku smiled, "Well, while I have the authority to negotiate a treaty under good faith. I am not the sole approver. Tradition requires that I present the document to the Tonai, and listen to any concerns they might have. After that I take the treaty, and the comments from the Tonai to the Mui, our leader. He then makes the final decision. He trusts my judgement and knows that I am aware of his stance on alliances." she replied.