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Popularity contest?


Well-Known Member
I currently am talking to Tyler, and he reminded me of something. Wasn't their a popularity contest between characters waaaay back when? And should we ever have another one?
It isn't a "who's gotten laid the most" contest gamer....... :D Just to be fair, let's disallow any chars that have won contests like that before. Any submissions for chars to be placed in the contest can post in this thread, we'll take up to 5-6 for each.
Why don't you just make a poll including all the characters currently active in plots? That way we skip the nomination part and everyone just gets a list from which they pick one vote and then that's done.

Sure, it might seem spread out at first, but nothing stops you guys from taking the top ten for another round.
Plus, Hanako's not actively player right now, so now's your chance to run the contest without her winning it! LOL :p
