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RP: YSS Imperator [Post-Imperator] TLC


The Smollest Smol
🦊 FM of Neshaten
YSS Imperator

It was the shift in watch. Up in the Captain's chair, the Taisa looked up towards the front 'screens' projected onto the wall. He really didn't need to, they were still in the dockyards getting repairs done from their last engagement. A lot of things had changed for him. While the Imperator would be sent back to the 1XF Division again, a majority of the crew had been shifted around. The CAG and a number of his best pilots were taken with their Ke-V10s to go either cross-train other squadrons or to different commands entirely. This left him with the remaining well-to-do vets and absolute noobs that had only had a few months out of the tube. He was surprised that some of the engineering staff hadn't up and quit seeing as all three of the aether generators had been stripped out for overhaul.

The mighty Imperator was licking her wounds still, but that did not mean that everything had gone out. He had about two minutes before the XO was slated to take bridge watch, leaving Kaede to do one of two things: Go for a walk, or plan the big day that laid ahead of them.

Speaking of the exec, where was she... Araena had put herself in a habit of arriving a few minutes early whenever possible. Sure she didn't always get to where she meant to be on time despite this, but this was part of her routinely shedule. A quick question directed at KAMI stated that Mrs. Sutoikku was still in the Captain's Suite.

Kaede leaned back in his chair and tried to speak to her telepathically, "Araena, did you forget something? Your shift starts in a couple of minutes." His tone wasn't authorative, it was rather calm.

There was a brief lapse between the two people before Araena's voice, sopping with drowsyness, replied directly into Kaede's mind. Following a mumbled curse in seraphim, he heard, "I'll be up in a moment, my apologies..."

Captain's Suite
The woman practically fell out of bed, pulling off her pajamas and then sneezing again. I feel like crap... I guess it's a good thing this isn't- the internal monologue was interrupted by another sneeze, a small globule of mucus flying free of her nose to plummet to the floor. Rather than finishing her thought, the angel opted for a spray of deodorant. No time for a shower, she followed through with donning the simple, white-paneled uniform of her occupation.

The door behind Kaede hissed quietly as it opened, the angel stepping on about... thirty seconds late, and looking like a ghost.

Kaede oviously could tell, he'd been around this galaxy plenty of times to know what the sick looked like. He'd had the memories of the Plague emblazoned in his mind. He stood up and met her halfway to the chair and placed his hand against the Elysian's forehead. Feeling the heat, Kaede looked into her eyes and spoke simply, "Symptoms?" Judging by how a full second after he spoke, the Third Watch automatically ran all of its timer down and moved to Fourth Watch, skipping the XO's watch entirely.

Arna's eyes glinted dully, focusing onto Kaede's after what felt like too long. She mumbled a little, "It's cold in here, my nose is clogged and..." There was a pause, "I feel like shit." The woman's voice sounded muddy, diluted and warped by the ailment currently asailting her body. With him partially blocking her way onto the bride, the woman seemed to idly sway a little in the doorway, like kelp in the sea.

Kaede gently shook his head, "Let's go back to bed," He did his best to wrap one of his arms around to guide her slowly, "If you need to sneeze, cough, throw up, or whatever Elysians do when they are sick, just squeeze my hand." He took one of her hands in his remaining one and slowly began to guide her back towards the Captain's quarters.

The feverish birb sniffled in response as Kaede had her turn around, sort of half-shuffling, half-walking back into their shared room. Blinking a few times, Kaede felt his wife squeeze his hand tightly moments before, "Aaaa... ACHOO!", a roar of sound tearing through the otherwise silent suite as the angel sneezed in a particularly violent matter, jumping up from the recoil and also spreading more of whatever bug she had caught through the air. She followed through with a dazed "Sorry, Kae..."

Kaede was unphased, moving his hand from guiding her to moving her hair back as best he could. "Let's get you into your PJs and into bed." He looked towards the dresser for a moment before looking back, "Everything is going to be just fine." He planted a kiss on her cheek before walking over to the dresser and began to try and look for something for her to wear to bed that would keep her warm.

Araena sort of, sat on the bed with a little plop and followed her husband with her eyes as he opened the drawers, searching through their contents and pulling out a somewhat heavy pair of flannel pajama pants and a button-up shirt of similar material.

Kae handed her the articles of clothing and walked off into the bathroom while she changed.

There waere a few minutes wherein Kaede held the rustling of feathers and clothing, the ghost-like lady changing into the comfortable, warm fabric. She tossed the barely-worn uniform into the hamper with surprisingly impressive accuracy, the retort of the paneled material as it landed within calling out clearly.

Kaede came back into the room with a small basket which held a small disposable bag in it and a pair of small hand-towels. He sat the basket down next to her side of the bed and helped her tuck herself in to the covers. Once she settled, he laid one of the hand-towels across her forehead. The towel had been doused in water that might have recently been ice compared to how cold it was. Holding it in his far hand, he gently began running a hand through her hair slowly and calmly.

Araena took away one of the pillows from Kaede's side of the bed as she was laid down and tucked in, using the extra support to push herself up into a more sitting position. "Mmm... thanks..." She pieced together a smile as her head tilted back, her dulled eyes meeting his as they always did. Despite her other problems, it seemed at least she lucked out on breathing-her chest moved underneath the blankets evenly and calmly, not a hitch to it.

Kaede just sat there next to her and running his hand through her hair to keep her calm. "Shhh, just go to sleep. You'll feel better."

"Mmmmph..." That was all she had responded with. After a moment, "I'm sorry..." Her breathing did start to slow, however; within a few minutes of him watching, Kaede's wife drifted off to an uneasy, deathlike sleep, her skin holding its unsettling hue as she slipped away.

"You're okay sweetie, you just need your rest." The Taisa didn't care, he couldn't get sick. The Zaibatsu made sure of that when his body was manufactured.

Several Hours Later...
Araena'a eyes fluttered open slowly, taking a look around with renewed clarity. She slowly sat up again, shivering at the cold room and padding the comforter of the bed around herself more. Her mind slowly mulled over how she felt, as she scanned the room slowly for wherever Kaede had gone to... Well, the headache's gone... for now. And- She hissed quietly in pain as thoughts alone brought the damned thing back. Wincing, the angel lowered herself back to the pillows quietly, the strain of sitting up clearly a bit far fetched right now.

It was only when she looked over to the far side of the room did she spot Kaede, haven fallen asleep sitting on the couch next to the bed reading some book. He was well asleep, and awkwardly comfortable.

The angel closed her eyes for a few minutes, waiting out the throbbing in her head. It faded slowly, leaving in its wake a dull burning. Her lips parted, a raspy voice sliding outwards weakly, "Kae-" The voice cracked; Araena cleared her dried throat and tried again, the whisper piercing through the silence just barely, "Kae-de?"

Kaede slowly opened his eyes and blinked himself awake, "Hmm?" His voice was calm, somewhat drowsy, though sincere.

Araena smacked her lips together dryly. "Water?" The voice cracked again hoarsely, the feverish woman lying in bed, stationary and dry. "...Please?"

Kaede stood up and walked into the other room, then came back with a glass of ice water. "Sit up, sweetie." He held the glass towards the Elysian and gently brushed her head to check her temperature, feeling that she was still rather warm.

Araena nodded thanks and brought forth another one of her cherishable smiles as her arms pushed herself to sit up again, the pale limbs stretching forward together to carry the glass in both hands. She sipped at the refreshing contents greedily, quiet gulps bouncing into Kaede's ears. "Thanks..." Her eyes shone a little bit more clearly as they looked up at him, hands still clasped around the glass.

The Taisa simply patted her on the head and messed her hair up a bit more than it was before. His expression remained in its caring state, a face not commonly seen for anything.

The angel warmly laughed a little when Kaede made a rat's eat of her silvery locks. His hand was cool to the touch and comfortable to feel. "I keep forgetting," she paused to sip more water with a quiet gulp, "you're all, immune to this stuff. Being sick, I mean. Heheh, I kept wondering what it would be like if I had to take care of you like this..." She smiled widely, "Never realizing you'd be the one to take care of me first!" One of her delicate hands searched for Kaede's and held it tightly, comfortably.

"There are very few items in this galaxy that I am not immune to, and those things only hamper me slightly." He let his hand draw down a lock of her hair before falling to the bedsheets.

She pulled his hand up to her lips and kissed him gracefully, "And I am glad for that, my love." A lovely rose pallor seemed to cross her face, the feverish Araena smiling just as warmly. "I don't know what I would do without you by my side..."

"Who knows. You just get some rest. I am just going to be in the next room. If you need me, it's just a bulkhead wall." He smiled as he bent down to kiss her forehead before standing up and waving somewhat warmly before slipping into the CO's Office side of his quarters.

Mrs. Sutoikku hummed a gentle laugh back to her husband, her candle-like eyes gently shining towards him. She set the glass of water onto the nightstand quietly as he spirited himself away, taking a few deep breaths and closing her eyes again. Before she knew it, she'd drifted off into another uneasy sleep.

Araena shivered a little bit when she woke up again. Mustering the strength to pull the half-glass of water back to her lips, the woman gulped mouthfuls of water silently as her sense came to. A growling noise filled the room all of a sudden, not unlike the idling sounds of an oversized combustion engine. A hand rested atop the blankets around her stomach, as Araena thought, I haven't eaten... all day...

"...Kaede?" Her voice weakly coasted through the room, barely a whisper.

The wasn't a response.

Clearing her throat for a second, Araena tried again, but without putting a strain on her voice. "Kaede?" The voice pulsed weakly through the couple's minds, holding onto a little bit of pain as it was sent and received.

This time, the warm response of the Taisa echoed in her mind, "Yes, sweetie?" He was still in the next room, but the door between them was shut, probably due to someone coming in and making a verbal report.

"What time is it again...?" She could see the clock of course - but Araena wanted a bit of a confirmation, from someone other than herself. "I'm really hungry all of a sudden..." It hadn't yet clicked in her mind that he was probably busy, unfortunately.

"Thirteen-Twenty Five and seven seconds." He responded immediately, deliberately. "Do you want me to go fetch you something from the Wardroom?"

Araena had to chuckle at her husband's precision. "Thanks... what do they have?"

"They were serving some sushi platters in addition to some other styles of seafood. Any of that sound appealing?" Kaede seemed to not be busy, having responded nearly instantly again.

"Y-yeah... but," She paused for a few moments, "It's probably not good for my stomach, though..."

There was a moments hesitation, "Toast? Something dry?"

"Yeah. Something simple, as well. Sweet things are... probably not very good, either..." She chuckled a little bit in their room. "Kae... thank you..."

There was about fifteen minutes of silence before Kaede came back into the room with two slices of toast and scrambled eggs on a plate. He sat it down next to the empty glass of water before replacing it with another glass that he had in his other hand. He took the empty one and walked out of the room with it before coming back in. "Will this work or should I go back and get something else?"

Araena chuckled a little bit. She was sitting up when he walked in, her nightgown loosely covering her body comfortably. She smiled as she took his hand in her own, saying, "Thanks... it's fine, Kae!" The corners of her eyes crinkled upwards cutely.

"Good, now eat. It'll help get your strength back up." He bent down and kissed the top of the angel's head before sitting down in a chair next to the bed. He pulled a datapad out from a pocket and began reading over reports from the departments onboard as well as the stationside repairs.

Araena took the plate and set it in her blanketed lap, taking a moment to try and smell the succulent sent... Nope. Still a bit too stuffy to smell things. Taking the provided fork, Araena cut free a portion of the egg white and then tore free a part of the toast, making an improvised egg mini-sanwich for herself. The morsel disappeared into her mouth and was chewed apart ravenously. She gulped it down fast, and sipped at the water again to hopefully keep the food down - it would be... Very unfortunate for the food to decide to change driection. After she waited to make sure things wouldn't go horribly wrong, she picked her pace up and the meal all but disappeared in a few minutes.

"Heheh... thanks, Kaede... that feels a lot better."

Kaede looked up from his datapad, "Good good, now get your rest. I'll need you back on the bridge before too long." He leaned over far enough to kiss the angel's forehead before sitting back down in his chair to continue where he left off.

Wordlessly, the woman chuckled warmly again, resting her warm hand onto the man's lap gently. Her silver-framed face looked into the somewhat chiseled features of her husband. Araena's emberlike eyes gently called out to Kaede before closing shut; even then, he could hear from her breathing it took Araena a while to fall asleep again. If all went well, she should be recovered by the time she next woke up.
