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RP Post-Mission 14: Farewell, My Brother In Arms


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RP Date
YE 46.5
RP Location
Nataria Cemetery

YE 46.5

The air was heavy with the solemn weight of duty as the crew of the YSS Resurgence approached Nataria Cemetery. The bus moved silently, almost reverently, over the well-paved road that led to one of the most hallowed grounds in the Yamatai Star Empire. Through the wide windows, the crew watched in somber silence, the vast expanse of the cemetery coming into view, each grave marker a testament to the sacrifice and valor of those who had fallen in service.

Nataria Cemetery stretched out before them, an immense, ordered field of white stones, each standing in precise alignment, a stark contrast to the wild beauty of the surrounding landscape. The cemetery was vast, a seemingly endless sea of gravestones, stretching as far as the eye could see. Each marker bore a name, a rank, a story of bravery and loss, etched into the stone for eternity. The sight was both humbling and awe-inspiring, a reminder of the price of freedom and the courage of those who defended it.

The bus slowed as it turned onto the main path, the engine's hum a muted backdrop to the crew's quiet reflections. Taisa Aoba Kuranosuke stood at the front, his expression a mask of stoic resolve, though his eyes betrayed the depth of his emotions. He had known Davonte Lyons well, respected him, and now carried the heavy burden of leading his crew to pay their final respects. Not everyone was willing to live more than once, and the Star Army respected that choice.

Technician Wong Caihong sat near the window, her usually bright eyes clouded with sorrow. She clutched a small bouquet of white lilies, their delicate petals trembling slightly in her hands. Beside her, Chief Engineer Pidole Henitot stared out at the endless rows of graves. Caihong had fought beside Lyons, shared laughter and hardship, and now faced the harsh reality of her comrade's absence.

The bus came to a gentle stop near the designated burial site, where a small crowd had already gathered. As the crew disembarked, they were met with the sight of the honor guard, standing at attention, their uniforms crisp and their faces set in solemn determination. The casket, draped in the regal blue flag of the Yamatai Star Empire, rested on a bier, waiting to be lowered into its final resting place.

Yoshiro looked out in to the rows of graves and was saddened to realize that one of his comrades had made the ultimate sacrifice with his life. He was angry that an enemy had taken his life and that he couldn't do anything about it but now that he had come here to bury a fellow warrior and leave Davonte's name etched in the annals of the honored dead he felt that he had to make a promise to him. "It is time to avenge him and all of the others that fell to the Mishhu. I swear to the honored dead that I will fight harder and become a stronger warrior to protect those that I love." Yoshiro said to himself as tears fell down his face. The only other time he felt this way was when his father died and was not able to be revived.

Where Yoshiro wore his emotions on his sleeves, Sanda's face showed none. She was dressed in her Class A's, covered with colorful ribbons and medals that almost seemed out of place in such a solume landscape. The Ranger said nothing, in fact she hadn't spoken much since her captivity. It haunted her, more than any other hardship she had delt with in her career. She had hardly even had time to process it and if she was honest, was afraid to. She had almost asked to be excused from this ceremony but felt ashamed for even thinking that way. So here she was to honor Davonte Lyons, her battle brother.

Yayoi was as silent and as expressionless as Sanda, as she looked out to the graveyards. Her stoic mind and body remaining still though periodically, she'd pat her legs gently, remembering how they were once again severed mere days ago. She thought of Davonte Lyons, and how brave he'd been.

Yoshiro was lost in thought. Davonte had made the ultimate sacrifice as a soldier and his father had made the ultimate sacrifice as a father protecting his children. "I could have saved him and he could have lived to fight another day but I feel like I did nothing...." Yoshiro said and looked to the sky. "Damn Mishhu...I swear that they will pay for this and I will destroy every gods damned one of them!!! I swear to the gods that I will make sure that I bring the war to every one of them!" as the tears fell and guilt rose in his heart, he honestly did not know what to do to deal with his emotions at the moment except to honor a warrior and friend.

Yuri stood in place beside Yoshiro, and as she heard him speak, she reached up, with some levitation aid, to gently place her hand on his shoulder in comfort. But She chose to say nothing though choosing to remain quiet.

Kokoro hayashi stood next to Pidole as the crew disembarked the Bus, looking at the casket momentarily. She was partially curious, due to it being her first time experiencing a burial in her life, the mishhuvurthyar never really cared about respectfully disposing the dead. The Neko though, did atleast understand the general gravity of the situation, remaining quiet. She looked back at the rest of the crew, noting mentally the abscence of a pair of cobalt wings.

Cheilith wore a somber expression as she filed off the Bus with the rest of the Resurgence crew.

Poppy stepped off the bus with a gloomy expression on her normally cheerful face, her vibrant green eyes lost in thought. As a doctor she'd saved many lives but not all of them. She found herself wishing she'd be there to save Davonte, and as the last one off the teleporter pad before the enemy blew up the receiver, she thought about how it could have easily been her in captivity or dead but it just worked out the way it did, leaving her with what she knew as survivor's guilt from her counseling training at Star Army Medical Academy. But knowing what it was didn't make it hurt much less.

At the side of the casket, Davonte's rather large family was present, with his father holding his mother steady as she uncontrollably sobbed as dozens of cousins and people of various shapes and sizes and ages looked on. Leaning onto and falling over the polished black box was Davonte's wife.

Captain Aoba stood at the head of the gathered crew, his presence commanding and filled with the quiet dignity of a leader who understood the weight of their loss. He raised his hand in a silent salute, and the crew followed suit, their movements synchronized.

Yayoi stood at attention, and with a swiftness that almost caused her to slap her forehead, she saluted as well, following her captain's movemnt. Yuri followed along side her mother.

Yoshiro saluted his fellow warrior as the tears continued to fall for the fallen.

Chaplain Myers, the head of the First Fleet's small religious services division, a figure of calm and compassion, stepped forward to begin the ceremony. His voice, though soft, carried the weight of tradition and reverence, each word a balm to the wounded hearts of those gathered. As he spoke of Lyons' bravery, his dedication, and his ultimate sacrifice, the crew stood in silent tribute, each lost in their own memories--perhaps of the many times they almost didn't make it home.

Sanda saluted. Her hand trimmered for a moment as the chaplain mentioned Lyon's ultimate sacrifice. The image of Lyon hanging there and having his body mutilated flashed before her eyes. She inhailed sharply through gritted teeth but quickly controlled herself.

As the chaplain concluded his eulogy, the cemetery's honor guard moved with precise, practiced steps to lower the casket into the ground. The sound of the coffin settling into the earth was a final, heart-wrenching note, echoing through the stillness of the cemetery. The honor guard folded the flag and presented it to Davonte's wife with the words, "From the Empress, on behalf of a grateful Empire."

Chui Poppy stepped forward, her hand resting on the flag-draped casket for a moment, her head bowed in a silent farewell. She then took the bouquet of lilies from Jôtô Hei Wong caihong and placed it gently on the grave, the white flowers standing in stark contrast to the dark soil.

One by one, the crew followed suit, each laying a small token of remembrance on the grave. Cassie tossed in her little boombox they used to listen to in the ship's Recreation Room while working out, along with Davonte's well-used exercise shoes. "Stay in shape whereever you are," she said. Others contributed a photograph, a medal, a simple letter – each item a piece of Lyons' legacy, a testament to the impact he had on their lives.

Yoshiro followed suit with one of his models that he had been working on. "Whereever you may be may this armor protect you now and until the end of time." He said and gently placed the model in the casket and bowed in respect to Davonte.

Yuri placed a flower, while Yayoi placed a blade before the two moved to follow the others.

Sanda had also brought a blade as a parting gift. She drew the blade set it with the other gifts before giving one final salute. She had no words to say, no tears to cry.

"I swear those damn fucking Mishhu will pay for this and they will pay with their lives!" Yoshiro shouted and then he heard the scream from Davonte's mom and went over to see if he could comfort them. "Hello, Miss Lyons, I am Yoshiro Tanaka." Yoshiro said as gentle as he could muster.

"Were you there at the end when he died?" Mrs. Lyons demanded to know from Yoshiro,. "What happened?!"

"The enemy...they killed him by...by..." Yoshiro's voice broke as he talked.

"Shut up!" Colby Wando growled, punching Yoshiro in the side for emphasis. "Ma'am, he died like a man, his bravery never faltering." He didn't want Yoshiro to dump all the gory details on this poor woman for her to have nightmares about it for life. "I was his team leader and I couldn't have asked for a better, harder working, braver soldier by my side," Wando told her. "It was an honor to know him."

"He is right Miss Lyons. He was a brave warrior to the end." Yoshiro said and started to cry. "He fought to the end for you and the family he loved so dearly."

Yuri quietly gave a breath when Colby stopped Yoshiro from giving the grusome details.

Sanda would have glaired at Yoshiro if she could bring herself to feel anything. Normally she would have been appalled by Yoshiro's carrying one but she couldn't even feel anger at the moment. Yoshiro hadn't been with Lyons when he had died. But she had. Sanda stopped by Mrs Lyons and quietly said, "I was with him when he died. He died cracking a joke, unfaised by the enemy. It was an honor to serve with him. He will be missed." Then Sanda walked away, not having the heart or stumic for more.

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement, "indeed, She's right, he was a good man, and i was honored to serve with him.

As the ceremony drew to a close, the crew of the YSS Resurgence stood together, united in their grief and their resolve. They had come to honor a fallen hero, to say goodbye to a comrade, and to reaffirm their commitment to the ideals for which he had given his life. And as they turned to leave, the sight of the endless rows of gravestones served as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by so many, and the enduring spirit of the Yamatai Star Empire.

Then they were back on the bus heading back to the ship.

Poppy inhaled a deep breath. She tried not to cry but the tears were building up anyway. The screaming from Ms. Lyons and Davonte's mom's wails had hit her hard. She was a family girl herself and she couldn't imagine what it would be like for her mom and dad to be in that situation. Furthermore, it was hard to understand why some people refused mental backups when she had the technology to re-make a lost comrade in her medical lab. It infuriated her to have her hands tied.

"Sorry about that Colby. I believe I did overstep my bounds." Yoshiro said

"Likewise," Colby said. "Sometimes protecting the civilians means more than just keeping them physically safe. Sometimes you have to protect them from the horrors that we see out there," he tried to explain. "Plus she was already at her lowest state and I didn't want to make that worse."

Yoshiro understood all of what Colby was saying. "I really understand all of that. I lost my father when the Mishhu decided to invade Yamatai. So I know what it is like to lose someone close to me." Yoshiro said.

"Sanda," Poppy said, "I want you to know that I'm glad it wasn't you in that box. During these last couple of missions you've been in some really dangerous situations but you've managed to survive, sometimes with a lot of my hemosynth supplies...and this helps remind me how close it's been. I'm just grateful you're still here," the ship's doctor confessed.

Sanda tried to smile at Poppy kind words but couldn't. In fact, she was suddenly having a hard time breathing. Were the walls of the bus suddenly closeing in? Her breathing became quick and short and she began pulling at her uniform collar as if she was choking.

"Sanda, you okay?" Yoshiro said hearing her breathing suddenly go ragged. "Someone help her!"

"mom, she's having a-" Before Yuri could finish, Yayoi was already there, on the move, moving her arms to help Sanda, holding her close. "someone start talking about something funny, in the past." Yayoi said.

"It'll pass," Cassie said, "I used to have them all the time after I got abandoned and left for dead in the Kuvexian War. I used to have to hide it because I was worried about getting medical'd out of the Star Army for severe PTSD, but Poppy has been helping me through it over these last two years and it's gotten a lot better. I know it doesn't seem like it now but Sanda is strong and if we help her cope she can learn to live with it...eh...I am being a chatterbox...we'll talk more later..."

Sanda shut her eyes tight and hugged herself, trying to get herself under control. It could have been her in that box out in the field... That statement had hit her hard. She had always felt inviceable. Like nothing in the galaxy could hurt her because she was so skilled and was part of the greatest fighting force in the galaxy. But now...

"You know I failed my graduation test. You know what the dumbest thing I did was? Setting of an emp bomb on board a heavily powered war ship" Yoshiro said in an effort to get Sanda to laugh."I am glad I didn't fail and have to start over again but I tell you I got told off by the instructors."

"Why didn't you just use MRE hot sauce like the rest of us?" Wando said. He then turned his attention back to Hayden Simril, who had been best friends with Davonte and had been really quiet this whole time. "Hey, how are you holding up?"

"I...I dunno man..." Hayden said, his eyes wet. "It's gonna be different without him..."

With her eyes closed, Sanda began to see a dark room, disgusting and vile. She then heard Lyon's voice... Screaming. Followed by the evil chuckle of HUHUHU. "Callate." Sanda whispered. The laugh continued inside her head. "Callate... Callate... Callate! Callate! CALLATE!" Sanda began screeming, tears that that had refused to come before now streaming down her face.

Yoshiro was watching Sanda to make sure that she was okay. "I...I...don't know what I should do...." Yoshiro said as Sanda started to scream. He decided to let her be taken care of by someone who knew what they were doing.

Yayoi blinked as she started screaming, but said nothing as she held her close. This was familiar and she knew Sanda probably should go see the counselor, who can better help her than she can. For now she just held her.

When the bus finally navigated out of the massive, pristine cemetery and its millions (literally millions) of tombstones, and passed through the pine forests of Nataria to reach the YSS Resurgence, it pulled up to the back of the Fuji-class gunship's tail where one of the rear cargo ramps was open and let everyone out.

Captain Aoba held a very brief formation where he explained that he was able to give everyone some time off to celebrate Kikyo no Sekku, rather than having them be in one of the many parades or something, and suggested visiting one of the Empire's fine beaches to refresh before their next mission. "I know it's been a stressful time for everyone..."

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Cowboy, Liza, and Yoshiro
YE 46.5

After Davonte's funeral, Cassie found herself feeling kind of lost and distant. She knew she wanted to talk about it, but wasn't sure if anyone else wanted to. Still, she couldn't help herself. Feeling like her fellow infantry soldiers would understand the most, she ended up stopping by Hayden's cabin on the way out from the Nataria system.

"Hey," Cassie simply said, standing in the doorway in her T-shirt, having hung up the fancy Type 35 Class As in her cabin.

Looking up from sitting on his bed, Hayden smiled, "Hey there," in his dark, rich, Nepleslian drawl. He was in more or less the opposite state of dress—sitting there in his PT bottoms shirtless. His strong, muscular form was on display as he flashed that same smile that had won her in Ternifac. He had an idea that the comfort was on him tonight, and the sense of a man's honor that came with his accent was just as strong as it was. "How you holdin' up, Cassie?"

"I don't know, that was pretty rough to see. I felt really...really torn up inside seeing his family and thinking about how he was here one mission and now just...gone. I kind of just wanted someone to talk to. Honestly...I just want to be held and comforted. I want everything to be okay somehow," Cassie awkwardly tried to explain.

"Well, I don't know what I can do about the second one, but the first one, I think I've got you covered." His big hand pat the mattress beside him. "Come on now."

"You guys were best friends, you've got to be pissed about this," Cassie told Hayden, taking a seat next to him on the bed.

"Oh, and I was. Am." Hayden put one long, beefy arm around her shoulders, and ran his fingers through her fluff. "I wasn't exactly in here cuttin' a shine before you got here. But," after looking down and away he leaned over and nuzzled her hair. "You're here now. Something more important than being sad and pissed came along."

Cassie leaned into him. She wanted to be cuddled like those long-ago days when she was basically a pet. There was something soothing about just being held close. "These wars keep going and going and it wears me down sometimes. And then one day it's not your day, it's you, and your number's up and that's it. I mean, I'm the lucky one I guess...look how many times I've been shot up on missions because I'm always trying to protect the team at any cost. But I can't be lucky forever right? Ugh..."

"Who is though, Cassie? I mean, crazy stuff happens to all kinds of people all the time. Ever been to Funky City? Neither one of us has quit the S.A. of Y. yet, right?" Hayden squeezed her shoulders a bit.

"Also," Cassie added, "I feel gross talking about me when it's not me who ended up in the ground, this isn't supposed to be about me. I guess I'm just shaken that's all. And I don't quit because this is my home. I don't know how to go sell ice cream or some boring-ass civilian job. Shooting Kuvexians and Mishhu is my thing. I'm actually useful doing this..."

"Of course it's about you, sugar. You're still alive. It's about you and me, you know? Can't be about nobody in no ground, Cassie. His burden's laid down already." Squeezing a bit tighter, Hayden fell back onto the bed, taking her with him, and squeezed her even tighter into his side. "If anything, let me tell you, as far as it being about me, Hayden Simril, is concerned, Davonte would just be happy his boy had a cute girl in his room."

Cassie flopped onto Hayden's bunk. She could smell his distinct scent very strongly. "Hold me," she whimpered.

"Anytime, sugar. You don't come around her near enough." Hayden's hands wandered around so that one was under her, the other on her cheek, and he rolled to face her more. "Not near enough." He leaned his head downward to kiss her atop the head. "'Specially after I done went put in for a transfer to your ship."

He specifically tried to avoid petting her like she was a housecat—he wasn't perhaps quite aware that was exactly what she wanted. The temptation, and indeed the instinct and reflex was always there, and he was never one-hundred-percent successful at not doing it.

"Because of me?" Cassie asked, surprised.

"I mean, I know someone who put in a transfer because they had a Flavor of Victory wings restaurant at that post." He laughed. "Where do you think I first heard the name of the ship, huh? Who put that in my head?" Hayden nuzzled again, then sort of rolled to the side with his strong arm, trying to pull Cassie fully atop him.

"Oh!" Cassie exclaimed as she found herself on top of Hayden. She because very aware of the feel of his body, their faces close and breathing on each other's faces. "Hayden, I have a question...that time in Ternifac, when we hooked up...at the time I was calling myself a guy, but after I became part of the Resurgence crew, I started identifying as a she. And in a lot of ways, I've felt like it fits better and I've always felt female inside...but my question was does the change, uh, effect how you feel about me?"

Hayden gave a small laugh, then caught himself, cleared his throat, and apologized. "Sorry, beg your pardon. I just remembered it, that time, and it actually is a bit funny, because when I saw you, I had no idea and was surprised you introduced yourself as a guy at first.. uh..." He looked away a moment, "Sorry, yeah, uh for real though, at first I just wanted a sexy piece and then, when I realized, uh, yeah, I was already decided I was in. And, well, it's not like, ah shucks. I know what I wanna say but I don't know how to say it."

Hayden thought another moment, "Somethin' like, you know. I'm a really, really manly guy, right? I guess it's like... a, uh... continuum and you were already always on that side of it for me? I'm just happy you're feeling better about it. That's the important thing, really. You being happy with it. I'm happy with what you got no matter what, in case you couldn't tell back in Ternifac."

"And," Hayden added after a pause and a sheepish grin, "I was in there looking for girls anyway. You not considering yourself one wasn't important. I was just happy to get in that ass."

Cassie couldn't help but chuckle. "You've always been a bit of a horn-dog," she said. "Well, the thing is we're not getting any younger and with the danger of war I just have been feeling a little clingy and I have been meaning to ask you since you got on the ship...do you like me? Like, romantically, not just as someone to hook up with? Would you even be interested in being a couple?" she asked.

"Cassie," Hayden's voice took on a faux-serious tone, "I'm pretty sure you can feel how I feel right now." Then he laughed, "I do, Cassie. I do. And I am. Never got the chance to do anything with you yet but hook up. I mean that kitten butt of yours is really nice but I didn't need to put in transfer just to change ships, right? We can go anywhere you want. You feeling Takeda House? I'm saving my pay. Just wanna walk in the park? That's fine too. I mean, playing is fun, and not gonna lie, I've played plenty—I'm a guy in Yamatai, you feel me? But like, something you can get anywhere ain't worth too much. Whole Star Army full of catgirls but only one I followed."

= = =
OOC: JP by Wes and Yuuki
(To be continued)