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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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Shopping District

Ayumi looked up at Izokia, tilting her head slightly, "I may not be the best to choose fashionable locations." Ayumi offered softly, once again her own feelings of discomfort from the crowd hidden behind her neutral expression. She looked around at the shops around her, unsure where even she was supposed to go. Her gaze darted around for a moment more and then she stopped, pointing in the direction of a quaint little shop.

"There." She decided, turning to head towards the store. Ayumi definitely wasn't one for fashionable clothing. She liked modest things, and the mannequin in the window portrayed that. She wore a thin high necked cream shirt, a pleated black short skirt, and black flats. Ayumi was hardly certain that Izokia would be interested in that, but she had no other ideas.
Shopping District

Izokia looked at several other stores before she noticed Ayumi had moved towards the small shop. Izokia naturally caught up with Ayumi any kind of crowd could form between the two of them. She stepped up behind Ayumi, " That one would look good on you" The medic smiled to her friend.

She turned began to search the shop for something that would fit her style, but she wasn't even sure what her style even was. She sighed at her options, she knew she was going to wasting a lot of time looking through that place.
Shopping District

Ayumi glanced around the store lazily for a moment before turning back to Izokia, "Does it fit your style?" She asked, looking at her colleague and then back at the racks and displays around them. She nodded to a rack of skirts and shorts. She began rummaging through it quietly, completely unsure what sort of thing would suit Izokia, let alone what she may actually want to wear. For her own skin tone she knew that neutral colours were generally best. She glanced back at Izokia and then back at the rack.

She was terrible at helping people out with things like this. Fashion and style were not only not her strong point, but also something she generally didn't have any interest in at all. There was a reason she didn't have any civilian clothing.

"Were you planning on attending the Chusa's dinner?" Ayumi asked suddenly, completely changing the subject. She herself wasn't sure if it was appropriate, she'd never been formally introduced to him and she didn't really know him. She didn't plan to go herself, deciding to leave the event to those who were well acquainted with Sune. Part of her didn't want to get attached to someone who would just end up leaving within two hours and she'd never see again.
Shopping District

Izokia thought for several minutes after changing into multiple outfits, " I guess we could , but I don't really know him all that well and....well we know how well do in crowds." She threw in a weak laugh to lighten her last statement. She was actually more concerned that she missed the dinner already with all of her indecision. "I'd only really go if I can find an outfit and if had anyone to go with." She shrugged and continued her search.
Shopping District

It didn't take very long for Ayumi to find a few outfits and mix-and-match pieces which wouldn't cost her an arm and a leg. She tried things on quickly and didn't take very long thinking about things or worrying about them. It took too much time, and Ayumi certainly wasn't a lolly-gagger. She shrugged slightly at Izokia's words.

"Would it be rude for us to not go however... He is a commanding officer." Ayumi offered, thinking she would be inclined to just wear her uniform if she went to such an occasion. She had only picked out casual things, not being a fancy dresser in the slightest. Perhaps she could wear the slightly less casual short sleeved, long length, cable sweater she'd picked out and pair it with a pair of leggings she had pulled out. She glanced at her modest pile of clothing and looked over to what Izokia was doing again.
Shopping District

Izokia had made a pile of clothes for herself as well, although she thought most of her selections were terrible. Izokia looked at Ayumi with weak smile "Well that takes care of one reason and I have the other reason here." She nodded toward the clothes in her arms. " So lets go whats the worst that could happen. She was strangely at ease, the thought of finishing her first day of leave with her friends felt really nice to her.
Shopping District

Ayumi looked over her clothing for a moment, considering Izokia's suggestion and picking up her clothing to bring over to the cashier. "I suppose he can't take it as an insult if we do go." At the worst they'd just make a nuisance of themselves, and that wasn't really a big deal since he would be leaving soon. Deciding that it was probably a good idea to keep on good terms with the captain, who clearly liked Sune quite a bit, Ayumi wandered over to a slightly more fancy collection of dresses and grabbed one that was her size without even thinking about it.

Already quite done with trying things on, Ayumi simply put the dress on top of her small pile of clothing. She shrugged slightly, wandering over to the cashier and paying for her new items.

With the clothes carefully folded and packed away, Ayumi waited patiently for Izokia to finish her transaction with the cashier so they could head back to the hotel in preparation for the dinner they had suddenly decided to go to.
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