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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 20] Back on Hanako's World

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"Well I wouldn't want to intrude." Bors said calmly, "Plus I think that you'd rather fill that slot with someone else a bit lighter than me, don't want to you to crash your new bike because of a balance issue." As he spoke he eyed the seat Mitsuko was in his peripherals.
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"Yeah maybe, but I doubt she would want to go for days on end camping on the beach. I was thinking just taking a tarp and a bag with me." She looked down at the same empty chair. "A shame really I think it would do her good in the long run. Fresh air and real sun light." She shook her head and looked up at view screen showing the area around the landing site. "then again I could get a shuttle and she and I can go zipping around the local space seeing the area. though i doubt she would want to be trapped in a shuttle like that with me. I might go off and start a private war or something."

"Could always just take her and tell her it's a surprise." Bors said setting the empty cup on the table, "And yeah I think the mousy one could use a bit of time outside of the orderly cargobay... you should go kidnap her now since I'm thinking about it. I could give you a pointer or two if you want."

"Pasha... Kidnap her, I doubt that would work, she would just send a message to the Shosho or something." Misato grinned at the thought though. "Maybe... just maybe..." She said quietly, "If I talk to the Shosho first she might just let it happen. Then again she might just put me in the brig for leave instead."
"It's worth a shot." Bors said as a smug grin crossed his face, "Plus the beds aint too bad, was in one earlier this week. I'll be sure to send you a postcard from the beach as well so you don't miss out on too much fun."

"I know I came in and sat with you for a bit there, or did you forget telling about your doctor friend?" She spoke softly with the mug in front of her lips so no one else would know what she said. She knew it was quite private and he most likely would want to keep it that way.

"Though the thought of just leaving her here, hopping a shuttle and heading back to that ice ball to settle some scores sound like a grand plan." She spoke flatly and quite seriously.

"It may have slipped my mind." Bors said in a seriousih monotone. It took him a minute to respond to Misato's idea, his mind wondering what else he may have told her, or anyone else for that matter, while he was under the effects of the dream world. "I'd rather spend a week in the brigbefore I go back there. Like to spend a bit of time in a warmer, less hostile climate for a change."

"Yeah... but I'll feel strange just sitting around knowing there are others out there fighting. It might bring some interesting times heading back. Plus I wont have to worry about babysitting all those new kids, like last time. I'll be able to cut loose." Misato looked quite serious as she started working over the details she would have to cover to pull it off. One of them would be inquiring a PA off ether the civilian market or the black market. Weapons would be easy, but the PA would be the challenge.

"And don't worry I still think your the same dumb ass now. I doubt your past means much now when you are with this crew." She smiled a bit reassuring before going back to her thoughts.
Cargo Bay

Mitsuko followed Victory to the Cargo Bay, idly chatting about the job to come. Walking down the ramp with her, she was equally surprised to see the marching band heading their way. "Oh my!" She quickly nodded to the other Neko's suggestion. "Y-yes, that sounds like a good idea." Fleeing from the threat of militarized music, she headed back up the ramp, locating the Cargo Bay's wall telephone. Charisma connected her to the Wardroom, where she assumed the captain was still dining. She was slightly surprised to hear Sune's voice, but continued on.

"Sir, this is Murakami-Hei. Th-there's...I know it sounds strange, but there's a band headed our way, sir. Marching our way. M-maybe you and the captain should come down here and see?" She paused for a moment. "What should I do until then? Wh-what if they want to come on board?"

"You never know, it could always pop back up somehow and bite me in the ass." Bors said as he eyed the blue neko, "And let them fight, you need a break as much as I do. Plus if you went and scampered off to some part of the galaxy I'd pry have to hunt you down and pull you out of the fire like I always do. And I really don't feel like doing that this week."

"Yeah so... the same in reverse, so what do we just sit here on the ship in time out?" Misato almost looked a bit pissed off. "You're a Nepleslian do you know where I can pick up a PA for fairly cheap? Like a black market or something. You guys can smell those those right? Like a sixth sense?" She smiled a little but hoped he knew of a store or something here on Hanako's world. She needed the armor if she was going to go off and fight.

"Your thinking liquor stores, least thats my 6th sense." Bors said as crossed his arms and nibbled on his lip in thought. He could pry find one though if he made a few calls, a few calls that he had no intention in hell of doing anytime soon so Bors just decided to shrug it off. "But with PA's I'm afraid I can't help you there, well illegally anyway, and I don't think any Yammatai worlds have a gunmart."

Raising an eyebrow she studied him. He knew how, she could feel it. "Well I'm going to have to find out. I think I might take a long weekend off planet. " She smiled cutely and innocently. "I think a long weekend off by myself would do just fine." She would have to leave a letter to them, maybe even a will. If she died out there it would be kaput She might wake up in a tube but her last thought would be just heading out or something. She figured more likely the Shosho just wouldn't bother to resurrect her.

"Maybe I could just 'borrow' my gear for here." she said again quietly enough that only Bors would hear.

"I doubt that." Bors said flatly matching her volume level, "Odds of you getting that stuff out of here is zero to nil. ShoSho is gonna have this place on lock down. Also I don't think your roomate or Victory are gonna let you touch anything down there while they're getting everything put together."
"Maybe you're right..." Misato sat there thinking hard on what to do. She made a few inquiries with the Yamataian computing systems seeing if there was decent weapons dealer in the planet, or any planets nearby. "Ether way If I go camping or tear off for a long cruse, you'll keep an eye out on the kids here right?" She looked at him fairly sternly, "I would be pissed if I got back and found out you got them all drunk or something and then played lewd games with them."
"Well thats what I would do, I hate kids anyway. Always making annoying sounds and I have no idea what they're saying half the time." Bors grumbled a bit as he recalled doing a favor for a friend by babysitting his kids, a day that almost ended in disaster. "Plus I know some are less than a year old but I think they can handle themselves around a wee bit of booze."

"Not quite what I was meaning but I'll have to do." She smiled and stood up stretching before grabbing her and Bor's mugs. Walking over to the coffee pot she refilled them. The whole while she was working up a shopping list of things she would need to go off and fight a one neko war. Once she returned she dropped into her normal seat. "I think We should organize a big bon fire the last night we are here on this planet. Something they could land a starship by. With Kegs and fireworks and maybe music."

"I can find one, maybe two things on that list relatively easy if you wanted to pull this off. You would have to take care of the rest of it, including orginizing it. I'll pry be too gone to do much aside from sit there and drink and maybe throw a log or two on." Bors said thoughtfully. The idea of a bonfire did sound nice and maybe it would keep his friend grounded for awhile before she went off and did something stupid without him.

Misato was still planning and plotting her revenge on those damned rippers on that ice ball of a planet. She was sure once she mentioned the idea of the party to Mitsuko she would run off and have it perfect even if Misato tried to do it herself. Though more and more she thought about it she wasn't sure she would be around for the party anyways. 'Maybe they'll have a drink for me.'

"I wonder if there are any local bands or something that would come an play for our crew."
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"That would have to be something that we'd have to look into, pry find some local punks who think their a band... and maybe some food to." Bors looked over at the ShoSho and thought that she would be a good resource to tap for this idea, it was her planet after all.
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