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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 21] Kyoto Blues

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Having snuck off during the conversation, Sienna returned from the buffet with a plate piled precariously high with the little fried chicken bites, an assortment of sauces, and several different vegetables she'd found. She had no idea what any of them were called, and she didn't care. Hanako was buying, and the food was effectively unlimited.

Straddling her chair, she dropped the plate onto the table and her backside onto the seat with a graceless thud, scooting herself forward to more easily access her meal. Leaning slightly forward, she dug into the chicken and stuffed a huge forkload into her mouth at once, chewing as she idly glanced between the people talking, not actually listening or even appearing slightly interested in what they were saying. From the looks of the other Nepleslian woman sitting a few seats down from her, she had missed something either shocking or funny, but no one else seemed to be laughing. She raised an eyebrow slightly, but didn't try to glean anything further. Instead, she continued to eat in silence, making no effort to join the conversation, or exercise more than the most basic of table manners for that matter.
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Mitsuko blinked as Tsuguka waggled that chunk of chicken at her. She was trying to think of a response, when Hanako chimed in. The mousy Neko was left blushing, shutting her mouth quickly as she examined her plate once again. Once she managed to peek back up, she was confronted with the red-skinned Neko's empty plate. "Y-you're welcome? I didn't..." She trailed off, feeling like she had missed something. There was an awkward moment of silence, before she reached over and gently guided that raised plate back to the table with one finger.

"I think I'm going to go see what they have for dessert." She twisted in her seat, craning her neck to scout where she'd be aiming for on the buffet.

Hisoka continued to keep silent as she watched the people about her mingle and converse, and when Hanako finally pipped up and asked *the crew* what we should be doing, something she never expected to hear from a member of the military, in fact the question made her drop the nigiri she was about to eat. She recovered some when suggestions were offered. She was going to suggest the crash site of her old ship, but she felt that might be weird.

Aikiko relaxed when the gentleman had left the restaurant. She realized that he hadn’t recognized her in her new body. She turned her attention to the group at the table, while motioning for a refill of her drink. She politely nodded to the waitress that replaced her empty glass with a new beverage to drink.

"Dessert sounds excellent," Hanako said. "Then we can go shopping." The captain stood and went back to the buffet, returning a minute later with a square of cheesecake, and a banana gelato sundae covered in dark chocolate and walnuts. "With luck," the Shosho said, "We will be able to find more technicians, a medic, and maybe even a scientist and first officer to complete the ship's crew. For now, I have decided I will not wait for those personnel. I am eager to get back into space and, although we did not get a lot of suggestions, there are a great many missions out there to take on. Additionally, I am aware of certain rising diplomatic tensions that may occupy our attentions soon enough. Enjoy the afternoon and take care of your business and shopping needs, because we may leave as soon as tomorrow morning."

"I will return to the buffet also." Tsuguka remarked, fixing her jacket again as she stood up. She would have kept talking to Mitsuko, but was getting the distinct feeling her offbeat smile wasn't all that effective at securing her trust. Or maybe it was the fact she just shrugged off twice the dinner of an average neko, consumed in half the time. More research was required. "I will assist you in acquiring new items from the shops, logistics officer, if you do so request. Please inform me before we depart if you desire my services."

Upon return, she set a plate of meringue and ice cream in front of the rather forlorn looking Aikiko.

With a steely gaze and unfeeling voice, the only thing she said was "Glucose is required for the correct functionality of the brain."

Well... okay?...

Maybe she missed a telepathic communication or something, because the thorny creature just instantly stopped paying attention afterwards, and was digging into her own identical desert.

Aikiko was ready to leave the table when Tsuguka placed a plate of meringue and ice cream before her. She listened to Tsuguka, she nodded with a soft smile. “Thank you, Tugs.” Picking up her spoon and began to eat it slowly. She savored the flavors that burst upon her taste buds.

She thought of using the personal time to go exploring the city. Maybe hit a few bars, stores. Maybe even sell her UOCP stuff, which she still had to go through. All she needed was a few pawnshops near the space port that would be interested in the gear.

Aikiko made a funny face as she took another bite of her desert, mixing the meringue with the ice cream.

"More shopping?" Mitsuko stood, her path to the best desserts all laid out. She glanced back at the table as Hanako and Tsuguka both commented, making sure the bags she'd entered with were still safely tucked next to her chair. "Oh dear, I'm no officer...." She giggled at the thought. "Besides, we'll be sent anything the Eucharis needs." Returning to the table with a wide variety of rich desserts selected, she gave Tsuguka's uniform a good look. "Although...some personal shopping is probably required." She grinned at the red-skinned Neko. "I'm glad you volunteered yourself, they almost had to drag me along, my first time." Giggling at the memory, she began comparing Tsuguka's form to several outfits she'd glimpsed during her earlier shopping. "Hmm, mostly green and black, I'm thinking...oh, you'll have to pick up a swimsuit, too. Just in case. It comes up more often than you'd think, really."
"Excuse me Joto-Hei," Aikiko spoke up, looking at Mitsuko. "Would you know of any pawnshops nearby the ship?" She held her spoon near her desert. Looking thoughtful as to what she could sell off for extra cash. "And a bank where I can access my bank account?"
With every one talking about shopping Tony shrunk into her seat even more. She was fretting be dragged along, just to watch everyone else blow their duty pay. Ordering another beer she drank the last of the first and cleared her plate. With a sigh she started wondering if she should go and grab her rifle and find a range, practice was what kept her better then the average grunt.

"Bosslady... er Shu-Shu, um is there a firing range on the base? I um.. Not very much a fan of shopping, and I could use some practice I guess." She fought to keep the real reason hidden as much as she could around the Neko's who possibly could read her mind.

"Personal shopping?..." Tsuguka stared upwards at the ceiling for a moment, before slowly focusing back on Mitsuko. "Well, we had an interesting situation in the limo which made me realize how outgunned I am, but I think I will just requisition a type-33 rifle for future altercations. Seems wasteful purchasing anything more exotic. Ammo would be too expensive, for one."

"Green and black?..." Upon finally realizing what Hanako actually meant by 'shopping', she looked almost disappointed not to be lugging crates around under orders. Still, the idea of having information about what she would need for her mission in advance would be nice. "You think they make swim suits in that color? I'm not sure of the utility... I mean, it's clearly the wrong camouflage for sea environments..."

A prolonged, humorless glare. Her angular face looked as if she was eagerly waiting to pounce upon something.

"That was a joke." Still poe-faced and serious. "I don't think I did it right."

"I'm pretty sure the standard type-29 exercise uniform doubles as a swimsuit. Still, I can carry your bags, Joto Hei Murakami, if you require it."
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Restaurant Table

"Being so close to a military base means certain stores are going to be nearby, and a pawn shop is one of them," Hanako told Aikiko, tilting her head slightly at Tsuguka. "Kyoto is the heart of the Empire and the largest city on the planet. You can find almost anything anything here," she observed. "Do you not have a KS card?"

To Antonia, Hanako replied, "You will have to stay with one of us. As a Nepleslian military officer you would need to be escorted while on a military base."

To Tsuguka, she said, "I got a wonderful swimsuit here in YE 34, but I have only had a few chances to wear it. More than anything I could use casual civilian clothing."

"Is everyone ready to go?" Hanako asked, sliding her chair back and standing up. She went over to Sienna for a word.
Aikiko looked at Hanako, "Thank you for information. This account is my own personal account before joining the military of Yamatia. Would they be able to connect it to my KS card?" Then listening to what Hanako had to say to Antonia, "I could volunteer for that. If she don't mind me being her escort." She glanced at Cadet Stark.

Aikiko could see 'Tugs' was trying her best at being a bit humoress, but was falling short. She gave Tsuguko a soft smile as she stood up also a bit later than the Shosho.
Restaurant Entrance
Umeki Ayame-hei had come to a very rapid conclusion that 33-Minis were not a common site on this particular planet, shrugged her shoulders and glided on. Her orders had originally told her to report to the YSS Eucharis for placement but that plan had been scrapped upon arrival. The Shosho and her crew were not aboard, and the computer had rather helpfully instructed her in where exactly on the planet they were located. Ayame had honestly wanted to stay and chat with the AI, but Charisma had been rather firm about the Santo Hei making herself known post haste. Luckily the restaurant itself was easy to find, aided along by her constant levitation above the crowds and the helpful blips of her personal communicator. She had made it in time to avoid the crew scattering on personal business.

But she brushed up her courage and glided her way through the establishment, completely ignoring the tables and chairs by sheer virtue of remaining five feet in the air. Common sense said the crew of the Eucharis was on the far side of the restaurant, the throng of dress uniforms and ranks making her back straighten unconsciously. She could do this. They trained her specially for high stress situations like this. Her first posting would not be a short lived tragedy. Ayame kept her approach to a respectful speed, stopping at the edge of the table and folding herself into a prim and proper bow. "Apologies for my intrusion. Umeki Ayame Santo Hei, medic. Reporting for inspection and duty as per orders." The 33-Mini resisted the urge to fidget on the spot, keeping her back straight and her face carefully blank. Two minutes. She'd give them all two minutes to get the urge to stare out of their systems. She was the fresh meat after all, and not even guaranteed at that.
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Restaurant Table

Hanako had known her ship's medic was on the way; she knew Star Army Personnel might have to assign whoever was available. What she hadn't realized her new medic was only 8 inches tall. Her first reaction was confusion. Could this tiny Nekovalkyrja even carry a medical kit or handle a full-size scalpel? This crew just kept getting weirder. A Nepleslian exchange officer, a fire-truck-red Army zealot, an ex-enemy spook, a former rebel, and now a doll-sized medic? Hanako shook her head a little and then returned the bow. "Santo Hei Umeki Ayame, I am Shosho Hanako. Welcome to the crew of the Eucharis. Please pardon my asking, but is this your permanent body?"
Aikiko looked at the tiny floating Neko, blinked her eyes abit and glanced at her empty glass. ~~Good stuff if I'm seeing things...~~ She thought to herself as she waited silently. She'd figure out the KS card later. She was enjoying the moment.
Restaurant Table

Sienna sensed that the meal was winding down, and since she had arrived late, was hurrying to put away as much of the free food as she possibly could. She had managed to slip away for one more plateful, although as she was approaching the end of her second helping she was eating more out of stubbornness than hunger. She didn't have time to wonder if Natsumi was going to make their farewell any more unnecessarily drawn out than she already had, nor did she give more than a little smirk and a shake of her head when Hanako mentioned shopping again. It didn't seem like they'd left Hanako's World all that long ago and done exactly that. The military life, indeed.

She had just shoveled another forkload of the little fried chicken bits into her mouth when she heard a tiny voice speaking from... above her?

Still chewing, she looked up from her plate, searching for the source of the voice, and when she spotted it, her eyes went wide and she very nearly jumped out of her chair. Thankfully, her brief reactionary thrashing missed hitting anything or anybody, and she kept herself from toppling backwards out of her chair by immediately slapping her hands onto the seat's armrests and gripping them tightly. What resulted was her sitting there, staring in startled disbelief in a half-crouched position, her rear end hovering half an inch out of her seat, eyes wide and head turned slightly to the side as if she wasn't sure whether or not her eyes were being truthful, and her cheeks bulging with half-masticated chicken.

Had they put something in her food? Was... was she seeing faeries now??

Gripping her pistol's grip Tony stood up quick enough to know her chair over behind her. The Mini-neko before her scared the bajezzes out of her. "What the hell is it!" She said pointing with her left hand. She wasn't going to draw down on it without permission, but hell if she was going to ignore it until it made itself known real or some sort of evil creation to destroy everything good a right in the universe.... Damned Demon Pixies!
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Natsumi was happily eating her meal, not paying too terribly much attention to the conversation going on between the others since the food was exceptionally good. But then a new voice came in and the tone of the conversation changed. She looked up at the source of the new voice, slurping up a noodle, her big red eyes got even bigger and she grinned.

"A mini!" the snowy haired starship operator exclaimed, dropping her chopsticks onto her plate.

Everyone else seemed to be confused, or even worried, but Natsumi was not. She grinned broadly at the newcomer. "Hi! How are you? I'm Yamashiro Natsumi" she greeted the little medic cheerfully.

Santo Hei Tsuguka silently observed the pocket-sized doctor float down onto the table, wiped her face calmly with her napkin, and then mentally readied her smile for immediate deployment. Half the people at the table either recoiling in horror or immediately making weirdly affectionate squeeks, which didn't really leave room for looking cool and regimental, through.

Instead, after a moment's pause, she simply stood up and marched around to the other end of the table. With uncharacteristic softness, she then placed her hands onto both of Sienna and Antonia's shoulders, and calmly ushered them to sit back down again... Well, that, and she put herself in a vantage point to stop anybody from drawing weapons.

"Please remain calm. It's a NH-33M model Miniature Nekovalkyrja." Her voice was clean and factual, if a tiny bit patronizing. "Also, a medical team member, and a fellow comrade."

Tsuguka liked mini-nekos. They didn't cost as much to make as the full scale model. Didn't eat as much, either, or require as much air. Could still pilot a Mindy. Altogether, very efficient.

This made her eyes squint, and her mouth let out the tiniest glimmer of a unconstrained toothy smile... Which for all intents and purposes looked like some kind of incredibly sinister, aggressive sneer, on the face of a blood-colored oni.
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