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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 21] Kyoto Blues

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Cargo Bay

"Ranks from the other military do not carry over. She is a Santo Hei just like you, Tsuguka," Victory pointed out. "Note the lack of rank insignia. It looks like cabin 5 is open. You two will be room mates." At the end of the cargo bay was a large cargo elevator with open sides. Once they were all on it, Victory went to the controls and they rode it slowly up from Deck 5 to Deck 3. While they were waiting she sent them a map of the ship using her internal wireless communication. "This is deck three. Deck three is the largest deck on the ship. To the aft are the medical lab, the armor bay, and the shuttle bay. There is also a recreation area on this deck." Victory led them forward until they reached a round vertical tube with padded white walls and red handhold straps along its sides. "This is the ship's main vertical passageway. It is a zero-gravity zone. The deck above us, deck two, has the crew lounge and cabins while deck one consists only of the wardroom, which we use as a general dining hall and meeting place."

Once they ascended, Victory look them across the crew lounge, which was covered in shaggy red carpet and couches, and to cabin five. "All yours." Now came the decision: who would the get top bunk?
Cabin 6

Natsumi figured this time would have to come eventually, Sienna leaving the Eucharis. She had not expected the Shosho to speed the process along. In fact she had expected Sienna to slip out during the night or something like that. That seemed right and the fact that the Nepleslian woman was already packed indicated that had been the plan all along. This all made Natsumi sad. So many people were leaving the ship and she had been becoming fast friends with Sienna. Things were changing too much too fast for the snowy haired neko's comfort.

She looked at Sienna right in the eyes. "Shosho, if it is okay with you I want to come along too. Sienna and I have become friends..." Natsumi took a breath, forcing herself to calm. "I want to spend some more time being friends with you before you go" she said to Sienna directly.
Cargo Bay -> Lounge -> Cabin 5

"I see... I thought it might have been a reward for cooperation and information." Tsuguka just shrugged, making her way outward into the vertical corridor. Crossing her arms and coiling her legs together, her levitation pose looked amusingly just as trophy-like and rigid as her standing to attention. "Please forgive my naivety."

"The offer for sparring still stands, if only because your NMX-style moves may be useful to learn before there is deadly force behind them." Her face grimaced a little as she turned around in mid-air, facing Hisoka as she flew backwards. "However, please attempt to refrain from doing something as disorderly as impersonating another rank, in future, comrade."

Whatever luxury the lounge had, it didn't seem to improve her mood any. In fact, she had seemed far more interested in the cargo bay's contents, generally. Maybe she was just annoyed at how her face served as camouflage in this area.

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Nito Hei Victory." The bow was as over-the-top as you'd expect. "I will return the favor some time."

It took a bare few moments to empty her duffel bag into one of the storage compartments. Standard issue items, and nothing else.
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Mitsuko stepped out of the store she'd just spent some time in, opening her new umbrella. The weather had sent her inside earlier than she'd planned, but it had all worked out. Not only had she emerged with a new outfit selected just for this puddly downpour - slacks, blouse, boots and raincoat - but she'd had time to more leisurely plan her next few stops. One of the restaurants had caught her attention, the menu and theme reminding her of Sam's Island - where they'd celebrated after her first promotion - as well as Hanako's World.
Cabin 6

The suggestion of lunch sounded good, though the academic also wanted to be on the train and home in time to pick up her brother from school. Then she realized it was the middle of the night back there anyway, so a few hours of shopping and a little Lunch wouldn't be a problem.

"Sounds good to me Shoushou," Chieko replied, "Though, could I be dropped off at a shuttle port when we're done. I want to take the opportunity to bug my family before my pick-up time."
Cargo Bay -> Lounge -> Cabin 5

Hisoka barely payed any attention to Tsuguka as they crossed the cargo bay and entered a zero-g hallway, Hisoka herself knitted her hands behind her head as she floated along with the others. "Ah, glad to hear about non-transferals," she mentioned, "it'd sound weird if a dissenter suddenly was boosted in rank for being a tattletale." She said while her eyes were closed during the slow flight through the corridor.

When Tsuguka said the offer to spar was still open, Hisoka opened one golden eye to the neko. "Not sure if I should accept that, Toyoe-san. I'm an analyst, with just a small hint of soldier in my genes." She said, her shoulders rolling, while her hands stayed put staying put. "I don't actually know any martial combat that my masters used, I'm a neko, not a Mishhuvurthyar. They did allow us to learn any martial practice that has been used in the empire, now or ages past, though. Do you know what Pankration is?" She asked as they arrived at the lounge, and then proceeded to Cabin 5.

The turncoat also bowed to Victory and then unpacked her rucksack. When she was done she got in front of the cabin's mirror and set about making herself look proper, and she was keeping her cap on, tilting it this way and that to try and see how good she looked in it. Sighing in resignation she straightened it out and shook her head. "I wish they let me keep my chapeau." She grumbled.
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Cabin 5

"We are indoors, Santo Hei Hisoka. You aren't supposed to wear a hat at all." Tsuguka remarked, with a grunt. She had removed the overcoat and was ringing the water out of her hair and ears with a towel briskly. Her work jacket got straightened and inspected even through it clearly didn't need it. "I've heard of Pankration from a fellow trainee, but she said her master was only interested in hitting her with sticks and telling her how to breathe. Still, if you think it was worthwhile, Santo Hei Hisoka..."

"That is your last name, isn't it, Santo Hei Hisoka?" Her eyes turned into narrow slits, and stood in a cross-armed stance which made her above average musculature a lot more obvious. "I wouldn't want to offend a complete stranger by talking to them using their first, now, would I?..."

A few tense seconds passed.

"Don't worry!" She suddenly let out a sharp, ghastly smile, and turned her head in a coy little gesture that couldn't possibly have suited her any less. It was like a robot trying to imitate the expression of happiness, a simple freind-making program running it's course. "I'm sure you will fit in just fine! Our customs may seem strange and difficult for someone in your situation, that I can appreciate. But you will soon come to see their benefit, Santo Hei Hisoka!"
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Cabin 5

Hisoka was still fiddling with her cap all the while Tsuguka talked to her, mentioning that caps weren't necessary indoors or some rot like that. "My former masters made hats a part of the uniform." She mentioned as she finally seemed to settle on a look, with the cap tilted back and a bit to the side. "It's one of the few habits I have remaining of my former life as your enemy. Besides, I feel somewhat less dressed without one. My very first mission under my old masters granted me a trophy in a Nelpeslian peaked chapeau. It was confiscated when I defected and returned." She frowned at that.

When Tsuguka mentioned she had heard about Pankration, she nodded. "It's a visceral martial art. Victory at all costs. there are technically no rules." She mentioned as she turned around, "I mostly specialize in elbow strikes and joint destruction."

When Tsuguka then asked if she had any other names, the analyst cocked an eyebrow. "No, I'm just Hisoka." She said. "I, and all my NMX sisters were disposable tools for our masters, so we never had "family names."
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Cabin 6

Hanako nodded to Natsumi and Chieko. "Of course. Report to the landing ramp, we will leave for lunch in a moment." She then ducked out and popped into Cabin 5.

Cabin 5

Suddenly there was a small blue-haired admiral in the doorway of Tsuguka and Hisoka's cabin. "Welcome aboard. I am Shosho Hanako, commanding officer of the Eucharis. We are about to go into town and I would like you to be part of the outing. Join me and the others back down in the cargo bay as soon as you are ready. Duty uniforms or civilian clothes are acceptable."
Cabin 5

If Tsuguka was going to reply, it was interrupted by the entrance of the Shosho. She instantly snapped to attention and saluted as if she had been waiting to do it all day, chest puffing out to it's fullest extent, heels clicking against the floor audibly.

And then, well... She looked like she was trying to respond, but the words didn't quite make it to her lips. The brash and uptight crimson thing just completely froze up on the spot, unable to address her new commanding officer.

"Y-Y-Yes... ma'am... immediately..." A hoarse whisper, just late enough to make the whole thing a bit awkward.
Cabin 5

Hisoka bowed deeply at the waist at the appearance of Hanako. "It is an honor to finally meet you, my former enemy, now my Shosho." She said, while holding her bow for ten seconds before straightening. "An outing with my new master?" She rhetorically asked. "Sounds like a fun idea." She said smiling, while she wasn't intending the expression to mean anything., her smile looks like one of a scheming cat. "Tsuguka-kun and I shall be prepared to join you soon, Ketsurui Shosho-sama." She said bowing once again.
Cabin 6

Sienna held Natsumi's gaze in return, her face blank and mostly unreadable at first, but after a moment her expression softened barely enough for the Neko to notice. From the look in her eyes, it was obvious that this was exactly what Sienna had been trying to avoid, although her apologetic look was also mixed in with a look of frustrated annoyance that she had lingered too long and wound up cornered. She was annoyed at the fact that people had begun piling into her cabin while she was inside, of course, but she was far more irritated with herself for not simply taking the chance to leave when she had it.

She didn't say anything in reply, but rather she just gave Natsumi a simple nod and stood up off of the bunk. She took a step towards the door, not once looking back at the cabin that had been her home for the past year or so. She had never stayed in one place long enough to grow attached to it, but Natsumi's childlike innocence was once again presenting an unfamiliar hurdle to her. For the most part, she had no objections to Natsumi tagging along to "see her off," so to speak, if it would make her feel better. Goodbyes were not something Sienna was well rehearsed in, and at face value she wondered why this instance would be any different. She and the Neko were from two different worlds with different outlooks and agendas, and their paths simply happened to coincide for a brief time. Now that it was time for them to diverge again, it didn't bother Sienna in the least. But for some reason, she still felt like she owed the Neko an explanation, even though she'd already given it, regardless of her ability to comprehend it. Natsumi simply hadn't lived long enough or been burned enough times to understand the futility of friendship, and she couldn't fault her for it.

Still, it was more than a little strange to her that Natsumi was inadvertently making her feel so guilty for leaving.
Cargo Bay

Striding under the cargo bay's bright floodlights past the worn metal cargo containers and plastic-wrapped palettes, Shosho Hanako moved to the middle of the ramp where she stood surrounded by the pattering of raindrops smacking against concrete. As she waited for the others, she checked her black double-breasted overcoat to make sure the quilted cold-weather lining was out of it, and saw the old bloodstain inside it, a rusty brown amidst a field of white silk. After adjusting her hat into place on her teal hair, she put the coat on and fastened its buttons and felt the bottom edge of it, which went down enough to completely cover her duty uniform. She checked the thick white bands at the cuffs to make sure they were not stained as well. As she stood there, she thought about she had bloodstains on her identity too. She turned to look back into the Eucharis, her home. The ship was well into her operational lifespan and had seen her own share of blood and battle, as well as being involved in some things Hanako was not proud of...and it could still make a difference in the universe. Being free and able to go places and do things was the power of a ship crew and particularly her captain. She made a note her herself to ask the crew later today where in the universe they wanted to go and make a difference.
Cabin 6

The young Minkan gave another salute as Hanako took her leave of the cabin then smiled. "A little more fun until we meet again?" she commented, "Hope to see you both at the ramp." The scientist then picked up her duffle and left the cabin as well, making for the vertical corridor.

Cargo Bay

Having seen the rain as well, Chieko had thrown on her own coat and was sitting on a crate that had been recently loaded. She was looking at the picture she had of her family, thinking about the trouble she could cause them for the little time she was there. It wasn't until Hanako was already done up to head outside that the academic looked up again.

"Sorry to make you wait," she called out, hoping off the crate and doing up her buttons.
Cargo Bay

Tsuguka approached Shosho Hanako with haste, rushing along the deck into her immediate vicinity, and then snapping into another quick salute when she halted. It then held upon her brow sternly, awaiting the reply before releasing it.

"I am ready, Shosho." She said simply, her voice tremendously eager to make up for her earlier apprehension. Moreover, despite the short space of time, her coat had clearly been ironed, her shoes re-polished, and her hat perfectly folded and retained under her left epaulette. "If I may say, ma'am, I do apologize for my former lack of enthusiasm. It is a great honor to be assigned to your crew, and I will do everything in my power to pursue your commands up to the absolute extent of my abilities."

Her eyes weren't on the rear admiral as she said any of it, instead staring straight ahead sternly, like some feline rust-hued sandstone statue.

If she noticed the woman's melancholy at all, she apparently didn't find herself qualified to question the reasons behind it.
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Cabin 5 -> Cargo Bay

Hisoka followed along behind Tsuguka, her cap on her head and her coat having been cleaned up, her hands clasped behind her back. "I am here as well Ketsurui Shosho-sama." She said, smiling much less predatory then before. "I hope we didn't keep you." She said bowing.
Cargo Bay ramp

Tony dropped her duffel next to her left leg and then gently set her rifle case gently next to her right. With a deep breath she reset her non-regulation marine field cap on her head before speaking up. "Are you the Boss lady?" she looked down at the orders she pulled from a pocket, "Handy-co Shu-shu?" she spoke the name as carefully as she could in trade, even though she figured she was butchering the name. Straightening up she saluted her best salute before attempting to bow clumsily, "Cadet Antonia Stark, Reporting for Duty aboard the YSS Eu-car-is..." She straightened up and smiled a bit nervously. She never figured she would be boarding a Yammi ship, as a friend, let alone crew.
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Fort Minori: Sector D ::

Aikiko Akiashiro woke early along with the rest of her hut-mates, gotten dressed in her exercise uniform as she quickly straightened out her little cubicle. Listening to the others talk and the usual morning chatter of what happened the night before and whose interested in whom. She moved out with the hut group to join others on the field for the morning exercises. She loved this time as she went through the morning exercise routine with the others, which was interesting as she didn't do much exercise with the other Peacekeeper Forces personnel. It was pretty much up to the individual to keep in excellent shape. She learned that folly when she was Indentured to the Mining Consortium from the gangs that ran amongst the worker's compound when she let herself go. Learning from that nightmare, she exercised regularly and with intensity to keep her in-shape and a predator, instead of prey. she learned how to fight effectively and dirty.

Even though the exercises were by the numbers to keep everyone together and uniform with the next person, it gave her a chance to let a portion of her mind wander. It was a good time to reflect back on how much she had lived and her experiences she had gained. To look forward to the day's activities. She moved automatically with the group, enjoying the time and the run through the base's streets on a pre-selected route, ending back at the Exercise Field where they started at.

Once released from formation after the morning run and cool down, She sprinted the several blocks to her hut and got cleaned up for the day. Putting on the day's duty uniform and making sure her area of responsibility was squared away and neat. Her gear secured and bed made neatly as when she was assigned to the sleeping cubicle.

Aikiko took off to the closest Mess hall to get breakfast. She looked around her and noticed a lot of the other personnel there were heading in the same direction. Groups forming and then getting in line to wait their turn to get their food. She joined the line behind a bunch of rowdy males, boasting on their prowess at the game they participated. She listened to them speak.

"...gave a short kick right through the defender's legs to my partner as we worked the ball down field." He gave a hop and sweep with his foot to demonstrate the kick. "And the defender tripped over the ball as it went through his legs!" Speaker laughed with his friends.

"We lost the ball," Another spoke, who was the speaker's teammate in the game.

"It was worth it! Seeing that jerk nosedive into that muddy spot on the south field!" Speaker gave a few more chuckles as the group disappeared inside.

Aikiko followed the now silent group into the building and added her mark to the accounting sheet and proceeded to get something to eat. She proceeded through the line and picked up her tray of food, proceeded through the line and picked up her assorted drinks. Moving into the common area of the mess hall, she looked over the room for an available seat.

Finding a booth seat in the corner, she headed on over to the place and settled in it. She was soon joined by a few males and females. They whispered quietly to each other, talking about last night activities.

She ate quickly and politely excused herself when done. They shuffled a bit to let her go. Nodding her thanks to them, she disposed of the tray and left the building, replacing her hat and moving to the Sector D Headquarter building to see what her assignment for the day was.

She walked up and checked the list as a bunch of other Soldiers, Techs, Pilots, Logistic, were doing the same. Same-O Same-O. Another all day of hanging around the Huts, doing nothing but twiddle your thumb and wait till the "Hey You!" roster came around for some clean up detail in the tower cause the previous group to use one of the million meeting rooms didn't clean up after themselves.

Aikiko entered her hut and moved to her cubicle to resume her study of new techniques to dispose of explosive ordinance. She would love to get her hands on the latest that the Mishhu were using. But a lot of that info was still in either in study or haven't reached planet-side archives nor disseminated out for casual study.

She looked up from her laptop as she remembered a few SAINT enlisted were in the next hut over. Maybe she should pay them a visit.

"Akiashiro! Podex! Shartown! Exitor! Secure ya stuff and get out here!" Yelled Joto-Hei from the open doorway.

Aikiko scrambled securing her Laptop, yelling out, "Hai! Coming!" Along with those been called.

Joining the group in the street and moving to the bus stop to wait for the
Grav-bus to show up to take them to the Tower for some odd detail.

Joto-Hei looked over the group that was her group, smirked and stood aloof from the rest of Santo-Hei's. Looking at Aikiko standing apart from the rest as the others sat on the bench provided for passengers waiting for the bus. She tilted her head, looking curious at her.

Aikiko looked back at the Joto-Hei. "Mmmmm?" mutters softly as she watched the Joto-Hei.

"What was your previous assignment Santo?" The Joto asked her curiously as most of the others were at higher rank to be at the Holding Place.

"Training Camp, Joto." Akiashiro responded. "If I may ask, yours?"

"YSS Anoiktos. The ship was decommissioned." Joto spoke, motioning the rest to get ready as the Grav-bus came to a stop and doors opening.

They got on-board and the Joto was last to make sure her charges didn't disappear on her. Joto sat next to Aikiko, "That is weird. Not many lower ranks come from Training to here. Most are immediately shipped out."

"I guess there ain't much use for Demolition Experts." Aikiko spoke, looking out the window.

"Been at it long?" Joto asked, getting Aikiko's attention once more as the bus moved along the streets, picking passengers and dropping them off.

"It's how I made my living before enlisting." Aikiko spoke, looking at the Joto.

"You should get reclassified and go for some shipboard occupation." Joto spoke.

"I'm taking night classes for starship operations," Aikiko spoke. "But I would have to schedule to take the test as a pilot. Even shuttles would be nice to be certifide for."

"Nice nice... have you put in a request for a ship?" Joto asked.

"YSS Eucharis. Science it is still port. From what I've seen." Aikiko spoke as she looked around as the Tower's base came into view.

"Good luck with that! Everyone dreams to be on that ship. You ought to try for another, lesser known ships." Joto-Hei laughed softly as the bus stopped at their stop. "Everyone off!" She yelled out to her three and scrambled off with her small team.

Aikiko followed the more senior than her into the service entrance. It was a madhouse as usual as she waited with the other two as the Joto went to find out what they was needed for. The other two females with her flirted with a few of the male ckerks nearby as she looked around the place as she waited for the Joto to get back with their assignment.

"Hey Santo-Hei? What's your name?" A Nito-Heisho approached her, looking her over with interest.

"Akiashiro Santo-Hei," Aikiko responded, looking the soft looking Nito-Heisho in the eyes. Not volunteering her full name.

"Care to meet me at the Coffee Shop, later tonight?" Nito-Heisho gave her a quick look over as her compatriots looked in awe at her.

"I wish I could. I've Night School to attend, Nito-Heisho." Aikiko spoke, looking him over. He had a good physique still, but getting that soft look about him from spending to much time at a desk.

"What time does your classes end?" He wasn't giving up, looking determined to date this new soldier.

"Around 10 pm." She stared at him with a neutral expression she had mastered when she was with the UOCPF. Normally it would've gotten most males discouraged. Even with her simple answers, most males would be making excuses to terminate the conversations.

He nods at her and heads off, seeing the Joto head their way. She watched him leave and looked at the Joto.

"Oh my god! Akiashiro was asked out by Nito-Heishi Nomukarea!" one of the other Joto-Hei's spoke up, looking a bit envious at her.

"That Jerk! Come on. We're not needed! Let's go to the Coffee Shop!" Joto-Hei that was in charge, lead the way out of the Tower and moved towards the shopping complex and the Coffee Shop that remained open 24 hrs and then some.

Aikiko tagged along with the Joto-Heis to the coffee Shop. They walked enjoying the exercise, listening to them talk about the Nito-Heisho. The Joto, that was in charge, had been burned by him. The other two who had a crush on him. She was indifferent to him. But then she was new to the scene. Her curiosity got the better of her.

"What makes him so special?" She spoke softly in the pause of conversation of the Joto-Hei's, as they waited for a convoy of troop haulers pass by full of troops heading out for maneuvers in the woods.

"He's the all time Soccer champ for Fort Minori. Last game they played, they beat Fort Hanako by one point..." One of the Joto-Hei's spoke dreamily and was interrupted by the other.

"He scored the winning point for the team, Santo-Hei." The other Joto-Hei spoke just as dreamily. "It was broadcasted and everyone was required to watch it, once they found out that Fort Minori won against the Empress's favored team from Fort Hanako." Both of them giggled lightly as the group darted across the busy street, in the break of traffic.

"And now the females of camp think he's the Dreamboat of the Base." Joto-Hei in charge of the group spoke. "He'll drop ya like a hot potato once he has his way with you." Still upset at the way he treated her.

Aikiko nodded as they resumed walking along the sidewalk towards the Coffee Shop. It seamed that everyone was there, even during business hours. They entered to the noise of the crowded room, Aikiko looked worried at the Joto's, but they had already scattered to join up with their friends, leaving her there stranded, looking like a tourist who lost their way.

She moved deeper into the shop, looking for other Santo-Hei's to hang out with. But it seamed that they was scarce. She quickly got her order and moved outside to the patio seating area, choosing a seat near the exit of the patio, under one of umbrellas that provided protection from the ever present mist.

She sipped her drink as she watched the other patrons mingle and discuss various things as she let her mind wonder. This place was different than Fort Ready where she had taken her Basic at. It seamed that everyone had more free time. Maybe she should see about transferring here to one of the Infantry Units here, if she didn't get an assignment soon.

Akiko stood up, snagging her drink with her, moved to the railing of the patio and leaned against it, looking out over the parking lot, watching people pass by and various vehicles, sipping on her drink.

Soon it was time to return to her hut and then get cleaned up for dinner. Aikiko returned to her hut and prepped herself for dinner which was dress uniform. Seeing she had time, she sent a brief message to the YSS Eucharis about joining the ship. What did she have to lose? More time here at Fort Minori, listening to those that outranked her?

She scampered off the Messhall to get her dinner and then it was off to night school. She did her usual, hurry through the evening meal and then scampered back to her hut to pick up her book and manuals for her class. She checked her messages once back at the hut.

Aikiko eyes widen and blinked at the rapid response. She packed as she sent a message to the Eucharis and then to her school instructor that she had gotten her orders and would be dropping the class.

Kyoto Spaceport

The Racoon T7 Shuttle flew in, whipping up the wind and rain about as it came in for landing on the wet landing surface to allow troops and cargo to be downloaded. Aikiko grabbed her duffel bag and walked off the shuttle, looking around her as she read the ship names that were present on the base landing field.

Cargo Bay Ramp

Spotting the YSS Eucharis, she smiled and made her way towards the ship, seeing a group of starship crew near the back of the big towering ship, she approached the group. One was saluting then bow. She joined the group and setting her duffel bag down gently onto the wet tarmac. She looked the group over, seeing Ketsurui, she bowed respectfully as she spoke when the other in a different uniform than SAoY's finished speaking.

"Akiashiro Santo-Hei, reporting in, Ketsurui Shosho." Speaking in a tone a police officer would use to a criminal being arrested. But very respectful as an EX-UOCPF would.
Cargo Ramp > Kyoto Military Spaceport

"Welcome to the Eucharis," Shosho Hanako greeted the two additional newcomers, returning their salutes. "The ship is empty and we are about to go get lunch." She turned to the nearby stiff-looking red-skinned Nekovalkyrja. "Tsuguka-hei, please show them to the crew lounge and have them drop their things off in Cabin 3 and then rejoin us."

After they returned, Hanako led the way, spiriting through the rain into the dusty garage and then through a set of thick doors into the carpeted concourse where they were soon riding moving walkways and headed toward the arrivals parking lot, passing by various spaceport shops, restaurants, art displays, and hundreds of other soldiers. As the group was moving, Hanako shook the water from her woolen cap. "I have taken the liberty of replacing our rental van with a limousine large enough to comfortably fit us all," she offhandedly mentioned. "Is this the first time in the Kyoto Megacity for anyone?" she asked her crew.
Kyoto Military Spaceport

"It is my first time in this sector of space, Shosho." Aikiko spoke, using her normal voice in a pleasant easily listening tone. Looking around her in interest at all the shops and people and soldiers going about their business. Her eyes constantly moved, taking in her surrounding...
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