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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post-Mission 21] Kyoto Blues

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Hisoka smiled back at Tony, "well, I am happy you have decided to reconcile with me," she started, "can we begin with you calling me by my name, and not Mish?" She asked.

Aikiko ate in silence with a soft smile that graced her lips as she seamed distracted. Her eyes became still and focused on her plate as she ate and drank her drink...

::Flashback:: UOC controlled planet:

... Finished her meal as her date had chased after another female, leaving his hardly eaten plate of food. She swapped his full plate with her empty one and resumed eating alone.

Was it possible that she was kidnapped? She heard of machines that could take a person's thoughts from them. Could it have happened to her? She was different from the other employees of the Mining Corporation. She would have to look into that along with the Company Records. If she could find foul play towards her, she could get out from the dept and interest they seam to charge her on her transport cost to here. But then they took from her pay the cost of the shack she lived in.

But for now she was enjoying decently cooked food as she was still learning. She could cook foods that came with instructions okay. But something was always had the burnt flavor to it.

As she was finishing last of the food, a bunch of her friends showed up and sat at her table. Aikiko smiled and soon forgot her troubles as the drinks flowed. Much to her demise, she just gets the warm relaxed feeling and abit less inhibited to be social with her fellow workers at the mines.
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"Why wouldn't I reconcile... I mean i wasn't allowed to shoot ya... Minds wellplay nice instead... So instead of Mish... Shall I call you Namixy?" Tony grinned as she thought about what kinds of foods here she could stand, she didn't have the same kind of iron stomachs that these nekos had. Maybe some of those funny fishy rice rolls, and maybe that General Toto's chicken.. She was force fed rice and fish the whole way from her last station, in what was called "Hazard Training."

"You want anything? Or at least, do you know what all there is that won't kill a mere mortal like I?"

Hisoka kept smiling at Tony, "That is still not my name," she said, still carrying a polite tone. When tony asked about anything eatable to non-Nekos and Yammies, Hisoka while still smiling, tilted her head. "Everything on the list should be consumable by anyone. Unless you're allergic to fish, chicken, red meat, rice, grains, milk, fruit or vegatables."
"Hisoka?" Aikiko spoke up abit sharply coming out of her daze as she glared at Hisoka. "Get off your Mish induced brainwashing and be a bit more friendly. It wouldn't hurt you to reciprocate the effort that Tony here is making." speaking with that nerve racking respectful tone that was drilled into her by the PeaceForce she had served with. "It is an honor to be nicknamed by a comrade. Yeah... there are some that are a doozy and remind us of what we liked to forget. But unfortunately they stick. So live with it, Mish"
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food joint

Rolling her eyes Antonia stood and went to go and grab a plate for herself. Once she thought she was out of ear shot, but frankly wasn't nearly enough for the nekos, Tony started grumbling and grouching about how she was posted with 'bots and how they all needed a good humping or something to get them to loosen up.

Once she had a large plate piled with Kyoto rolls and piles of the General's chickens she plopped back down in her seat with a fake smile and cheeriness on her face. At least the beer would help with that last part, slowly turning her to a mild blitzed humor.
Hisoka blinked at Aikiko. "Excuse me? Brainwashed?" She sounded incredulous. "I was never brainwashed by the Mishuvurthyar, I was born like any one of you and programmed like any one of you. I was just made by the enemy at the time." She explained. "And after defecting to this side and having to go through reeducation, which along side trimmed my inherent skills, I was also given a severe dislike for my former masters." She started to hiss out. "So, no. I don't like that nickname the fleshsack from that gang ridden shit hole of a planet gave me." Hisoka growled out. "I deserve to be called my name, like anyone else."
Aikiko watched Hisoka's body language as well as listened to the nuances of her tones of her voice. Akiko taking a drink, giving herself time to analyze what was said. "We all do. But it is a sign of acceptance as a 'friend' amongst newly met acquaintances, Hisoka." lighting her expression a bit. "You can by all means to do the same to her, me... Tugs," Glances at the Shosho. "But anyone of higher rank, even I must toe the line there unless I have explicit permission to address one such higher than me."
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As she fiddled with the chopsticks Tony had been listening to Aikiko and Hisoka, it amazed her how easy it was to break the facade that the Mishu neko had put up. "Look Hi-soak-A' I didn't mean anything with it, sorry..."

Frustrated she stood up dropping her chopsticks next tot he plate of food, "I need some air.. I'll try not to case a problem outside..." She turned and pulled the bill of her had down over her face.

The second she was outside she screamed and punched the wall bruising her hand. "might have been better If I would have just shot her when I had the chance. Would have been a hero back home." The whole day was frustrating, she was tempted to go in and leave some cash for her plate and start the long walk back to the ship, She was sure she could get there and hand her hammock. Maybe she'll luck out and the Shosho would put her in the cargo bay or something away from the rest of the emotionally fragile nekos.

Seeing Tony leave, Aikiko smirked at Hisoka, laying her silverware on the napkin next to her plate that was 3/4 quartered eaten. Stood up and gave the Shosho a quick bow, "excuse me," leaving the table purposely avoiding Hisoka side of the table. She scampered out of the restaurant, looking both ways once reaching the sidewalk. Seeing Tony holding her fist. Walked over to her. Unsure how to approach her. She just stood next to Tony.

She ignored the stares at them from the people passing them. A Star Army Neko and A Nesplesian. "Spit it out. I know ya want to say it." Motioning Tony to walk with her as she moved into the soft rain, walking down the sidewalk.
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outside the foodery

Tony glaired at Aikiko, "Spit what out?" he growled as started walking along after the neko. She wasn't even sure way she was following her. "Where they heck we going?"

"I dunno, just needed to get out for a bit." Aikiko spoke just loud enough for Tony to hear. "What ever made you leave such a fancy place, that we may never visit the likes again." Slowing down to allow Tony to walk beside her. Going back to her ever watchful state.

"not welcomed there... Problely the same aboard ship. I'm not one of you. Unless you guys use that black magic I have heard about. But then I wouldn't be me. Maybe they picked the wrong person for this job." Antonia spoke as she walked along with Aikiko.

"I'd rather have you watch my back, then the rest. Tugs inexperienced and can learn, Hisako a batrayer, unless she's a deep undercover Saint. The rest I am not sure. It seams they're giving us a chance to prove ourselves to them. Even I just met you today. I'd rather have you at my side, than the others. You have experience. Just as I have. We can learn together." Looks at the Nepleslian Cadet next to her. Her voice lost the drilled in Peace Force tone, letting her true voice be heard. "You don't have to walk on eggs around me. I give as good as I recieve." Making explosion hand gestures.

Reaching up, Aikiko removed her hat and undid her hair. Letting it fall free. Then giving it a light shake as she replaced her hat back on.
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Restaurant -> Street

The red-skinned neko emerged from beneath the table victorious, dumpling in fingertips, and gave Mitsuko a small offbeat smile. "I don't like waste." There was a quick glance, like she direly wanted to eat it and avoid said waste, but politeness in front of other people wouldn't let her.

It didn't escape her notice for long that several of the new crew members were missing from the table. Did she miss a fight breaking out? Did their leader suddenly change her mind, after all?

After a massively overgrandiose bow, she handed Mitsuko the dirty dumpling, and then quickly skittered along the floor towards the front door, half levitating, half skating.

The rain in the streets wasn't letting up. Stark and Akiashiro were already nowhere to be seen. If they had actually just run off, there wasn't much Tsuguka could do about it...

Thus, planting both heels onto the concrete and sternly crossing her arms, she simply resolved to wait for a sighting. Rain be damned. The NH-33 was waterproof.

She wasn't qualified to judge her comrades. There was no hate or disliking involved. She just hoped that she hadn't been prematurely judged, herself.

Mitsuko smiled at the quick review Tsuguka gave. "I'm not much of a fan either. I'm glad I haven't had to suffer through that type of diet since training." She began eagerly filling her plate, having worked up even more of an appetite with the extra walk from the last restaurant. "Right, think of it as an experiment. Or, performing research." She nodded, her own mental notes on food and drink filed away with all of the other lists she frequently made. "It's not reasonable to make assumptions without any data to work from."

The Neko looked up from her rather full plate as the red-skinned girl changed the subject. "Cadet? Oh." She turned towards the table for a moment, appraising the woman in question. "I've only really known one Nepleslian during my service. But, from what I've gathered, she's likely to prefer something simple and horrid tasting to a more complicated drink that's actually...drinkable. See?" She gestured with her free hand to the beer Stark was working on. The other question was a bit harder to answer. "Why is she here, actually? Riko-Hei joined normally...that giant, too." The ID-SOL hadn't been around for long, but he'd still made an impression.

"Buying her an even more alcoholic beverage would probably work. Even better, if you order one yourself. She'd probably be amused...oh..." Murakami turned back from observing the table to realize the other Neko had scampered off. While she was conducting her search, Mitsuko spotted the Cadet roaming the buffet, before returning to the table. Soon enough, Tsuguka popped back up, presenting a now rather dusty dumpling to her. She blinked at the offering before grabbing a small plate from the buffet to accept it with, careful to hold that plate far from her own. "Well, you don't want to leave a mess for someone else to clean up...h-hey, where are...?" She trailed off, as the red-skinned Neko bolted for the door.

Returning to the now somewhat empty table, Mitsuko muttered to herself before settling in. Her plate was placed in front of her, while the plate with the dirty dumpling was pushed off to one side. She smiled politely at the captain, her seat nearer Hanako than the other remaining new person. The golden-eyed Neko seemed harmless enough. "Your friends decided to step outside for a moment...?" She trailed off, not knowing the new girl's name yet. Murakami decided to begin working on her food to cover the awkward silence at the table.

Sienna jerked away when Natsumi poked her, reacting with a displeased look at the uninvited contact, to say nothing of the Neko's definition of "safe" and "prosperous." Rather than protest or scold, however, she simply pursed her lips and forced a small smile, then shrugged as she turned her eyes towards the view of the cityscape out of the taxi's front windows.

"Nah," she replied quietly with a shake of her head, forcing herself not to acknowledge her inner conflict. "The military life ain't for me. Besides, I hang around the Eucharis much longer, it'll only be a matter of time before I get shot again. And this kinda place?" She motioned at the dizzying panorama of lights and endless megastructures whizzing past as she continued. "I feel like I'd get motion sickness just standing on a street corner." She left it at that, not bothering to try and break her friend's rose-colored vision of her home society. A place like this wouldn't be any different than Urtullan at its core. Sure, it might look cleaner and give a convincing illusion of comfort, but she knew better. Big sparkling cities like this all had a dark side, a side they all tried desperately to hide from the public eye, but they were always there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to consume any who slip off of the narrow path that the regining dynasty considered acceptable. As unbearable a place to live as Urtullan was, at least there was no mistaking it for something else.

Is that really what you're going to tell yourself?

The taxi slowed as it approached its destination, indistiguishable and lost in the sea of dizzying store fronts and flashing signs, but from Sienna's barely functional grasp of Yamataian, she surmised that it was the restaurant at which they were to meet Hanako. Sighing and grateful for the interruption, she shifted in her seat and pulled her backpack closer in anticipation to get out.

"As for the 'Black Magic Box' is nothing but technology and sophisticated software, to store the essence that makes you Antonia Stark." Aikiko spoke softly as they walked around the block. "Would you have chased after me if we was in Neplesia?"

Hanako ate her food, thinking to herself, These are some of the best sweet-and-sour chicken pieces I've ever had. This tempura batter is so good, I just want to leave it on my tongue to absorb the for a moment. And the sauce is just right and tangy. Rather enjoying herself, Hanako slid her communicator out across the table where it stopped precisely in the center and projected a volumetric map of known space that was large enough everyone was able to see it and read the little star system labels. "Owing to the lack of a war, our possibilities are wide open. Soldiers do not normally get to pick their missions, but I want you to be included; I am willing to entertain suggestions on where to go. We can also find rumors and missions around here or for any star system that may be looking into."

Aikiko walked in silence after asking her question. Seeing Tugs outside the restaurant at attention. It brought a soft smile to her. Walking up as she spoke. "Hey Tugs, come on inside," walking under the entrance way umbrella. She removed her hat and entered the Restaurant.


Aikiko eyes widen at the volumetric star map hovering over the table where the group sat. She made her way to the table. Her interest was perked. She moved to her seat and settled in the chair. "Hici'Emi II," unaware of having spoken out loud. Eyes narrow at remembering her not so pleasant early days as her eyes settled on a star system that had been given to the Lorath.
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