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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Five: Kekkon

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
16日 4月 YE 39
1600 Hours

On the Eastern side of the city was a large grouping of Star Army personnel flanking one side of the Ketsurui River where the sakura trees rained their pink petals and flowers on the ground and water. One one side of a space meant for the brides were the men of Kaiyō and on the side closest to the water were the women of the ship. They were Saki's bridesmaids and Eden's groomsmen. Soon, the pair would be standing next to one another in that open area between the two groups. For now, though, there was no sign of them.

That is, until Eden slipped into view of the Kaiyō crew —if they were looking— just as a ripple of sunlight bounced off the water's edge and splashed its brightness across her fully white shiromuku kimono. She bore a takashimada style of top knot and dangling kanzashi in her tightly bound black hair. Two slivers of her red nagajuban could be seen peeking out as the clothe pressed against her collarbones and chest. Her makeup had been done by Hanna earlier and smokey brown and blue shadow emanated above her golden eyes. Behind her a giant red umbrella was held by Deio Asuka vaguely over the bride, swaying mildly one way and another as she walked, not so accustomed to wearing geta as Eden was.

Teien Eden walked with ease and grace in her red geta and white tabi along the path towards the Kaiyō crew, though she was much too far away to be able to hear the crew nor feel disrespected if they talked amongst themselves while waiting for her to make her approach. She wondered, though, when she would get to see her love and walked in anything but a slow manner.
Meissa paced around semi-nervously, in her normal full attire, her hair grown out a little more than normal. She had debated on the merits of, again, wearing a skirt.

She decided to save herself the embarrassment.

Still, she waited around for the others to show up. She arrived a bit early with Mat, though not too early. It was a nice place, after all, and she'd much rather hold a mental image of it before the crew showed up.

Still yet another reason why she arrived early, it was said that the Empress herself would be coming. Well, it was a good time to make herself an at least halfway good impression, even if she wasn't really a patriot of Yamatai or what have you. Her hands were constantly in motion -- smoothing creases, adjusting hair, straightening feathers.
Mat was in attendance wearing his formal uniform. He didn't like it, and it was uncomfortable, but to wear anything less would be disrespectful to both the brides and the other attendees.

He walked up to Meissa, tugging on his collar.

"I don't understand, if this was made to fit, why is it so tight?"
"I don't know, I'm not a tailor." Meissa answered. It was probably some total bullshit reason, like 'it makes you look straighter' or whatever. Something really dumb.

She contemplated how it would be if she showed up wearing traditional Elysian garb. It would be flowy, it would be cool and not so at her throat...and it would be hell to wash because it would probably drag in the dirt. Again, better decision was made.

It seemed only moments later that Misaki appeared to Eden's immediate right on the other side of the path. Her attire was different. She wore a white shiromuku, with a red Uchikake adorned with a floral design of blue kikyos with green stems and gold trim with white curved lines. Her hair was done up in a top knot, with a white tsunokakushi covering it. She wore a similar geta and tabi setup to Eden, but the difference was incredibly hard to spot unless once was looking at them closely. She let her arms rest across her stomach, her palms open and pressing the material together and keeping it straight.

Besides her beautiful clothing, her expression was completely different from the old Misaki. She no longer looked shy and timid, especially under this stressful of an ordeal to some. Her face was resting with a happy expression as she looked to Eden and gave a quick smile before looking forward. On the inside, she was anxious and excited. Her big day had finally come.

Back from her trip just in time to assist with the last few hours of preparation before the event (since the higher ranking officers were disqualified by either being busy getting married, being a princess, or being male) Mitsuko was lined up closest to the platform. The Logistics Neko was wearing her rarely seen Duty Uniform, Type 35 in the full formal arrangement. The usually reserved Neko was sporting an impressive number or medals, especially for someone in her occupation. While the traditional Type 32 Cap that most of the other crew members were wearing had always been fine for her, in light of the formal situation she had obtained an Officer's Cap. It felt strange and out of place, but appearances were more important than comfort in this situation.

Murakami quietly scanned the crowd of soldiers, nodding to Iemochi lined up opposite her, making sure nothing, and no one, seemed out of place. As the stars of this little production began to approach, she smiled at the pretty picture the matching pair made. She wasn't a romantic, at least not anymore, but it was still a somewhat touching moment.

While she had grown used to the presence of princesses over the years, Mitsuko was still rather anxious about this promise of an Empress. She still didn't quite believe it was happening. The Logistics Officer had made no attempt to involve herself in any of those arrangements. She trusted that the efforts of their resident princess, Rei and the might of Yamatai's ruling family could more than handle their involvement in the occasion.
Amidst the gathered troupe of Eden's prized groomsmen stood Abart'huse, all decked out in formal-styled uniform as the military regulations had described. The black ribbon with small yellow dotted stripes he would usually have around his braid was replaced with a more ornate one that had a very clear black and yellow stripe pattern adorning it. This was one of his more "fancy" ribbons, used for festive occasions like these, opposed to his more plain day-to-day one. The lads had to shift around a bit to make enough room for his sizable lower body, sprawled out behind him in a light S-curved shape.

The fresh air of Kyoto's outdoors filled his nostrils with the lovely breeze, and he couldn't help but occassionally flick his tongue at the lovely atmosphere, almost swallowing a Sakura petal at one point. Speaking of sakura petals, the little pink, fluttery petals kept coming down from the captivating trees, rustling slightly in the breeze. Twirling through the air, it didn't take long before the lower end of his tail, poking out behind the crowd, was liglty covered in the fluffy pink decorations.

The snake would've rather worn his traditional garb, if it weren't for the fact that he never expected a wedding to happen his first few weeks of enlistment, as well as the fact that wearing the ornate and vibrant attire would look most out of place in the neatly lined up uniforms. Right now Taii Eden and Misaki were the ones who dressed themselves at their best, their pure and elegant appearences uncomparable to the disciplined and orderly Commanding officers he'd gotten used to seeing.

"Hmm.... i guess weddings are pretty similar no matter where you go huh? Some technicalities aside..."

He muttered to himself, having experienced weddings of a few family members back on Essia. The beautiful backdrop to this ceremony was a most fitting addition, however he as well as pretty much all of the crewmwmbers, was mos looking forward to the appearance of the empress.

His first few weeks aboard the star army had been anything but ordinary. While he thought there were gonna be new experiences ahead, in his wildes dreams he wouldn't have thought to fight off a horrendous Mishhuu assauls, attend a yamataian same-sex marriage of his captain AND get to see the Yamatai's empress in person, all in his first weeks! From a career perspective, the snek was on a roll.

Straightening the collar on his uniform a bit more, his face did show some minor sight of nervousness and exitement, while the tip of his tail was subcontiously wagging like crazy, looking quite silly as it sent a few sakura petals flying here and there.
Meissa looked over at the resident snake as he slithered through the reception area. She jogged through her mind on what things Elysian she could have worn. She didn't have a Xiphos, and even if she did it would just feel weird. That was...honestly about it. Wow, that list was short.

She absentmindedly poked her medals around, as well as her Itto Hei rank pin. She did pretty well to make it this far, she decided. She was also pretty thankful for Mat's presence on the day she brought him to her house. Doing the trip alone was never fun.

She suddenly realized she had never been to a wedding. She tried her best to keep that down.

"Well, Mat, I guess we gotta line up." she noted, once the others filed in. "See ya after."

Meissa casually took her spot a bit behind Mitsuko -- a decent enough space for one or two higher ranking officers to squeeze themselves between, but also didn't look weird. At least, she hoped. The Logistics Neko would just have a fit over it, she decided, if it looked bad.

Someone familiar stood towards the end of the row of bridesmaids, tall and observant. They had two large and healthy cobalt wings draped behind them neatly, and evenly.

Anastasia stood there quietly, wearing her best crimson Type 35 uniform, complete with an assortment of medals, pins, and... stripe. She looked healthier all of a sudden, with slightly more meat on her bones and her left wing no longer slumped. Her black hair was cut short and even, with one bright blue streak running from under the brim of her Type 32 cap down to her left eye.

She stood by Yoshida, giving the short Nekovalkyrja a smile. It was strange being away from her for the past few days, but she seemed to be doing fine. Anastasia looked back up at the newly present brides, smiling at Eden and Saki while standing with respect.
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Meissa leaned back a little towards the curiously fresh engineer. It was odd how she looked different now, so why not ask.

"Did you...get a new body or something?" Meissa asked.
Anastasia turned to look at Meissa briefly, hands held in front of her.
"Yes, I got it yesterday!" Anastasia answered.

That little rasp behind her voice was gone now, making her quiet chat much easier to understand.
It somewhat mildly disturbed Meissa that they were talking about bodies like they were rings or hair pins or clothing. But, she did note that Anastasia looked much better than before, her wings a bit fuller, she was a bit taller, and she looked better.

"Caelisolan?" she asked. "Can you fly now?"

It did certainly remind Meissa of that transition into a 'more superior' body. But it also took her a long time to get her 'more superior' body to a state she was satisfied with. The flying certainly was quite a difficult part -- she still remembered the sore muscles she had every day due to rigorous flight muscle workouts.

Yoshida stood along side Anastasia, quite happy to see her again. It had certainly been an interesting experience that week, one that while she didn't especially desire to repeat without anastasia, it wasn't terrible either. Riku had clearly taken good care of her and in the process, gave the neko a brand new friend. Currently, she was dressed in military formal wear, rather than the Kimino she had hoped to show off at the wedding, but it certainly wouldn't do to disrespect eden's request, or orders rather. "Nice to see you again! And- you are definetely wearing that body well!"

Yoshida giggled and gave a big grin again, as she stood very nearly at attention, with her absolutely immaculate uniform. She must have put it on only very shortly before arriving with how little signs of wrinkles and similar blemishes were on the getup. She absolutely loved the scenery, it wasn't often she got to see anything resembling it, only during their excursion to the uninhabited planet previously, and during their shore leave had she been able to enjoy fresh unfiltered air, comfortable cool breezes, and beautiful scenery like this.

She also looked across the way, noting the snake and his comments, grinning at those, and observing the other male counterparts of the kaiyo crew. There weren't nearly so many, it was almost strange seeing the clear difference first hand like that. She even gave a little wave to riku upon spotting him.
The whole process was uncomfortable for Anastasia as well. It was the strangest thing, waking up in a new body and seeing your own body before you, as if in third person. It was taking some getting used to, like wearing a suit of armor that's not the right size. The movements in her wings constantly overcorrected, the spry, undamaged muscles ready to go at any moment, like an engine.

"It is Caelisolan. I haven't tried flight yet, never learned how." Anastasia pondered the thought before returning her attention to the ceremony at hand. "...Thank you."
She quietly replied to Yoshida. She would have to catch up after the ceremony.
There was a small commotion among the guests as the Empress of Yamatai, Her Imperial Majesty Ketsurui Himiko, arrived at the wedding, along with her entourage of soldiers and samurai. She had long, straight silky black hair and bright red eyes, and was dressed in a many-layered gold-encrusted kimono.

She made her way up the aisle to the front and someone put a podium with a microphone in front of her.

"Good afternoon," she greeted the attending guests. "We have been invited to assist in this wedding," she explained.

Riku had arrived at the wedding, with Yoshida in tow, though he made sure to let her go on ahead to get a chance to meet up with whomever it was that tortured the poor Neko's thoughts so. He didn't want any rumors to spread, just in case it was a matter of the heart and not the soul. He wore his duty uniform proudly, a cap adorned atop the Minkan's head as he raised a hand and gave the faintest of smiles and waved towards the Neko he did his best to cheer up. Then, with wide eyes and a moment of stumble in his immaculate appearence, the Minkan straightened himself towards the arrival of the Empress; eyes down-cast as he looked at everything but her.

My eyes are not worthy.

This must have been something indeed for the Empress herself to grace the ceremony. It was either that or the Captain had far more resources and clout with the upper echelons of Yamataian society then he had given her credit for. When he finally did manage to look up, after a few moments of deep breathing, he noted how regal and beautiful she was. She was a blessing upon the planet and he felt, at this moment, the galaxy could weep in his place as she spoke to them. He found himself sub-consciously adjusting and fixing the buttons on his jacket, such was the rarest of occasions that he would have the honor of seeing the Empress first-hand.
Mat was in awe of the fact that empress Himiko was in attendance. Did the captain have some sort of reputation beyond what he knew about that would warrant this?

Outwardly, he stayed composed. Well, composed as one clumsy as him could be. He tried, for the most part, to just stay still to avoid drawing attention to himself or make any mistakes.

Meissa had expected the Empress herself to show up, but...well, honestly she didn't know what she was expecting. Not this? Good enough answer. She'd roll with that as the plausible explanation.

She wasn't sure whether she should perform an Elysian salute or a bow of sorts. So, she did both. She, stepping to a spot where she wouldn't hit anyone else, extended her wings out to their full length, while bending over low enough to be considered as a bow.
Orion had arrived slightly late, stepping into his place in his corresponding row, trying not to freak out because of the Empresses arrival. He never felt comfortable in the presence of any powerful person.

Orion was wearing his type 35 duty uniform with his rank pins as instructed, his wings neatly folded on his back.

He also noticed Anastasia's change, slightly smiling. He waved slightly at her, just to say 'hi'.
He already knew about the upgrade she got, even before he had gotten there, since Anastasia had mentioned it to the Elysian on their 'date'.
Next to arrive late was William. Unlike the others, he was not in full military regalia. He wore a black yukata, haori, and hakama. He moved quickly with his eyes downcast in shame. He was late and he was in the wedding...

He mentally kicked himself as he took his spot in line, feeling completely put of place. One of the only civilians in the predominantly military wedding. He looked at the captain and XO, smiling softly and scanned the crowd, however refusing to lay eyes on the Empress herself.
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