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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Four: Shinjitsu!

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
YSS Kaiyō
21日 3月 YE 39
1200 Hours

It had been a good many weeks since the Sixth Squadron had made its way off of the planet Komorebi with two pieces of enemy technology in the form of a shuttle and bomber. The planet was claimed for Yamatai by the princess, herself, in a declaration of ownership and pride suiting to one of Yui's daughters.

Today Taii Teien Eden stood at the front of the wardroom during their daily meeting time. The smell of yakisoba being finished up entered everyone's noses as they sat at different tables in the wardroom. The XO and Chui, Saki, sat in the front of the room next to Eden and every member of the crew of the Kaiyō was present.

"Let's begin. Today we will be doing something a little more... Different." Eden then cocked her head as she spoke, "We will play a truth and a lie. It is a game in which everyone will tell two things about themselves. One will be a true statement while the other will be a lie. The idea is to tell a convincing lie to the rest of the group, which will shout out which is the truth and which is the lie. We have a few new transfers to the Kaiyō, so please, introduce yourself with your name before beginning."

Eden then turned to Saki, saying, "Will you start us off Norogumi-Chui?"
YSS Kaiyo

Misaki turned almost ever shade of red at once, she didn't really know what to say in the slightest. She would have to invent something to be truth and something that wasn't true. Her mind racked through and through, weighing the obvious and the not at all obvious. Her voice quivered a fair bit when she spoke but finally decided on that it needed to be

"Uh... hi all, m-my name is Norogumi Misaki. I-I used to be m-much more shy than I am now and I am... I am a compulsive liar." Her voice broke off a little at the end, one hand gripping at her skirt a little before letting loose again. Her violet eyes went over to Eden somewhat pleadingly, as if asking 'why me' before neutrally looking around to the crew in an attempt to cover it up.
YSS Kaiyō

Riku smiled as he once again had a chance to witness the awkward, if strangely compatible, chemistry between the Captain and the Executive Officer. He'd never witnessed a marriage proposal done on a warship before, on his first day no less, but then again there was such a thing as 'Love Day' so perhaps it wasn't so strange after all. To help break the awkwardness and spare his new XO, he stood up and bowed to the entire room.

"Hello, my name is Kawazoe Riku. You may be familiar with my voice after having heard it so many times today," He smiled and raised himself from his small bow. "I currently serve as the ship's communications operator, and in the future, I also hope to one day return home to my family on Yamatai with a harem of wives in my arms."

Briefly glancing over towards the XO, he gave a small bow of the head, hoping that saying such an embarrassing thing would help ease whatever awkward tension she now felt at being the first choice.

Eden gave a small laugh behind her hand as Saki went up and then telepathically reassured her with a feeling of happiness after having heard her speak out to the group.

Eden said, "If you were a compulsive liar, I would be in a lot of trouble, wouldn't I?" Eden thought to say something to the effect of asking if Saki were truly pregnant as a joke, then decided to remain professional and got back to the game, saying, "You are a lot less shy than you used to be, Saki. We all appreciate the leaps and bounds you have come. Though the shy person you used to be is no less great than the one that stands before us today, just different."

Then, Eden turned her attention to Riku. She tilted her head once more and thought to answer, knowing his history quite well, then chose to open it up to the rest of the group by saying, "Anybody care to answer Riku-hei?"
YSS Kaiyō

Hanna glanced around the room as she began to formulate her reply to Kawazoe Hei. To her, it was quite obvious which one of his statements was the truth. A quick glance at her Type 36 Communicator would tell her that. However, since the game the captain had initiated seemed to have a light-hearted mood to it, Hanna decided that she would offer her thoughts on Kawazoe Hei's dreams. Her response decided, Hanna took a deep breath, stood from her chair, and bowed to the room.

"Before I begin, my name is Hanna Madsen and I am one of the new transfers to the Kaiyō." Suddenly conscious of her piping voice and the eyes upon her, Hanna slightly stammered over her next lines. "Kawazoe Hei, I's slightly obvious that you don't plan to carry a harem of wives in your arms to your family on Yamatai. I'm not so sure if you could carry that many women to begin with. However, I think it's cute that you fantasize about such romantic aspirations."

After commenting on Kawazoe Hei's assertions, Hanna turned and gave a small bow to the captain. She took another breath and said, "In the future, I hope to undergo advanced training as Space infantry. I also hope to bear direct witness to a dying star, while inside a Mindy."
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YSS Kaiyo Wardroom

"It's technically possible if the nekos decide to reduce their weight. Then you'd altogether weigh about as much as I do!" A cheery voice reverberated from the back of the room, its source an overwhelmingly smol Elysian girl standing next to a much more normal-sized Minkan. Arbles smirked a little at the thought, a bunch of nekos piled on top of each other like in some of those cheesy animated shows the Yamatai civilians liked to watch. She took a step forward, letting herself have some room since she had been leaning against Mochi so long her right side had become too warm.

"Arbitrated Shan, at your service." There was a slightly exaggerated curtsey, as the pint-sized birb decided to simultaneously unfold her wings just enough to block Mochi's view and bring attention to them, before returning to her normal vertical and minimal profile. "Well, considering you can't get to see a dying star without being trained in infantry, and you already have infantry training... So you want to see a dying star, huh? I've got to admint, pretty cool... As long as, y'know, you're at a safe distance. Since, well, there's the whole star part."

After clearing her throat, Arblebarble continued-or, she tried to, "I...." Wait, no... Should I.... They're too new. "I once saved an entire ship of people on a training flight. On top of that, I plan to in the future help develop new weapons for our alliance." Okay, one truth and one mostly-untruth. Labs are too boring, I'd rather take part in the field tests part of those weapons... Drifting away into thoughts again, the Itto Hei slid backwards against the wall, eventually settling into a position that was comfortable enough but without Seinosuke to lean on in case he wanted to go next or... Something.
"Hanna, you'd probably get cooked inside out in a Mindy through the gamma radiation of a dying star." Meissa snorted from behind Mat. She took every last bit of Mat's shorter stature to her advantage, placing her elbows on his shoulders. "Hello, anyways. I'm Meissa Nashira. I secretly hate my roommate and I can't live without my frozen treats."

It was probably a pretty easy one to figure out. At least three others knew which one was the truth and lie. Plus, if they were attentive enough in the wardroom, they would know as well. Her daily fudge pop runs were heavenly bliss after a day's worth of stagnant ship chores. She really just wanted to see the three others freak out for a second or two. If they gave her the satisfaction.

Hanna was taken aback at the ignorance of Nashira Hei and Shan Hei regarding the training procedures of the Star Army. The Elysians seemed to exhibit an ignorance of standard training and assignment procedure for Nekovalkryja. While Hanna had underwent basic training and knew how to use DAISY and MINDY power armor, she had not yet underwent specialization training as Planetary or Space Infantry. Hanna realized that both of the Elysians thought that she had underwent specialization training along with basic training. She thought to correct them, but decided that she would do so later on, in private. For now, she decided to observe the rest of the activity and to take digital notes on the rest of her crew members.

Mitsuko sat near the front, quietly observing the ongoing exercise while sipping at her tea. Iced tea, today. She was also doing her best to not seem too distracted by the aroma of lunch wafting their way. The Logistics Neko realized this little game could be somewhat important, as the choice of a truth to share was just as telling as the lie someone concocted. There would definitely be a bit of insight into the crew's mental processing, if they paid attention. Murakami had so far kept silent as she observed...her propensity for absorbing any information available in the crew's personnel files gave her something of an unfair advantage, which she was relatively sure Eden and Misaki likely shared.

Sutahira Medikku stood near the back of the room, listening to the others list their truths and lies. Being one of the few, if not the only, human on the ship was intimidating. Rather than stay in Nepleslia, his family had fought against the Nepleslians who sought independence, and that was when he had lost his father. The Elysians, Nekos, and Minkans all intimidated him, but they were his team. He would undoubtedly have to choose between his life and his team's one day. He hoped he could choose to save everyone if the situation allowed it.

Sutahira noticed the Neko seem surprised by the Elysian's response, and noted that. He decided that he would respond next and try to form as many connections between his comrades as he possibly could.

"Hey," He said, standing straight as he pushed himself off of the wall. "I'm Sutahira Medikku, one of the ship's new medics." He nodded to various crew members, making sure to linger his nod at his Captain and Executive Officer. "Let's see. My first potential lie is that I have three siblings, and my other potential lie is that I skipped a portion of medical training." He said, scanning the room to observe the reactions. A simple personnel file check would confirm that he was an only child, and that he had in fact been able to skip a year in his medical training. He stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for someone to to guess his lie. He would definitely note who said what.
YSS Kaiyō, Wardroom
21日 3月 YE 39
1207 Hours

Chui Norogumi Misaki said:
Misaki turned almost ever shade of red at once, she didn't really know what to say in the slightest. She would have to invent something to be truth and something that wasn't true. Her mind racked through and through, weighing the obvious and the not at all obvious. Her voice quivered a fair bit when she spoke but finally decided on that it needed to be

"Uh... hi all, m-my name is Norogumi Misaki. I-I used to be m-much more shy than I am now and I am... I am a compulsive liar." Her voice broke off a little at the end, one hand gripping at her skirt a little before letting loose again. Her violet eyes went over to Eden somewhat pleadingly, as if asking 'why me' before neutrally looking around to the crew in an attempt to cover it up.

Based upon analysis of Norogumi-Chui's personnel file, there exists a high probability (94.12%, plus or minus 00.10%) that the first statement is true; regarding the second statement, no analysis whatsoever is needed - body language, facial expression, eye movements, and speech patterns all indicate that said statement is blatantly false.

Santô Hei Kawazoe Riku said:
Riku smiled as he once again had a chance to witness the awkward, if strangely compatible, chemistry between the Captain and the Executive Officer. He'd never witnessed a marriage proposal done on a warship before, on his first day no less, but then again there was such a thing as 'Love Day' so perhaps it wasn't so strange after all. To help break the awkwardness and spare his new XO, he stood up and bowed to the entire room.

"Hello, my name is Kawazoe Riku. You may be familiar with my voice after having heard it so many times today," He smiled and raised himself from his small bow. "I currently serve as the ship's communications operator, and in the future, I also hope to one day return home to my family on Yamatai with a harem of wives in my arms."

Briefly glancing over towards the XO, he gave a small bow of the head, hoping that saying such an embarrassing thing would help ease whatever awkward tension she now felt at being the first choice.

Perusal of the YSS Kaiyō's current crew roster implies the former to be true, ergo suggesting that the latter is false; even without external assistance, however, body and eye movements indicate a probability of 65.09% (plus or minus 1.19%) that the statement is untrue. Also of note is Kawazoe-Hei's passing respect to the customs of my nation, a trait not typically found in non-Nekovalkyrja.

Santô Hei Madsen Hanna said:
Hanna glanced around the room as she began to formulate her reply to Kawazoe Hei. To her, it was quite obvious which one of his statements was the truth. A quick glance at her Type 36 Communicator would tell her that. However, since the game the captain had initiated seemed to have a light-hearted mood to it, Hanna decided that she would offer her thoughts on Kawazoe Hei's dreams. Her response decided, Hanna took a deep breath, stood from her chair, and bowed to the room.

"Before I begin, my name is Hanna Madsen and I am one of the new transfers to the Kaiyō." Suddenly conscious of her piping voice and the eyes upon her, Hanna slightly stammered over her next lines. "Kawazoe Hei, I's slightly obvious that you don't plan to carry a harem of wives in your arms to your family on Yamatai. I'm not so sure if you could carry that many women to begin with. However, I think it's cute that you fantasize about such romantic aspirations."

After commenting on Kawazoe Hei's assertions, Hanna turned and gave a small bow to the captain. She took another breath and said, "In the future, I hope to undergo advanced training as Space infantry. I also hope to bear direct witness to a dying star, while inside a Mindy."

Considering the youthfulness of the speaker, the likelihood of the first statement being truthful is 51.09% (plus or minus 9.11%; the Hei's tendency to act withdrawn following repeated incidents during Socialization grants her a noticeable amount of control over her body language and expression); for similar reasons, the chances of the second statement being untrue are 57.11% (plus or minus 8.68%). Further observation in a discreet manner is obviously required, given the unacceptability of an Operative such as myself having such uncertainty regarding the behavior of a fellow crewmate and Nekovalkyrja.

Ittô Hei Shan Arbitrated said:
"It's technically possible if the nekos decide to reduce their weight. Then you'd altogether weigh about as much as I do!" A cheery voice reverberated from the back of the room, its source an overwhelmingly smol Elysian girl standing next to a much more normal-sized Minkan. Arbles smirked a little at the thought, a bunch of nekos piled on top of each other like in some of those cheesy animated shows the Yamatai civilians liked to watch. She took a step forward, letting herself have some room since she had been leaning against Mochi so long her right side had become too warm.

"Arbitrated Shan, at your service." There was a slightly exaggerated curtsey, as the pint-sized birb decided to simultaneously unfold her wings just enough to block Mochi's view and bring attention to them, before returning to her normal vertical and minimal profile. "Well, considering you can't get to see a dying star without being trained in infantry, and you already have infantry training... So you want to see a dying star, huh? I've got to admint, pretty cool... As long as, y'know, you're at a safe distance. Since, well, there's the whole star part."

After clearing her throat, Arblebarble continued-or, she tried to, "I...." Wait, no... Should I.... They're too new. "I once saved an entire ship of people on a training flight. On top of that, I plan to in the future help develop new weapons for our alliance." Okay, one truth and one mostly-untruth. Labs are too boring, I'd rather take part in the field tests part of those weapons... Drifting away into thoughts again, the Itto Hei slid backwards against the wall, eventually settling into a position that was comfortable enough but without Seinosuke to lean on in case he wanted to go next or... Something.

Typically inefficient Elysian theatrics aside, this particular set of statements would admittedly pose some degree of difficulty to one without access to the crew's personnel records. The former statement has a probability of 64.03% (plus or minus 9.20%) of being correct, given the lack of indicative body language; fortunately, however, the Hei's personnel file verifies this claim as accurate, therefore suggesting that the latter claim is false - which is more likely then not, given that said assumption has an accuracy of 81.63% (plus or minus 2.35%) due to the delay that occurred before the statements having no other statistically significant cause...and - as Arbitrated settled against the wall - yet another example of Elysian inferiority, albeit one with more worrying implications seeing as how it reflects upon the standards (or lack thereof) enforced by Teien-Taii and Norogumi-Chui.

Ittô Hei Nashira Meissa said:
"Hanna, you'd probably get cooked inside out in a Mindy through the gamma radiation of a dying star." Meissa snorted from behind Mat. She took every last bit of Mat's shorter stature to her advantage, placing her elbows on his shoulders. "Hello, anyways. I'm Meissa Nashira. I secretly hate my roommate and I can't live without my frozen treats."

It was probably a pretty easy one to figure out. At least three others knew which one was the truth and lie. Plus, if they were attentive enough in the wardroom, they would know as well. Her daily fudge pop runs were heavenly bliss after a day's worth of stagnant ship chores. She really just wanted to see the three others freak out for a second or two. If they gave her the satisfaction.

Insufficent data for analysis, unfortunately; although the Hei provides a textbook example of their kind's imperfect nature, my arrival onboard the ship thirty minutes prior has not permitted me enough time to review the crew's logs or examine their dietary habits. Perha-

Santô Hei Madsen Hanna said:
Hanna was taken aback at the ignorance of Nashira Hei and Shan Hei regarding the training procedures of the Star Army. The Elysians seemed to exhibit an ignorance of standard training and assignment procedure for Nekovalkryja. While Hanna had underwent basic training and knew how to use DAISY and MINDY power armor, she had not yet underwent specialization training as Planetary or Space Infantry. Hanna realized that both of the Elysians thought that she had underwent specialization training along with basic training. She thought to correct them, but decided that she would do so later on, in private. For now, she decided to observe the rest of the activity and to take digital notes on the rest of her crew members.

Fascinating. Further observation is definitely required.

Santô Hei Medikku Sutahira said:
Sutahira Medikku stood near the back of the room, listening to the others list their truths and lies. Being one of the few, if not the only, human on the ship was intimidating. Rather than stay in Nepleslia, his family had fought against the Nepleslians who sought independence, and that was when he had lost his father. The Elysians, Nekos, and Minkans all intimidated him, but they were his team. He would undoubtedly have to choose between his life and his team's one day. He hoped he could choose to save everyone if the situation allowed it.

Sutahira noticed the Neko seem surprised by the Elysian's response, and noted that. He decided that he would respond next and try to form as many connections between his comrades as he possibly could.

"Hey," He said, standing straight as he pushed himself off of the wall. "I'm Sutahira Medikku, one of the ship's new medics." He nodded to various crew members, making sure to linger his nod at his Captain and Executive Officer. "Let's see. My first potential lie is that I have three siblings, and my other potential lie is that I skipped a portion of medical training." He said, scanning the room to observe the reactions. A simple personnel file check would confirm that he was an only child, and that he had in fact been able to skip a year in his medical training. He stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for someone to to guess his lie. He would definitely note who said what.

As before, the Hei's statements would prove challenging were it not for my security clearances; interestingly, he is the first to break from the "established" precedent of honesty followed by dishonesty, providing my assumptions have been correct thus far. Personnel records show the Hei to be an only child and to have indeed graduated a year before his classmates were able to do so, posing the question of why such an obvious...ah. Fascinating, except for the self-evidently unprofessional observation techniques being utilized. Regardless, however, it appears to at last be my turn.

Silently, the sole occupant of one of the Wardroom's booths - who'd positioned herself so that she could watch the doorway and the rest of the room with relative ease - stood up, revealing herself to be a Type 33 Nekovalkyrja clad in an immaculately-maintained Type 35 Class B Duty Uniform, which more specifically consisted of a black-paneled jacket (sporting the insignia of a Santô Juni), a regal blue skirt, cadet blue tights, a jet-black belt (with a holster containing a dark-hued pistol), and a pair of black heels. She was of average height (for a Nekovalkyrja) and in possession of an ample and curvaceous (though not overly so) figure that was lean but unmistakably muscled. Her hair (and the fur adorning her Neko-style ears) was a rich, deep shade of navy blue that contrasted smoothly with her cream-colored complexion - but it was her viridescent eye, the piercing gaze that accompanied them, and her expression (the definition of "expressionless neutrality," which it had been ever since this newcomer stepped onboard the Kaiyō) that truly defined her.

Then she bowed several times, providing the male (and female, were they interested) occupants of the room with a lovely view as the aforementioned uniform hugged her every curve she did so. The first two were towards Taii Teien Eden and Chui Norogumi Misaki (Captain and the First Officer, respectively) and were deep - a sign of the respect the pair of Nekovalkyrja officers were due - but not too deep, signifying this newcomer's disapproval of the degree of intimacy the newlyweds had chosen to embrace. The next one was the deepest of them all and, unsurprisingly enough, intended for Shoi Kohosei Ketsurui Aiko, sixth daughter of Ketsurui Yui and a Princess of the Yamatai Star Empire; following that was one for the aforementioned royalty's retainer, Rei - who, in the newcomer's opinion, deserved respect regardless of rank because of the former's status as a Samurai of the Ketsurui Clan. Last but certainly not least was the bow meant for Santô Juni Murakami Mitsuko, who at five years old was senior to the newcomer in terms of age - and while this final bow was the shallowest, it was also deeper than any of the ones that had been conducted previously, simply because of the fact that it would have been inappropriate (to say the least!) for a Nekovalkyrja to display less respect than one of the other imperfect races.

Then, at long last, she finally spoke, her tone quiet, controlled, and emotionless, almost to the point of being artificial - yet in spite of all this, there was also an undefinable (yet unmistakable) sense of firmness, like a solid layer of rock hidden beneath a veil of autumn leaves.

"Santô Juni Hayashi Akiko. Unlike Norogumi-Chui, I am perfectly honest. All Nekovalkyrja are also chronic liars."

There was something else, too, hidden away in the depths of Akiko's voice, far out of reach of any prying ears or eyes.

Hayashi Akiko was furious. Furious that the Star Army of Yamatai had permitted a starship as iconic as a Plumeria-class to be manned by brazenly imperfect Elysians, Minkans, and humans (humans), furious at the Captain and Executive Officer for allowing the discipline and standards of the crew to become so imperfect, furious that something as sacred as the chain of command could become so perverted by things like "love" and "marriage," and - most of all - furious that there was a NMX agent sitting mere meters away from her.

As she sat back down, the Intelligence Operative allowed the faintest ghost of a smile to flicker across her features, despite the bitterness of her thoughts. Nagase, as always, was right - there was indeed plenty of work to be done if they wanted to make the Star Army of Yamatai perfect again.
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Meissa already decided she viewed this new addendum unfavorably. It reminded her of a small cluster of unfavorable idiots named the Patricians. Except for a handful.

She noted that smile. Fake. Like the smile a wolf gives before devouring its prey. Perhaps, the greatest lie that anyone would deliver today. She held herself back from digging into her, mining for information as a Seraphim would mine for resources. It was, she decided, about time to get a little serious.

"A paradox, eh? Nice. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure all Nekovalkyria are not chronic liars. Otherwise we'd have a whole load of drama onboard some Plumerias."

Yoshida hummed to herself quietly as she watched, and played with her tail. She wasn't sure what to say as a truth that wasn't obvious from the start, wasn't sure she could tell an even half believable lie. Therefore, the excitable neko sat, slightly pouting and puffing her cheeks out, unintentionally drawing attention to the blue triangular genetic tatoos on her cheeks in the process. She fidgeted yet further as several asked questions, but fewer seemed to be inclined to play the game of trying to figure out which was a truth and an untruth, combing her short black hair with her hands for a moment.

She would have started speaking up then with guesses and conclusions drawn from experience getting to know the crew rather than simply rolling the dice somewhat based on what she thought the kind of person was, but then the SAINT agent piped up. She made an impression to say the least, both on how she looked and how she acted. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but she could almost feel her eyeing everyone up behind an impenetrable pokerface, and an icey smile. Yoshida of course, quickly hovered up to give her the customary bow a superior deserved upon entering a room before she sat back down to think.

"Okay... Meissa yours is obvious, you wouldn't secretly hate Shan! I mean, I wouldn't think so!" Yoshida almost giggled at the notion. She then turned to Arbitrated "Ah... yours is harder but since I don't think you can pilot a ship, fix one, or fight... I think the first is a lie!" Then to the new medic. "... Well... Medical training skip? You could have already been good enough to skip some of it maybe!" Finally she turned to the saint. "Well I'm no liar so, I sure know which is true!" Her tail swished behind her, somewhat excitedly, curious. "Okay how did I do there?" She gave a curious glance to the saint officer, already wishing for the old one to make a dramatic return really, but this was probably how it had to be now.
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As Hanna sat in her chair observing the interactions, she noted a palpable tension that arose within the room after Nashira Hei spoke. Unconsciously, Hanna nervously stroked her tail in response. Previously, Hayashi Juni had spoke with a mechanical infallibility that gave her an authoritative aspect. In addition, her uniform was well maintained and attractively accentuated her form. Despite her statement regarding Norogumi Chui, Hayashi Juni did not seem like one who would habitually tell a white-faced lie or a banal joke. Hanna admired that about her and sought to interact with Hayashi Juni in private. Even so, Hanna was not quite sure which one of the two statements Hayashi Juni made was true. Based on her past experiences at Fort Victory, Hanna thought that most Nekovalkryja could lie, cheat, and, gossip if secured within their own cliques. So perhaps that statement was true, however, if the other statement regarding Norogumi Chui was true, then Hayashi Juni was a bold woman indeed.

However, Hanna could not help but reflect on Nashira Hei's statements. She had previously demonstrated her callousness when she ungracefully snorted at Hanna in response to her statements. In keeping, Nashira Hei had implied that Norogumi Chui was dishonest. From her earlier observations of Norogumi Chui, Hanna inferred that the Executive Officer was close to Teien Taii. The way that Norogumi Chui had nervously played with her skirt and her pleading look at Teien Taii had given her that much. So why did Nashira Hei imply that the ship's Executive Officer was dishonest? Was it her presumably close relationship with the captain? Yoshida Hei echoed Nashira Hei's statements regarding the Executive Officer. Hanna made an audible gasp as she made this connection, her bushy tail swooshing up in surprise and astonishment. The audible aberration attracted a few stares from those sitting within Hanna's proximity, however they quickly turned their attention to the next subject of interest...

YSS Kaiyō

Anastasia Barlow had been quiet up until now, absorbing all the information being thrown around the room, some truth, some lies. She didn't speak up, others had done so not quite on her behalf, but she might not of anyway. She had been busy these past few weeks, carefully disassembling the L'Kor armors obtained last mission. Currently most were disassembled in the med bay, each individual piece and system labeled and bagged. It was quiet work.

Anastasia caught the icy gaze of the new SAINT officer in the corner of the room, turning to stone briefly. SAINT officers always sent a chill down her spine, the air of authority and privacy invasion wasn't something she found appealing. Not sure what to do to escape the accidental near eye contact, Anastasia looked away before rising to introduce herself. She hadn't thought of a lie yet. She didn't like to lie, SAINT would know if she lied.

"I- uhhrn. My name is Anastasia Barlow, Nito Hei. Some of you already know me, I'm... one of the technicians on board."

Her voice trailed off as she tried to think of a truth and a lie. "My middle name is Amora..."

Anastasia nervously pondered, grasping for a word, a phrase. The SAINT officer was making her uncomfortable, and it was starting to show. All she has to say was one little lie.

"And... I've never been to school."

It was technically a lie. The extra technical courses at Ketsurui Academy was close enough. She sat down, avoiding Akiko's scanning of the room.
YSS Kaiyō

William silently held his vigil in the far corner of the room, simply listening to everyone and making note of the new people to join the ship. His face remained in its normal deadpan expression as his hands moved from the hilt of his two swords and crossed them in front of him and continued to scan the room. He silently made his guess about each person's lie in his head as they spoke. He wasn't sure or not whether he should include himself or not. After all he was merely the apprentice... He didn't believe that it was his place to speak, though he felt that often when he was with everyone.

As Anastasia answered, he decided that he would give it a try. He swallowed the lump in his throat before he began speaking. "Is the lie you have never been to school? I mean you had to go to basic training and learn your given role before you came. That counts as school right? At least I think." William said rather softly from the back of the room.

"Um, for those who don't know me, I am William. I the student to Rei-Sama, and another retainer Shoi Kohosei Ketsurui Aiko." He said bowing to everyone, his body pointed towards Aiko as usual, paying the most respect to her. As he stood back up he looked around. " I guess it is my turn." He said, looking thoughtful for a moment. "I serve on this ship with my mother and I also am a practicer of the Shadow Viper style." he added, wondering if they would get it correct.
YSS Kaiyō, Wardroom
21日 3月 YE 39
1210 Hours

Ittô Hei Nashira Meissa said:
Meissa already decided she viewed this new addendum unfavorably. It reminded her of a small cluster of unfavorable idiots named the Patricians. Except for a handful.

She noted that smile. Fake. Like the smile a wolf gives before devouring its prey. Perhaps, the greatest lie that anyone would deliver today. She held herself back from digging into her, mining for information as a Seraphim would mine for resources. It was, she decided, about time to get a little serious.

"A paradox, eh? Nice. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure all Nekovalkyria are not chronic liars. Otherwise we'd have a whole load of drama onboard some Plumerias."

Fascinating that an imperfect Caelisolan would grasp the actual intent of my statements, though the comment regarding drama aboard Plumeria-class Medium Gunships is a further example of the flaws inherently present in her kind; Nekovalkyrja, after all, would not be the one responsible for inciting drama in the first place.

Ittô Hei Yoshida Kokoro said:
Yoshida hummed to herself quietly as she watched, and played with her tail. She wasn't sure what to say as a truth that wasn't obvious from the start, wasn't sure she could tell an even half believable lie. Therefore, the excitable neko sat, slightly pouting and puffing her cheeks out, unintentionally drawing attention to the blue triangular genetic tatoos on her cheeks in the process. She fidgeted yet further as several asked questions, but fewer seemed to be inclined to play the game of trying to figure out which was a truth and an untruth, combing her short black hair with her hands for a moment.

She would have started speaking up then with guesses and conclusions drawn from experience getting to know the crew rather than simply rolling the dice somewhat based on what she thought the kind of person was, but then the SAINT agent piped up. She made an impression to say the least, both on how she looked and how she acted. Perhaps it was only her imagination, but she could almost feel her eyeing everyone up behind an impenetrable pokerface, and an icey smile. Yoshida of course, quickly hovered up to give her the customary bow a superior deserved upon entering a room before she sat back down to think.

"Okay... Meissa yours is obvious, you wouldn't secretly hate Shan! I mean, I wouldn't think so!" Yoshida almost giggled at the notion. She then turned to Arbitrated "Ah... yours is harder but since I don't think you can pilot a ship, fix one, or fight... I think the first is a lie!" Then to the new medic. "... Well... Medical training skip? You could have already been good enough to skip some of it maybe!" Finally she turned to the saint. "Well I'm no liar so, I sure know which is true!" Her tail swished behind her, somewhat excitedly, curious. "Okay how did I do there?" She gave a curious glance to the saint officer, already wishing for the old one to make a dramatic return really, but this was probably how it had to be now.

Definitely energetic - and a definite source of information regarding her crewmates. Fascinating, though the statement (accurate with an 82.16% certainty, plus or minus 1.08% due to body language and facial expression) regarding the relationship between Meissa-Hei and Shan-Hei - both members of the same imperfect race - is admittedly a correlation I should have deduced immediately, and a fault that shall be analyzed at a later point in time; unfortunately, she failed to grasp the nature of my comments - most likely (94.12%, plus or minus 1.73%) due to youth, personality, and/or inexperience in the field. Peculiar that that feedback was requested from me in such a public venue; given that the requested is a fellow Nekovalkyrja (and a freshly-decanted one, at that) however, does oblige me to respond - and simultaneously establishes a means of commencing the aforementioned interrogation.

Santô Hei Madsen Hanna said:
As Hanna sat in her chair observing the interactions, she noted a palpable tension that arose within the room after Nashira Hei spoke. Unconsciously, Hanna nervously stroked her tail in response. Previously, Hayashi Juni had spoke with a mechanical infallibility that gave her an authoritative aspect. In addition, her uniform was well maintained and attractively accentuated her form. Despite her statement regarding Norogumi Chui, Hayashi Juni did not seem like one who would habitually tell a white-faced lie or a banal joke. Hanna admired that about her and sought to interact with Hayashi Juni in private. Even so, Hanna was not quite sure which one of the two statements Hayashi Juni made was true. Based on her past experiences at Fort Victory, Hanna thought that most Nekovalkryja could lie, cheat, and, gossip if secured within their own cliques. So perhaps that statement was true, however, if the other statement regarding Norogumi Chui was true, then Hayashi Juni was a bold woman indeed.

However, Hanna could not help but reflect on Nashira Hei's statements. She had previously demonstrated her callousness when she ungracefully snorted at Hanna in response to her statements. In keeping, Nashira Hei had implied that Norogumi Chui was dishonest. From her earlier observations of Norogumi Chui, Hanna inferred that the Executive Officer was close to Teien Taii. The way that Norogumi Chui had nervously played with her skirt and her pleading look at Teien Taii had given her that much. So why did Nashira Hei imply that the ship's Executive Officer was dishonest? Was it her presumably close relationship with the captain? Yoshida Hei echoed Nashira Hei's statements regarding the Executive Officer. Hanna made an audible gasp as she made this connection, her bushy tail swooshing up in surprise and astonishment. The audible aberration attracted a few stares from those sitting within Hanna's proximity, however they quickly turned their attention to the next subject of interest...


Nitô Hei Barlow Anastasia said:
Anastasia Barlow had been quiet up until now, absorbing all the information being thrown around the room, some truth, some lies. She didn't speak up, others had done so not quite on her behalf, but she might not of anyway. She had been busy these past few weeks, carefully disassembling the L'Kor armors obtained last mission. Currently most were disassembled in the med bay, each individual piece and system labeled and bagged. It was quiet work.

Anastasia caught the icy gaze of the new SAINT officer in the corner of the room, turning to stone briefly. SAINT officers always sent a chill down her spine, the air of authority and privacy invasion wasn't something she found appealing. Not sure what to do to escape the accidental near eye contact, Anastasia looked away before rising to introduce herself. She hadn't thought of a lie yet. She didn't like to lie, SAINT would know if she lied.

"I- uhhrn. My name is Anastasia Barlow, Nito Hei. Some of you already know me, I'm... one of the technicians on board."

Her voice trailed off as she tried to think of a truth and a lie. "My middle name is Amora..."

Anastasia nervously pondered, grasping for a word, a phrase. The SAINT officer was making her uncomfortable, and it was starting to show. All she has to say was one little lie.

"And... I've never been to school."

It was technically a lie. The extra technical courses at Ketsurui Academy was close enough. She sat down, avoiding Akiko's scanning of the room.

Impressive, considering the degree to which I have perfected my skills at discretely observing others - and quite unexpected in an Elysian, albeit something that should have been accounted for. Analysis of nonverbal cues indicates a 72.21% (plus or minus 1.35%) possibility of a distress-based reaction to either my rank, my affiliation with Intelligence, or my species. Perusal of her personnel file indicated submissive tendencies with regards to authority - thereby reducing the probability of the first to a non-significant value - and the suspected murder of a parental figure (which in itself is yet another example of the imperfection that has crept into the Army's ranks; were Nagase-san in command, such potentially dangerous individuals would never be allowed to enlist) implies a 75.27% possibility of the second and, though the result dismays me, a 48.04% possibility of the latter being the initial cause, plus or minus 0.11% and 0.65%, respectively. As for her statements, yet another trivial challenge, no doubt because of her Elysian nature. A quick glance at the aforementioned personnel file reveals the first to be true, ergo - just as with Norogumi-Chui - the second statement is false with a 94.12% degree of certainty (plus or minus 0.02%) as demonstrated by her body language.

Gakusei William said:
William silently held his vigil in the far corner of the room, simply listening to everyone and making note of the new people to join the ship. His face remained in its normal deadpan expression as his hands moved from the hilt of his two swords and crossed them in front of him and continued to scan the room. He silently made his guess about each person's lie in his head as they spoke. He wasn't sure or not whether he should include himself or not. After all he was merely the apprentice... He didn't believe that it was his place to speak, though he felt that often when he was with everyone.

As Anastasia answered, he decided that he would give it a try. He swallowed the lump in his throat before he began speaking. "Is the lie you have never been to school? I mean you had to go to basic training and learn your given role before you came. That counts as school right? At least I think." William said rather softly from the back of the room.

"Um, for those who don't know me, I am William. I the student to Rei-Sama, and another retainer Shoi Kohosei Ketsurui Aiko." He said bowing to everyone, his body pointed towards Aiko as usual, paying the most respect to her. As he stood back up he looked around. " I guess it is my turn." He said, looking thoughtful for a moment. "I serve on this ship with my mother and I also am a practicer of the Shadow Viper style." he added, wondering if they would get it correct.

Nearly impossible to read, courtesy of his upbringing and training as a Samurai, which further demonstrates the superiority a Yamataian-based "childhood" can grant an individual, even one as lowly as a Nepleslian. Without access to his personnel records, I would have little to no data on which to base my assumptions on; thankfully, said records indicate his mother to be Rei-Sama, proving the second statement to be an untruth with an accuracy of 43.16%, plus or minus 12.46%, owing to the lack of discernable behavioral characteristics.

The Operative's visage - unreadable as ever following its brief lapse into the imperfect realms of emotion - offered no answer to Yoshida, nor would it deign to converse with an imperfect Elysian unless specifically given direct orders to do so.
YSS Kaiyō

There was something to be said about being surrounded by so many different personalities off the bat, quirks and eccentricities announcing themselves in the way they spoke and the mannerisms in which his fellow crew-mates conducted themselves. Riku found himself silently appreciating them, giving the voices he had heard throughout the day faces in which the Yamataian could now readily identify with. All except one, of course, the silent and coldly attractive woman that introduced herself in such a way that ever so momentarily piqued his interest. MEGAMI had provided him dossiers on all the ship's current crew complement at his request, but there was one it could not reveal to him due to it's locked and classified status.

Hayashi Akiko. Santô Juni. Her appearance and manner of speaking aside, the way she held her stance coupled with the quiet, piercing gaze she every so often seemed to place upon each person practically screamed out Star Army Intelligence.

It was rude to stare, though, so he finally averted his eyes from her face and instead made it so they now traveled across her curvaceous body; appreciating it for what it was rather then the person it belonged to. With a small smile he eventually pulled himself away and crossed his arms, looking towards William, the civilian he had been made aware of. He wondered what exactly he was doing here, of all places - his guardian being a Ketsurui Samurai might have had something to do with it now that Riku thought about it some more.

Ever the pragmatists.
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"Why would you ever think I hated my roommate?" Meissa chuckled, as she twirled her water canteen by the strap. The thought itself was stupid at this point. Sure, bad first and second impressions, but the remaining impressions made up for those.
YSS Kaiyo

Sutahira shifted uncomfortably next to the door, sensing the tension in the small room. He watched and silently made mental notes about everyone's responses, and witnessed them shoot daggers at others when they thought no-one was watching. He kept quiet, noticing that Hayashi Akiko had glanced at him for mere seconds. He may be human, but Sutahira was extremely observant. Does she have access to my personnel files? He also sensed something faint behind that warm smile. Jealousy? Love? Maybe even hate? She seemed kind enough, and was certainly beautiful, but something else brewed deep inside of her.

So. Meissa's lie was that she didn't hate her roommate. Personnel files granted to a medic wouldn't reveal that. This only proves that files can go so far.
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