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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Nine: The Unexpected

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🎖️ Game Master
YSS Kaiyō II

Eden popped her head into the kitchen after dinner's dishes had been cleaned and prepped for tomorrow and all of the leftovers and scraps were away. She had been speaking with MEGAMI.

"Hello Chef Miko!" said the uniformless XO.

Miko looked up from his task to seehe was being greeted by his XO. "Hello Eden, how are you this fine day?" He asked with a smile.

"First name basis while off duty," Eden said. "Very nice." She was wearing a halter top and some black skinny jeans with heavy boots and stayed at the entrance to the kitchen from the wardroom. "I like it. So I was wondering, Miko, how you've settled in with the rest of the crew. We've had a bit of time to get to know one another. Some months now and some missions later, are you growing acquainted with those on the ship well?"

Miko perked up when asked how he has been with the crew. "I have been, there are so many people on this ship that are friendly." He said with a smile. He was still wearing is normal outfit, white shirt with booty shorts covered by an apron. "I hope they think the same about me, I try to be friendly and offer advice when I can."

"I have noticed, actually. A few of the crew have come forward to tell me just how helpful you have been and Chusa Taiyou and I have been discussing just that." Eden took a step forward and sat at a high chair at a small metal island that had been recently cleaned and shone. Her long black hair hung down her back and past her butt and the chair, almost getting caught in it in the process.

"That is good to hear. I hope the talk with Hoshi has been good also." He said rubbing his chin for a moment. "She has been a big help with helping me to fit in, help me feel welcome. Looks good in an apron." He said blinking a few times. "Uh...cause you know, had to make sure I..." His words trailed off picking up this wasn't helping.

"Well it was her idea not mine to give you the Good Conduct Award for your last mission's successful completion. Not only were you helpful over comms and through video footage for her on the bridge of the Kaiyo, but to me firsthand, Chef Miko. Congratulations. But there is a more pressing issue..."

He looked at her with his mouth half open. "What...good conduct award. I am honored but I was just doing my job ma'am. If anything it should be given the someone from the SOFT team like Sora. They had it more rough than I did." He said as he bowed his head down. "So what is this new pressing issue?" He asked looking back at her with his big blue eyes.

Eden began a sentence and didn't finish it, simply smiled. "Well, Sora..."

He lifted one eye brow at her. "She doing alright? Was pretty rough what happen to her." A look of concern covered his face.

Sora had wanted to talk to Eden badly about the mission's major failure. But that wasn't on Eden's mind or, at least, she pushed the thought back.

"How are you two, specifically, getting along? I noticed both of you seem to..." she looked to be searching for the word. "Fit?"

Miko leaned back looking at her. "I see word travels fast on this ship. We have got along pretty well. Got the chance to be alone in our off hours and have a few laughs." A grin filled his face, clearly he did enjoy this time they spent together. "Guess we are helping mend our wounds from the mission."

"I know that she will be on the observation deck in less than an hour. If you get dressed properly first, I'm sure you'd get there just in time to meet her."

Miko leaned in close to Eden. "We did have a laugh about a what is the wager?" He asked in a sly voice.

"You'll find out when you do, but for now I just want you to meet her," Eden said, untwisting her legs before getting off the high chair. "Consider it a bet you can't lose."

He looked at her with a smile. "My pleasure, be more than happy to meet her on the observation deck." He said while he walked around and gave Eden a hug. "Maybe off protocol but wanted to personally thank you for the support back on the mission."

Eden was stunned at first, having only felt her wife and daughter's touch in a long time. She then sort of shrugged and smiled and hugged him back real hard.

"Same to you, we both gave up a lot this last mission... We all did." She smiled, "Sometimes you have to do that for the sake of the team. Bye, Chef." She, too, was now walking out of the galley and wardroom.

Miko followed suit and headed towards the observation deck to find out what Eden was trying to allude too.
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