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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Thirteen: Wounds and Healing


Convention Veteran
Sacre was in bad shape. Her Mindy had been punctured in several locaitons and the sealant bandages that she had slapped on her were red with her blood. They peppered her tail and torso. One particularly bad wound had hit her spine, a quarter of the way up her tail. Even though Sacre was still unconcious, the tail seemed to hang even more limply then the rest of her. She had lost a lot of blood, her breathing was erratic, and her heart beat slowing. If she didn't get medical attention, she had a good chance of dying.

After everything that had happened in that day Miles was tired, more than he ever had been on a job which seemed to be exactly what fate was waiting for. Time spun around him in a blur up until a light changed colour on his HUD, he was nowhere near as close to them as Sacre was so initially didn't think twice until his eyes flicked to the name.

It was then that the minkan moved, faster than he thought he could putting everything he had into it. "Dammit Sacre you better not die on me, you're too good to be lost now." He muttered as he sent a quick request back to the Kaiyo II to expect a medic and patient shortly.

Stopping near instantly sent a horrible feeling through his body as the suit tried to compensate for the G force he subjected it to while grabbing the other medic and engaging his teleporter, then charging it with one capacitor and jumping again. Within a moment of picker her up he'd reached the Kaiyo II and was rushing on board straight to the medbay without even saying a word to any he passed.

The medbay was silent, none of the outher injuries had made it to the medbay yet. Soon they would have to be regrowing dead comrades as well. As he laid her onto the surgical table, the volumetric display started to build. Starting from her baseline scans and then noting where diffrences were. The wounds appeared hovering above Sacre's body so that he could see where the wouldpaths went. Her body was in green, the wounds in an angry red, and his hands and instruments in blue.

The red wounds in some ways resembled bullet wounds. Pieces of rock accelerated to thousands of meters per second. Some of them had hit bones and then ricoshed to form long, tretcherous areas of damage. There were small yellow warnings where they were close to vital organs and blood vessels. One Red warning was at where it looked like her spine had been hit. It warned him that her spinal coard had been cut there and that he would need to be very careful to avoid permanant damage even if they managed to regrow the nerves that had been killed.

Miles took a deep breath and did all he could to calm his racing mind and jittery nerves, "No pressure, just have to save the life of the most skilled medic on the ship and maybe she won't completely murder you." He mumbled. The minkan was by no means a bad medic but in contrast with his two coworkers he looked pretty average on the best of days.

After Sacre had agreed to help him improve there had already been one notable change, his assessment time had lowered which was good news for the Separa lying on the bed. Eyes flicking between his own HUD and the medical bed displays Miles got to work, starting with adressing the closest to a major arterial path.

With the threat of major bleeding reduced he turned his attention to her tail, or rather to the end part of it where the spinal cord had been badly damaged. Silently he began his work, gently moving all the pieces back into allignment and removing the shrapnel and broken bone fragments. Using everything at his disposal Miles worked to reconnect the severed nerves and muscles praying the extra sedative would keep her from waking during the process.

After more than an hour he stopped, he'd addressed every wound that was any bigger than a papercut and always checked on the delicate spinal injury to do everything he could to stop the worst from becoming reality. "I really hope I didn't screw this up, might as well arange for my coffin to be made now otherwise."

When Sacre awoke, she looked around. She was back on the Kaiyo. The last thing she remembered was working on someone in the Palm. She could feel the wounds in her body. Now without the addreinaline, the pain came surging into her mind. She closed her eyes and pushed the pain away for a moment. Miles was there with her. She looked down at the bandages and then at Miles. "I'm alive, so they didn't screw up too badly, or not enough. Was it you or Care?" She asked.

Hearing her voice Miles blinked himself out of his sleepy state and tried to give a small smile, "I'm afraid it was me, so I'd advise not moving for a while heheh. Good to know I at least kept you alive this long I think there'd be a few people who would have my head if I failed." Standing he moved over to a stand holding a bag of pain killer wonder fluid and looked at her, "You want any more?"

Sacre considered for a moment, she had a high pain tolerance. However, she also wanted to be clear headed. "A little, one milli per minute should suffice. Lets see how you did." Sacre said, pulling up the information about the surgury and projecting it where they could both see.

Just before telling it to hit play, Sacre closed her eyes to get herself into an analytical mindset. "Looks like the the patiant presents with low blood volume and multiple deep wounds from irregularrly shaped debris." She said, starting the commentary that she knew well from their long training sessions together.

Miles nodded and adjusted the flow as she began her talk, he was sure it would end up with her trying to throw a book at him for a silly mistake but since his duty was to care for the patient, he indulged her. Moving back to the bedside and pulling over a chair he got comfortable for his verbal beating, just happy she was still alive at least.

"Hey haven't I heard that line somewhere before? Who was it you made me practice on with those injuries in the training room, one of the neko I think."

Sacre nodded, "Yhea, high speed debris is a reletively common hazard. Especially to unarmored personel. Without the armor, it is certain I would have been torn apart. Then you wouldn't have to deal with an ill-tempered snake anymore." Sacre self depreciatingly commented.

Sacre worked her way through the proceedure. Suprisingly, she didn't have any negitive comments, the only things that might be able to be construed that way were things that she was pretty explicit were prefrences, not hard rules. "...finishing the reconnection of the spine." Sacre finished with her anyalasis.

There was a small pause, "Given what you had to work with, I don't think anyone could have done it better." She said, nodding satisfactorly.

The minkan stared at her with a look of disbelief, surely she had a whole boat load of criticism for his work, the spinal injury at least had to be something to comment on. Yet she had praised him, which was one of the only times he could recall her ever doing so. "You really mean that? There has to be something at least, there's no way I get a good job pass when I had to fix you up."

It was a good thing he was already sitting down or he would have fallen down under his own legs, it didn't seem real, and while he knew he was overreacting to something so simple. It meant a lot that Sacre, his mentor of sorts, had commended him for his work especially when it was her that he had worked on.

Sacre nodded, "I'm sure I could find something if I looked hard enough. Probably will when it comes up in training. But you didn't screw up anything major, and actually did better then a lot of medics I know would have done. I'm hard on you in training, because it's training. It's when we point out everything wrong we can so that when it comes to something real like this we don't do those things. You've been getting better."

Sacre pulled up Miles training scores from their runs through the simulator. "You can see the improvement here. You had good days and bad days, but the overall pattern is clear. You've been getting better for a long time now. It's getting harder and harder for me to find flaws in your work and the flaws I do find are getting more and more minor."

Sacre pointed at the graph, using her finger to trace his trajectory. "You started out as perhaps a bit better then average. I think you passed the point of deminishing returns a while back and here is where you became probably one of the best in the fleet." Sacre said, underlining her point with her finger.

The look of disbelief grew, best in the fleet was not at all what he expected to be told despite all the training she had him doing, although being trained by Sacre was probably a good influence on that score. "You're kidding, there's no way I'm that good even after all the work I've done. It cant be."

Miles wanted to believe it, he wanted to feel the sense of accomplishment but the memories of his family wouldn't let him do that anytime soon nor his sense of self ability. "I'm sorry, I don't mean any offence to your ability to teach but, are you sure that's correct?"

Sacre nodded, "Look at who your comparing yourself to. I'm... a bit obsessive. Care is top notch medic as well. Let me put it like this, say that we are running a race. Sure, Care and I might be ahead of you. But like we're within sight. But then you look around and realize your Miles ahead of everyone else."

Miles nodded at the analogy, still trying to grasp it when his eyes twitched slightly, "Did you just, make a joke? Using my name? And in such a heartwarming moment too, I didn't think you had it in you Sacre." The minkan chuckled slighlty, "But I have to thank you, I owe all my success to you and your training and I suppose in a way your investment paid off since I was able to patch you up."

Sacre nodded, she had been intending to make the joke. Her humor tended to be subtle. Often too subtle. "You pretty much have yourself to blame for that. I'm kinda a bitch, and teaching gives me a good chance to vent some. If you weren't motivated, then you would have never kept practicing with me. More then that, I think you have something that Care and I both struggle with. Actually making connections with people. People feel like you really do care about them. That's something you have that we don't."

The chance to joke about how motivation and fear work equally as well was there but he didn't take it and instead just sat and listened. It wasn't every day Sacre would sit down and talk like this and whether it was just the drug cocktail in her system or a bump to the head, it was an interesting conversation. "I don't really do much to try and connect with anyone, you know as well as I do that I'm basically a loner on this ship who spends all his time reading and Shasse hardly counts since she sticks to me and has done for over a year now. I think you are just as capable to connect with others, it may just take a little time longer, is all."

Sacre shook her head, "No, no, I'd rather not." She protested weakly.

"As much as I'm afraid to correct you Sacre, I'm going to anyway. That in itself proves you can be nice or at the least a dulled down version of your outward attitude, I used to be terrified of even making eye contact and now I'm making jokes with you." Miles knew why she was distant and blunt, she had told him herself. But he hoped she would be able to see it the way he was trying to show her at least.

"That's a pretty good sign it's time to leave if I'm going to be bothered by a useless babling toad who can't even figure out that cactai make bad toadstools." Sacre said, but Miles could hear the lack of true abrasiveness in her tone. He could tell she wasn't even telling the truth. She couldn't leave the ship, not anymore, not without Gravity. Even if she was annoyed ocassionally at him, she had told him less then a minute before that he wasn't acutally useless. It lacked the passion that she normally put into her insults.

Miles tried to give her a reassuring smile, and avoided the pat on the shoulder part of that combo. He didn't know her real reasons for staying on the ship but he knew she wouldn't leave them like that and could tell her stone wall defence was crumbling. "You know, that was the weakest effort I've ever seen you put into insulting me I almost laughed at it. But you seem like you could use some extra rest to recover from those wounds so unless for some miraculous reason you want me to stick around I'll go process all the paperwork and let you get som sleep."

"Yhea, well you might not be worth the effort." Sacre said, trying to recover and failing. "If I had known getting injured would get me out of paper work, I might have tried it earlier." She said in a serious tone.

Miles chuckled, he never would be able to fully get used to her humor. "Rest up Sacre, it's back to business tomorrow."