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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing

Jay stood up suddenly.

"I'm picking up a disturbance on the surface. Looks like someone found our target. Haul ass, and maybe we won't miss out."

Corgan looked at Jay, a little annoyed by his implications. He hadn't been staring that long, but apparently long enough for the others to notice. He suppressed the desire to say something rude to the guy. The noise coming from around them made listening for movement difficult. Something could be on top of them before they heard it coming.

Her statement about moving deep got a smirk out of him that he quickly suppressed. He followed closely behind her. With his cybernetics, he could move his eyes separately. It was disorienting to a normal meat brain designed with binocular vision in mind so he didn't use the ability often. He watched the left and the right as he followed Hasewega. "Doesn't look like any animals live down here. At least nothing that eats plants," Corgan said.

He blinked at Jay. "Really? You aren't interested in seeing what we can find down here?"


Takeshi stared at the eye. "Fascinating. Could that be the creature we hunt?" He asked curiously, floating closer to the eye. "I'm going to go for a closer look. I'll try to hold its attention, Miss Araxie." He said, transmitting the message to her comms device. The android landed on the ground and slowly walked towards the eye peering around the corner.

He didn't pull out his spear out of fear he would spook the thing. Takeshi casually turned the corner, not bothering to wait for backup. This was a competition with a reward he would do anything for. The affection of a blue Neko with spots all over her body and silky white hair.
Base Camp

The Ee'ith watched as Pecan was carried away and sedated, milling about with concern, but not approaching the unconscious cook and Cosima. "Will she be ok?" they asked with sad frowns displayed on their masks. The other Ee'ith still with Kiko seemed oblivious to all the drama, hopping up and down eagerly. "My name is Jennifer! But I like to be called Jenny!" she declared excitedly, taking the mug from Kiko and finding a straw to drink from it with, flapping her wings. "Ohh! Oh, it is warm! Oh my!" A warm drink seemed to be a new concept for Jenny, who continued to flap her wings energetically as she drank, creating a low, buzzing sound. "Do you give this drink a name, Kiko?"


As Araxie flew upwards to get a better look at the creature, she'd find the rest of it around the corner, where four streets intersected. She could see that the eyes sitting atop the stalk-appendage didn't make up even a tenth of the creature: The rest of its body was a long, serpentine barrel-shaped length roughly a meter in diameter, with ten pairs of muscular, dexterous legs spaced evenly along it. It looked like a bizarre, serpent-centipede... a serpentipede, perhaps. From this vantage point, she could see clearly that the pair of eyes that had been watching them were not at the creature's front end, but rather on its tail; possibly false eyes to deceive prey and predators alike. She couldn't quite make out its front end, besides that it had no head as such, just a broadened end to its body as opposed to its rear, which thinned out into the eye-tail. The creature as a whole was a forest-green in colour, with leathery skin and black claws. It was clinging against the buildings, laid flat with its tail pointed towards team Alpha, and its front end pointed down the street that team Beta was just walking out of, hand in hand.

As Takeshi approached the staring eyes, they suddenly whipped out of view, as a terrible chorus of screams rang out...


So it was that as Uso and Tsukisaki rounded the corner, they found the creature's face a few meters down the street, located a story above ground, where it clung to the walls. Its face was featureless besides a large, sphincter-like mouth and a frill of slender feelers surrounding it like a mane. It reacted immediately to the presence of the two nekos, puckering its mouth as a splay of barbed tendrils spilled out from it; ten in total. Letting out a deafening cacophany of human-like screams, like it had when provoked by Gut-Stripe, it lashed out with the barbed tendrils, which displayed impressive reach and dexterity.

Along its lengthy, roughly 15 meter long body, a number of fleshy slits opened wide and quivered as it screamed: The source of its multiple voices. As it attacked Uso and Valesti, it crawled down from its spot on the buildings to stand on street level. It stood about the same height as its hunters, but getting past its flailing, coiling tendrils would be difficult. As it bore down on them, its tail was poised up above its long body like a scorpion's stinger, staring them down with its large eyes.


Down in the tunnels, the sound of the creature above was drowned out wholly by the ambiance of the machinery in the walls. Further down the hall, a metal door could be seen, with what looked like a motion scanner positioned above it. Well before the team of hunters could have gotten close enough to activate it, however, the door slid open, revealing a figure. It had a strange, vaguely egg-shaped silhouette; thinner than it was tall, balanced atop thin, crane-like legs. Set into the left side of its rounded body was a yellow light. The figure began striding closer with a vaguely avian gait, picking its paces in a measured, careful fashion and twitching its body to and fro. The faint whirring and clicking sounds that became audible as it approached suggested it to be some form of automaton.

Once it had came close enough, it paused, regarding the hunters quietly: The yellow light was clearly some sort of camera lens, twitching to and fro to observe each of them in turn. The metal chassis of its rounded body was a very familiar blue in colour; similar to that of the ancient battleship that the Mishhuvarthyar had commandeered in the Outer Graveyard. A pair of small panels on its sides looked as if they could open, but what they contained was not apparent. Its legs seemed to be a mix of metal and some form of synthetic muscle, and were very slender, ending in small, clawed feet. On top of the left side of its body was a small, bobbing antenna, and directly beneath its yellow eye was a protruding metal tube. It looked like the barrel of a gun.

Whether armed or not, the automaton did not harm the hunters, standing a meter away from them as it examined them before turning neatly around and strutting back down the corridor, exiting back through the door it had entered through.
Above Yet Part of Alpha

"I think those were false," the Angel stated indiscriminately into the comms as she gestured to where the tail-eyeball-things were. Her voice was surprisingly calm despite the chaos unfolding on the ground below, after all the two immediately threatened people were the two nekos so they could handle themselves. She mentally reminded herself that she should fly more often, the extra view is incredibly helpful...

But it also did leave her exposed, and once she realized the oversized lizard beast thing could climb she darted backwards over the collapsed roof nearby, looking for an alley or non-dangerous street to settle into so she could get back to Alpha on the ground, even landing behind them would work.
"Jenny is a very cute name!- It definitely suits you, "Kiko nodded at Jenny, "We call it hot chocolate!- not the most creative name in the universe, but that's what it is! It's a personal favorite of mine, actually, very simple to make and it tastes great! There's a lot of sugar in it though."

Kiko seemed quite pleased that Jenny seemed to like the drink, it always made her happy to see someone enjoying something she made, and even happier to introduce someone to something they liked!

"I brought plenty, just in case you know of anyone else that might like some."

Once he heard the screams Spacecase would jump into action. Taking off to Takeshi as fast as he could. Said not to approach it alone, but does anyone ever listen to me? No never. I obviously don't know what I'm talking about I'm just the new guy. Reaching Takeshi he would skid to a stop. "The hell you do and whose dying?"
Old City, Streets, Alpha

“Holy Empress,” Skade said, stunned as the size of the monster became clear. “Saba, its going after the Taii and Uso. Go for the left ‘eye’. I’ll go right,” she continued, before speeding at her target, rapier thrust out in front of her like a needle in front of a syringe. Smart idea? Probably not. But why wait? Everyone will just have to catch up.

Nearing ninety kph as she reached her ‘eye’, the Neko grunted as she delivered the force, the sword piercing her target, and then groaning as the viscera splattered over her. So not worth it, she thought, wiping her face before reaching for Mjolnir, looking to see if the creature was going to react to her attack.

"Gonna need that hand now," Uso said, releasing the Taii's hand and taking hold of her spear.

This was followed by a half stumble, getting her right foot out far infront of her left, the spear held by the very base in the palm of her right hand. The older neko calling her target with her left hand, one finger pointed directly at the center of mass of the creature. She could have aimed at the eyes or the head... but her power throw would require her take her eyes off the target for far too long to make that precise of a shot.

What would follow, Uso considered a triumph of her mastery of physics.

Uso's left foot moved out front and planted itself in the ground HARD, pushing herself forward. Her midsection would start twisting, bringing her shoulders forward. Her arm swinging forward... her palm holding the rear of the spear and accelerating it forward like an Atlatl. Even her head started twisting, putting every last bit of momentum she could into accelerating that spear.



Right as her throw got going, she fired off her right-side CRT organ, adding enough force to send a neko flying. The rocket-assisted shoulder now twisting even faster, her palm twisting to add that last bit of force before letting go, sending the spear sailing right towards the creature while the leftover momentum sent Uso spinning in place.
Old City, Streets, Alpha

The sudden movement shocked the android. Hearing Araxie's words, he drew a wakizashi from each scabbard hanging from his waist. "I did nothing. It is the creature." He explained, sprinting forward at top speed. Skade's order was acknowledged with his actions.

Takeshi flew into the air like a bullet, blades severing the left "eye" of the creature. His hope was that the creature would redirect its attention at him. The momentum carried him past the creature and he flipped in the air, landing between the beast and the Taii. He turned to face the creature, fearlessly echoing the inhuman screech back at it.

Hasewega froze as the automaton came through the door and stared. She didn't say anything, she simple stared back, raised a hand a from the katana to show some sort of peaceful intention before lowering as the robot walked away. There was a great deal of things she was expecting to find; this was not one of them.

She eased her self back to relaxed stance, still keeping the sword drawn for any worst case scenarios. "Well," She said, not making much of an attempt to conceal her voice among the hum of the machinery. "I doubt our quarry will be here. We can follow the automaton if you two wish or return to the surface."

Corgan shrugged. "I'm interested in the robot. The metal used to build that thing looks familiar. Sort of like the ship that giant squid we killed was attached to." He walked towards the door, putting his spear back in the sheath on his back.

"You guys can do whatever, I'm going to see what's behind the door. I promise not to push the big red button." He called to them. Sure, he really wanted to beat the android and see if Skade was serious, but the origin of the blue metal and the rest of this strange planet might be behind that door. Maybe even something more valuable than the reward for killing the creature they were hunting.

"Who knows, maybe there's a shortcut to the others," Corgan said.
City Streets, Alpha & Beta

The creature's tail began whipping wildly as Skade's blade was driven home into one of its eyes, spraying goopish fluids onto her face and chest. It let out another scream as the other eye was severed clean off by Saba, kicking blindly with its rear legs and smashing its tail against the buildings nearby before staggering backwards as Uso's spear flew directly into its mouth. At this point, it was lost in a blind rage, screaming back at the android as he landed in front of it and lashing out with its tendrils, trying to bind him tightly and pull him towards its mouth.

Underground, Gamma

As Corgan approached the door, it opened to allow him access. Beyond was a shaft that led down into the darkness, roughly ten meters by ten meters, with spiralling stairs and catwalks following the walls. There were more doors on the levels above and below. The automaton could be seen strutting along the walkway on the same floor as Corgan as he entered, approaching a rough, but recently made hole in the wall, from which wires and metal poured from. It looked like a computer system that had been wired into the old power grid, judging by the keypad set in a metal box that many of the wires connected to, while others led down off the side of the catwalk onto the floor below. The robot was interacting with this computer, gingerly tapping at the keypad with a thin, gangly arm that had extended from the port on its left side.

It turned slightly to look at Corgan as he entered, considering him for a moment before raising its arm and pointing upwards, towards the opposite side of of the shaft. There, a ladder made of metal rings set into the wall ascended up to what looked like a manhole, presumably leading back to the surface. Its message sent, the robot turned back to what it was doing. As curious as the automaton was, there didn't seem to be all that much happening down here, besides the potential for urban exploration.
City Streets, Alpha

“Augggh,” Skade said, wiping her face with a relatively clean sleeve, “Eww.” This is what I get for going for the squishy part, she thought, pulling her rapier out of the monster’s false eye in time so she was only thrown off the tail and not slammed into the nearby buildings.

“Hey, ugly,” the Neko yelled, flying back to the tail, “No eating my crewmates.” She stabbed the rapier as far as she could into the creature as she pulled Mjolnir off her belt. She then raised the blunt weapon above her head, then hammered the thin sword with all the strength she could put into the motion. “How’d you like that?”
City Streets, Alpha

The speed of the tendril took Takeshi completely by surprise. It wrapped around his stomach and arms, effectively keeping him from struggling. He couldn't hold on to his swords anymore and they fell out of his hands. It occurred to him as he was tugged off of his feet and towards the creature that he hadn't been acting logically. He looked at Skade trying to save him. Who would protect her if he was gone? Hasewega?

He was determined not to use his flamethrower or pulse blast. Maybe the creature would realize he wasn't edible and spit him out. That was his only hope at this point. Or maybe he could come out of the other end in one piece. Either way, he didn't think it would be enjoyable. "Kick its ass for me, Skade," Takeshi said. Another tendril wrapped around him, securing his legs firmly. The creature wrapped two more tendrils around him and reeled him in with astonishing speed.

Araxie darted out from around the corner, gasping at the chaotic scene unfolding before her. As the angel jogged forward, breathing heavily, she hefted her spear into a much more preferable position from which she could thrust. Taking off once more into the air, abandoning her earlier self-preservation attitude, the chocolate-and-honey-haired female let out a yell as she tried to impale one of the tendrils ensnaring Takeshi, not bothering to recognize a hit or miss before trying for another similarly and then pushing into the air, hopefully escaping after hopefully at least freeing the Yamataian.

Hasewega stalked up behind Corgan, watching the the little automaton point over to the ring ladder before resuming its work. "We should probably heed it's advice before we got lost down here." She piped up right behind the half ID-SOL. "Not that I wish to dampen any curiosities you may have on subterranean infrastructures. You are both free to wander down here if you wish."

With that, the Minkan pushed past Corgan and tested the sturdiness of the rings before beginning her ascent.
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"GOT IT!" Uso shouted, pumping her amr in excitement as she got a look at the monster.

"I totally wasn't sure if that'd work." She admited, reaching for the knife at her belt, bringing it up into her right hand, blade facing downward. The creature was very much larger and faster than they were... at least if she was going to chase it down on foot.



With a rocket-assisted leap, Uso would send herself flying through the air, trying to land behind the creature.

Spacecase would make his way towards the creature himself. Using his abilities he would pull out his throwing knives and throw them at the beast's eyes and what he assumed to be its head. He would then pull out his spear and try to connect with one of his thrown knives.
Alpha/Beta - Monster Hunters

Beginning to realise that it was outnumbered, the beast flew into a blind rage, tensing the tendrils binding Takeshi and reeling him into its open maw with surprising, explosive speed. With its prey secured, it went on a rampage, scurrying at full speed down the street in the direction of Uso, trampling anyone who didn't get out of the way in time. Keeping pace with it was going to be difficult on foot, as even with the large number of bleeding wounds on its body, it didn't seem to be slowed down in the slightest.

Inside the Monster

It was pitch-black inside the monster's mouth, which, along with the many tendrils binding Takeshi's body, had compressed around him to crush him and keep him from moving. The multitude of barbed tendrils were grinding and scraping against his metal shell, trying to penetrate the unusually resilient prey it had caught. Lodged deep in the back of the creature's mouth, however, in a wound that was flowing with blood, was Uso's spear.

Gamma - Underground

The ladder which the automaton had pointed Gamma towards lead upwards to a metal manhole of sorts, which beeped and flashed a green LED light when it detected movement. Almost immediately, the sound of screaming could be heard from above and, if she were to peek out, Hasewega would find that it led back to the streets, with a screaming, bleeding, centipede-serpent monster barrelling towards her at full speed.

As Hasewega peaked her head out of the manhole, the sudden view of the centipede steaming towards her caused her to quickly retract and duck back down. Not wanting to panic, she drew her blade and wrapped an arm around one of the rungs on the ladder enough for stability yet be able to barely hold on the hilt. She waited, listening to the beast rush closer and waiting till the very last moment before stabbing her sword skywards at the beast above her.
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