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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Recreational Killing


Takeshi was concerned he might not actually be killed. He didn't want to spend the next thousand years inside of a disgusting creature's stomach. Of course, he might be getting some company soon if they failed to kill the creature. He looked at Uso's spear, a plan forming.

Fire wasn't technically an advanced weapon. He could get the creature's tendrils to let him go and get to the spear. It might melt his skin a little but he would be okay. Every time the thing moved he bounced, head slamming into the roof of its mouth.

He activated the flamethrower built into his arm. A single jet of flame shot out of his palm, just enough to make it let go.


Corgan shrugged and followed Hasewega. He was about to follow her up the ladder when she ducked back down. The sound of the creature charging down the road reached him before the scream. "Good work, Hasewega. You found it." He said.

"Fuck, is it following me?" Uso asked aloud, making another rocket assisted jump to get out of the way of the creature. The blast taking her up high enough for her hand to get a grip on the ledge of the nearest building.

She wasn't going to fight the thing head on without her spear, but she was going to stay close, ready to jump away again if it kept following.[/B][/B]
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Alpha Minus One

Sure, the android was right next to her. But he at least was secured within a strange alien tentacle when said alien decided to gyrate intensely. So he stayed in the fight, kind of.

Araxie wasn't so lucky, being significantly lighter, less durable, and generally not as attached to the creature as Takeshi was. The people presently not distracted and/or in possession of a digital brain likely caught sight of a cobalt streak and a weak scream as the hummingbird was launched from the target into the thick undergrowth occupying the nearby buildings, the upper part of her body impacting the stone sickeningly before spinning off into the depths.

All that seemed to remain in plain view of the Elysian was a light cloud of bloodied feathers and a light coating of red coloration on the building in question. Based off of the impact speed and area, she almost certainly was dead instantly, and if not, would quickly succumb to her wounds well before her body could be found.
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City Streets, Alpha

No, no, no! Skade thought, panicking as Takeshi was swallowed. Come on, why isn’t it slowing down? She spared a moment’s concern for the wounded Elysian, but focused on the creature as she flew up into the air, tightening her grip on Mjolnir as she held the hammer above her head.

“Get back here, you stupid monster!” the Neko yelled, before turning her gravity up and falling towards the beast’s head at three gravities of acceleration. At the last moment, she snapped Mjolnir down, slamming the hammer into the ‘head’ of the creature before she landed rough right behind her impact. “Just die already!” she cried, before she started hammering the same spot over and over again. “Give me Saba back, baka!”
City Streets

The serpentine monster barrelled onward, its velocity meant that Hasewega's blade sliced a fine line through its thick hide before getting stuck and being torn out of her grasp. It seemed similarly unaffected by the blows of Skade's hammer, though its hide dented and bled from her blows until suddenly it stumbled and writhed, letting out another chorus of screams as its straight path began to zig and zag blindly, distracted by a terrible pain. Inside its mouth, the tendrils had hurriedly let go of Takeshi when presented with the heat of fire, and its interior rumbled with its scream. Uso's spear was unguarded and ripe for the taking.

The large I'ee vehicle manned by Gut-Stripe had reversed out of the way of the beast, allowing to speed past unhindered, before turning into the street and driving in the opposite direction. It slowly came to a halt where Araxie had left a mark of blood and feathers upon the building, and its crew began climbing and flying down from its cabin. Gut-Stripe could be seen leading them, cutting and climbing their way into the overgrown building in an effort to find the fallen Elysian.

Takeshi moved quickly to the spear and pulled it free of the creature's skin. He noticed that his arm was partially melted, but still functional. That could be easily fixed once he was out of the creature's mouth. With no obvious targets inside the mouth, he just attacked blindly. He stabbed the spear into the roof of the thing's mouth, pulling it out and stabbing it again and again. Skade's cries were barely audible from inside the thing's mouth. In a way, he was glad to hear that she cared about him that much. Mostly he was angry at the creature for making her sad.
Alpha? Building Interior

The swarm of bugs discovered Birdy's corpse rather quickly. Impaled through the chest from behind by a damaged branch, the body hung ominously a short distance off of the ground, the six limbs drifting limply as the red-soaked face dripped a small amount of blood from the nose. The quaking from the beast's movements occasionally caused the branch to shake, gifting a disturbing imitation that she was still alive in spite of her rent heart and dented skull. Occasional sapphire-hued feathers fell loose as her light body was moved about, but her open silver eyes were tarnished and clouded.
Monster Adjacent

Uso would keep her distance from the monster, it was wounded, bleeding, it would be dead soon and there seemed no reason to put herself in more danger.

She did send a message on the all hands channel as she dashed past the I'ee's vehicle.

"Our birb got turned into meat. Get the medics ready."
City Streets, Alpha

“Whoa,” Skade yelped, her tights shredding as she straddled the rampaging monster. Must have hit something sensitive, she thought, going back to hammering the weak spot. “Just give up so we can mount you on a wall, you stupid creature!”

A few moments later, as the Neko pulled back Mjolnir for another strike, she saw the tip of Takeshi’s spear stick out of the hide, then disappear as he pulled back on his weapon. “Yeah, go through there,” she said, before hammering the flesh around the bleeding wound she had made, widening the wound. Let’s see if we can get you out of there, Saba-kun.
Having climbed up from the sewers to a low rooftop, Jay observed the fight from his semi-obstructed point of view through a combination of thermals and regular optics implanted in his eyes.

The hide is thick. Probably better to immobilize it to better target it's weak points.

Running and jumping along the rooftops, he prepared to flank the beast.
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Gamma, Moving Up to Alpha?

Hasewega looked back to Corgan and noticed someone missing from the pair she entered with. "Your friend is missing." She said flatly before looking back up at the fighting for a moment before back down to Corgan. "Let's get moving, someone has already been caught and I think another injured." She crawled out from the sewers onto the streets an the ensuing chaos without much of a weapon. "Or at least toss up your spear if you prefer being down there." She suggested back down to Corgan before locking her attention onto the quarry and assuming a combat stance.
Gamma to Alpha

Corgan followed Hasewega up the ladder. "He's not my friend, I barely know the guy. Don't even know where all these people keep coming from." He called up to her while he climbed the ladder. Injured? I hope it's not Alex's little hummingbird. Shit, what if it's Skade and I was down in the sewer? He thought. Or worse, maybe it caught them and.. No, that's just in hentai. Isn't it?

At the top, Corgan pulled out his spear. "That is one disgusting creature." He said, looking at the wounded beast with Skade atop its head. "Hey ugly, get your ass over here!" The Nepleslian yelled at the thing. Looks like Skade's okay, he thought. "And bring back the sexy Neko riding you!"
Ruined Buildings

Seeing Araxie's corpse, Gut-Stripe and the other Thi-Thi I'ee examined it briefly, before rather unceremoniously cutting it down from where it hung. With the life gone from her body, the I'ee saw little need to be gentle, carrying the bloodied Elysian from the building and laying her on the curb.

No Hentai for This Monster

The monster's mad dash had petered away to helpless, panicked thrashing as it was overwhelmed with pain. Skade could see the tip of Takeshi's spear piercing through the top of its 'head', gradually producing a gaping, bloody hole. With the other hunters now able to catch up and deliver their own blows, the creature's screams grew more haunting and agonised, until finally it collapsed to the ground. A low, whining groan seeped out from its lungs as it bled copiously onto the street, its tensed muscles gradually relaxing as it died.
City Streets, Alpha

“Whew,” Skade said, once the monster had settled down, wiping blood off her face, “That was interesting. Come on, Takeshi,” she continued, pulling the armored skin apart to make a bigger hole before reaching for the android, “Let’s get you out of there.”

Once Saba was successfully freed, the Neko started tearing up as she looked at his partially melted arm. Trying to keep the waterworks down, she jumped and put her arms around his neck, not caring about the gunk that was getting all over her uniform. “Don’t do that again, okay?” she asked, sniffling as she laid her head against his metal cheek.
City Streets, Gamma

Hasewega looked over at Corgan from her combat stance. "Yelling at it will not-" She stopped her critique of his tactics as she heard the creature go through its painful final screams and collapse. "Oh. Never mind then."

Letting everyone else observe their kills, Hasewega simply stepped over to the creature and pulled her katana out from the long gash she made when it barreled over her. Flicking the blade clean of any giblets of the weird creature, she pushed it back in her sheathe before moving over to Araxie's body.

"Shame..." She said with a sigh as she knelt down next to the corpse. "No one needed to die on this hunt. But what is needed and what happens are two different things." She reached over the Araxie's face, gently closing her eyelids to at least give some imitation of peace in her passing.
City Streets, Beta

"Easier than I thought!" Uso said proudly, taking her knife and stabbing the creature once as hard as she could, just to make sure it was dead.

"So do we gotta worry about more of these things showing up or are we done here?" Uso said, looking up at the creature's mouth where someone was pulling robot-person from the thing...

With a quick Rocket-assisted leap Uso would jump up to land right ontop of the creature, taking a firm hold of her spear and giving it a yank.

She wanted that spear back!
Jay looked on from a nearby rooftop.

"Damn, why do I always miss out on the fun?" He said to himself as he jumped down to examine the creature.
All Together Now

Corgan walked over to the creature and stabbed his spear into its side. When it didn't move he nodded. "Yeah, it's dead." He said, sounding disappointed. His idea to go into the tunnels had effectively handed the android a victory. Skade was all over Takeshi. He noticed that she seemed to be emotionally invested in the relationship. Guess I better not press the issue. If I run into her later I'll let either her or Edtoto bring up the plans, he thought.

He looked over at Araxie, trying not to get emotional. They would fix her up, but he doubted the image of her broken body would ever be erased from his mind. Where the hell is Alex? He should have been protecting her, not flying around in his stupid mech out of danger the whole time. He thought angrily. After he thought about it more he softened. He's going to be beating himself up enough about this. I shouldn't give him a hard time.

We Came, We Saw...

The android was surprised to see Skade's hand come into view. He released the spear, which was still embedded in the monster, then took her hand and pulled himself out of the gap with her assistance. His whole chassis was covered in yellowish slime and blood. Even though he was surprised at her jumping into his arms, he caught her. He did like this body most of the time. Right now was not one of those times. He wanted to feel her head pressed against his cheek, the warmth of her hugs.

"I'm sorry. I will be more careful in the future." He answered, squeezing her gently. "We kicked its ass, though."
City Streets

As a shuttle came into view and landed a modest distance away, out hopped Isao along with anyone else who followed him out to respond to the medical call. His uniform out of date, and his eyes locking on Araxie, the combat medic went into a somewhat jog to get over to her. He popped open his emergency medical kit and crouched down, examining the wounds.

Instead of wasting supplies on trying to revive her here, he began looking at a datapad while giving a slight 'harrumph' as he looked her over again. He idly checked for a pulse while he spoke up to the group in general,

"I don't know the current regulation on anything, and Valesti-taii holds the orders on using the Heartbreaker's facilities, but if we can get her to a hemosynthetic tank we can probably revive her as long as no major damage has affected the cranial cavity or the brain."

He also raised an eyebrow for a second and blinked before adding on, "Please tell me she has a mental backup somewhere or else this just got more complicated."
City Streets

Gut-Stripe and the other I'ee watched as Isao's shuttle landed nearby, standing out of the way as he approached to render aid. "I am not familiar with her biology, but I think she is dead," the I'ee leader said flatly to Isao. "She was flung with considerable force, so there may be trauma inflicted upon the brain."
From within the shuttle, Sally, Sammy and a host of other Ee'ith I'ee tumbled out into the open with a chorus of 'Oh no!'s, dashing over to crowd around Isao and the fallen Elysian in horror. "Is she going to be ok?" one of the bugs asked. "Is that blood? Oh no!" "Oh, dear! Can you save her?" The area around the dead Elysian had become a dance-floor of concerned I'ee, desperate to help, but unable to do more than crowd Isao.


Following the conclusion of the successful hunt, Thi-Thi arrived to congratulate the aliens on their victory, and offer apologies for the loss of Araxie. Those still willing to make the journey went on to visit Ee'ith in her home at the lake, meeting up with Edtoto in the process. Besides this remaining task, the alien guests were allowed to enjoy their time on the I'ee planet as they saw fit.