- RP Date
- YE 46.9.35
- RP Location
- Central Fleet Depot
YSS Resurgence
YE 46.9.35
It was the last night of YE 46, and tomorrow the YSS Resurgence would be off-world again on more adventures. Most of the crew had come back to the ship today, hauling their duffel bags full of whatever personal items they might need out in the cosmos, and perhaps some gifts for their crew-mates for the end of the Yule season. As part of the year-end traditions, a spruce tree had appeared in the ship's wardroom and was increasingly decorated with ornaments from Type 36 Holiday Kits or from home. Julix and Rossa, the cooks, had made a special holiday feast with turkey, roast beef, and ham, served with corn pudding, collared greens, yams, black-eyed peas, and cherry and apple pies, as well as piles of cookies of every shape and flavor. Truly it was a quite sight to smell, see, and taste.
Julia, the caretaker, handed out cups of hot cocoa and Sakuko handed out glasses of wine.
Yoshiro sat down after he grabbed a plate of food and cookies. It smelled so good and he started to eat the food that he had grabbed beforehand. He grabbed a glass of wine and hot cocoa too and he ate with gusto.
Poppy and Gabriela Lively, the ship's anthro navigator, sat down next to Yoshiro. "Are you ready to get back out there?" Poppy asked. "We made a lot of big discoveries this year. I can only imagine what's next. But I know it'll be a challenge. Don't worry, though, I'll get you back on your feet if you need me to."
"Of course I am. That is what I was made for, after all." Yoshiro said with a grin as he sipped his hot cocoa. "I love a good challenge and besides there are some people that I owe something to the aliens for what they did to the civilians that we rescued...." He clenched his fist angrily but he calmed down. He knew that they would get a chance at the aliens that attacked the civilians that they had rescued. "I want to do what I can to help though. I am ready to teach them a lesson."
"We rescued a lot of civilians, which ones do you mean," Poppy asked. "Let's see, we rescued Seelie civilians, rescued the Concordians--though that was in YE 45--, we rescued abandoned Mishhuvurthyar civilians, rescued slaves, rescued Norians at Akina..." she said. "It seems like we're always helping people...which is a good thing! We even rescued some data and rescued that golden business-Android."
Yuri flew into the room with a bag full of items, and smiled as she saw Poppy, and Yoshiro. 'Poppy-sempai, Yoshiro-sempai! I have a gift for you two!" Yuri said excitedly with a smile. "also agreed, helping others is good!"
Yoshiro thoght for a moment. "It was in our recent mission, I believe they were called the Norians." He said. "I swear if they ever show their ugly faces here I will show them the true meaning of pain and suffering for what they did." He turned to Yuri and smile. "Yuri-chan, thank you. A gift for me? But I didn't get anything for you..." Yoshiro said feeling a bit guilty. He was happy but he did feel bad that he hadn't got her anything.
Sulevi sat at the table, absent-mindedly munching on a piece of food from the plate in front of him. His ears twitched at the noise around him.
"A gift?" Poppy said, her green eyes blinking in surprise. "Ooh?"
"Poppy got us all at least one gift, too," Gabriela said. "Everyone in the crew got a 12-pack of Dr. Poppy lovefruit soda! They're down in the cargo bay," Gabriela explained.
Poppy nodded. "Right! Happy Yule!"
"Thanks you two." Yoshiro said to Gabriela and Yuri. "I really appreciate it, thanks again." He munched on his dinner and went to eat his cookies after eating his dinner.
Euikoshi sat down by Sulevi. "Hi, new guy," she grinned. "How's the food?" she asked. "You get into any fun during the break?" she asked, striking up some conversation.
Sulevi snapped out of his stupor when Euikoshi addressed him "Uh food? I..." He looked down at the plate. "No I didn't get into much f..." He reached up to rub the bridge of his nose only smack himself on the muzzle of his face. "Ugh, I... You'd think I'd get used to this after a couple years..."
"Do you live in Kyoto?" Euikoshi asked, grabbing a napkin and dabbing it at Sulevi's face like a mom would.
Sulevi raised his hand in half-hearted protest at Euikoshi's napkin. "Not really. I don't find planetside life comfortable."
"So you just kind of hand out in the barracks when we're not on the ship or what? No apartment even?" Euikoshi asked Sulevi.
Sulevi clammed up for a moment, clearly not used to such a barrage of questions. With a sigh he finally opened up. "I'd just stay on the ship if they'd let me. Lived most of my life shipboard. You know, barring those moments of shore leave, before we'd be back in space."
"Well, maybe you could stay with one of us next time. I have to get to know you a little better first, though. No offense! Also you'd have to hide if I bring a guy home," she laughed.
"I think I'll settle for the barracks then."
The doors to the wardroom opened to a pair of sapphire blue wings which strolled in. Chiheisen Takahashi had just gotten settled back in, and had overheard the mention of hotcocoa in the wardroom being passed around. Naturally, she couldnt just ignore it... The Elysian offered the sitting group a salute as she passed by, only to be stopped by a BLue haired nekovalkrja halfway to the hot cocoa.
"ARE ya ever NOT going to just salute?" Kokoro teased as she chewed on beef, only to earn an eyeroll from Chiheisen.
Yuri was all smiles as she brought out a gemstone orchid and handed it to Poppy. "this was made as a promise, of continued working together to collaborate on a job and adventure." she said then turned to Yoshiro, and handed him a badge looking item, made out of crystals. "you'd already brought me a gift many times, Yoshiro, you'd made sure that mom and everyone returns from an Away mission, and i'm eternally grateful." Yuri said to Yoshiro.
Yoshiro teared up a bit as he took the gift that Yuri had offered him. "Hey I am just doing my job, you know." He said sheepishly. He never had anyone thank him for doing his job. He really didn't do it for the rewards or anything but he felt good being appreciated for it nonetheless. "Thank you though. I am glad that I could keep your loved ones safe, Yuri." He looked at the badge and treated it was due reverence since it was from a friend. He pinned it on his uniform and smiled at Yuri. "How does it look?" He asked.
"Thank you," Poppy smiled, admiring the gift and holding it carefully in her hands. After a moment she placed it in her uniform's chest area and then cracked open a beer with a loud hiss. Appropriately, it was the "Gunship Lager" from Tokyo Brewing Company. Perfect for a gunship like the Resurgence!
Yuri smiled at Yoshiro "looks good!' she said with a large happy smile.
"Hey Kokoro," Cassie waved, coming in behind her. "Hey Chiheisen!" She gave the Elysian's wings a gentle brush as she passed by on her way to the serving line. "Here's to kicking ass in YE 47!" she said, giving an exaggerated thumbs-up gesture. "And hopefully not getting shot in the ass," she added, thinking about that one time on Hanako's World.
Kokoro grinned as she swallowed the rest of her meal and returned the thumbs up gesture, her tail swishing behind her. She sure seemed to be in a good mood. "OH HELL YEAH!- I CANT WAIT TO GET BACK OUT THERE!"
Chiheisen's wings visibly ruffled a bit as they were brushed. She simply groaned at the over-energetic neko next to her. The Elysian at least acknowledged Cassie, nodding along.
Yoshiro heard Kokoro shout and laughed. "You're damn right! Any enemies that we face out there better look out, because the Resurgence is gonna come and get'em! WOOHOO!" He said and he raised his glass of cocoa in a salute. "You don't like me bite me! You want it, come and get it!"
Yuri lifted her drink "got that right! say your prayers Mishhu, you will be next!" she said with a grin and drank her drink.
Yoshiro smiled at Yuri's enthusiasm and saluted her with the cocoa. "Darn tootin', Yuri. They will pay for what they have done and I will fight alongside anyone who decides that the Mishhu are their enemies as well. I got a bone to pick with those freaks." He said with an evil grin on his face. "They are going to pay for taking our loved ones away from us."
"I got a feeling we'll be running into the Xynar again soon," Cassie pointed out. "They see like they're basically our rivals in unlocking the wormhole network these...uh..."
"Aetherian progenitors," Euikoshi helped out.
"Yeah, the network they left behind," Cassie finished.
"I am waiting for those guys again...They are on my list and I always make sure that my list is empty." Yoshiro says grinning. He saw what the Xynar could do and what tech they had so destroying any ability they had to fight would make him happy.{
"Imagine how many places in the galaxy we will be able to visit for the first time with access to the wormhole network, though," Gabriela grinned. "The Kikyo Sector is only a tiny part of the Kagami Galaxy and there's so much to see out there."
Yuri nodded her head in agreement "our home is only one tiny piece of the Galaxy, same with the Kosuke Sector.' she said
"I wouldn't mind finding allies in our fights against the enemies that we face all of the time. We could use all the help that we can get." Yoshiro said. He was a warrior and he realized the value of allies and especially ones that could fight.
Poppy nodded in agreement with Yoshiro as she ate a tree-shaped shortbread cookie. "With luck, some of the Concordians and Norians will join our cause, as well as Hidden Sun Clan. They're all strong allies after what the YSE did for them," she pointed out.
"that corporation, the Mining Guild, they have some interesting tech we could use, the Night Guard Security's tech i mean too." Yuri said absentmindedly.
"I will have to take a look at it," Euikoshi told Yuri. "I'm glad they're helping out, too."
"All I know is that I am willing to fight and die for Yamatai!" Yoshiro said and whoever heard him knew that he meant it.
"If you do, I'll make sure you come back in top shape," Poppy grinned. She chomped the head off a gingerbread man and then replaced it with an identical one as a demonstration.
"I know you will, Poppy and I will make sure that you are protected when you do need to do your job with civlians and all." Yoshiro said with conviction in his voice. "Whatever I have to do, I am willing to do it without a thought."
= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Vise, Liza, and Yoshiro
YE 46.9.35
It was the last night of YE 46, and tomorrow the YSS Resurgence would be off-world again on more adventures. Most of the crew had come back to the ship today, hauling their duffel bags full of whatever personal items they might need out in the cosmos, and perhaps some gifts for their crew-mates for the end of the Yule season. As part of the year-end traditions, a spruce tree had appeared in the ship's wardroom and was increasingly decorated with ornaments from Type 36 Holiday Kits or from home. Julix and Rossa, the cooks, had made a special holiday feast with turkey, roast beef, and ham, served with corn pudding, collared greens, yams, black-eyed peas, and cherry and apple pies, as well as piles of cookies of every shape and flavor. Truly it was a quite sight to smell, see, and taste.
Julia, the caretaker, handed out cups of hot cocoa and Sakuko handed out glasses of wine.
Yoshiro sat down after he grabbed a plate of food and cookies. It smelled so good and he started to eat the food that he had grabbed beforehand. He grabbed a glass of wine and hot cocoa too and he ate with gusto.
Poppy and Gabriela Lively, the ship's anthro navigator, sat down next to Yoshiro. "Are you ready to get back out there?" Poppy asked. "We made a lot of big discoveries this year. I can only imagine what's next. But I know it'll be a challenge. Don't worry, though, I'll get you back on your feet if you need me to."
"Of course I am. That is what I was made for, after all." Yoshiro said with a grin as he sipped his hot cocoa. "I love a good challenge and besides there are some people that I owe something to the aliens for what they did to the civilians that we rescued...." He clenched his fist angrily but he calmed down. He knew that they would get a chance at the aliens that attacked the civilians that they had rescued. "I want to do what I can to help though. I am ready to teach them a lesson."
"We rescued a lot of civilians, which ones do you mean," Poppy asked. "Let's see, we rescued Seelie civilians, rescued the Concordians--though that was in YE 45--, we rescued abandoned Mishhuvurthyar civilians, rescued slaves, rescued Norians at Akina..." she said. "It seems like we're always helping people...which is a good thing! We even rescued some data and rescued that golden business-Android."
Yuri flew into the room with a bag full of items, and smiled as she saw Poppy, and Yoshiro. 'Poppy-sempai, Yoshiro-sempai! I have a gift for you two!" Yuri said excitedly with a smile. "also agreed, helping others is good!"
Yoshiro thoght for a moment. "It was in our recent mission, I believe they were called the Norians." He said. "I swear if they ever show their ugly faces here I will show them the true meaning of pain and suffering for what they did." He turned to Yuri and smile. "Yuri-chan, thank you. A gift for me? But I didn't get anything for you..." Yoshiro said feeling a bit guilty. He was happy but he did feel bad that he hadn't got her anything.
Sulevi sat at the table, absent-mindedly munching on a piece of food from the plate in front of him. His ears twitched at the noise around him.
"A gift?" Poppy said, her green eyes blinking in surprise. "Ooh?"
"Poppy got us all at least one gift, too," Gabriela said. "Everyone in the crew got a 12-pack of Dr. Poppy lovefruit soda! They're down in the cargo bay," Gabriela explained.
Poppy nodded. "Right! Happy Yule!"
"Thanks you two." Yoshiro said to Gabriela and Yuri. "I really appreciate it, thanks again." He munched on his dinner and went to eat his cookies after eating his dinner.
Euikoshi sat down by Sulevi. "Hi, new guy," she grinned. "How's the food?" she asked. "You get into any fun during the break?" she asked, striking up some conversation.
Sulevi snapped out of his stupor when Euikoshi addressed him "Uh food? I..." He looked down at the plate. "No I didn't get into much f..." He reached up to rub the bridge of his nose only smack himself on the muzzle of his face. "Ugh, I... You'd think I'd get used to this after a couple years..."
"Do you live in Kyoto?" Euikoshi asked, grabbing a napkin and dabbing it at Sulevi's face like a mom would.
Sulevi raised his hand in half-hearted protest at Euikoshi's napkin. "Not really. I don't find planetside life comfortable."
"So you just kind of hand out in the barracks when we're not on the ship or what? No apartment even?" Euikoshi asked Sulevi.
Sulevi clammed up for a moment, clearly not used to such a barrage of questions. With a sigh he finally opened up. "I'd just stay on the ship if they'd let me. Lived most of my life shipboard. You know, barring those moments of shore leave, before we'd be back in space."
"Well, maybe you could stay with one of us next time. I have to get to know you a little better first, though. No offense! Also you'd have to hide if I bring a guy home," she laughed.
"I think I'll settle for the barracks then."
The doors to the wardroom opened to a pair of sapphire blue wings which strolled in. Chiheisen Takahashi had just gotten settled back in, and had overheard the mention of hotcocoa in the wardroom being passed around. Naturally, she couldnt just ignore it... The Elysian offered the sitting group a salute as she passed by, only to be stopped by a BLue haired nekovalkrja halfway to the hot cocoa.
"ARE ya ever NOT going to just salute?" Kokoro teased as she chewed on beef, only to earn an eyeroll from Chiheisen.
Yuri was all smiles as she brought out a gemstone orchid and handed it to Poppy. "this was made as a promise, of continued working together to collaborate on a job and adventure." she said then turned to Yoshiro, and handed him a badge looking item, made out of crystals. "you'd already brought me a gift many times, Yoshiro, you'd made sure that mom and everyone returns from an Away mission, and i'm eternally grateful." Yuri said to Yoshiro.
Yoshiro teared up a bit as he took the gift that Yuri had offered him. "Hey I am just doing my job, you know." He said sheepishly. He never had anyone thank him for doing his job. He really didn't do it for the rewards or anything but he felt good being appreciated for it nonetheless. "Thank you though. I am glad that I could keep your loved ones safe, Yuri." He looked at the badge and treated it was due reverence since it was from a friend. He pinned it on his uniform and smiled at Yuri. "How does it look?" He asked.
"Thank you," Poppy smiled, admiring the gift and holding it carefully in her hands. After a moment she placed it in her uniform's chest area and then cracked open a beer with a loud hiss. Appropriately, it was the "Gunship Lager" from Tokyo Brewing Company. Perfect for a gunship like the Resurgence!
Yuri smiled at Yoshiro "looks good!' she said with a large happy smile.
"Hey Kokoro," Cassie waved, coming in behind her. "Hey Chiheisen!" She gave the Elysian's wings a gentle brush as she passed by on her way to the serving line. "Here's to kicking ass in YE 47!" she said, giving an exaggerated thumbs-up gesture. "And hopefully not getting shot in the ass," she added, thinking about that one time on Hanako's World.
Kokoro grinned as she swallowed the rest of her meal and returned the thumbs up gesture, her tail swishing behind her. She sure seemed to be in a good mood. "OH HELL YEAH!- I CANT WAIT TO GET BACK OUT THERE!"
Chiheisen's wings visibly ruffled a bit as they were brushed. She simply groaned at the over-energetic neko next to her. The Elysian at least acknowledged Cassie, nodding along.
Yoshiro heard Kokoro shout and laughed. "You're damn right! Any enemies that we face out there better look out, because the Resurgence is gonna come and get'em! WOOHOO!" He said and he raised his glass of cocoa in a salute. "You don't like me bite me! You want it, come and get it!"
Yuri lifted her drink "got that right! say your prayers Mishhu, you will be next!" she said with a grin and drank her drink.
Yoshiro smiled at Yuri's enthusiasm and saluted her with the cocoa. "Darn tootin', Yuri. They will pay for what they have done and I will fight alongside anyone who decides that the Mishhu are their enemies as well. I got a bone to pick with those freaks." He said with an evil grin on his face. "They are going to pay for taking our loved ones away from us."
"I got a feeling we'll be running into the Xynar again soon," Cassie pointed out. "They see like they're basically our rivals in unlocking the wormhole network these...uh..."
"Aetherian progenitors," Euikoshi helped out.
"Yeah, the network they left behind," Cassie finished.
"I am waiting for those guys again...They are on my list and I always make sure that my list is empty." Yoshiro says grinning. He saw what the Xynar could do and what tech they had so destroying any ability they had to fight would make him happy.{
"Imagine how many places in the galaxy we will be able to visit for the first time with access to the wormhole network, though," Gabriela grinned. "The Kikyo Sector is only a tiny part of the Kagami Galaxy and there's so much to see out there."
Yuri nodded her head in agreement "our home is only one tiny piece of the Galaxy, same with the Kosuke Sector.' she said
"I wouldn't mind finding allies in our fights against the enemies that we face all of the time. We could use all the help that we can get." Yoshiro said. He was a warrior and he realized the value of allies and especially ones that could fight.
Poppy nodded in agreement with Yoshiro as she ate a tree-shaped shortbread cookie. "With luck, some of the Concordians and Norians will join our cause, as well as Hidden Sun Clan. They're all strong allies after what the YSE did for them," she pointed out.
"that corporation, the Mining Guild, they have some interesting tech we could use, the Night Guard Security's tech i mean too." Yuri said absentmindedly.
"I will have to take a look at it," Euikoshi told Yuri. "I'm glad they're helping out, too."
"All I know is that I am willing to fight and die for Yamatai!" Yoshiro said and whoever heard him knew that he meant it.
"If you do, I'll make sure you come back in top shape," Poppy grinned. She chomped the head off a gingerbread man and then replaced it with an identical one as a demonstration.
"I know you will, Poppy and I will make sure that you are protected when you do need to do your job with civlians and all." Yoshiro said with conviction in his voice. "Whatever I have to do, I am willing to do it without a thought."
= = =
OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Vise, Liza, and Yoshiro