Space, Near Outpost
Mitsuko could tell Navian was having a bit of trouble with the situation. Conversation didn't seem to be her strong point. At first she hung back, simply listening in. Sensors busy gathering as much data about the outpost as possible, taking the information Yoshida had provided and combining it with what she was seeing for herself. The Logistics Neko was rather experienced with mapping out locations and estimating their interiors and contents. This type of spacial awareness came naturally to her, with her profession. She was looking for any suspicious structures, anything that could hide a surprise they would not enjoy.
Once they were well within visual range, she finally diverted some of her attention from this task to join the conversation and rescue Navian. "I've been forced to converse with the Rixxikor before. As well as teenagers. These people seem much easier to understand, in comparison."
"We are representatives of the Star Army of Yamatai. I am Joto Heisho Murakami Mitsuko, of the YSS Kaiyo. We are merely conducting some standard scans to assure our superiors that you are as friendly as you claim. I am sure you understand. Once they are satisfied, we'll all be very relaxed indeed." She made sure the Kaiyo was hearing both sides of this conversation, as well as receiving their findings. "Could you identify yourself and state the nature of this installation, please? If we are disturbing any sort of work, I'm sure we can be out of your way momentarily." She didn't seem as excited about the alternative, but mentioned it anyway. "...or we might, perhaps, meet in person to discuss things further, if both sides find this acceptable. And desirable."