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RP: United Outer Colonies [Prelude] Beyond these crowded shores...

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Kenoki had no connection to any of her fellow cadets, so she was unfazed by the announcement of Xanatos’ new orders and transfer. Because of this she may have been the only one to notice the Vice-Admiral’s data-pad ring. The Admiral betrayed little of any reaction to what he read, but something in Kenoki’s gut told her something bad had either just happened, or something even worse was about to happen.
Maybe I'm just overreacting. Natsuko thought, Of course he doesn't know where the orders are to, he just got them. Natsuko reasoned as she sighed a little. Then came Xanatos's startling confession. Suddenly, Natsuko's whole body locked up. Love? Natsuko thought unsure if she correctly understood what Xanatos had said. Xanatos loves me? Her mind reeled as if she had just been punched in the gut.

Natsuko felt a warm feeling, but at the same time a cold fear overtook her. "Xan-kun..." Natsuko sent telepathically. "I love you too." Natsuko said as images of her first crew flashed through her mind. "Don't die." Natsuko's last request was simple and quiet, but a small amount of fear was detectable in it.
Xanatos smiled, a low fear of realization entering his own mind. Don't die either, Natsu-chan. I promise that we'll be together again... I promise. By this time, he could stand it no longer and left the room. He would gather his things later. Right now, he headed to the shuttle bay.
Xan-san is leaving? Ai thought to herself, surprised. It seemed to her that one-by-one, all the people she knew were disappearing. This didn't help her emotional state. What was next? Natsuko leaving and eventually Ai being left alone? She sighed. Ai knew that she was just powerless to stop anything.
Natsuko watched as Xanatos left, it took every ounce of self control she had to not go after him. First Galar and Ai, now Xanatos and I. Natsuko thought sadly. Natsuko reluctantly turned her attention back to Richtor, there she saw David and Caine. Was this planned? Natsuko wondered silently.
After several moments spent reeling in confusion, Richter brought himself back together. He saluted Stryker momentarily. "Alright, Cadets, report to your vessels immediately." He looked to the other officers present before continuing. "But you three are staying here. We have some stuff to discuss."
Natsuko stood up and turned her head to Ai, "Ne, Ai-chan, let's go." she said lethargically. Then turning to Kenoki, "Let's go." Natsuko looked as if she had just run 15 miles only to be run over by a stampede of bulls at the end. Is this what it feels like for Ai? Natsuko wondered absentmindedly. No, it's probably worse for her. At least Xanatos said something. Bastard.

Natsuko wasn't angry at Xanatos, he couldn't help having left. Instead her anger was for Galar. It was Galar who vanished into the night, leaving Ai alone. It's probably safer that he isn't here. Natsuko reasoned. We're not fighting any wars, he should be safe. I swear Xanatos Zarthe, if you die before I do... Natsuko thought. Once Ai was up Natsuko started off for the shuttlebay.
"Hai hai." Ai followed Natsuko to the shuttlebay. "Uh... Natsu-chan. Are you okay?" Ai would rather not have her friend also in the same pain she was in, though... it was a bit late now.

The least that Cadet could do was to at least help command the ship well. Losing people she cared for she could, partially, handle. But, if she completely and utterly screwed this up, meaning getting people killed when she was assigned to help command, she couldn't live with.
Kenoki wanted to find out just what was going on, but something in the Vice-Admiral’s tone when he said ‘immediately’ broached no argument. She stood up and followed her team. She didn’t want to intrude on their conversation; she didn’t know them or what their connections to each other were. But they were a team now, and she had to know these two. Part of her still thought that it was some kind of mistake, how could anyone think Kenoki could be an officer? Still yet another part, the part of her that cried with joy on the day of Independence, was determined to do her part and follow where her superiors lead. If that meant going though this training, then so be it.

Kenoki had fallen behind Natsuko and Ai, she quickened her pace to catch up to them. This was her team, for all the wisdom or lack there of in Kenoki’s being there, she knew she would have to start playing her part. “Look, I don’t mean to interrupt and I know you two don’t know me too well…” She started to loose momentum and trailed off. She took a deep breath and forced herself to continue, “Whatever happens, whatever we face, I promise I’ll be there to back you guys up. Okay?”
The second they were dismissed, Ashlyn flung herself at David and hugged him tight, hanging around his neck from behind him. "STRYKER!" She cried happily, "Where'd you go I thought I'd never see you again! How come I'm not your attache anymore!? You know you can't have talks like this without me. Ah! I missed you!" She was completely oblivious to much else at that time, another hazard of being a stealth specialist used to looking through a scope at very limited targets.

Or she just really liked Stryrker.
Caine watched the others and felt the buzz of telepathic activity between Xan, Ai and Natsuko and watched their expressions. It seemed like command was purposefully splitting up all sorts of couples with all the moving and adjusting they were doing of the forces. It was alittle sad to see, he could bear his own as he could contact Kiyoko at any time but it still pulled at ya to see your friends parting like that.

"You three take care of yourselves ok? Don't let all this get you down, things'll work out in the end somehow." He sent to the three in question: Ai, Natsuko and Kenoki, but the last sentence only to Ai and Natsuko.

He grinned at David when he got glomped by Ashlyn and nudged him with an elbow. "Someone's getting some tonight..." He teased a bit and nodded to Richter. "Understood sir."
David stagered forward one step as Ashlyn jumped on him. "I wasn't away for that long Ashlyn. He reached back and gentlely strached the back of her head as he looked over at Caine and sent him a telepathic message. "We don't have That sort of relationship." David then turned around to face Ashlyn while craneing his head back so he wouldn't head but her. "Come-on Ashlyn get to your ship and don't let me down in this mission. Have fun and good hunt."
Natsuko turned around to face Kenoki and looked at her, as if trying to read her. All Natsuko saw however, was her reflection staring back at her in Kenoki's sunglasses. After a few seconds, Natsuko just nodded before beginning her trudge back to the shuttle bay.

Don't let this get you down? Natsuko repeated Caine's message in her head. For Ai, it can't ever work out. Galar went to Yamatai, we're never allowed to return. Ever. For me...as long as both of us are alive there's hope I guess. Natsuko thought silently. "Gomen Ai-chan." Natsuko said. "I'll be fine." Natsuko's expression changed as she spoke. If Ai is fine, then I have to be as well.

"Ne, Hirahara-san. I'll be there to back you up as well." Natsuko said to Kenoki. Then Natsuko turned around so Ai would be included in the conversation. "I can't wait to see the ship!!"
"Fiiiiiiiiiine. I'll see you later, 'kay?" Ashlyn slipped off, then hugged Stryker from the front before bowing to the officers and walking for her ship. What was I hunting for, again? I hope we have long range weapons. She thought to herself, hoping the members of her team were as good as they were in the power armours. She still didn't understand why they'd been chosen, but the cadet promised herself she would get through all of it.

White-tee-e-e-eam..white t-eam~
"That's good Natsu-chan. You helped me... so if you need someone to talk to, I'll be here. Though, I wouldn't call myself an expert on the matter, nor would I really want to be!"

Yup, I'll do the same for you two, though I'll be relying on you two to catch any goof-ups" Ai replied, forcing a smile and giggling a bit. Just smile and wave. Nothing bad happened....
Despite Natsuko's percieved enthusiasm, it could do little to dull how she felt. "Let's get going." Natsuko said as she walked into the shuttlebay, her voice still cheery. "Which should we take?" Natsuko thought aloud as she looked at the shuttles. "Ne, let's take this one!" the neko said enthusiastically as she walked around the back to get in.
Kenoki followed Smiling to herself. These were her team-mates, all things considered, it could have been worse.

Kenoki turned on her heal to face Ai and pointed one finger right at her nose, “You! If you doubt yourself again I’m going to pinch your ass, got it? Have faith in yourself or else,” She made a pinching motion with the finger that she had been pointing at Ai.
"AH! Gomen gomen gomen," Ai replied with mock tone behind it. "But what I MEANT to say was I was counting on you IF I goofed up, not when I goofed up."

The Cadet quickly scooted off to follow Natsuko into the shuttle that was picked out and sat down on a random seat, just in case Ai's bottom was in any danger of deadly pinches.
Kenoki nodded satisfied, placing her hands on her hips with her elbows out at a jaunty angle, “Good, my work here is done.” She swaggered onto the shuttle and took a seat.
Natsuko slid behind the pilot's controls of the shuttle, and once everyone was in proceded to shut the hatch they had used to enter and gently lift the shuttle off the deck. Natsuko was quiet as she flew however, she knew that it would be a while before she saw Xanatos again. He confessed to me? Of all the times, now? Now he has to leave... the neko huffed a little as she piloted the shuttle out of the bay, letting her thoughts flow freely. Everyone is going to leave...just like before. I shouldn't have opened my self up like I did, what was I thinking. Natsuko turned to look at Ai and Kenoki. "What do you guys think of the new mission?" Natsuko asked glancing over to her new team members.
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