Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 December 2024 is YE 46.9 in the RP.

RP Concluded [Prelude/Episode 0] - Natsukashii

Katsuko remained observant, she was ever vigilant of the conversations around her. It seemed Matsumoto-Chui had found a place for that expressive technical mind, with the other minds among them. Her own thoughts were divided, sorting between what was happening around her and a cast of communications and reports. Even when engaged in what was now her life, she wrapped herself in that for now absent uniform and devoted herself wholly to the conducting of a greater orchestra; some of those gathered were her children, and yet minute by minute she was re-birthing her beloved fleet. Maybe that was the secret to why Yaichiro kept her around still, that in some ways she was as devoted as he was. She drew Eri just a bit closer and replied through the telepathic link to the absent thought of Eri, "The cast and crew of a journey into the unknown; I've missed our family and my friends," she closed her eyes for a second, and just savored the sounds of discussion and interaction. She was worried of course, about how Akina, Eri, and Yaichiro would get along, decades of her life were merging here.

"When you say you're here Freydis, I almost think you're expecting a standing ovation. I would give you one, but I fear as your boss I'd have to take you off the clock for it," she joked and gave a welcoming nod to her Keibi protector. It was warming to see them all interacting.

There was plenty she could have added to the discussion about the CAMIE but she couldn't ignore the pending sparks from the firepot that was Kaoru, and said "I missed you too sweetheart but we can discuss things later, this is neither the time nor the place." She examined the man with her and a shiver moved down her spine as suddenly, she was uncomfortable, the story behind how her daughter had entwined herself with this man was something she was interested in, yet she remained cool, "You and your date should come to join us," she gave a wave for them to come to join her.

The boat bobbed gently in the water, it would catch the boom and send it one way or the other as the wind changed. Perhaps later there would be a chance for the Dream of Taiie to go on one last tour of the waters of the Motoyoshi Channel before it was hauled into storage and taken into space. Katsuko withheld the urge to hurry Akina and Yue along, there was no rush. The update from Akina made her muse, wondering what business was now going on below deck. "Sounds like fun, I need a drink though - I think you're out for a taste of blue love, " she replied back to her wife.


Kaoru smiled at her father's offer, she gave a tug of the strings on Sorin's swim trunks as she pulled him along behind her and kept her balance as the boat swayed on the waves. "Sure Dad, I will have what she is having," Her mother's response had Taisa just fuming angry. She swallowed the knot of the desired outburst as she invited them over, and Kaoru being as upset as she was just flattened her hand against her boyfriend's exposed six-pack and swiped over his skin. The poor man likely was just relieved it was cooler by the water, let alone be forced to understand the silent cold war that was going on between his girlfriend and her mother.

"You know what mother?" Kaoru said suddenly, out loud and in front of all the company, "Let's do that, let's talk about it later so it can be in a room with me, you, and Ojiisan. We can call it a conversation, but it will just be another order dispatch for you. You got what you want, your seat back in the big chair, and the fact you can't seem to understand that some of us don't think that chair is the best use of our efforts. I shouldn't have even talked to you, I was even careful to make my plans clear that they were in a few years, not right now. You seem to love what Yue has accomplished but to hell with what I want, right?" she had said it all maybe a little louder than she had attended on, she looked towards Yaichiro and said quietly, "Sorry, Dad." She then left Sorin standing there as she disappeared below deck, encountered Akina and Yue as she rolled her eyes and sat down at one of the tables with tears running down her face.

She looked at Akina and Yue from the corner of her eyes, and she couldn't help but mutter, "Shit..." not having meant to talk about Yue when she was right there. She wondered what she had interrupted as well.
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If there was one thing Yue was learning, it was that Akina was a tease! Yue continued blushing as Akina commented on her blush and how fun it was making her turn these ‘interesting’ colors. Her eyes blinked when she commented about the cupcakes ”on you?” She asked, confused. She knew cupcakes were eaten, not worn so to hear her comment about putting them on her confused the pure blue-skinned girl.

Her tail twitched behind her, of course, she could have used it, to scratch her itch, but she found using her hands was better. Unfortunately, she’d forgotten the company she was with otherwise she’d have gone somewhere else to deal with her problem. Yue looked up at Akina as she began speaking, asking her to help her out of her outfit and she’ll give her a preview.

Yue looked up at the much taller woman, and she felt her feet leave the ground as she began levitating. Her eyes blinked as Akina’s voice became all honey suddenly and she blinked again as she felt hands on her hips, bringing her closer to her. She blinked, giggling when Akina reached the ticklish spots of her belly, which Tachiko knew well. But she began to get worried, the only person to ever touch her flat AA cup chest was Tachiko. But here Akina was about to do so before she moved her arms off her, and allowed Yue to remove her top.

She found the woman to be different, but she began to worry a little about her, whether she was the forceful type or what. Fortunately, she heard a loud Kaoru-sounding voice, and she heard her name mentioned. That stopped her from doing anything as her eyes widened. Kaoru never got praised for her work? But she was amazing and did amazing things! Then Kaoru arrived, offering a further distraction.

Yue turned away from Akina, floating to Kaoru, her feet landing on the lower deck floor as she approached her bandmate, and someone she hoped to make her bestie. Yue wrapped her arms around her, ignoring how it felt a naked girl like her hugging a clothed one like Kaoru. I don’t like hearing that…that you don’t get praised, your amazing Kaoru-can! I don’t know if it will help but I am gonna talk to her, maybe later when it's just the two of us, I’ll talk and maybe get her to see your side of things. I enjoy working with you its fun! We do great things together, your amazing! Yue said in a softer whisper to Kaoru’s ear as she hugged her. This hugging was something she felt Kaoru needed.
Fuyuko felt like she’d wandered into a backblast zone. Somehow her attempt to avoid any potential drama had left her standing right next to the family spat of a lifetime. The old engineer she’d been chatting with seemed to be the father of the livid newcomer. Addressing her conversation partners in a low voice, she said, “My drink’s empty, you want me to grab you something while I refill?”
Stiener winced internally at the woman's awful pun; and had been about to respond when the young lady had felt the need to yell at her matriarch. But after listening to the conversation, in an uncommon lapse in discipline simply sighed, though the sound could be easily mistaken for a simple malfunction of his vocoder. His honor guard, having stood at the ready and relatively forgotten wisely chose to find something else to look at. 'Typical noble bullshit.' The grandmaster thought, completely unsurprised at the girl's accusation and the more likely than not very real truth behind them, 'Always looking to increase their personal powerbase at the expense of others, even their own family.' It seemed no matter what universe you were in certain things would always remain a constant; heat is hot, blades are sharp, Nobles were ambitious bastards willing to do whatever it to secure their house and legacy.

At the same time, it was a rather unfair observation as Kat was, at least in the short time that he knew her quite loyal to Yamatai and saw her duty to the Empire as her main priority. He could respect that, and the fact she'd resigned a position that in some ways actually offered greater authority-granted it was more of a heat-of-the-moment decision than anything, but the point remained. The problem he had at the moment was getting a proper read on her; was she one of the usual nobles? Engaged in petty power struggles for the betterment of her house or a dutiful soldier, dedicated to King, or in this Empress and Country? Or businesswoman; devoted to enterprise and innovation? Unfortunately, at the moment he had no clue as she did not fit the typical mold-though likely his opinion of her would further solidify as time went on.

Whether their budding friendship would remain intact would also be up for debate. The Neko's inquiry however interrupted his train of thought. "I am afraid I have to decline." He replied, giving a nod of thanks as he indicated the Warden, "But the offer is appriciat-" A faint ping interrupted him; why were his men's comm's active? Their external speakers on their hardsuits were off; so either they'd seen something and were trying not to alert anyone or...he thought back to the girl's outburst. They weren't...As he tuned in, he caught the tail end of the conversation:

"( twenty paces?)" Came a man's voice, sounding both amused and intrigued, "(Nah, crossed blades in an honor duel.)" This brought a chuckle, as Steiner felt his annoyance mount, "(You mean if her Ladyship doesn't throw her off the ship first?") Another contributed, as the mechanoid saw him adjust the grip on his weapon-they were betting on this...these were Sentinels-supposedly the finest he had to offer. At the same time, regardless of what position they occupied soldiers were soldiers and would try to alleviate the monotony of a quiet posting. Still didn't keep it from annoying him. ("Twenty marks then on these three outcomes?)" Spotting the slight nod of each soldier followed by a ("Yer on.") He was putting a stop to!

Rasing his vocoder a couple of octaves he interrupted their radio conversation rather publicly. "You lot are not betting on this!" He growled in Trade, his synthesized speech sound like a truck's engine growling and very publicly outing them and was treated to the rather ridiculous sight of three grown, armored men looking like children caught in their mother's pie. He would've laughed if not for the fact he was currently trying to enforce some standard of behavior. "When we return you will each receive corporal punishment in the form of twenty lashes, a fine of forty marks and a month's extra duty. Any further lapses in discipline will be dealt with!" The men at least at the decency to look mortified at his chastisement. "You are Sentinels, not Common Yeoman; start acting like it!" And his honor guard to boot-which made this all the more embarrassing. Each man suddenly their post and patrol VERY interesting, doubtless trying to avoid both his own and possibly Katsuko's wrath any further. There'd be some grumbling, but hopefully it'd keep them from any further nonsense. Hopefully.

"My apologies," The grandmaster said to the group, "Unfortunately as in any unit we do have issues with discipline from time to time." It was a habit of both the current and old company when nobles fought to place bets to see how long before it came to blows-a rather...interesting custom, but at the moment it was...inappropriate. It could also very well cost them this contract, but that went without saying. Hopefully Kat wouldn't take too much umbrage with this.

Yeah...right. And Thuroks could grow wings and fly.
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"It's an affectionate term for your breasts, I should send you a lexicon so we're on the same page." The Taisho mused. Even with her focus on trying to get Yue all excited, she did add a note to her list of idle thoughts to check on (if data was available) how many Neko were now sporting tails, was it due to how they fit more easily into new equipment, and things were always going to go that way, or was it because of the company she kept? She was more than happy to ruminate on that later. "That's a good way to help, though you look kind of like a faerie now.", The din of the argument had not reached her just yet, and as the upper layers of her uniform finally peeled away, her chest gave one good bounce out. The top she wore if one called it that consisted of two triangles covering (most) of her areolae, but showing off all the rest of her breasts pouring out the sides and everywhere else. To top that off, the material was some kind of gauzy mesh, and she had it tied around her neck and back tightly enough that the soft, pale flesh pressed out against the material to make sure it would keep on. Getting soaked and flirting with Yue only meant she had perked nipples as well.

"Is that...? Oh, we should have been up there. I wanted to see her anyway though it might not have stopped...", There was a little pause left for Kaoru bursting below decks to fume, "...that. We'll have to get to this another time. Or later.", That was also a good idea, as far as the redhead was concerned. She stripped her skirt off on her own, nudging the floating girl towards her officer. The taisho's backside was half-turned to the pair as she revealed a matching bottom in the form of another triangle and basically nothing else, fully putting her sex on display from the front, or really, until she stood up, from the back as well, not that her butt was really in the thing.

The mystery of Katsuko and Akina's tardiness above deck was officially solved!

Akina picked up her damp clothes and hung them up, giving Yue and Kaoru a second before wading into it herself. She sat down on the free side of her and offered her warmest, "Hello Kaoru. Do you want an even bigger hug, or to just get it off your chest? I'm happy to get into it.", One of her arms rested on the back of her seat and she put the other on the table in front of them both, forming a half-circle facing her direction. "I can also manage the drinks on my own, if you just want to apolo-talk to Yue. We do need to talk, but it would have been impresonal to do it anything but face to face."
Yaichiro was well aware of the practice of sticking bigger power sources onto things to power hungrier systems than stock would allow. That was Equipment Hot Rodding 101. He was about to go into how necessitating that series of upgrades still served as an economic and engineering barrier of entry, likely by using a 'strap a big enough engine onto a brick and it'll fly—with horrible fuel economy' analogy, before his daughter unexpectedly exploded on her mother. It clearly wasn't the time or place, but the undertones were concerning. He gently removed his hand from Kazumi's head and gave a carefully measured bow to the visitors. Not enough to appear subservient, but sufficient to be apologetic for the specific situation.

"I'm sorry for her conduct and any discomfort that it may have caused you all. You in particular, sir, who came as her date. Feel free to remain and enjoy yourself." Not only might the date need to provide some context later, but Yaichiro knew how awkward it could be for someone who didn't know if they should stay or leave. He was worried for Kaoru, and Katsuko likely needed to stay present to mingle...not that Kaoru would speak to her with a clear mind anyway. "Please excuse me. I need to go check on our daughter." He sent a hopefully reassuring //"let me handle this"// to Katsuko as he retreated to follow Kaoru. He would soon find the girl being comforted by Yue and Akina...a very skimpily-if-at-all dressed Yue and Akina.

Putting those thoughts out of his mind, he approached the already-embraced Kaoru and gently put a hand on her head as previously offered. He gave Akina and Yue a thankful glance before focusing on Kaoru. The man worried that he might be a bit too blunt to properly convey his intentions, but tried anyway. "Kaoru. I'm not angry about what happened up there, but I'm worried about you. Can you please tell us what's wrong?"
Kazumi came close to bristling at the very public display by her elder sibling. The calming presence of her father had abated most of it. Only to find it gone. If she’d had a tail, it would’ve been thumping in agitation, but her ears laying flat against her skull would simply suffice.

As far as embarrassing situations went, this was definitely top five. Next to her brother, not the former leader of the UOC. But the sot, the lush, debauch supreme. Hiroki oft-making an example of just how big of a jerkass one could be when they had a bank account to match their ego. The only audible noise Kazumi made was the very feline version of a growl low in her throat, a spitting hiss, and found a seat.

(“The dreamers sleep in bliss, lads.” ) came the non-rhotic accented Trade of a female voice of middling timbre. Saying this after Steiner’s shout at his guard. On the frequency, they’d used. A stray recently picked up, offering the words from her position far enough away to go unseen, even to prying eyes. For her people, the Sund Wakir, it meant simply: ‘Death is not as bad as it seems.’ All the same, part of the Iromakuanhe woman’s helmet disengaged, the world’s wind at this altitude carrying the scent of salt into the air to her vantage point. The matte-black flask she held in one hand, the other resting on a knee. Lifting it to those poor, brave fuckers placing bets. Now getting lashes and a deduction in their pay. At least the Grandmaster hadn’t slashed their alcohol rations. He was a hardass, not a tyrant.

And so she tipped the lip of the flask out a little, letting a dribble of tawny fluid splatter on the boulder at her side to salute the fallen. From her vantage point, at least with her suit’s built-in visual suite, she could make them all out well enough. Steiner, the hulking bastard in particular. Wasting no more, the lithe woman took a respectable sip and then promptly screwed the cap back on. Until she was paid in full for her contract, the Grandmaster was an investment she would not let out of her sight.
Kuroko's absence was telling. And, given the mood she had been in since being taken out of school and brought back to Jiyuu, likely worrying. She wasn't the serious, focused girl she had been on her last school holiday. Not since the bombing, either. She wasn't the one who quietly, introspectively saved that acerbic tongue for just the right moment. Kuroko had shifted from using it to counterpunch to wielding it offensively. Some are ruined when broken, others are simply given sharp and jagged edges, it seemed.

After a few minutes, the specter of her absence became the specter of a shadow that passed beneath the sailboat and pier, gently rocking it though it was silent even as rapidly as it swam. It was larger than a human, perhaps able to swallow a person whole, or just small enough that it couldn't, and in any event small enough that its long fins still fit between the piles and pillars of the pier to swim beneath the docked yacht. The shadow circled, then did it again, and once more, closer to the surface each time, rocking the boat just a little bit more– still eerily gently and silently given the thing's size and great speed.

One more wide ellipse, then at the vertex, not two hundred meters off the stern in deeper waters, it leapt. Or, rather, it flew, rising into the air with a great humming sound. An agile-looking, sharp-edged craft emerged in hover from the water, sending a spray of water over the deck that misted everyone and everything aboard like a gentle rain. To the elders, it would have been reminiscent of the UOCPF's Shuriken fighter. The hul wasl a deep, royal purple with shimmering metallic gold floral motifs over the surface like gold leaf on cloisonné of the finest skill and detail. The beauty of it was marred by flashing red omnihue banners that read, in Yamataigo kanji punctuated by Jolly Roger totenkopf symbols: "☠️ EIDAN SUCKS ☠️".

An electrical-sounding whirr began to build, and then great plumes of steam billowed out of the craft's stern as the magnetic engines switched from seawater to plasma as their fluid. It was like the grandest fog machine at any concert on an even grander scale, like one of the lush, fluffy clouds dotting the tropical sky had descended to sea level. It was as if a thick, soupy fog bank had rolled over sailboat and its pier, and much of the rest of the marina and out into the water. The craft streaked out over the horizon, leaving a trail of clouds behind it.

Shortly thereafter, a distant sonic boom rattled the glassware of the guests on deck, and left ripples in their contents.
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Katsuko was livid with Kaoru, her daughter didn't have to erupt the way she did, and yet at the same time she understood - she would have probably done the same. The conflict between the younger heir and the Elders had been going on for some time, and the lack of an agreeable vision for her future had been somewhat of an ongoing issue. Katsuko didn't move, when she saw Yaichiro in motion she entrusted it to him, someone had to stay above deck to keep things moving. //"Darling, I trust you to handle it, but it is something which eventually will have to come out, a meeting of all of us Elders and her,"// Katsuko was sort of grateful for the minor interruption of Steiner's issue on his end, it helped draw attention away from the Motoyoshi Princess that had just disappeared beneath decks. "Apology accepted Grandmaster, of course only if you accept mine. Not everyone in this clan always gets along, we have problems like any others," she said, "Let's hope that Nepleslian Whiskey comes up soon, I think I'm going to need a good sip of it myself," She adjusted her posture uncomfortably and closed eyes, she focused only on the sway of the boat then; the rise and fall of the waves soothing her own inner fire that threatened to spark.

Her attention was soon gained by the emergence of the craft from the water, it took a minute for it to register but then she saw the writing on the banner, "Kuroko..." she said with a huff, "I don't understand these kids, insulting each other but you try to separate them you have to perform surgery to get them apart," she commented on the banner on the vessel, "I guess that was her way of saying goodnight," Katsuko observed the wobble of the empty glass, it was a reminder that it was indeed empty. She gave a frustrated look towards Eri who was silent, annoyed that she had said nothing through all of it.

//"Come sit over here."// Katsuko privately sent it to Kazumi. She then reached out to Matsumoto-Chui, //"Please, go below deck, see if you can help Akina and Yue get some of that liquor up here."// She thought perhaps the flow of social lubrication would assist in letting this drama pass a little quicker.


The Norian was a little unsure of how to respond, he just adjusted his swim trunks a little and moved to lean up against the forward mast of the sailing vessel. The environment of Jiyuu was incredibly hot, it was already getting to him. "Ah, yeah, and it was nice to meet you," Sorin said to Yaichiro. He didn't know if he was expected to follow her or not, so he just stayed in place.


She really didn't know who she was responding to, be it Akina, Yue, or her father. She was just outright distraught, "I-I just want something I do to be good enough for this clan. I was made to replace someone! Is that all I am? Some replacement because fucking Kiyoko was broken? I killed the bitch, Datenshi and I killed her and I feel like I did my part. I don't want a lifetime in the Star Army. I have other things I aspire to do," she said frantically, "Nothing I ever do is good enough, YTP Entertainment is booming, and yet I don't get any attention for it - it is never good enough, never good enough for her," she said in reference to her mother. "I didn't even say I wanted to retire now, I said in a few years but no, that doesn't fit into whatever vision the elders of this clan have," she vented, she clung against Yue, "You have it so good, I wish they would just let me be more like you," she said with a sniffle, as he looked at her father.

The not really dressed, but more than Yue taisho squeezed Kaoru a little more tightly, and turned her slight smile to Yaichiro when he arrived to help. "None of you are a replacement for any of the others. I think that you know that, if you don't, I'll drag the both of you in myself." Her eyes narrowed just slightly enough that told all three of them she would bring Katsuko and Kaoru into a well-insulated room kicking and screaming if she had to. "There is much going on, but I am proud of you! If I did not believe you were up to any task you wouldn't be coming with me, and if you're worried about the company we can always modify a recording suite and the like aboard. It's not even the first time that's been done in this fleet."

It felt odd to be called a Clan Elder, even if she was one, it did make her realize she might be losing the thread of things, and she gave her daughter another pet, "I think you are good enough, and I'm excited to see what else you'll do. We live a long time, and there are more than enough of us to be in the service as long as possible. I'll try to keep you, but it's ultimately up to you and everyone will have to respect that, even if they will miss you. We are a family."

Her gaze moved to Yue, giving her a nod to interject, and she knew Yaichiro would too so she was happy to try and calm her down without words for a moment.

"What an odd wave in the harbor. And a sonic boom? Did someone buzz us?" Akina asked Katsuko through their link. It might track with what happened. Or there was just someone having low-altitude fun at the same time a big wake hit the ship.


With the Dream of Taiie already swimming in brats, the youngest of the triplets made her way on board. She carried a large Star Army duffel bag held in place by a strap nestled between the cups of a yellow bikini, unlike her mother, one that actually covered her very modest chest, though not as much down below, it did include a white sarong that ended at the top of her thighs and was tied over one of her hips. The second her feet hit the deck, her matching flip-flops smacked to the ground out of the way of everyone so she could let her bare feet roam.

Ayano wore a band of protection around her eyes, more visor than sunglasses, probably with an integrated link and HUD. Atop her head was a floppy white hat with opened flaps unattached from their secure snap points to let her ears out where they poked from the top of her head.

Waving with her silky tail to everyone above deck, she sauntered to the first person on the 'receiving line', to hug Katsuko, interruptions or not. It was not hard for her to swing the leave to get to see everyone.

"What's up? This is a wild party. Did you arrange the air show yourself, mom?"
Yue blinked as Akina explained an affectionate term for breasts to her and a promise to send her a lexicon so that they’d be on the same page. She thought having a lexicon might be a good idea, that way anything Tachiko might have said or something to that effect wouldn’t confuse her. She wanted to be a good lover for her, but she began to think that maybe she might need some special tutoring in certain subjects. Yue blushed as she was mentioned as looking like a faerie now because of her levitation. But her blush deepened as she saw how big Akina’s breasts were. She did feel a little jealous but she didn’t want to change her body or suddenly get breasts like her but she couldn’t help but wonder did Tachiko like bigger breasts?

Unfortunately, she didn’t get to ask Akina any questions when Kaoru’s outburst happened and she was there clinging to her.
Yue held her bikini-clad cousin to her nude body, ignoring the feelings she was having down there as her focus on Kaoru became a focus. Kaoru’s father Yai, was noticed, of course, but with her attention on Kaoru, she didn’t speak to him.

Akina spoke to Kaoru asking if she wanted an even bigger hug, or to get it off her chest, and Yaichiro also wanted to ask her what was wrong, which it seemed Kaoru wanted to get it off her chest so Yue listened to her talk. From Kaoru’s words, it seemed that all she wanted was an acknowledgment from Katsuko. Not only that, but that she wanted to be treated more like her.

The azure Motoyoshi listened to Akina’s response, and she knew that Akina was right, not only was Kaoru not a replacement but she Kaoru was good enough. The shortest Motoyoshi saw Akina’s look that she gave Yue, with her permission to add her interjection. “You're good enough! you make amazing songs, and you come up with interesting lyrics! The hoverboards I made were actually inspired by you! I don’t believe that you’re a replacement, I on the other hand might have been but definitely not you!” Yue had reached up to place her hand on Kaoru’s cheek to turn her focus on Yue, but she might have shouted her words. “Kaoru you are seriously amazing, and very good enough! Aunt Akina is right! You're good enough! You think so too, right?!” She asked Yaichiro with an adorable stern look on her face.

She could see that she’d been right, all Kaoru wanted was an acknowledgment from Katsuko, and Yue promised herself that she will make it happen, she’ll talk to her later, and get her to see what she needed to do. She also remembered the hoverboards! Kuroko wanted one, and Katsuko did too, but what about Kaoru?
Once Kaoru had her cry and everyone had their say, she planned on asking if Kaoru wanted to see what she’d made.
Kazumi’s head turned toward the water, arms folded under her chest, a twist of a frown now in place. Her displeasure was visible and heard. Even now, her ears held back halfway to her skull. Between her private life, work, clan politics at play… and Chiharu knew what else. It was all so stifling even while rising from her seat to sit beside her mother. She said nothing, just heaving a heavy sigh as her head tilted down, chin tucked, eyes now on the clasped hands in her lap.

Someone close to her continued to tell of the madness infesting the ship she served on. It was a wonder how they could survive the day despite their position. Kazumi now understood what it must be like. And now these aliens? Aunt Sui would’ve likely flown into a fury at the thought of one dipping his wick in the Clan's heir.

“Sorry for the outburst,” the young Motoyoshi apologized just loud enough for those close by or with superior hearing further out could catch.
Yaichiro agreed with Yue, but not because of the pout. It was because he honestly felt that way. His mind went a kilometer a minute, trying to figure out how to parse things. He hadn't heard the other side's account of things...but there were things he could say to his daughter. There were several points of note as he kept caressing the top of the girl's head. "Your mother isn't always the best at conveying her feelings," he led with. "Sometimes it hurts others, often she hurts herself. But I can say this. She values competence and ability more than anything else for things like this. You can give a person station but you can't make them good at what they do, after all. And she made you her heir because she has faith in you. That alone is praise, even if I agree that you should hear it aloud and for more aspects of your life. Secondly, you are not a replacement of Kiyoko's to me. I would hope that is obvious. Anyone who would equate the two of you is clearly ignorant." He hesitated to say more regarding Kiyoko, given that her adopted mother was present. Whatever lingering feelings Akina may have had in her heart for the traitor, he would not disrespect.

He pondered the matter carefully. There was certainly a preference for military service, but it wasn't the only solution. Yaichiro had NTV going on for that purpose too, so it wasn't like having a media angle wasn't respectable...even if he wasn't an idol himself. "I'm limited in how I can intelligently respond, Kaoru, having not been there to hear what was said...but given the situation, I hope that reaction was more knee-jerk panic than anything else. The whole Motoyoshi clan is acting out a plan that is rather rushed, you see. To find out that you have plans to retire someday and freak out doesn't make sense to me except as a panicked reaction to being blindsided by another complication. I am hoping it is a misunderstanding that can still be discussed...but if not..."

Yaichiro's irritation could be heard as his voice dipped a little in tone, even as he tried to be comforting. "This is a military clan. They will naturally expect the heiress to serve in the military. The thing is that you already have, for ten years, and it sounds like they essentially told you that you will never be allowed to stop. The problem with that is that one of the reasons military service is so respected is that we do it willingly. To refuse to praise your efforts, your delivering Kiyoko to justice, and to say 'thanks for nothing, now do it for the rest of your life'? What is that but enslavement? Where's the glory or honor in that? I...have to confess that I am trying not to be overly angry for your sake before verifying that this isn't some mistake or miscommunication. For all I've worried about fitting in among the clan and its leadership over the years, I've never before been so thoroughly tempted to send a communication displeasure." He intentionally avoided being specific, because the exact words of the communication floating around in his mind were 'kindly fuck off'.

The man forced himself to calm down a bit, with a few deep breaths easing a rarely displayed ice-cold fury. He was getting too worked up with too little information, but at no point had the touch on Kaoru's head gotten any less gentle. "As things stand, this sounds too much like the thankless mess your mother went through and convinced herself was her responsibility to deal with, to the point of neglecting her own mental and emotional well-being. But even she has popped in and out of military service as necessary both for the clan's needs and her own mental health. Motoyoshi regularly serve in political and business roles rather than the military, too. If this is a matter of your music not being recognized or praised, maybe it's a matter of the old generation just not understanding the value of your contributions in an unfamiliar field? Maybe we need to find a way to show them its value to the clan and the Empire somehow...perhaps someone with business connections would have an idea? I honestly don't believe you are obligated to prove a thing, but it's a way to fight back if their opinions worry you. As for if your mother has specific misgivings...well...I guess I'll have to ask her to explain herself."

As if to act on this point, Yaichiro elected to send a telepathic communication to Katsuko. //"I'm livid for Kaoru's sake, but I also know I only have her side of the story. We need to talk about this later."//
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"Accepted and understood," Steiner replied with a slight bow; he'd honestly be more concerned if they all got along perfectly-but his general opinion on nobility served as his bias on that one-not would he voice his opinion in reguards, "Tis' not the first time I have witnessed such things, nor will it be the last." That much was true- it seemed that no matter where he went, things always seemed to remain the same. Famliles fight, gribblies devour systems, politicians scheme and plot-just another day in the company. Her grumbling about needing alcohol almost made him laugh-especially when one of the Sentinels reach for a small, dark brown and tan clay jug, no bigger than an old tonic bottle-capped with a cork held in place tightly with string, and pulling his helmet off with a slight hiss as the seals on it released; revealing close cropped brown hair, and a thin, scarred, pock-marked face with a crude looking bionic implant replacing the left eye-the iris glowing an evil red as he examined it. A slight swish followed him uncorking it and giving it brief sniff, and a sigh as turned towards Katsuko.

Steiner had this sneaking suspicion that the poor Neko was about to be in for a relatively unpleasant surprise as the yeoman held it towards her if said supscions proved to be true. Rather than warn her, he simply waited for the inevitable if she took a sip. "Ain't no' Nep' sp'rit," He said in thickly accented Trade offering her the bottle, "Bu' t' migh' be en'o to take th' edge off."

As the craft zoomed off into the distance, the old Sentinel shook his 'head' and chuckled. "I have often found that is the way of siblings; at each others throats, but the moment you go against one you fight them all." The Norian wasn't looking too well he noted as the man moved to lean against one of the masts; likely the heat would inevitably take its toll. Fabricating what seemed to be some kind of vest, he briefly dunked it in sea water, bubbles floating to the surface as it filled, and then lifted it out, using his drone to collect and fly it over to him. "Put that on, toggle the switch in front-it will help with the heat." He instructed-it was a cooling vest used by vehicle and walker jockies to try and keep cool when their hardsuits would hinder their ability to use equipment effectively-Tacho had to be issued one when off duty when they inevitably had to operate in more inhospitable climes. With that taken care of, he returned his attention to the Sentinel offering his booze to Lady Motoyoshi.

He wondered if she'd end up vomiting upon quaffing the beverage.

Addressing the Irom on a private channel, he spoke; "I had figured you would have grown tired of shadowing by now, given the circumstances."
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The produced jug caught Fuyuko’s attention. She leaned back into the conversation, a curious smile growing on her lips. Something about the crude clay jug and the all too innocent expression on the Yeoman’s scarred face gave the booze an air of alluring menace. He’d drank a bit, but he’d also probably burned his taste buds off drinking the stuff in the past. Still, one never knew, micro brews and backyard moonshines could be quite unique.

“I’ll give it a try,” Fuyuko said, glancing at the Taisho before reaching for the small jug. Hoping she wasn’t sealing her fate to become some kind of royal cup bearer, the young officer lifted the drink to her mouth. A quick sniff caused the fur on her tail to ripple. It smelled like somebody had asked a teetotaling swamp hag to brew beer with the loosest instructions, then bottled her first attempt. She tilted the jug pouring a small swig into her mouth. Steeling herself for the worst, she hoped the taste would reveal some unbeknownst flavors that would redeem it somehow.

Unbeknownst flavors were indeed revealed, none of them good. Before that moment Fuyuko hadn’t realized there were that many different kinds of bitter or that her tongue was capable of experiencing them together. Somehow muddy, herbal, salty, and sour with notes of sickly sweetness, there was an almost transcendent beauty in the vile brew. If she could find one positive, it was that it wasn’t a spirit. If the stuff had burned its way down her throat, that would have been one insult to her palate too many. Instead, she simply re-affixed her toothy grin before proffering the jug of misery to somebody else. “Not too bad,” Fuyuko said. Her bristling tail said the opposite.
Eri held her tongue as she watched the kerfuffle, her eyes traveling between her lover and Katsuko's daughter. She listened, her ears twitching a little, and she silently put her hand on the matriarch's back as Kaoru stormed off, ready to be there for the woman. She didn't have words for what happened just moments before, she didn't have an idea of what she could say or do to help Katsuko besides be there for the woman, silent and quiet for the moment yet still presence. She wanted to go confront Kaoru, to show her the side Katsuko saw from, but she knew the girl was different from her mother.

Her own thoughts turned internal as things seemed to middle out somewhat. Thoughts of her own life, of what she had done and accomplished within the military, and to those of Kaoru and the others they were surrounded by. Many were lauded as heros, both in war and peace, and in the family it seemed to be a way of life. But Kaoru was younger, she hadn't grown up as they had to, thrown from a vat into combat. Kaoru had indeed done well, done her part in the recent months and years in taking down a terrible loose end in their family. She had started the burn on that thread that would along it to all go up in flames hopefully, yet she knew Katsuko had hopes for the girl, hopes she would follow in the family business so to say and follow them through the military. Eventually Eri's hand found another drink, one she sipped at rather than the glass she had downed just as Kaoru had stormed off, and she remained instead in her own thoughts, stewing over the past and worrying for the future and what was to happen.


Katsuko felt the words of Kazumi's apologetic words right down in the core of her being, the Taisho didn't know how to respond. She really didn't know how to take the fact Kazumi didn't come and sit closer as she had requested. Had she truly made a mess of things? Did she even have time to deal with it? There were so many people gathered on that boat now. She couldn't just walk out, there were things still to be discussed and planned for the mission ahead. She sucked up her emotions and the stoic iron curtain of the coping Eihei painted her face like a mask.

The Evening Orchid sighed and answered her wife, Akina's mental conversation, "No, that was Kuroko making her exit. A lovely little tribute of rebellion toward her boyfriend on her way out. It is probably about time she headed to the Shiori anyway. Can you hurry up with those drinks? I'm feeling like an alien at the Imperial table up here right now." she expressed her current emotional state.

She replied to Yaichiro with a heavy sigh transmitted through that clandestine channel, "I will make sure that talk happens."

Maybe it was the flurry of activity that had just happened or the knot of her subdued emotions. Katsuko took the action perhaps more absent-mindedly than Fuyuko. She accepted the bottle of regret and brought it to her lips. It was a healthy swig she took maybe even something that would be classified as a gulp, "In the name of Yui!" she declared loudly, her steel eyes widened and the look of green-gilled disgust took over her facial features. She actually got up and rushed to the side of the deck, the bottle left there beside where she had sat. She spewed the liquid out of her stomach, a willing mastery of her own anatomy she expelled the foul liquid like a demon in one of those old Nepleslian horror stories. "What in the deep tunnels of hell beneath Yamatai was that? Steiner!" she was disgusted to an echelon of mere shock, and blamed Steiner in lieu of his honor guard.

"Matsumoto-Chui -- don't do...!" it was too late. When the younger Nekovalkyrja was certainly brave, the Taisho had to give a rough chuckle when the officer said that it was 'not too bad, she shook her head, "Absolutely vile!" she said to both Fuyuko and Steiner.

Katsuko resettled beside Eri and eyed her drink. Where did she find that? A spry smile stretched across Katsuko's lips as she moved in an attempt to intercept the glass after Eri pulled it back from the first sip. That was right, she was going to steal that drink shamelessly. Her steel-grey eyes lit with intent as she stared Eri in the eyes she went in for a kiss at the same time she attempted the heist. That was some strategy at least, "Have I mentioned, how much I love you yet today?" she said slyly making her move, the kiss inbound as her left hand went for the glass.

Meanwhile, she couldn't help but wonder where Tachiko was. Her PAINT was due hours before.


Kaoru sniffled and cried as Akina spoke, the mere frustration of her own upset feelings just overflowed over and over again. Another mother returned? Her words were better at least but in her state of mind, she could now help but find flaws in any words. "Long enough?! How long is long enough? Two years! That is all the more of myself I am willing to give!" she said through her sniffles in an attempt to be strong where she did not need to be. All of this, was unbecoming of her, regardless of how legitimate it was. She couldn't help but hear Kazumi's comment above deck, she wanted to wrestle her sister to the ground and pull her hair like a wild woman. She couldn't believe she had cracked, she hated her own behavior on top of it all which just upset her more. She had lost her last nerve in front of Sorin, what would that man think of her now? Her digital mind raced with logic lacking emotion.

The Taisa's father soothed her with his words, his fingers in her hair. Yue's words meant a lot to her but it was just all lost in the override of emotions she felt. While Yaichiro's words were logical, just, and perhaps the move of an advocate she was just upset, angry with the universe as a whole; angry at herself as well - the embarrassment showed in the color of her tear-streaked cheeks. She would digest all that he had to say later, for now, there was only one option for her - run. "I love you - Dad, I will come to this talk when and if it ever happens. I...I cannot stay now, I can't deal with this anymore, I won't sit on this boat and drink wine while my entire life is decided for me. My entire existence has been devoted to what mother wants, what Ojisan Taro wants. Now it will be my turn," she declared as she slipped away from his fingers.

She unraveled herself from Yue's hug, and said quietly to her, "I'll be at my pad, come find me. Bring that elf-looking on the deck with you when you come, I need to be alone for a while first though, hang out with him," she slipped the hold of the comforting arms and stormed back up the stairs to the main deck. She didn't even look toward her mother or the other guests. She did however yell back, "Just because I know you haven't noticed - Tio has flown the fucking coup!" She just leaped from the boat to the dock and took off in a full-speed run back up to the island, all the while arranging a shuttle back to Port Jiyuu so she could return to her home in the YTP Entertainment Building. If anything, the fact she refused to live in Asagumo-jo was an early sign of this incident was to come.


Sorin got a double dose of shock. First Kaoru fled the scene and left him there with her family. "Well um, bye I guess?" he had no idea how he was getting back to Asagfumo City but that would be a later problem. What a time to end up in a relationship, he just made another awkward glance toward Katsuko. How did one tell someone that another copy of themselves had mothered him a child? Now he was dating her daughter, that delicious Norian web of polygamy and intrigue carried on within his mind as a source of entertainment.

The Norian studied the vest that Steiner had produced for him, "How kind of you, my deepest thanks," he said in a slow bow of a gesture. He accepted the vest and examined it for a few moments before he put it on. He flipped the toggle switch and the cooling effect activated. It was enough for the bathing suit-adorned pointy-earned man to slide down against the mast and sit at the bottom with the deepest expressions of relief and contentment upon his face.
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It had been some time passed since Akina had someone so upset with her, though it definitely was family.

"If I can't convince you to go with me, I'm happy to support you if you want to quit. You have to decide for you, and we'll all get over it-oh there she goes." The suppression of a grin kept her face still and measured, with how many eyes were routinely upon her, she had quite the career of playing it cool. She glanced to Yaichiro and Yue, petting the more blue of the two atop her head, "I like her spirit, I wish that outburst had come around less uninvolved people but I guess it was bubbling inside of her for a while. I'm happy you'll be able to listen to her." The red mom hugged the blue girl, then got up and added one in for Yaichiro while she was at it.

"It's about time you got here. If you two need a second, that's fine. The drinks are long overdue."
Just to make things even, she tussled Yaichiro's hair.

Even though her engine was back down to lower gears, she was still wearing less and it felt great to be under the sun once she was above deck again. "Oh, we have more! Well I'm glad we planned ahead, there are more coming." Bottles and bottles of mostly the requested whiskey were spread out from the tray, along with all the glasses she had ending up in a circle arrangement so they would be easier to grab. "Eri, and Ayano, we really are filling up. I'm glad you're here."

Her eyes went to Fuyuko, "What's wrong with your tail? It looks like someone lit your fuse."


"Hi Kaoru, bye Kaoru!" Ayano called after her sister cheerily, work must have called her or something. Things looked lively enough, and she made a quick beeline for the drinks when her other mom appeared, waiting to get her chance to say hello to them, she almost barked, "Thank fuck. You read my mind." She did not even put hers on the rocks, there would be less alcohol that way. Not totally disregarding manners, the doctor filled some other glasses with more normal portions and took hers, planting herself on one of the deck chairs, taking in the sights and drinks.

Oh, a Norian, very nice.

The Neko caught something with a wiggle of her nose, which then started to sniff her shoulder, "Does anyone else smell disinfectant?"
Yue listened as Yaichiro had spoken and her attention went from him, back to Akina, then Kaoru and back to Yaichiko as he continued to speak. She hoped it was a miscommunication, after all she didn’t have to join the military and people were fine with it, but she didn’t enjoy hearing that Kaoru was treated differently. Yue kept her focus on Kaoru to listen to what she was saying, and holding her close. With the plan to talk to her aunt before the meeting stuck in her mind, she could only hope that she helped Kaoru not hindered her.

The blue-skinned girl gasped when she pushed herself from her hold and ran off. Akina was the first to react to it before Yue could. The young girl felt the head pat and then felt the hug before she remembered what they had been going down there for. Yue moved to the tray of drinks and picked it up before moving her naked blue butt back up to the higher deck. She’d noticed the new arrivals that she hadn't met before. She didn’t think, but she knew there was time to meet.
Steiner couldn't help it-he laughed, laughed in a way he hadn't in a long, long time as the neko retched. The sound of his laughter was awful as his massive frame shook as he clutched his 'stomach' with his right hand and pointed with his left at Katsuko. "Y-" He caught his breath and calmed himself enough to speak, "You were the one who chose to so carelessly imbibe such a concoction-do not seek to foist the blame on me." Another bout of chuckling, followed by a shake of his head. Nobles could be outright picky at times, though given the drink...

"As for what it was..." Steiner to a moment to pick up the jug and held it to one of his vents, ensuring that his personal oxygen tanks were shut before taking a breath as it pulled the air in the awful scent of a musty cellar flowed in, "Ah...mess hall brew, formula five, mass production-the troops call it Swampwater Brew, among other things." The yeoman accepted the jug back and saluted before taking a long pull. The other two were starting to look a little antsy, looking to their fellow-likely they wanted to break for mess and likely saw this as a perfect excuse. With a sigh Steiner gestured, figuring he could manage for a bit without them, particularly with Anju on overwatch. "Break for mess, but remain on standby." The three soldiers began fishing mess tins, and one produced a small gas stove and a cast-iron skillet. The fare they produced was simple-what seemed to be packages filled with large hard square biscuits, one produced a jar of rendered fat and the third produced what seemed to be slices of meat that glistened with salt. Another man produced a small pot of his own, filling it with water from his canteen as they set up near the middle mast-then tossed the meat in.

The smell of cooking began to fill the air as some of the fat was deposited in the skillet and the soldiers set to work beating the biscuits with the butts of their rifles before depositing the pulverized mass into the pan, and a short while later the meat was fished out the pot, sliced up with a large hunting knife before being deposited in with crumbles as pepper and what seemed to be bits of some kind of purplish citrus fruit from a tin can. As the mix was stirred, they talked one of them uncorked a similar jug to the one with the ale, but a sweet, spicy, apply scent wafted from it, catching on the wind and filling the nostrils of those present, as he pulled his helmet off-revealing a bald individual missing part of his nose but inhaling the smell of the drink regardless.

<"Can't believe you gave er' that."> He said in valhllan common, taking a slight pull before gesturing to them, <"though that one there's the first one I've ever heard say it was good."> The offending sentinel shrugged as he took another swig, before replying. <"Yea, but the fact er' ladyship threw up the watered-down stuff? I thought these cats were made of sterner stuff?"> With a sigh the man took a drink-letting the golden liquid coat his tongue and savoring it before swallowing, then approached the trio that had dared take the plunge. "Normally wouldn't share this, but no one deserves the taste of the old Cesspit Draught." The man's trade clear if still baring that slight, halting accent, Holding out the jug with a sympathetic look on his face, "Ere', should get the taste out."

'Well, at least one of them has some sympathy towards them.' Even Steiner, being the hard bastard that he was would not willing to subject anyone to Swampwater unless it was absolutely necessary.

Well, maybe not in this case-if just simply to watch a bunch of Star Army squirm, though his subordinate's gesture would likely be appreciated.
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