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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Concluded [Prelude/Episode 0] - Natsukashii


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RP Date
YE 44.7
RP Location
Jiyuu-jo, The Dream of Taiie
The Dream of Taiie
Galleon-Style Sailing Vessel
Jiyuu-jo Dock, Jiyuu III


There was work to be done, but that didn't mean it could not be done in the lap of luxury. KAIMON Companion tied into PANTHEON, projected lists of blueprints and designs of Star Army ships held Katsuko's attention. While she had been tempted to wear a bikini to enjoy the evening on the softly bobbing waves of the Motoyoshi Channel, she had found comfort in something more familiar and well-fitted - her uniform, and like an old friend it brought her nearly as much comfort as the presence of her family which now surrounded her. She reached for the glass of plum wine, the boat jostling just slightly as the ropes that secured them to the dock strained, it was almost a shame to resist setting her free - but others were coming. She swiped the projection away for a moment and just took it all in, her steel eyes settled upon Akina right there across from her, the only people missing from that part of the puzzle were Eri and Yaichiro, but they no doubt would come too. It was not about to be purely recreation though, they all had so much they had to accomplish. The return to the Star Army, the comforts of the familiar around her had somewhat slowed her whirlwind of fury that she wanted to carry her beyond known space. "The First has some pretty good resources, the re-establishment of it made it easy to save us from having to pull out mothballs or risk old designs in the name of cutting costs," she said to Akina, but then stopped short and veered another way completely with her words, "I am happy, you at my side and the hope of what is to come has brought me a joy that had become suffocated," she admitted as she gazed at her.

A thoughtful sigh left Katsuko as she reclined back, the bobbing of the waves distracted her into her memories again, "I can't help but think of that first day, on the Akuro. We were at war, but we were free. I don't think I've felt that freedom until now. There are so many who are still with us, but many are gone forever, I just remember how amazing it all was. The excitement, the thrill...those long stupid nights drinking and just living in that moment," she recalled fondly, "Did I tell your that Taro wants to put the uniform back on?" she asked, "We're going to make new memories and nothing can stop us now." Katsuko was nostalgic and just wanted to share those thoughts and moments with Akina. Hopefully with the rest of the clan when they arrived.

The digital mind raced, multitasking between the distracting recall of times long past. So much work to do, and it felt good to have actual goals to accomplish. She felt as if being Premier was a prison sentence, and this was her first seconds of freedom. She looked towards the other end of the dock in expectation, then back to Akina. Before they had come aboard the boat, she had been at Fort Tokyo, after all, bringing those fresh from their training programs meant more local, more loyal outcomes. Not just the organization of the Fifth Expeditionary Fleet had been restored, but its spirit had been pulled from the ashes along with her endearing heart. She hoped the remaining bits of anxiety would fade once Eidan and Kuruko were out of the sector, even in her cooling anger her position on the education and rearing of their future had to be completely void of the harmful influence of agendas that sought to destroy their way of life.

Feel free to join in, those who can reasonably get there. They're docked at Jiyuu-jo on the sailboat. The expectation is a casual but productive get-together. Lots of stuff to get done!


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The Dream of Taiie
Galleon-Style Sailing Vessel
Jiyuu-jo Dock, Jiyuu III
Water, it was life-giving, it kept people alive, plants and animals needed it, and it helped to keep people clean. Right now, a certain blue-skinned girl was moving over it at an accelerating fast pace as she manipulated the hoverboard with ease. Soon she might not get a chance to use it, since they will be in space for a long journey. Though she hoped to get a chance to race her aunt Katsuko on a hoverboard before they did leave.

Ok Yue, I think we should head to Katsuko-Oba, while playing is fine, we need to focus on work! unless Katsuko-oba said it was ok to play… Yue turned the Hoverboard around and proceeded back towards the dock and attempted to turn it so that she can get up the ramp, unfortunately, the turn caused a wave to splash on the boat, though fortunately due to it being tied it wouldn’t capsize and drinks wouldn’t be ruined, but legs would be splashed. “Sorry!” she said as she realized what happened. She knew she’d make it up to them if they got angry with her.

Yue found her way to her aunt and Akina. Unlike her aunt, Yue was missing something on her body clothes mainly.
The Dream of Taiie
Galleon-Style Sailing Vessel
Jiyuu-jo Dock, Jiyuu III

There was definitely a feeling to wear some outfit that left little or nothing to the imagination, on this grand sailing-working-expedition. That is why Katsuko had a real show below-decks earlier, and why they had almost been late getting up to begin the final preparations to sail. It ended with Akina putting her uniform on over her 'bikini', definitely to show some solidarity with her other half, but also because it was just as fun to kiss her back in uniform as out of one. Kiss she did, placing a few on her almost possesively as the subject shifted from the inventories of the fleets to something more revealing. Akina took both of Katsuko's cheeks into her hands and laid a few more noisy ones on her, then kissed her forehead while hugging her to her body, making it obvious again through her uniform her 'modified' undergarments. "I'll make sure you get looots of extra breathing exercises in."

They had hardly untangled from one another when she got up to drape herself over Katsuko from behind to kiss along her temple, to her ear, and down her jawline, "Nobody says those days are behind us, it is our choice still, love. I need you and your spark as much as now, as ever. Probably more, so get ready." The last part came out as slightly teasing, possibly because she was including a little tug of the tip of that blue ear in her mouth. That doesn't even include the embrace she squeezed her more tightly into, revisiting the theory if Akina is more affectionate than before, or she's worried her wife might lift off the deck and launch into space, "Is he really? That will be interesting, if he takes it up again. I am looking forward to whichever way he falls. It'll be good for him."

Yue arrived, though the Taisho made no move to remove herself from Katsuko, she did clock her boarding. "I like her already." A titter worked out of Akina, and she raised some of her fingers for a moment to wiggle them at their first arrival. "Welcome to the fun! You and I are of a similar mind, we're going to get along just fine. Make yourself comfortable or avail yourself of a drink below decks. You're the first one here."
Stiener was...less than pleased at the moment; Katsuko had...contacted him about something though he couldn't say what. The damned cat hadn't bothered specifying, but she'd asked him to come after contacting him in an emotional maelstrom when she'd resigned from Yam's Senate. Not that the Grandmaster could blame her-too much politicking for his tastes. If their roles had been reversed; he'd likely have squashed the pricks. Just on general principal if not anything else.

Didn't keep it from being irritating at the moment, but at the same time it offered a brief respite from his current troubles. The twenty-foot tall mechanoid trundled up the dock-the Warden looking slightly more battered than usual-though at least the paint was fresh. His honor-guard; a trio of sentinels, two behind and one acting as ground guide- currently doing their best not to look intimidating in their heavy dark green and grey hardsuits-a masterful yet secular work of interlocking plates that formed a shifting layer of protection-and failing badly as some of the surrounding civilians actively cowed, and the few local law enforcement officers-at least the ones they could see-watched them with an air of suspicion. He paid them no mind-likely they were being tailed by whatever local forces could be activated. As he reached the end of the dock, the Grandmaster's optics zeroed in on the boat she was in as the child managed to splash the lot of them in the bloody stunt she'd pulled.

Thinking of nothing particularly clever to say as a means of greeting, he'd decided a more likely than not well-worn joke. "I had thought cats to be afraid of water," He said to Katsuko as he casually approached the boat, gesturing to the sea as he drew a snort from one of his escorts, "Or is that perhaps an old wives' tale in the Sector?" It was in poor taste, but the jest likely would've been appreciated, nonetheless.

Or get him smacked-not that it would do anything.
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Katsuko laughed as her niece splashed at them, she just shook her head. "Maybe I shouldn't of worn the uniform, it seems you want to get us all wet. I like the board though," she mused to Yue. "We really need some time to go use them together, I got the one you had made for me," the Taisho said, then took a deep breath of the salt-kissed air. She would miss Jiyuu; its beautiful tropical weather and of course the ocean. The water was something she was fond of, it always made her think of Taiie and those crazy vacations off the coast of Seijin no Umi.

They were supposed to be working but these distractions were more than acceptable. She pressed herself into Akina's touch and savored those moments of delicate spoiling. She was interested to see how Akina fit in with Yaichiro and Eri, both were expected to make an appearance - she had invited them anyway. She pressed a loving attentive kiss against her wife's lips, the flavor but not the color of her plum lipstick would transfer to give that lasting impression. She didn't pull away, she sighed in contentment and remained there - the benefit of a digital mind, she continue to sort through blueprints to make her ship selections and production orders while doing pretty much anything, "Yue is amazing, wait until you see Kazumi, Tachiko, and Kaoru," she noted.

Katsuko blinked in surprise, there he was, that unlikely friend from unlikely places. Steiner had gotten her call obviously, and hopefully, he was going to be around for the little adventure ahead of them. "I'm afraid that is a myth, I love the water. Is that big old suit of armor of yours waterproof?" she grinned amused as she examined the twenty-foot-tall mechanical man. She wondered if he even liked being in that thing, she always wanted to help him be free of it but didn't know how attached he was to it. Maybe there would be some time to explore that in the time ahead, after all his presence hopefully signaled that he and his company had accepted her, of course, non-military request. The Kikyo Sector felt claustrophobic with the possibility of what they had the potential to discover and build - there was lots of room for many. Steiner was not the only unlikely friend she had reached out to, Auda had a stop to make on her way out of the sector at her request to extend yet another olive branch - it was strange, she had more freedom to expand the Empire's friendships outside of the office she had just relieved herself off.

"Oh, how rude of me...Yue, Akina, this is Steiner, he is from the Iron Company. A group of handy people from another universe who found their way to our little plot among the stars," she said to the girls, then looked to Steiner, "This is one of my wives, Akina, and my niece Yue, just a small part of a few great minds that will come together to pull off this feat."

Where was everyone else?
Stiener chuckled-that awful grating noise likely had more than a few passersby wincing. "I am pleased to meet the both of you." He gave a slight a bow, before responding to Katsuko's inquiry-"I have had to ford a river or two in my time; though my biggest concern in those moments were divers or submarines." He remembered when he'd come face to face with one such vessel-most likely to both the surprise of himself and the crew.

Those torpedoes had been far, far too close to hitting their mark.

Repressing the memory, he looked out at the ocean. Perhaps it would be a good time to test out the maneuvering units they'd been building whilst he was here. Rasing his right hand, what seemed to be a stream of quicksilver flowed out and crawled upwards; each stream splitting off and forming what seemed to be a series of frames along his shoulders, his back, and the backs of his legs. When they'd finished what appeared to be a series of powerful turbines were mounted. Checking that they'd been properly mounted and wired into his systems, Stiener motioned to his guards to join the trio on the boat. As they boarded, giving the nekos a nod and taking up guard positions to ensure that all angles were covered the mechanoid took the plunge. The size of the splash he made rocked the sailing vessel considerably, showering dock and vessel alike in a fine mist as he powered up the system up-a series of powerful suction propellors brought him to the surface as he realized he would need to construct ballast tanks as he would be unable to float without over-taxing his power systems. A moment later, he was floating on the surface with what seemed to be a series of what looked like air tanks on his front with several smaller ones on his arms and upper legs.

Looking back at the now admittedly very damp trio, he 'nodded.' "My apologies, but I have been meaning to test these for a while-though it seems I that am able to float now." If nothing else if the maneuvering units gave out, he could always swim back to shore.

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The Dream of Taiie
Galleon-Style Sailing Vessel
Jiyuu-jo Dock, Jiyuu III

Yue smiled at the two, noting how Akina seemed to be attached to her aunt. It only made her smile widen almost to Chesire levels as she thought of how much the two must be in love and how pleased she was that Katsuko had found love, her aunt deserved it. Already with how friendly Akina was, the blue-skinned girl thought she liked her and felt she approved of her.

Yue giggled at Katsuko’s response, and nodded her head. "You know me too well, Aunt Katsuko! Of course, you should have worn a bikini, but someone warned me you might not be comfortable wearing that, but more comfortable in your uniform. and don’t tell mommy, but this.. kinda is my uniform,” she said with an adorable innocent grin. “I wore it when I designed the Hoverboards and the Daikoku class,” She said then turned to the woman her aunt was wearing. “So you're Akina right? I’m really happy you’re here, especially happy to hear about your relationship with my aunt, you seem like a friendly girl, and am happy she has found love.” She told her before a new guy arrived, and her eyes widened as she got to look at the technology of his exterior suit. “oohh” she said to herself, but moving closer to Akina and Katsuko. The thought of drinking was forgotten, though she hoped that the Moon’s Nectar drink was down there for their use.

He’s an ally, Yue, aunt Katsuko invited him, don’t worry her thoughts came before Katsuko introduced the girls to him. Like a good proper Motoyoshi, she bowed in greeting. “Greetings!” she said as she filed the name Steiner, and iron Company to her memory. She also thought of the mention of another universe.
From high in the rigging, Kuroko reached freefall, the coverup sarong knotted at her hip fluttering in the wind as she momentarily blocked the sun for those below. Right before impact she activated her intertial system, her maturing Minkan shell having gained its adult abilities, immediately before impact. Alighting barefoot with gentle grace as if she'd merely stepped off a stair rather than plunging from the sail spar high above, the tasseled black damask at her waist settled down to fall to her knees moments after she'd landed. Kuroko adjusted the left shoulder strap of her one-piece and smiled at everyone in self-satisfaction.

"Hey mom," Kuroko teased, and jerked her head towards Steiner, "You friends with the 'Spacers now or something?" Her eyes fell on the parent she'd theoretically had all along and hadn't yet known, then traveled from Akina back to Katsuko, "And you two are not in stealth mode, by the way."
"Waaave!" Shimizu yelled with amusement, the splashes from Yue were something, but Stiener making his way into the water was like being inside a dishwasher. No escape. Emerging with her hair stuck to her back, and her uniformed soaked enough that the outlines of her 'bikini' were more visible than most of her uniform, the Taisho tried to blow disheveled hair over her eyes only to find it too saturated. Reaching one of her hands up, she adjusted it enough to see again, "I think this is going to be uniform optional soon, or we'll just have to wait to dry out." The drippy Neko mused, using her nose to move wet blue hair away to sneak Katsuko a kiss at the side of her head, at the base of her ear.

Holding her embrace, the one with that unnaturally-colored red hair kept the grin she was wearing, "Nice, Yue. Maybe he didn't feel bad about completing the soaking." She thought to the probably bluest member of the family. Speaking of Stiener, she did arch tilt her head over to give him a once over, and still smirking in an almost giddy way, introduced herself using her wife's segue, "It's a pleasure Stiener. I am Shimizu Akina, the Iron Company is a very strong name. You'll have no problem keeping up with us, I'm sure. What I'm unsure about is if we have appropriate refreshments aboard for you."

About to add something to her thoughts, she tensed when she realized Kuroko was incoming, and only relaxed when she clocked her outfits. Assailants normally did not dress so garishly, but it was more important that she clocked her appearance and knew who she was from clan files, there had been prep work on her part, not even mentioning that she was going over inventories and cross-referencing them with Katsuko on the back channel as well.

Kuroko's entrance was something she approved of, "Nice jump, and don't worry we know we aren't. I guess you were a little early, weren't you? A little bonus for you. More drinks are below decks, now that it's, "clear"." A coquettish laugh broke from her as her eyes drew her up and down, then took the same indulgence in Yue. "Oh listen to her, Kat, what a chamer. If I eat her up do I turn blue as well?", The same sparkle was in her eyes as she slid from her shoes and dropped a slight bit of her height, flipping them upside down on the deck while conversing, "Well we'll have to give you more of the story sometime. It's impossible not to love her, at least for me." Not realizing it, she squeezed the lounging blue...head? A little harder for a few seconds. It didn't totally surprise her that they would end up on a galleon, but it still made her happy, even if she was soaked through and through.
Katsuko was just about to say something else when Steiner delivered his wave, while it was a surprise she was not shocked - he had a thing for making 'waves' just it was usually with bullets. Soaked completely, the fate of the uniform had been decided at least for now even though hers technically was not fabric, merely an image overlayed upon her flesh - that highly advanced body good for things other than combat and sex. Within a blink, she was in a rather scarce black bikini with powder blue teddy bears over the cups of the upper part, a little bit of nostalgia for her and Akina. Her blue hair was soaked, thankfully she had it pulled back into a tight ponytail. "You know Steiner, a lot of men would be jealous, you can walk away tonight saying you got a bunch of Nekovalkyrja wet," she said and narrowed her eyes briefly, and wiggled her eyebrows. She was going to tell him the full scope of why she had called him but Yue spoke first.

"Ha! No need to hide it from your mother, I've seen her off-the-clock uniform a few times. When she was in the Star Army she had a thing for dancing and causing a stir among the enlisted, especially young Corro Adlich before I plucked him up the ladder into command," she said to her niece. She gave a tiny sigh a moment later, that thought a memory of Corro was something that had not surfaced in a while. She still missed him, as much of a pain in the ass as he could be.

Kuroko's comment got a click of Katsuko's tongue, "He's not a freespacer, he's not crying in the tune of electronic about a genocide...He is a friend, a handy friend with a company of men from far away who are rather good at getting a job done." She leaned in and kissed Akina again, just to stir the youngster further, "Careful Miss Kuroko, we're not the only ones not in stealth," she gave a sly grin, no one else would know what she was talking about but that certainly would be clear to Kuroko. "Where is your partner in crime anyway? Likely drooling over the Tenshi II I gave him," she spoke in a fond tone of Eidan.

The former Empress' steel eyes widened a little as Akina spoke, "Like most candy, she will turn your tongue blue. Never hurts to have a friendly taste..." She raked her fingers back through Akina's red threads and said, "I think we have some Nepleslian Whiskey below deck, why don't you bring a few bottles of something up, I know I could use another drink." In the meantime, I think it's best I give Mister Steiner a little clue of why I called him by," she said, before uncoiling herself slightly from her lover.

"So, old man..." she said to Steiner, "We're going on a new mission, a massive joint military and civilian effort to colonize outside of this cramped, and quickly growing stale sector. I've extended a few other invitations to non-Yamataian groups, so I figured it would only be right to do the same to you. I of course will pay handsomely to your band of merry men and maybe we can help each other out with a few innovations. Being back in the Star Army as a Taisho I have to color in the lines but on the civilian level I've learned recently it is always good to have at least someone who is willing to nudge across them occasionally, " she explained. "Might be a chance at some adventure, I'm sure you're bored by now, with every in sight claimed by one party or another," She smiled, watching him from over the edge of the boat.

While all this was happening she was still busy and had placed her order for the Fifth's new flagship, it was just one of many things she had to get done.

He didn't need to say it-Katsuko likely would know his response to her comment about being 'wet.' However, her offer did have his attention; the sector was indeed overcrowded. Too many dark corners for foes to hide in, too many shadows for hidden blades to strike from. Their enemies once again legion: from the damned Kuvvies to the Gribblies, to seemingly omni-present Senti, to whomever decided it was a good idea to pick a fight. This, compounded with the previous vicious campaign they'd fought in, the general rumblings of the civilian population in their care, those they'd liberated wanting to return home and the politicking of the remaining nobility and civilian leadership that had survived lead to a very disgruntled and tired group of soldiers. Tired soldiers that could honestly use a break-even if the lull was temporary.

As much as he wanted to accept, there was no way in hell they were going to abandon any of their charges to torment and death.

"That is quite the offer, Lady Motoyoshi." Steiner replied, maneuvering himself to better face the vessel, "And believe me when I say I would like to accept; unfortunately, the majority of our assets are tied down in the south, what you would call the 'Independant Frontier Zone.'" What he said was true-they were currently held up battling those tentacled abominations. Not to mention the space borne threats bogging down the majority of what few space-worthy warships they still possessed. "I happened to be crossing along inter-system lines when I received your message-the only reason I arrived at all." It was for the best he didn't say why or what he'd been doing at the time-though Katsuko would likely at least have an inkling of the nature of their completed operation. Thankfully none of that particular brand of trouble had not-as far as he knew-made its way to this particular corner of the sector.

"Short of, how do you say-'Kicking up a Bee's Nest' to give our mutual 'friends' a headache so we can at least begin a general evacuation, realistically I can only offer limited support at the moment." He explained, gazing back out the sea as he gestured with a wave of his arm, sending up a slight splash, "And even that would be extremely limited unto itself, a single vessel at the most, a cohort at the least." They'd been fighting like maddened dogs, but at the moment they were on borrowed time; sending even that could very well leave them hurting. But it could also the shot in the arm they needed to give them a second wind to get everyone out-preferably alive. Though a politician or ten getting eaten or used as incubators wouldn't really be a bother-would it?

Nah-it'd just mean more paperwork for him in the long run.
Yue hid a smile at Akina’s comment about them making this a uniform optional situation soon. Katsuko replied to Yue’s comment about hiding certain things from her mom, but it turns out, her mother Yuka did some of the same things, though the pure young girl wasn’t sure why dancing would cause some behavior that Katsuko was implying, however. But Kuroko caught her attention, and gasped when Kuroko had made her dramatic appearance, but of course, Kuroko had the ability to hover like she had so she was certain that Kuroko would be fine, and she was. Akina reacted as well to Kuroko’s reaction, and Katsuko’s response to Kuroko’s comment about stealth.

Then Yue gasped as Akina commented about her statement, and mainly talked about if she’d turn blue when eating her. “Uh, ER, um, uh” Yue.exe lost function clearly though fortunately, she allowed the further talk of the promise of telling her stories to distract her from her embarrassing reaction. Further conversation between Katsuko and Steiner, mainly Katsuko’s invitation and Steiner’s refusal because of situations

Based on how nice Akina was, she wanted to go over to her, and sit with her and chat a bit more. But she wasn’t sure if she should or not, so she remained where she was. As she thought of it she was getting thirsty.
"That does remind me, I might as well send some notes to Miu about a refit for one of the support vessels, though I might have to have one made." Akina thought as she was processing not only the fleet inventory, but more vital than that the dossiers of every single person in the First Expeditionary Fleet, while cross-checking everyone signing up and recruited from Katsuko's list from the fifth. It was well known that both she and her wife had stayed loyal to Yamatai when the Outer Colonies had formed, but as a veteran command officer of the Fifth Expeditionary fleet, she still had insights into postings for this new expedition.

"We sure aren't going to Bard, this time." The red flag (officer) said aloud, stealing one more moment of her soaking bride by turning her chin with a finger to plant a kiss on her lips. Her lipstick happened to be something tasted tropical somehow, perhaps it was whatever that fruit flavor was in the mix? "I'll get more glasses, too." That was more of an announcement, and she turned her palm over to beckon with all her fingers to Yue.

"Come help me? This is a two person job, as is trying to peel a very wet...uniform off of me."
If she could she would go as far as to hold her hand as they went below decks, it felt more warm to her than just stealing her away for an errand, which was the very least of her plans, the most was far more lascivious of course, but somewhere in there she just happened to think talking to the blue arrival to get to know her more would be grand, she did already have a more than favorable impression, after all. "Right right, a few bottles, no reason not to drink more now. It's a working party, but a party."
Kuroko had rolled her eyes as her own discretion had been impugned when any lack of care on her own part was brought up. "Not like... like that though." She sighed, "Anyway, I'm sure he's still playing with his toy. I packed mine after it was fitted and tested." That was, of course, a half truth. After Kuroko had indeed packed the power armor as she said, Eidan had surreptitiously moved it to a staging location. They had better stealth in their game than others might have believed, if only because the entirety of what constituted the game encompassed so much more than everyone else assumed. They'd all either never bothered to look, or dismissed happenings as unrelated events, disconnected from a larger strategy.

She turned and bowed formally to Steiner, somewhat unusual given she was wearing a swimsuit. "Ketsurui no Motoyoshi Kuroko, Sixth Imperial Princess Motoyoshi. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." It really did seem genuine in tone and delivery: if she was mocking anyone by using such an outlandish, if technically accurate title, it was her mother, not Steiner. The impishly imperious grin she shot Katsuko after rising from her bow lent credence to the latter theory.
A small speck that had been on the horizon started to grow into a recognizable form at this point. The vehicle was a sky-blue Soyokaze Cyclecar, typically seen as a tiny budget car meant for students, but this particular one was the very first one made. It would float down from the sky and park, its door opening to reveal a blonde man with sky-blue eyes. Rather than being in uniform, Yaichiro was dressed in brown boots, khaki pants, an off-white shirt, a brown bomber jacket, and a yellow ascot. The man pulled a blue-gray Star Army Duffel Bag out of the vehicle and slung it over his shoulder. He wasn't dirty or in any way unkempt, but no one would expect him to be anything more than a veteran or off-duty soldier.

Kage Yaichiro had never fully adjusted to being wealthy or well-connected.

Still, no one stopped him as he approached Katsuko's ship. He was known enough to the security teams for who he was to be let through without hindrance or harassment. "Hey, everyone! Sorry if I'm late. It looks like you started without me, Katsuko." This was said as he regarded the drenched women nearby, giving Katsuko's form a slightly longer look than the others. He couldn't help but be thankful for his timing though...he'd prefer to at least strip down to his trunks before getting drenched. Yaichiro then regarded Steiner with interest but accepted his presence since he was clearly supposed to be there. "Interesting guest list, but the interesting kind is the best kind. I wouldn't mind analyzing the mecha later if I'm allowed to. Looks like there's some Pre-YE era engineering happening here..."
Kazumi for her part had made her way aboard quickly and quietly. But she did stop before the hulking metal monstrosity that was Steiner. Tilting her head back to get a better look at him. Up and down, side to side, inspecting him as if he'd entered into her domain. Shrugging after the moment's inspection, her sky-blue sarong fluttered lightly in the breeze, the bit of fabric covering up the bottom of her swimsuit tied at the side.

Her cool demeanor lasted only long enough until hearing her father's voice not even having time to greet her mother, or, her stepmother. Maybe he'd get to finish his sentence before she enveloped him in her arms. Or not, it didn't matter. The shorter of the two had her arms around her father, face buried in his chest unabashedly acting like a youngling. "Home! You're home!" she cried, excitement filling her muffled voice before staring up at the tall Minkan with adoration in her eyes. The world had quickly begun to turn upside down for her in a number of ways. But at least with Yaichiro here, now, that was a constant she would happily deal with.
Steiner's offer of the cohort was enough, she understood that a company such as his had to make its way in what had become a more than a crowded sector of the galaxy. "I will accept whatever you choose to send, my friend. There is a seat, well maybe not a seat but a place for you at my dinner table. I had kind of hoped that you, yourself would come with whatever group you chose to send, but I suppose it never hurts to meet the people who work for a man," she said in a kind tone, her favoritism of Steiner was out of line with a lot of what people expected from her, there was an underlying reason though. That man trapped in metal reminded her of Corro Adlich, a Nepleslian who had given his life to save not only her but countless others. "If, and when, your company decides that fighting over scraps is no longer thrilling, the offer will always be open. I do hear though, that another mutual friend of ours may have some interesting times ahead," she chose her words carefully, as there were laws she had to follow - everyone had secrets did they not? Hers just always seemed more complicated.

Katsuko turned her attention to Kuroko, a smile snuck across her features as she considered what she heard. She was destined for great things, maybe even more than Katsuko had ever considered. It was no secret that Kuroko and Eidan had grown close, but it was maybe the first time Katsuko considered the impact of the fact their futures were now entwined and headed in the same direction. Katsuko dreamt that one day her branch of the family would return to the throne, just not with her on it. It was the entire mold she had made for Eidan, and he had naturally somehow picked the most likely and best-fitted partner in crime, "Careful with that pride young lady, some would consider those words fighting ones - though it fills me with a comfort to hear them," she said in a sage tone.

She would have pressed further with Kuroko but the unexpected, yet hopeful arrival of Yaichiro took her attention immediately. That brave, handsome, humble heart of his still managed to make her mind race. It was a struggle for him sometimes, even Taro had tried to get him to further accept the position and wealth his proximity to her brought. She knew Yaichiro's true nature though, when Koyanagi Mayumi and the traitors who went to the United Outer Colonies left her with nothing, he gave her a home and hope - it was a gift she felt she could never finish repaying, she even still had the place he had given her in Nishitama, and she often ofter it to other women in the Empire who she saw as struggling, or in need of an escape from circumstance their life had brought them. "We may have started without you, but tonight I'd happily finish with you..." she said, words truly as sultry as they were. "Might have your work cut out for you though, Akina is here...Eri has not arrived yet," she said, she really had no idea how to tell him Akina was home, but she wanted to make sure he knew that she expected him to stay as well. It made her smile again though when he got technical, "Well that Mecha is not just a mecha, so you might have to ask him first," she replied to his comment about Stiner, "I'm looking forward to your tinkering in the Fifth again, don't forget to request those new orders," she said and then winked.

Akina and Yue were still below decks but Katsuko warned them telepathically, //"We have a few more bodies on board now, more glasses and more bottles. It might be a long night, and I can't promise I'm going to keep my clothes on."//

When she spotted Kazumi, she fully expected her next move. That girl loved her father, they all did. Yaichiro and Taro were so vital to the Motoyoshi, it was a shame they both had eaten so much humble pie that she felt they failed to see it. "Welcome home, sweetheart," she said to Kazumi. She was not shocked Kaoru was late, the feud between them had started over communications earlier, and was destined to finish that night.

She finalized her order to the Star Fortresses so they could begin production immediately on the new Fifth Expeditionary Fleet.
'Ancestor's damn-it.' A part of him wanted to ask for her help-but at the same time, it could risk drawing far too much attention to them. So, instead, they'd have to go through the roundabout route.

"Lady-." Stiener began, thinking very carefully, and then finally dropping the formalities-an indicator of something being truly wrong, "Katsuko; I intend to have my people join you in full-make no mistake of that. I would not offer support otherwise-as stated, the sector is far too crowded, but..." He looked around, and sighed, before dropping his vocoder lower enough that only she and a few other close by as he created a small drone. As it neared, Stiener decided instead of talking from his own unit to use the drone instead. "But," He continued, debating and then deciding to say, 'the hell with it' and tell her the truth the Grandmaster continued, "As stated, we are currently tied up. Under normal circumstances we have simply withdrawn, regrouped and hit the foe all the harder for their troubles."

"Unfortunately, I did not arrive with just soldiers," Albert Steiner turned-the mechanoid's posture seemed...tired more than anything, "Before we left, we managed to evacuate several settlements worth of people across a number of systems, caught up in a conflict because of the mad ambitions of powerful men." Not untrue, but not entirely true-it'd had been his own foolishness that seen to them getting hit as hard as they had been. Knowledge was dangerous in Valhalla-often leading to needless struggles simply because to many it was 'power not in their hands', "This, along with a number of camps we have liberated you can imagine why we cannot just simply leave; however-if-if- these 'interesting times' were to be made exceptionally so-it may be just enough that we can get them out."

"After all," The drone produced a small, thin silver wafer, and despite its monotone sound, the mechanoid's voice seemed to take on a nastier edge, "It would be a shame if a certain group's activities and certain locations of theirs were to suddenly draw the ire of some of the Sector's greater powers." It was set carefully down on a nearby table, as the drone's propellors scattered what water hadn't been already dried in the sun. His piece said, the grandmaster looked at the man who had just arrived. "I am afraid at the moment I cannot allow you to look at my systems." Stiener wasn't exactly comfortable with someone poking around in his internals, but the extra set of hands would make repairs go smoother, "However, I have an old design that I may be willing to part with-speak to me later before we go our own ways." He didn't like the look the daughter gave him but paid it no mind; no point in getting worked up over a haughty noblewoman who clearly needed a good swatting. Speaking of such...

To the other woman-Kurkookoo, Kurkoto, Koko?- he was confused by her naming, and voiced such ignorance. "Why do you include a 'no' in your name? Are you a former exile or some such?" A bastard lineage perhaps; but he kept that part to himself. Mainly because he wasn't in the mood for a fight at the moment.

He'd had his fill already over the last week and there'd be plenty more waiting for him once he got back.
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Yue glanced at Akina as she spoke of sending notes to Miu about a retrofit for one of the support ships, and it made her think of the Daikoku, which is indeed a support ship, but she was certain she wasn’t talking about that but some other ship, though it couldn’t hurt to ask for her opinion about the agriculture ship. She turned to Katsuko, “that reminds me, I might be forwarding you some messages from my contact with one of the groups joining us, and I’ve also set up a volumetric for everything and everyone joining for your viewing later”

She said to her before turning her head to Akina, and smiled at her and nodded her red-haired blue head. “Sure!” she said, thinking that it would be a good idea so she moved her bare butt over to join her. Instinctually she reached up to grab the taller girl’s hand, out of the sense to try and keep her from slipping and falling. Fortunately, neither happened and they managed to get below deck.

“Yup! Bottles, and I think I see them right.. Here!” She said finding the bottles, and one particular bottle, that looked like a moon, with nectar dripping from it. “Oh wow, they put an interesting art on it!” She said pointing to the bottle labeled Moon’s nectar. “One of the three things I’ve made... I hope it's yummy for everyone! But which bottles would you recommend, for the work party-party?’ she asked her.

Yue then turned to Akina “oh, did you want to get out of the wet uniform?” She asked remembering Akina’s other statement.
Since she and Akina were below deck they didn’t hear the conversation above, and weren’t aware of new arrivals until Katsuko sent a message. ok! She smiled “more people joining the party, I wonder who else is up there. “ She said as she went to get a tray for the glasses. “Soo how long have you known aunt Katsuko.. and do you have any adorable stories?” She couldn’t help but ask Akina as she began getting to know her, first by learning about her relationship.
Akina made it more clear she didn't really mind about slipping as much as getting closer to Yue with all the petting of the hand in hers with her thumb, not to mention all the squeezing as they made their way below. Once they were there she tilted her head slightly and laughed when she spied the bottle. "That's a bawdy label, I like it. Are you asking to get your nectar flowing?" That tease came out of her like there was a special subroutine in her brain to let the attraction do the talking, or to bypass all brain functions. She would have commented in some way, just for the, "Moon Nectar", that was certain.

"Well I'm happy to start a pool among the guests for how long it'll take to get you out of that, as amazing as you look in it, it does look even better off of you." Shimizu thought back, though she didn't mind Yue being looped into her flirting, it only seemed polite, to her.

"Well I'm sure they're familiar faces, barring our large friend, whom I had never met until today." She assured her. "Just get that, and as much Nepleslian Whiskey as we can manage, at least once you are done helping me. I'll even reward you." To make things easier on the both of them, she left her waterlogged shoes on the deck after stepping out of them, flipping them over as she had done up top.

"How long? Well I've known her since YE 28 and we've been in love that long, just about. It was aboard the Akuro which sadly is not around any longer. We clicked into the soulmate spots like two parts molecularly machined to click together. I'm sure there's a lot of pictures of us somewhere, it wasn't a very private relationship, even less so after she was in power. I've a few adorable stories, packed away somewhere.", Winked the Taisho, waiting for her to get closer to her to do anything, though her plan was to put her hands on Yue's hips, 'for support', rather than her shoulders, she did plan to give the blue and red lovely a real smooch! It only seemed right for helping her, and gaining her interest. "The first gift she gave me was a blue teddy bear with a yellow ribbon. I still have it, though I usually keep it somewhere it will be safe, now. I was assigned as her aide, that was before I was promoted, and before we were married, though to me it feels like we were before it was official, for longer." The reminiscing made her remember something, "I haven't played her the violin in an age, thank you for reminding me, sweetheart."

It was a heavily condensed version of things, but she decided that Yue had plenty of time to pull all the gory details out of her, this was only their first outing together after all. "I'm sure you already know this but she is very good at drinking, and flirting, it might be another reason we got on so quickly, ...mmm...similar like that?" Mused Akina. "She still gives me the butterflies just like back then."
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