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SACN PRICING, GP-12: SRSS Yggdrasill/YSA Fleet Depot, Nataria


Well-Known Member
To: Star Army Fleet Depot, Nataria

I would like to inquire on the cost of the GP-12 Phased Pulse Rifle, both individual and in bulk, as well as if they are available in dark green and for civilian use.

I would also like to inquire upon the availability/pricing of large viewscreens, of ship-level computer systems, of Positron Cannons(in the heavy, medium, and light varieties), and of any types of cargo vessels with FTL capability you may possess, even if they aren't "front page ad material". I don't mind a bit of restoration work.

If you happen to have a spare Forin shuttle lying around rather than a K6-T1 (which I already have) I may be interested in that as well.

Captain Yuki Toshiro
SRSS Yggdrasill SRSS-000

WickedArms GP-12 Pulse Rifle

* 1000 KS
* Uses BU-P50R Large Style batteries or BU-P50R Small Style batteries (GP-5)
* Integrated laser system
* Rail system for scope mounting
* Shots remaining display on side
Fleet Depot only has blue and black versions available.


WickedArms GP-12B Light Pulse Rifle

* 900 KS
* Stripped-down version of GP-12 - Can be disassembled into three pieces for hiding
* Uses BU-P50R Large Style batteries or BU-P50R Small Style batteries (GP-5)
* Shots remaining display on side
* More Information
Fleet Depot only has blue and black versions available.

Viewscreens: 2000 KS
KES Computer Systems: 5000 KS (non-military OS)
Positron cannons: 4500 KS for any size needed.
Cargo Vessels: Ship prices listed on Depot Page
Shuttles available are Ke-T1 Ke-T2 (some restrictions), Ke-T3