• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

Principles of Communicating on Star Army

Let's talk about how to have successful, safe, and pleasant communication in SARP.
  1. The Star Army Roleplay Forum is the primary way people should communicate about SARP. Any major discussions and "official business" (like FM changes, policy changes, setting additions) can be discussed on the forum. Only forum activity is counted for activity check purposes, and approvals for things like setting submissions are only available on the forum.
  2. The Star Army Discord server is a secondary way that's good for realtime communication about SARP such as asking questions as you build a character ("Anyone remember what year Geshrinopolis was destroyed? Can a Nekovalkyrja have striped skin?").
    1. Members are not expected or required to talk about Star Army in DMs with anyone. In fact I don't recommend this because staff cannot see these. If someone is bothering you in DMs about SARP direct them to the forum.
    2. There are no official side servers or group chats.
    3. If discussion about a topic gets intense on the Discord the staff may ask people to make a thread on the forum.
  3. Give people a reasonable amount of time to respond. One cannot expect a community of grown adults with jobs and kids to be online and immediately responsive 24/7
  4. This is a hobby we're all here doing for fun, if you're making it stressful for other people that's a problem.
  5. It's normal for there to be disagreements and conflicts of ideas, but always keep those about the ideas and don't get personal about the person.
That's the basics. The reason I'm posting these is because maybe it'll help future members by setting some expectations. I'll eventually make this a wiki article. If you have something to add, reply below, but try not to single out anyone.
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