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RP: Bounty Hunts Prologue 2.1 - The "Iron Ferret"


Inactive Member
=== Prologue 2.1 - The "Iron Ferret" ===

== Shuttle Bay ==

The crew, upon closing on the ship, would find the ship was an Issoku-Class Cargo Runner, a modified one at that. Just the shuttle said the ship had a shuttle bay, which wasn't standard. Said shuttle bay was also wide open, as if the pirates didn't expect to get boarded themselves.

"Well, these aren't supposed to have em, but I'm pulling in to what appears to be the shuttle bay. Get ready to slam down some piratey pirates if they come out."

Upon entering the shuttle bay, the crew would see a group of five pirates waving at the shuttle, appears they were waiting for it, having their guns shouldered. "Well, you know what that means..." Jacob popped the doors as he landed, "Have a blast."

"Time to do some last bit of work," Kendra said and hefted her shotgun. "Remember as little blood as possible." With that she prepared by the doors.

"Of course they are waiting for us" Amanozako said, her eyes fluttering open as she awoke. "They got no word that their leaders have been killed and are awaiting their return." she went on. "So, we have the element of surprise and blood can be washed away" she was then on her feet, rifle back in her hands.

Amanozako glanced at the snake. "Now, if you don't mind, I think I can handle this a little better than you" she said and indicated that Kendra should move away from the hatch and not be first, or second, or even third out of the shuttle.

"Be my guest," Kendra said, slithering to the side. "Just don't shoot any machinery or anything. I do not think we have any engineer around."

"Well, we do have an engineer... but yeah, let's try to do this, without causing some serious damage to the new house." Nicholas chimed in while Desmond made a nonchalant wave at that cue. Nicholas motioned for Amanozako to continue, considering she wanted to go first.

[OOC Note: It would make MOST sense for Amanozako to post first, thanks for reading, Sham]

===== "Iron Ferret" Quarters/Bridge =====

Lapas checked his bags one last time before getting ready to make his move on the bridge. "The boarding teams gone I might as take it without the bombs" He stated to no one in particular. He spent several days on the ship waiting for the right moment to grab the captain steal the ship and get his money. Normally he'd be nervous about this but the two hours he spent prepping the bombs put him into a state of focus.

He loaded his Laiz rifle, slung it over his back and began his stroll to the bridge. The Iromahuanke started humming a drinking song one of the pirates liked. Beneath that he was ready for any threat that could come his way.

Lapas would find himself stopped by a crewmate standing in front of the bridge entrance, "Hey rookie, you got an appointment with the bridge?" The pirate had his shotgun across his chest, though he didn't hold it in any threatening way. He was just standing guard at an important door.

Lapas looked past him at the door to the bridge, "I just wanted make sure the systems were alright. I figured we might need to make a quick getaway when everyone gets back." He moved his hand next to pistol ready if the guard should refuse.

"Sounds good rook..." Then the guard looked at Lapas's hand, nearing his pistol, "Getting jumpy? I was too on my first raid, it'll be fine." The guard slid a keycard, and the door hissed open, "Well, good luck rook."

"Yeah thanks." As the door closed behind him he surveyed the bridge. He could still hear his heart racing in his chest, he didn't like killing people up close but sometimes you just have to. He unshouldered his rifle and breathed a heavy sigh.

Though most of the crew was away on the starliner raid, the pilots were still present, but the command chair was empty. Upon hearing the door open, the pilots spun around in their chairs, the nav pilot called over to Lapas, "What are you doin in here? Getting a looksie around your new home?" The helm pilot returned to what he was doing, which was playing a game on his datapad as he awaited to actually fly the ship away.

Lapas still in his zen like state pointed his Laiz rifle at the two pilots. "Look I can pilot this ship without you or anybody else so get up and keep you hands where I can see them." His lines were said the same way he had on so many other ships no one had resisted as yet so the rifle was more of prop at this point. A very powerful and expensive prop that he had a great skill when it came to using said prop as a real weapon.

The Nav Pilot just looked at the rifle, "Well, That's not what I expected. Lucky Kara isn't on the bridge right now, she would've carved you like a ham when you walked in the door." He raised his hands, "So, what now hotshot? We need our hands to fly."

While The Nav Pilot complied, the helmsman did not, he couldn't hear Lapas with earbuds in his ears. Though the helmsman had already tapped a button on his datapad, as if it was required for the game he was playing. Outside the door, the guard would recieve a *ping* from his datapad, calling him in. Lapas had a few seconds before he would show up.

Lapas saw that the helmsman was not getting up, he moved to the helmsman at the front of the bridge the whole time listening through his horns for any disturbance behind him. He was almost startled by the *ping* noise on the other side of the door. He fired two quick busts into the nav pilot and the helmsman. He then quickly turned moving to one knee rifle aimed at the door waiting for the guard to open it.

Lapas would be suprised to see the rounds bounce off, what seemed to be an invisible wall. Where the rounds struck, a blue-ish shimmer floated in the air. They disappeared as soon as they had appeared, and both the pilots seemed smug about it.

"See there? We installed that last time one of you assholes tried to steal our ship. So... what'll it be, out the airlock, shot in the head, or both?" The Helmsman high-fived the Nav Pilot, "They never learn."

The guard popped the door open, though he had taken cover on the frame, "Allright in there? Rook tried to pull a fast one eh?" The pilots laughed, "Yeah, take him away maestro."

Lapas reached into his pocket and pulled out gravitic claymore he kept for emergencies much like this. He tossed the it out the door and into the main hallway. Before the pressure began he dove for door frame bracing himself against the wall when the gravity well formed.

"What... what the hell is... haaappeeennninnnggg???" The guard shouted as he was pulled towards the center of the singularity. The pilots held tight to their chairs, though the "seatbelts" were more than enough to hold them in place... too bad the Helmsman forgot to wear one. He tumbled through the air, though he tried in vain to hold on to something, including Lapas, though he couldn't keep his grip as he tumbled out the door. Lapas had a few seconds before it released all of the deadly ball bearings.

Lapas hit the console closing the door next to him. There was loud bang on the other side of the door followed by the sound of tiny pellets pummling the door.

Lapas dropped his rifle, a tired smile on his face as he walked closer to the Nav pilot in his seat. With his pistol drawn he stepped through the shield, his gun aimed for the head of the nav pilot's head he fired.

"Well shit, you win rookie. I guess I got somewhere to be?" These were the last words the pilot said as Lapas crossed the shield and fired. It was a clean shot, blood splattered over the headrest, and the Nav Pilot slumped in his chair. Lapas was alone in the bridge.

He moved to the helmsman seat as he sat he wiped the blood from his face. His calm was finally beginning to fall away he looked over to the face of the nav pilot. He said in the common tongue "[I'm sorry but you had to fight and so did I]" He hated killing so close something about the blood on his face made his empathy activate and that was never something anyone wanted to feel. Leaning back in the helm he got his breathing under control and prepared for any remaining crew to come barging onto the bridge.
== Shuttle Bay ==

Amanozako exited the shuttle, walking down the ramp and to the collection of waiting pirates. "The boss sent me back with some prisoners" she said as she crossed the gap between them. "They are in the shuttle and need moving out to the brig"

She stood by, watching as the five pirates moved towards the shuttle

"Prisoners? We don't get those often. Must be some women!" The group laughed together, and started towards the shuttle, "Come on out now, we don't bite."

Amanozako waited as they moved away, then, quickly, raised her rifle and opened fire, spraying the whole lot of them in the back with deadly energy from her impaler.

As Kendra heard the fire, she gave Desmond a nod and leaned out. Her shotgun was shouldered. She aimed it at the nearest pirate and opened fire along with Amano, while Desmond picked another pirate and fired his shotgun. Nicholas fired his sniper rifle at another.

The pirates didn't expect any tricks, Amanozako was a member of their crew as far as they knew. With their weapons slung, they could hardly fight back, even if it was just a few seconds. The unsuspecting pirates fell, leaving one standing who somehow managed to avoid all the fire. He drew his sidearm and pointed it at Amanozako, "You betrayed us."

Amanozako smiled. "Figured that out did you?" she pulled her trigger, sending bursts of fire at the pirate

The bullets still managed to miss, the pirate laughed. "Kill the captain already?"

"Yeah, we will kill you too if won't drop the gun. Or you can put it down I will drop you off at my next stop." Kendra butted in, hissing at the guy. She slowly slithered into full view, showing that she was half woman, half snake monster. Desmond also racked his shotgun back, just to make a point too.

"Well, if your little group here killed the Captain... that makes one of you the Captain." The pirate scratched his head, "Yeah. As much as I'd love to join my friends here..." The pirate stowed the sidearm, "... I think I'll pass. Not much of my friends either, they owed me money."

"New Captain would be me." Kendra said with a wicked smile. "Des be so kind. Frisk him and toss him in the shuttle so Helric can watch over him and we can move on and be careful. And here I though all the pirates lacked brain, this one can actually think!"

Desmond made his way off the shuttle, keeping the shotgun pointed at the pirate as he moved closer to the man. "Drop that on the floor." He said, motioning with his shotgun towards the holstered weapon.

The pirate unholstered the weapon and threw it over his shoulder, shrugging, "Close enough." Which prompted Desmond to move closer, going around the pirate and then kicking him behind the knees to get the man to lay down on the floor before he searched for any other weapons.

The pirate fell with a grunt, "Hey, no need to get rough." When Desmond started to search him, the pirate replied, "I'll tell ya that I don't have any more weapons."

Desmond would find another pistol hidden in the man's pant legs. He fumbled with the weapon, trying to find out where he could unload it before tossing away, but he couldn't even find out where the magazine loaded into it. The pirate supplied, "Pull the trigger." Desmond simply ignored the man, and decided to simply kick the pistol away. He already had his and the .45 pistol he had gotten earlier in the starliner.

"Get up and move towards the shuttle. Slowly." The bounty hunter said, taking a few steps away from the pirate and keeping his shotgun pointed at him.

"Ah well, you might have laughed." He replied walking towards the ship, "So... have fun with the rest of the crew, might want to let them know you killed the Cap'n. Make your day easier."

"Yeah, sure." Desmond said, watching as the man walked towards the shuttle. He figured the other two would inside the shuttle would keep an eye on the guy from then, so he turned towards the other bounty hunters standing in the cargo bay, waiting for the next move.

Helric and Jacob hopped out of the shuttle, taking the pirate inside, "Yeah, we'll watch em." Haures popped his head out, and plopped down next to Desmond.

"Hokay time to take the bridge!" Kendra called out cheerfully and smiled at the rest of the hunters. With that she waved at others to follow her. She had rough idea where to go, it was not such a big ship anyway.

A few seconds later, a very loud, *BOOM*

Nicholas looked around, "So... did someone press self-destruct? Or are they having grenade training... on their ship?"

"Let's find out!" Kendra said and started hurriedly, slithering fast forward, using her natural speed and agility.

"As far as I know what just went down was a hull breach. You guys have fun walking into the vacuum, I'll go take a look around this place." Desmond said, moving out to examine the cargo hold closer.

"If there was hull breach, the door would not open, moron. There are fail-safes and what not! It was just a little bang, come on." Kendra said. She wanted her bridge. She wanted her ship. It was chance for her to pull through.

"No sense standing around!" Nicholas called as he joined Kendra at the door. "Time's wasting." Desmond went after them, having given up on his search. He moved ahead of the others towards the airlock and opened it, pressing the access button.

The door slowly opened, and revealed a very tattered and wrecked main hall. There were some red streaks along the walls as well. In the center of the room was a pile of suspiciously human-looking flesh, with bits of clothing mixed in.

Desmond muttered a inaudible "What the hell" as he walked into what looked like to be a scene from a very cheap horror movie. He panned his shotgun left and right, looking if the source of the scene was still around the place. He also looked for the bridge as he moved.

"I think we found the *Boom* sound." Nicholas stated plainly as he walked in.

"The real problem is who's cleaning it." Desmond replied.

"I think we could find some help."

"Yeah, whatever." Desmond said and kept walking down the hallway

Kendra groaned. "God damnit!" She swore. "Cleaning this will be a bitch. Good thing we grabbed those Stewardesses. Let's move on and find out who was tossing grenades on board of my ship." Kendra said, moving alongside Desmond.

"Yeah, there's our help cleaning it!" Nicholas pointed at the all the doors, "So Desmond, being the ship academic, which one's the bridge?"

"The one with the word 'Bridge' on top of the airlock." Desmond said, standing in front of the aforementioned airlock. "You ready?"

Nicholas shrugged, "Makes sense." He pushed the button to open the door.

===== "Iron Ferret" Bridge =====

Lapas would hear the door being opened, as well as voices on the other side.

Lapas pull out his Laiz rifle with a sigh, the meditation was wearing off and he could tell his aim was beginning to waver, but he needed the money so it was time to start shorting.

Kendra slowly slithered in, watching the Iroma in the chair. She did not raise her shotgun at him as he did not raise his on her. Not to mention there were dead bodies in the cockpit, who looked like rest of the pirates and he, judging from all the blood on him was the one who killed them.

"Well, well, well," Kendra started talking in trade. "Desmond, some guy is sitting in one of our chairs. What are we going to do with him. Seems like he also made quite a mess. On other hand he dealt with rest of the pirates...."

At that comment he lowered his weapon "You not pirates? " still skeptical his free hand was moving towards another claymore should thing fall apart.

"Do we look like pirates?" Desmond asked back.

"Well," Kendra spoke out. "Let's talk it out. We are not pirates. We killed all the other pirates. I now claim this ship as mine. That is something I am not going to negotiate about. What you see is not even all of us, I got other people in the back. One of them is neko too. You cannot take us all on. So I think you should drop that gun and let's chat like civilized pirate-killers shall we?"

He took his hand off of the claymore. " So you want the ship and I need the ship to score some disposable income." He thought that over and quickly realized " Wait what kinda business are all of you in, mercs?"

"I am a bounty hunter," Kendra responded simply. "And like I said ship is not negotiable. What is on the ship on the other hand...."

"What's on the ship isn't worth the effort. If you're bounty hunters, how much do you make per target?" He felt dumb for asking but he knew it was probably more than he'd make for this since he had to blow up the main hall.

"Makes a living." Desmond answered as he lit a cigarette with his lighter and walked around the bridge to take a look at the damage done to the equipment.

"Depends on the target really. Also if they want him alive or dead. Alive are usually more expensive, but it is harder to catch the bastard." Kendra added some more information.

"So what's it gonna be?" Desmond asked, closing his lighter and putting it away before he took a long drag of his cigarette.

"Since tall, dark, and scaly already told I'm out gunned, and that bomb I set off probably dropped the value lower then I really needed it to drop..... Sure its not worth my life. I am just gonna need a way to fly myself out of here and onto a planet that will take someone like me in the mines." The more he spoke the more he tried to look pathetic to them. Lapas stood up and shuffled off " I guess you won't need a pilot anyway especially one who can fight for himself."

Desmond looked towards Kendra and shrugged. "There anyone left in the ship that isn't with us?" He asked Lapas.

Seeing his sad attempts to actually look sad were failing him he started to get into his normal mode of conversation "Nope if they were alive and they didn't come running after the my bomb went off they're too drunk to be any threat at this point.... You know if I was to stick around I could really help you with the ship especially the actual flying of the ship."

"We are still going look through whole ship, not taking any chances." Kendra then looked at the Iroma. "You Horny-guy, unload your guns. I will let you keep them but now with ammo with them, not until I can trust you. I think that is fair. Also we got pilot, better two pilots then just one so you can stick around for now."

With that she turned around and slithered out of the cockpit. She leaned to Desmond as she passed him and whispered few words into his ear. "Watch him and the neko," and with that she left the cockpit.
Desmond left his shotgun hanging by its sling as he left the bridge, instead opting for the lighter and more maneuverable pistol. He had little doubt that the ship was secure, but he wanted to take a look at it himself. What if the pirates had rigged the ship to blow like the starliner? Sure, he was acting a little paranoid about it, but then again.

He remembered seeing the ship from outside while he was still in the shuttle, so he made a mental route on his head by order of priority: First the engineering section, then the second cargo hold and, lastly, the crew quarters. The bounty hunter made his way back through the main hall, going past the flesh bits that used to be pirates until he was in front of the engineering section.

He checked the ammo on his sidearm and then opened the airlock to move inside.
"Hey where is my new cabin? I want to check where old captain slept. I bet I will have to do some refurnishing." Kendra said to the horned man. She then smiled a it for herself. That was also place where she expected money to be and she wanted money. After all she did not get to kill McRenar.

"Hey Nicholas be so kind and check rest of the ship. Then we can haul guns and other goodies somewhere and see how we dicide the swag." She then told the other man. "Oh and we need to get the fuck out of here before Authorities arrive."
Lapas followed the snake woman when a thought slid across his mind. OH CRAP "Ummm, you might want to look for any jars that you find around the ship.......I sorta left a few bombs lying around.... Ya know just in case." He smiled somewhat unaware of how much danger he potentially cause.
While the others went about raiding, pillaging and exploring the now captured pirate cruiser, Amanozako went to her small bunk and collected the rest of her things. She had no intention of allowing one of these people who she seemed to be thrown in with now, get her stuff.

Once she had done that, which took little time, she had little, just what she needed for her job and her survival, the former NMX neko turned bounty killer went to the ships small medical bay. There she stripped off her heavy armor jacket, boots, gauntlets and black body suit, folding everything up and setting it all aside.

Just in her underwear, Amanozako grabbed a medical scanner, tools and medicines and sat herself on a treatment bed. She had plenty of wounds from the fights on the passenger liner. Bruises, cracked ribs, gunshot wounds. Most would heal up just fine in a few hours on their own, but she needed to get a few slugs out of her. She had no intention of always setting off metal detectors at every space port and security checkpoint she passed through. That would make her too recognizable.

Locating the slugs did not take long. There were three of them that had not been through and through shots. She did not bother with anesthetic and went to work with forcipes and a laser scalpel. She had to re-open a couple wounds to get at the slugs with her forcipes and gritted her teeth as she worked, extracting each one in turn.

It all made a decently bloody mess, but once the slugs were out, the wounds re-sealed and began to heal properly.
===== "Iron Ferret" (Desmond's Adventure) =====

Desmond left his shotgun hanging by its sling as he left the bridge, instead opting for the lighter and more maneuverable pistol. He had little doubt that the ship was secure, but he wanted to take a look at it himself. What if the pirates had rigged the ship to blow like the starliner? Sure, he was acting a little paranoid about it, but then again.

He remembered seeing the ship from outside while he was still in the shuttle, so he made a mental route on his head by order of priority: First the engineering section, then the second cargo hold and, lastly, the crew quarters. The bounty hunter made his way back through the main hall, going past the flesh bits that used to be pirates until he was in front of the engineering section.

He checked the ammo on his sidearm and then opened the airlock to move inside.

Desmond would probably note two things first and foremost upon opening the door. First, it was small, and very cramped, and would be hard to move around. Second, a banging sound, tools against metal, followed by some swearing, "Damn thing! Go back on!" It sounded like woman's voice, coming from one of the cramped passages on the right. The bounty hunter kept his sidearm raised, walking towards the passage so he could get a better look at it.

All Desmond would be able to see, bee, besides the standard fare of wiring and pipes associated with their various machines, was an open toolbox, and the end of a boot, which seemed to be attached to an aggravated individual. "Seriously you damn toaster? I'm going to get my torch in a second!"

"Don't think so." Was all that Desmond replied, keeping his pistol level with the person's feet. "Move out of there."

The woman didn't even pause, "Get outta here you thugs, know nothing about machines, go raid some ship." The banging continued, "And, I'm working." The muttering continued, "Damn pirates, thinking they can just wander around the ship, spurting out orders just because they feel so superior!"

"I'm not a pirate, now get out before I put a hole in your foot." Desmond stated.

"Oh? Did we get raided, or are you just a poor soul trying to make himself feel a little better about his job?" The boot slid out of sight, "I need my foot for walking, I'd rather keep it hole free."

"Guess I'll just start breaking things here then." Desmond said. It was a pretty good bluff, and he knew what kind of stuffs to pull out that wouldn't damage the ship and that could be easily repaired. He started doing it with his free hand, keeping his gun pointed at the corner where the woman was, while making sure he did all the noise he could.

"Thanks bud, just keep on adding work. It'll keep me busy, and away from the Captain's goons." She paused, "So, gonna answer my question, or just break stuff?"

Desmond stopped pulling the wires, realizing that it wouldn't work, at least not with someone who was not sane. "I'm a bounty hunter, and your pirate friend's luck just ran out. So get out of there before I go and pull you out myself." He stated again.

The woman laughed, "Well if that's the case, I owe you a drink." Another spurt of laughter, "I'd love to see you try, but unless you got more familiarity with this equipment than I do, I suggest going somewhere else. This thing is kinda breaking down, and we need a new one. Or at least some new parts." She sighed, "Why am I telling you this? You probably have no idea what any of this does."

Desmond took another long drag of his cigarette before continuing. "This is where you're wrong. A ship this big? I could probably maintain it myself if I wanted to, because I've been working on bigger and more complex systems than this pile of junk." He said; his patience gone. "So I'm saying this for the second and last time, step out of there or I'll make you."

This time the woman seemed surprised, "Someone to take my job too? What a day. First the engines get all screwy, then we apparently get raided, and now, someone's here to take my job. Well, I guess the world's a hard place, you'd best get to work then if you plan to go anywhere with this pile of junk then."

The woman's head popped out of the gap. She was a Nepleslian, had black hair, tied back, and green eyes. She had a round face, that had some black smears on it. She wasn't too curvy and had average bust. "Well, I'm comin." She stated as she worked her way out.

Desmond kept his gun pointed at her as she watched her leave the cramped section of the engine. "Sad story, you want a smoke?" He asked, looking to see if she had any weapons.

"Yeah sure, guess it'll be my last. If your group is anything like the pirates, I'll be tossed out the airlock." She continued, "And I'm a mechanic, I don't have weapons, unless you want this wrench here." She frowned at Desmond, looking at her replacement.

"I got my own." Desmond said, patting his toolbelt and holstering his weapon. He reached for the cigarette packet on his pocket and held one out towards the woman. "So where did you get your training?" He asked.

She took the cigarette and popped it in her mouth, "Dad, come from a family of small ship mechanics. Picked this job up when cash was tight, probably not my greatest idea." She shrugged, "But what's done is done." She added, "I guess I should know the guy who took my job, who're you?"

"I'm the one asking now." Desmond said, holding out a lit lighter towards her. "How did you end up here?" He asked, eyeing her up and down.

She lit the cigarette and took a drag, "Yeah, fair enough. Got recruited by a man named, John McRenar. Allright guy, talks business and nothing else though. Kinda boring for that, but has good manners and a silver tongue." She let out a cloud of smoke, "Bout all to say there."

Desmond nodded at that."You don't look like a pirate, so I guess I can bother having a mechanic here, unless you were lying to me. Name's Desmond, by the way, I used to work as a starship engineer then the market got sour." He said, dropping his cigarette down and stepping on it, putting it out.

"I'm going to check the other cargo hold. Anything in there I should know beforehand?" He asked.

"Well, if ya already took over the ship, you should be fine. If there is anyone left on the ship, it'll be the pilots, that bastard "Lucky" Luke, and the Doc. Everyone else should be out and about." She took another drag.

Desmond started walking out of the engine room after that, stopping by the airlock, "What's your name by the way?" He asked as he unholstered his sidearm again.

Through a cloud of smoke, "Call me Sam." She replied, "Now don't go killing the Doc, he's a nice guy, even if he's a little... odd." She laughed, "And don't shoot at Luke, you'll miss every time."

"Yeah, I know." Desmond replied as he left the engine room, moving towards the unexplored cargo bay. He stopped in front of the airlock, opened it and then moved inside.

Upon opening the door, Desmond would find various sized, and labeled cargo crates lining the outer wall, ending at the "tip" of the hold. The space dedicated to cargo took up roughly forty percent of the the hold, though it was only about half-full. To Desmond's left, he would find makeshift quarters, thin metal sheets welded to the floor and roof to make walls. The hold was relatively dark, except at the end where light spilled out into the room from the last room, which was triangle shaped, due to the walls of the hold. Faint humming could be heard from the room.

Desmond gave a quick glance at the general cargo hold before he moved towards the light source. He took a wide berth of the door and started to move around it to get a look at what was going on inside the room as well as to check if anyone was standing besides the door on the inside.

Desmond would be able to see most of the room. The room itself had more quick "furnishing" such as shelves welded to the walls, all holding various bottles of pills, liquids, and little containers of medical tools and equipment. There were a few cabinets, seemingly loaded with the same contents of the shelves. A pair of beds were on the left side of the room, while a curtained off area occupied the left. At the center was a desk.

Sitting at the desk, with his back to Desmond, was the source of the humming. "Hmmmmm hmmm hmmm, Ah, there it is." The man turned around, and looked up at Desmond, "You new? What was the explosion a few seconds ago? Did you cause it? Who's hurt?" The man was clothed in a sort of white coat, like doctors wear, but his seemed a bit worn. "Going to answer?"

Desmond simply eyed the man up and down as he asked the question. "Yeah, I'm new." He said as the man finished his last question, then stepped into the medbay. "And no, no one's hurt. At least not anymore. You're the doctor of the ship." He said, his last phrase more of a statement than a question.

The Nepleslian man smiled, "Yes, I'm the doctor, and anything else associated with medicine. So, who are you? Doctor like me? No, you don't seem the type. Another Thug?" The man tapped his pencil on his desk, "No, you've got strategy, circling the door." The doctor looked at Desmond's tool belt, "Engineer?"

"You could say that. You armed?" Desmond asked, eyeing the doctor's labcoat.

The doctor looked surprised, "Yes, of course!" He quickly un-holstered two pistols from his coat with the touch of an expert, and laid them flat on the table. "Anyone on a pirate ship should be armed. Are you not? Wait, you have weapons, already, so why are you asking?" The doctor pondered again, "Mutiny? No, you'd have just shot me. Armory check? No, you are not the armorer. Looking to remove them from my care?" The doctor waved his pencil in a circle and frowned, narrowing his eyes at Desmond, "Likely... I do not advise. Bad for health. Doctor would know."

"I'm not asking that. I want you to unload them." Desmond said, keeping his pistol aimed at the doctor.

"Almost same thing, what happens after I unload them? You shoot me?" The doctor replied, still waving his pencil, eyes locked on Desmond.

"I haven't shot you then, why would I shoot you now? I'm just making sure you don't shoot me yourself." Desmond replied. This whole talking thing wasn't really his expertise.

"Why would I shoot you? Gives me more work, you're new. I already have to examine you, no point adding gunshot wound." The doctor paused, taking his pistols and sliding the clips out, returning the unloaded guns to his desks, the clips beside them, "Anything else?"

"Pull the slides back." Desmond said, not wanting to find out there was a bullet in the chamber.

It happened in a second. Anyone not expecting it might not have seen it happen, only knowing that a gun had been fired by noise alone. The doctor fired both guns at both sides of the door. If Desmond looked, there were two targets pinned up on the wall, with the bulls-eye long shot away. "Anything else?" The doctor stated as the guns returned to where they had been.

Desmond looked at each of the targets behind him. "You got a really bad aim." He said, turning his attention back to the doctor. "I think it would be best for you and your mechanic friend to head over to the new captain with me and introduce yourselves, unless there's anyone else who needs to be rounded up around here." He said.

"Anyone else? Have you rounded up the entire crew already?" The doctor went back to his thinking mode again, "Not possible, some would've been in here. Dead...?" Desmond nodded at that. " Are you from the starliner?" The bounty hunter nodded again as the doctor made his statement and then quickly stood, returning his unloaded weapons to their holsters in his coat.

"New Captain?" Another nod. "You killed Kara? And the entire crew... you making a new crew?" The doctor paused, and turned to one of his cabinets, and pulled out a large wad of folders, and threw them into the trash can next to his desk. "Won't need those then."

"Someone else killed your captain, but I did kill a lot of the crew." Desmond said, looking for any reaction of the doctor's part. "You about done there?"

"Yes, paperwork needed to be taken care of. Ready to go." He stood next to Desmond, and waited. "Name is William."

"What's in these crates?" Desmond asked, pointing towards the crates with his empty hand as he started walking towards the main hall once more.

"Lots of things!" William supplied, "Some have weapons, some have money, some are filled with the belongings of others, and all other sorts of things these people have stolen." He paused, "Though I suspect that the Captain or her Firstmate John have some of the better items tucked away. We sell off most things."

Desmond didn't say anything about it, and instead kept walking towards the engineering section. "Your mechanic friend is in there." He said before pressing the airlock panel and opening it.

"Sam? Yes, she is the mechanic for the ship. We don't talk too much, but she's nice. Much better than the rest of the... well, was the rest of the crew." He added, "She probably knows more about what's in the crates... equipment-wise, she looks through them for anything the ship could use."

"Not interested about that now." Desmond stated as he walked through the airlock, looking for the mechanic.

"Oh, well..." For once the doctor had nothing to say.

When Desmond opened the door, Sam's voice could be heard once again, where she had been found before. "Welcome back... unless you haven't been here before. I'm busy fixing..." She was interrupted by William.

"Hello Sam, this man is apparently "rounding up" the crew. Have you met him? Likely, engineering is more important than cargo." The doctor answered his own question.

"... Hey Desmond." She said after the doctor.

"Well, you heard the man." Desmond said. He actually had no idea where Kendra was by then. Probably the bridge, and if not that the crew quarters. "Let's get moving, this vest is getting heavy." He said, moving out and motioned to the two of them to follow him.

"Yeah, yeah." Sam grunted as she slid out from the maintenance passage, "And if ya aren't strong enough to carry your vest, don't wear it."

"Unnecessary strain on your muscles is bad for your health. Doctor would know." William added.


== "Iron Ferret" Bridge ==

Right before Kendra and Lapas opened the door...

The airlock cycled open, revealing Helric and Jacob, both with weapons up. Upon verifying that there wasn't anyone hostile, they lowered their arms. Helric asked, "Who's the guy with the horns?" Jacob shrugged and walked past the duo, and made his way to the pilot's chair, frowning at the dead Nav pilot, but took his place in the Helmsman seat, acquainting himself with the controls and added, "I'm not a master at flying anything bigger than a shuttle, but I can get us around places without crashing."

Nicholas nodded to Jacob, and cheerfully replied to Helric, "That's the rookie!" Helric was satisfied, and moved near Jacob, keeping an eye on the "rookie".

Outside the pirate from earlier called, "Hey, can I go take a nap? All this, "Killing all my friends" is making me tired." A spurt of laughter followed. "Also, those pretty ladies you got won't leave the shuttle, they think being on a pirate ship is scary."

Nicholas glanced at Kendra and shrugged, "I'm going to McRenar's cabin, he seemed like the smart one, might find some stuff for us to do. I'll keep you posted." He nodded to Kendra and walked towards where he'd find the Quarters.

A few seconds later, a query came from Nicholas over the datapad to Kendra, "Hey, I found this odd jar just sitting around, in the hallway where the cabins are. Any idea what it is...?"


== "Iron Ferret" Medical Bay ==

(OOC - Amanozako's post comes after Desmond's Adventure)

Amanozako would find upon entering the medical bay that it had been recently occupied, or at least someone had been through it.

One of the best indicators was the papers overflowing out of the garbage can, some of which were scattered on the floor nearby. At a quick glance, Amanozako would recognize the papers as medical records of the crew. The doctor must've just trashed the entire stack without looking, because near the top was "Lucky" Luke's record. That wasn't the most interesting one however, a paper sticking out of the top read in bold letters, "Amanozako". It was William's medical record of Amanozako.

One of the pages in the folder had a small red sticky tab attached to the top.


== "Iron Ferret" (Haures) ==

Haures had waited for Desmond around the bridge for him to come back, but after a while, the lizard got "worried" for his owner, so he went looking. He couldn't leave the bridge until Helric and Jacob opened it, so he left and smelled the air for his new owner. The giant lizard immediately rushed over to the door to Engineering and headbutted it. When Desmond opened the door, Haures would thump his tail on the deck.

William and Sam would be surprised, with Sam staring at the lizard with wide-eyes, while William simply commented, "Big Lizard, is he yours? He looks happy to see you. Is he trained? They don't normally do that."
Medical Bay

Amanozako was done with patching herself up. She noted the files and papers scattered all over the floor, she had not been paying much attention to them before she had treated her wounds. Now though, she picked up the folder with her name on it and flipped it open. She was curious what about a medical examination of her could be of any note to the ships doctor. As far as she had known he had little to no chance to examin her. She had never taken any exams or allowed him to directly check her. The pirate doctor must have been scanning her covertly. This did not make her happy.

She quickly thumbed through to the page with the red sticky tag and read the details.
===== "Iron Ferret" Medical Bay =====

The marked page was titled, "Psychological Analysis".

Written below, "At first glance, Amanozako seems just plain calm, or serious, with a little anti-sociality mixed in. However, with some speculation and observation, I have concluded with a bit more than something so simple.

First, based on her equipment, she's not a Yamatarian Nekovalkyrja, she's NMX. Assumed the equipment she has is her's, and not stolen and bought from the black market or obtained by others means. Likely it is hers, familiarity with the weapon is obvious.

Being NMX, there is a high-probability that her "Don't Touch Me" complex is a result from some punishments endured while under NMX "care". (She would not allow me to make a proper medical examination) Seeing as she is here, and not in NMX territory, it is also likely that she escaped, not captured by Yamatai. I cannot predict how she did so, without asking her directly, which would most likely result in a... problematic situation.

So she is most likely an escaped and abused NMX Trooper, seeking work that she knows best, killing. Mental stability might be in question. I would enjoy finding out more, though based on her, it would be an unlikely event.

Summary - Amanozako is on-guard all the time, deriving from mistreatment under the NMX. She would most likely kill anyone without a second thought, and should be treated with caution. Her mental stability might be in question. Goals unknown. Questioning would help, though co-operation in unlikely.

End Analysis.

Amanozako read the report. Then read it again. first anger welled up deep inside in response to someone putting together a report on her that was actually a lot closer to the truth than she wanted anyone to know. The fact that she WAS an NMX Neko that had deserted made things dangerous for her if that information got out. Then there was everything else in the report. All of it was nearly spot on and it made her rage.

The black haired Neko grabbed up the folder, stuffed it in with her things then searched through everything else to see if there was more about her. She had to find it all and keep it away from the others and destroy it. She shuffled through papers madly, looking for any trace of her name on them.

"Helping with my paperwork? Bit nice of you, not something I'd expect. So what are you doing? Besides fixing yourself up." The voice was William the doctor, leaning on the door frame.

Amanozako's head snapped in the direction of the doctor's voice. Her blood red eyed full of malace. " made a file on me" she hissed, her usually pale cheeks reddening a little as she had yet to dress herself after her self administered treatment and now was only clad in her undergarments.

"I am a doctor, we are supposed to have files on everyone where we are. You are on this ship, I'm supposed to have a file. You make it hard to keep an accurate one." William show any sort of discomfort or interest with Amanozako being clad in little, he was a doctor, and it wasn't the first time he had seen a woman like her. "Is there a problem? Likely, your face says so."

She crossed the distance between them in an instand, grabbing onto his collar with a vice like grip and holding the man in the air by nearly two feet. "Who else has seen this?" she indicated the file folder she clutched in her other hand.

"Medical Records are private. I've seen em, you've seen it. You could have asked to see it earlier. Didn't expect you to." William shrugged uncomfortably. "Worried? Did you not know records are private?"

"You're pirate scum, I don't trust any of your records being held private" she hissed

"If you do not believe me, then why ask first? Waste of time." William took another strained breath, "Do you not want someone to see it? Likely, I have yet to have a crewmate ask for their file to share it." He paused, "Except those pirates filled with too much bravado, they usually leave a little... lesser."

She tossed him roughly into the wall with as much ease as a child throwing a toy doll. Her physical strength, as was natural for her kind, was considerable despite her slim appearence. "No, I do not want anyone seeing these and I do not want you keeping tabs on me. I can take care of myself fine and do not need some pirate doctor keeping a file on me." she snapped as she began gathering up her things.

He rolled his shoulders, "At least I know I am right." He added, "I am not here because I want to be, I am no pirate. I am here because of a... problematic situation I find myself in. Likely to be close in seriousness to yours."

"How could your situation be anything like mine?" Amanozako demanded as she started pulling her black jumpsuit on.

William scratched his chin before replying, "That's privileged information. I cannot risk it, but I do know what it feels like... "hiding" from someone, or a group."

"Heh." she glared at the man. If it were not for the fact she was contained on this small wreck of a ship with a boatload of other bounty hunters she would have immediatly killed him to protect her secret. "I doubt you are in nearly as much danger as you are putting me in." she growled.

"I don't know any NMX, nor have I shared that record, as I stated before. Your reactions as of late have only confirmed what I have guessed, meaning you actually solidified what I was relatively sure about. However..." William tapped the wall rhythmically, "Have no clue who I am, most likely. If you did... problematic."

"And you think the NMX are the only ones who would kill me if they found out who I was?" she responded. "And as it is I should kill you now" she added as she zipped up her jumpsuit.

"Ah yes, don't forget Yamatai, maybe some private organizations. But I have no love for either, I prefer being where people don't ask questions." William kept his rhythm, "You are welcome to try, ask your engineer friend, Desmond. But as a doctor, I'd like to keep things clean as possible."

"He's not my friend" she replied as she pulled her boots on, then got up and strapped on her gun belt with its twin drop holsters and HHG's. She did not put her armor back on for now, instead stuffed it into her backpack as well as it would fit.

"Sorry, I forgot, that wouldn't be like you to call someone, "friend". Perhaps... co-worker, comrade, accquaintence are more acceptable?" He added, "Maybe you should consider friends, they are helpful and enjoyable if you find the right ones."

"I don't think so. Social interactions do nothing more than get in the way." she said and pulled her gauntlets on.

"Whatever you say, unlikely I could change your mind." He went to one of the cabinets next to him, and started sorting the contents, which were mostly pain killers. "What do you plan to do?"

"What's it matter to you?" Amanozako asked. "Planning on telling the authorities, getting yourself a nice little prize for turning in an enemy soldier?"

William laughed, "I wouldn't dare talk to any authorities, they'd come running." He shrugged, "Curiosity, I like having information, answers, means less questions... later." He moved to the next cabinet, moving closer to the left corner of the room.

"Well all you're gonna have with me is questions." she glared "No more information, no more answers!" her eyes were fixed on him as he moved. she did not trust him one bit. "And you can stay away from that cabinet too" shw added, her hands resting on the handles of her twin HHGs

"I believe I retain rights to my space, as you to yours." William stated flatly. "I'm taking stock, I trust there isn't many of you? I hope so, I might need to replenish some meds." He kept Amanozako in his peripheral vision, moving to the last cabinet, close to one of the beds, at the end of the triangle. Though the triangle had its "tips" cut, a triangle corner was hardly useful. The cabinet utilized the small flat wall due to this.

"There will be one less once I can get off this rust bucket." she responded and quickly finished packing up the last of her things.

"Leaving so soon? I was starting to like you." He paused, "You know, wolves hunt better in packs, right?" William offered.

"Not this one" Amanizako replied. "And I doubt you like having me around"

"Read a study, showed that wolves that hunted alone died almost everytime when faced with any predator they couldn't hunt. Pack usually won." William opened the bottom part of the cabinet, sticking his head inside, his voice was somewhat muffled, "How would you know? I like talking, and you are listening."

"I am not a wolf" she stated. "I work better alone than with others. they only get in the way." she picked up her impaler rifle, slinging it over her shoulder "And for someone who says they like to talk you don't say much."

"I am talking more now, than when I was alone, and..." William's voice trailed off. A moment later, he disappeared into the cabinet without much noise.

If Amanozako checked, she would find nothing unusual, as if William just disappeared.

"What in the nine hells...!" the Neko cursed and carefully advanced, unshouldering her rifle and aiming. "I don't know what game you're up to but you better knock it off!"

She crouched by the opening, peering in, the muzzel of her rifle aimed into it in case the doctor tried something funny

For a while, nothing was heard, said, and it was generally quiet. After a minute, a series of clicks started about the room. It lasted briefly, and a voice piped up, from the other side of the room. "Oh, did I scare you? Not likely, probable you did not expect it."

William had discarded his previous attire, and was now clothed in a set of Styrling Muur Armor, Black with a dark maroon trim. He didn't have the helmet on, but the armor looked it had some custom stuff done to it. It had a lot of pouches, on the chest, legs, waist, and even a small one on the right upper arm. There was additional armor on the arms, legs, and chest.

The waist had two handgun holsters, which were occupied by his usual pistols, the same Desmond had seen, Zen Armaments .45. A crossed holster on his back were empty, and the two Styrling Ripshots that it held were in his hands, pointed down, in a non-threatening manner.

"How do you like it? I took it with me when I "left" my place of work."

Amanozako frowned heavily. "Planning on trying to take the ship back?" she said, her rifle aimed. "I thought we were having a nice talk, then you have to go get armor and guns"

"Oh, no no. I gave that up. I thought you'd like to see it, appeal to your fighting side. I used to fight, now I don't. I keep this as a memento." William rolled his shoulders, "Heavier than I remember."

"And this is supposed to impress me?" she replied flatly. "All I see is a fool who has to hide behind his toys since he can't BS his way around things" sighed.

William shrugged, "You don't seem impressed, interested, or remotely caring of anything that happens. Ah well, I guess I'll put it back." He didn't move though, he wouldn't be suprised if Amanozako shot him in the back as soon as he turned his back, "Going to lower the gun? It's problematic for me."

"You going and getting into armor and packing guns is problematic for me." Amanozako replied. "gun stays up" she was more than tempted to shoot him in the front let alone waiting for him to turn around.

William frowned, and then shook his head, "Understandable." He kinda shifted foot to foot, "So... why are you still here? Growing to enjoy my company? Unlikely. Waiting to shoot me? Probable. Still worried about me giving up secrets? Most likely." Willam eyed Amanozako critically, "Why worry?"

"Someone needs to keep an eye on you now that you've gone and got your armor and guns. Last thing I need is for you to go around shooting at people"

"Why do you care if I shoot anyone but you?" William stated plainly.

"I don't want you coming around and shooting at me" Amanozako grumbled.

"But let's say I never shot a bullet in your direction, and killed everyone else, even kill Lucky Luke and Sam, our engineer." William replied.

"Then you would be as guilty a criminal as everyone else I dispatched from this pirate crew." she said. "And I'm sure I could find someone to pay for your head"

"Ah, but aren't you the one who fought for the NMX for a time? We are both guilty of things worth our heads, I need to do no more." William shrugged, "See where we stand?"

"I was not given a choice!" Amanokazo snapped, her voice full of sudden venom. "You were not created in a test tube as a tool and forced to do the bidding of hidious Mishhu scum!" she spat out the name of her creator race. "You have no idea, not the slightest what its like to be controlled by those monsters!" she nearly screamed all of this. This is who she really hated, hated with every fiber of her being. The sudden force of rage that emminated from the ex-soldier was frightening.

William's eyebrows rose, it seemed they would rise right off his face. He was surprised at the sudden rage, but not frightened by it, more so frightened of the gun she wielded in her rage.

"I do not, but I do know what it feels like to be controlled, and have no choice."

Amanozako sagged against the medical bed behind her. The outburst of rage seemed to take its time. She shook visibly and her eyes were distant, as if she were reliving horrors she had seen during her life as an NMX soldier.

William cautiously walked over, and tapped Amanozako on the arm, "Wake up, past is past, present is present."

She lashed out as he touched her, snarling as her gauntleted claws slammed into his face. Amanozako, shoved him down and pinned him onto the floor. She clutched onto his collar and roughly slammed him into the ground a few times.

William grunted, he half-expected the reaction, but not the speed. He was breathing heavily after she stopped slamming him, and he had quite the headache. Probably some bruising, but he couldn't tell yet.

"Ow..." He groaned.

Her blood red eyes glared into his, they would have burned right through him and the deck below had they been lasers. The neko breathed hard, her clutch on his collar did not loosen one bit, though she no longer tried to beat him into the deck anymore.

He groaned, turning his head side to side, trying to shake his headache, at least slightly. Until returning his eyes to Amanozako. So full of hate that one cannot see. He considered his options, I could probably shove her off, and if I did, likely I would win, ending in her death, which would likely result in her compatriots seeking me out. I could reason, unlikely for success, she's beyond comprehension of speech. Not much else I can do...

Suddenly he acted without thinking, planning. As best as he could in his position, he raised his head, and kissed the enraged Neko. Fire does not fight fire. Water fights Fire.

She had not expected that. The feeling of his lips pressed to hers cut through her rage more effectively than any knife could. She froze for a mere moment, her eyes bulged. She had never been kissed by a man before. Sure the physical pleasures and contact between her fellow neko's during the dull periods between battles had been one thing. This was different and she was suddenly unsure what to do next.

That thought aside, she did not break off. In the haze of her utter rage, her body acted with little convent or higher command from her mind. So instead she kissed him back, almost forcefully, intensely as she crouched over the pinned doctor.

Willaim held until Amanozako broke off. If she breaks, then she has regained thought at the least.

She did not break off, not for some while at least and when she finally did, she still clutched at his collar, but her red eyes smouldered as they pierced into his. She breathed hard, catching up on the breathing she had not been doing over the last minute or two.

Upon breaking, William inhaled heavily, returning her glare with his amber eyes. What will she do now...?

And that was something even she did not know at the moment. She just stared down into his eyes for a long while in silence. Their breathing the only sound in the medical bay beyond the quiet hum of the life support system.

"Why did you do that?" she finally broke the silence, recovering some sense of control over herself.

"I... don't know. I just... did." William replied uncertainly. He attempted to stretch his muscles as best he could.

Taking a deep breath, her spine tingling. Amanozako was torn, she so wanted to put her fists through him and rip his organs out just a minute ago and still did in a way. But, she decided, this was better than fighting. Anyways, she could still kill him later if she needed to.

So instead of speaking any more, she let his collar go as she leaned down and pressed her lips back to his in a deep kiss.

William was surprised, he had expected a bit more... fighting, up to and including his demise. Instead of recieving death, he had recieved... another kiss. Much better than death... hopefully she doesn't regret later and attempt to kill me, that would be... problematic. So although he was surprised, he returned her kiss, adding equal force.

A small part of him believed that the Neko was still trying to trick him, so he played along for that piece of him, and the other majority, which believed she was being geniuine... for now.

Amanozako seemed fully intent to carry things on to their logical conclusion at this point. Physically anyways, showing less and less signs of restraint as each moment passed. She did not seem to be troubled by any of the thoughts the doctor had been mulling over, rather, she just let herself go and put everything outside of what was at hand out of her mind.

William followed suit, and whilst he did so, he tapped a button in his right glove. Soon after, a blank wall of metal slid over the "doorway".

----- Fade to Black -----

== "Iron Ferret" ==

Haures had waited for Desmond around the bridge for him to come back, but after a while, the lizard got "worried" for his owner, so he went looking. He couldn't leave the bridge until Helric and Jacob opened it, so he left and smelled the air for his new owner. The giant lizard immediatley rushed over to the door to Engineering and headbutted it. When Desmond opened the door, Haures would thump his tail on the deck.

William and Sam would be surprised, with Sam staring at the lizard with wide-eyes, while Willam simply commented, "Big Lizard, is he yours? He looks happy to see you. Is he trained? They don't normally do that."

"Yes. No, he's very dangerous" Desmond replied to William as they made their way towards the bridge. Right then, turning these two up to the new captain didn't feel like a priority, and the engineer had a feeling in the back of his head to check the engines instead, specially after seeing the state it was in.

William frowned, "Not trained? Doubtful."

Sam shook off the suprise, reached down and rubbed Haures on the head. The tail thumped once more on the deck.

"So, where are we going? Time is money, and all that." Sam asked Desmond, while continuing to rub Haures's head, who seemed to enjoy it.

"I was going to take you both to the new captain, but after seeing the state of this ship I need to take a look at the engine room again." Desmond replied. "You go ahead, since you're a doctor. The mechanic comes with me." He said, gesturing towards William and then Sam.

William nodded, "Yes, should go through that paperwork better." He walked off quickly, mumbling about Haures not being trained.

Sam waited until William left until looking up at Desmond, "He's trained isn't he?" It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, but don't go telling that to everyone." He said. Last thing he wanted was that Haures turned into some sort of mascot for the ship.

The bounty hunter got inisde the engineering deck once again, and started inspecting the damage. He could number a couple of catastrophic failures and some less than critical failures in startships that resulted from poor or negligent maintenance. He didn't want to be near either of those.

"Yeah, sure." Sam followed Desmond back into engineering, commenting, "I know stuff is in bad shape, but we really need to find some place to get some replacement parts and such." She watched Desmond look around the cramped room.

"Yeah, I'll bring that up. Let's see what we can jury rig so this ship's engine doesn't causes a chain reaction and roast us. Or the life support doesn't fail and we end up without air", Desmond said. The bounty hunter lit another cigarette, first things first after all, and then proceeded to check the equipment.

He stopped shot to where a bundle of duct tape was wrapped around a fuel pipe, possibly to prevent a leak.

"This over here, don't use duct tape. You gotta use the welders or the high temperatures will just melt the tape away when the engine's too strained." He said, tapping the duct tape with his wrench and then picking his wirecutters to start cutting it out before he used his own welder to do the job.

Sam shrugged, sitting on the floor, "Sometimes you gotta "fix" things in less than five seconds." She continued to rub Haures, who had laid down next to her, "I advise looking at the engine, where you found me. That's pretty important, without that fixed, we aren't going anywhere very fast."

Desmond nodded, sealing the breach on the pipe with the hot metal weld, watching it cool down and solidify before moving towards the narrow crevice.

The bounty hunter soon realized that it was too narrow for him to squeeze through the way it was, so he took his vest off and went in there.

The first thing Desmond would notice is some frayed wire clusters, some of which were very close to breaking apart, breaking the circuit.

"Need insulated tape!" Desmond shouted from the crevice. Now it was the time to use the damn tape.

"Got it!" A few seconds later, Sam appeared next to him, offering the roll of tape. "Here ya go." He picked it up and started to put the tape around the exposed wires, not bothering to shut the entire power down since his gloves were also insulated.

"Okay, now the power won't short out and leave us in the dark." Desmond said.

"Right, take a look at the engines, that's what I'm worried about." Was her reply, while Desmond got right back into work.

- Some Engineering Endeavors later -

It was tricky to rig that engine not to fail, and even if he did pull it off the thing wouldn't be able to run at full potency until they got the new parts. Though, he had faced harder challenges.

"Did you know once I fixed a comms transmitter using a fridge?" He asked no one in particular, remembering of one such feat.

"... that's... impressive." She stated.

"That's not even the half of it." Desmond replied, taking a long drag of his cigarette.

"Well, your fix should hold at least till we find a better replacement." Sam grinned, "You could probably show me a thing or two." Sam made her way out of the cramped passage, sitting next to Haures again.

"Probably." Desmond said, squeezing himself out and picking his vest again. The bounty hunter put the armor back on and squatted next to Haures, sitting down and leaning against one of the many machinery while he finished his cigarette.

She followed up with, "Would you mind? I'd be in your debt." She rubbed Haures on the belly.

Haures started thumping his tail on the deck.

"I guess I could." Desmond replied, staring at Haures.

"Great! Thanks!" Sam replied happily, "This guy is an awesome pet, what's his name?"

Haures stuck his long tongue out at Desmond, for a few seconds, before returning it to his maw.

Desmond scratched his chin for a second, "It's Haures, I think. It wasn't mine up until an hour ago." He said, staring at his pet. "Come to think of it, I don't have any idea what it eats." He concluded.

At Desmond saying "Haures", the lizard perked up, and stared intently at Desmond, waiting for him to say a command. Sam recoiled, surprised, "With that reaction, it must be his name." She paused, "If ya just got him, then do you know if he does anything? What he's trained for?"

"It follows me around. That's a good feat as any." Desmond replied, finishing off his cigarette and flicking the butt away. The cigarette butt hadn't even landed yet and the bounty hunter was already reaching for his cigarette pack again. "So what's inside those cargo crates by cargo?" He inquired again.

"I bet he can do more than follow, you should see what works when you have time." She stood up, brushing her clothes, "Well, it depends on the crate. The ones we got now are from some small civilian cargo ship. There are a few remaining from a different raid on a more... military target, so there's probably some guns, though most are probably packed into the "armory". Then you got anything on the shuttle you had, if there was anything." She motioned out the door, "Take a look?"

"Sounds good." Desmond said, managing to light his cigarette as he walked out of the maintenance area. He motioned for Haures to follow him before stepping out of the airlock.

------ A few moments later -----

"Right! Cargo!" Sam exclaimed as she swept her hand, indicating the cargo stacked against the walls, "We can hold a bit more than this, but it's been slow lately." She turned to face Desmond, "So... what are you looking for, if anything?"

Haures was standing by Desmond, who already had his crowbar out, looking around, and smelling.

The crates themselves were of various sizes, some about the size of a microwave, while a few in the back were as large as a small car. Most were around the size of a desk or dresser. The largest crate was in the corner, looking to be about as big as a truck.

"What's in the big one?" Desmond asked, pointing with the crowbar towards the big crate, already walking towards it.

"The one in the corner? Well, as its size would hint, it's a truck. We hadn't decided what to do with it. It's new though." Sam continued, "I'd love to take it out for a drive."

Desmond sighed at that. "We could scrap it for parts to use on the ship's engine." He said, standing in front of the crate, tapping it with his crowbar.

Sam reluctantly agreed to the statement, "We could..." While Desmond pried open one of the larger sides of the crate.

The bounty hunter groaned as he forced the wooden crate open with his crowbar, until the side popped out and fell against the deck, raising a small cloud of dust.

Desmond's efforts revealed an Origin Industries Truck, from the side, with the driver's seat facing Desmond. The truck itself was black, with blue flames across the sides, and hood.

Sam sighed audibly, "Beautiful." Haures went up and smelled it, indifferent to it.

"Yep." Desmond said nonchallantly, moving towards the next crate. He'd worry about scrapping the truck later, the repairs weren't that urgent after he had rigged the engine. He moved towards one of the table sized crates and started prying it open from the top.

"Oh those crates..." She was interrupted by the crack of the crate's top giving way.

Inside was a mess of clothes, it appeared the pirates had been nosing around as well, but it "seemed" like most of the contents were there, which was a mix of mens and womens jackets, made from various materials.

"... have clothes in them." She finished, a bit late.

Desmond grimmaced at that. Still, the clothes would probably be useful given the opportunity. He moved to another crate, prying it open. He intended to have all of them checked before he was done with the cargo hold.

And so it went, Desmond cracking crates, Sam watching and commenting, and Haures smelling it all.

And so the crates revealed their contents, though most were probably not of interest to the Bounty Hunter. Though some had potential, such as additional clothing crates, boxes of rations and canned food, an assortment of metals in bars, basic engineering tools, mostly empty medical supply crates, crate of AwesomeCorp Datapads, and more. The military crates had been opened already, and were mostly empty.

"That stuff was moved to the armory, but a lot of it was taken onto the Starliner." Sam commented.

There was a wild assortment of other things, but they were nothing of interest to the Hunter.

Desmond stretched his arms after the ordeal was over, putting the crowbar back on his toolbelt. Truth be told, the contents of the crates didn't really meet up to his expectations, minus the truck.

"Right. I'm trying to figure if selling that truck and buying parts would be more efficient than scrapping it for parts to use on the ship's engine." He said to no one in particular. Even though a truck engine was a long shot from being the same as a starship engine it was still possible to scrounge some of that. He'd done stuff like that before.

"Well, nice job breaking all the crates! It would've been easier to move this around with them as they were." Sam piped up, she'd just been sitting the entire time, "If you're looking for more gear, I'd chance the armory. Seems like that'd be up your alley."

"Sad story. Show me where the armory is." Desmond replied. He wasn't about to be in that ship and not know exactly what was inside of each of those crates with the possibility of it being useful in some way or another.

"Turn around smart guy, it's in here." Sam was standing next to a doorway, it was the room closest to the main hall, or farthest away from the medical bay. She flicked a switch and lights came on in the room, showing that it was indeed an armory. She motioned him to come over.

Desmond made his way inside, "Just exactly how much firepower did they have in here?" He asked, looking around the room once he was inside.

"Oh, enough to arm the entire crew three times or so. Of course, some aren't smart and take more weapons than they need." She looked around the room, and took stock of the remaining weapons, "Probably about... a third, maybe a little less, left in here." She paused, "Still got enough, isn't the most impressive arsenal, but it'll get the job done."

"Whatever." Desmond replied, just taking a look at it. He decided he would leave his own weapons in his own room, wherever that would be. "Anything else I need to know about this ship?" He asked.

She thought for a moment, "You should be good, besides the fact that this is a pirate ship, and pirates aren't well-liked. Anything else you're looking for, or want to see?"

That made Desmond stop and think for a while. He hadn't planned much that far ahead. "I'm not a pirate." He stated, looking back at Sam, "Guess I'll find a place to settle in."

"Pirate or not, people firing at this ship don't know that without asking." She replied, "And, they probably wouldn't trust ya if they did ask." She chuckled a bit, "Well, the only places we got on this boat is the "real" quarters, which has the Captain's Cabin, Firstmate, an empty one. Or you can live over here in Cargo, in one of these makeshift rooms. William lives in Medical, at the end, the two rooms between here and there, are like some bunkhouse. Just a bunch of beds thrown in a room, might have to remodel a bit." She eyed Desmond, "Preference?"

"There's a whole bunch of people who I don't want to be near that are going to be taking those cabins. Plus the cargo area is closer to the engine" He said, "So I'm getting one of those free bunkrooms." He concluded, not like there was any crew around that would be using those anyway.

"Where do you get grub around here?" He asked after a while, flicking the butt of his cigarette once he was done with it.

"There's a Galley next to the lounge. Not five-star eats, but what could ya expect on a pirate ship?"

"Not much, but I've seen worse." Desmond said, remembering a particular security cutter he used to work in before ditching his life and becoming a bounty hunter. "I'll go see about getting myself a place." He said, and then started to make his way out of the room.

"Have fun, and don't hurt yourself." Sam replied, the last part laced with sarcasm.

== "Iron Ferret" Bridge ==

Kendra was about to leave the room herself when the comm from Nick came. She frowned and looked at the horned pilot. What else could that jar be then a liquid explosive or something. The new captain sighed and activated her comms.

"Better leave it be. Mr. Horny mentioned there are bombs on the ship," she replied to Nicholas.

Nicholas quickly replied, "Ok! I won't touch it. Any other surprises he's informed you of?"

"Nope, but be vigilant," Kendra replied to the handy-man and then turned to the Iroma. "You wanker should get off your arse and go defuse those bombs. Jacob will take over for now. Last thing i need is my ship arseploding on me. I just got it after all."

"As for you," Kendra said and looked at the lucky pirate called Lucky. "Sure you can take a nap, in an airlock. I promised I won't harm you unless you give me a reason, but fuck me if I let you just walk around a ship. Since I assume this place does not have a brig you gonna spend night in the airlock. Don't worry we will get you a bucket and feed you."

Luke called out, "That's hardly fair, I have my own bunk you know!" He grumbled, "William and Sam probably don't have to do this."

"First I have no idea who William and Sam are, seconds whoever they are, if they are still alive that means they were not shooting at me and my people just 5 minutes ago. Unlike you." Kendra frowned at the men and her tail shivered. "You are lucky to be alive, but don't try to test my patience too much. You will get bedding in the airlock, don't worry. And you can take stuff from your bunk there, except for any weapons of course."

He laughed, "Lucky? I'm called "Lucky" Luke for a damn reason. If you remember, I didn't shoot ya, your friend shot at me." He added, a bit quieter, "And... you wouldn't know if William fired or not, I wouldn't be surprised if he could kill everyone aboard, guys a fuckin ace."

"Well he might be ace, but you clearly are not. So stop arguing." The snake lady said, easy to see her irritation. "I am the one with whole bunch of armed folks on this ship not you. You are just a bloody pirate, by all rights I should just shoot you and dump the body. But no, I said I will get you planetside and so I will. I will even let you keep your bloody stuff so stop fighting and just do what I said."

"If you could shoot me, I'd be surprised, and dead." He added, with a bit of defeat in his voice, "But fine, sure, I'd rather not test how far my luck goes." Kendra would hear him walk off, apparently to get his stuff.

"Helric, go with him, watch him while he gets his thing and then lock him up. Be so kind." Kendra said to the only free guy in the room. She hoped they will still keep being a bit mesmerized and listen to her. She was sure that sooner or later they will start asking questions. Like why the hell is she the captain. There were only three people aboard this ship she was willing to talk about that with though and Helric was not one of them.

Helric shrugged, and tapped Jacob on the shoulder, in which Jacob nodded. He disappeared out the door. Another ping, "Found the quarters, they're locked."

"Well I don't have keys," Kendra replied and then sighed. "Also be careful there might be someone called Sam and William aboard according to that lucky bastard."

"Jacob," Her head turned to her pilot. "Any chance you could unlock the quarters from here? Captain's room as well. Also please run scan of inside of the ship."

Jacob nodded assent and started tapping on the controls. "One moment...... and... Quarters and the rooms within are unlocked." More tapping, "And... we have two people in the end of the other cargo hold. Three more in rooms in the same cargo hold. One in Engineering. Flight Attendants haven't moved from the shuttle. Another one who just entered the quarters, Nicholas. And us, on the bridge."

"Thank you, keep an eye on this. I am off to see my new room. Call me on my comm if you need anything." Were the new captain's orders, before she turned around and slithered away, keeping an eye on her surroundings. Last thing she needed now was finding a bomb by accident and getting hurt or killed by its blast.

Before she left, Jacob added, "Did you want to go anywhere? You know, before the authorities arrive and blow us to hell."

"Dunno," Kendra replied. "Closest safe nep planet I guess. I am surprised you did not jump already. How about Delsauria, that should be safe enough. Or maybe Kennewes, Greens do not have such a great hold there."

"Well, everyone seems to place you in command, might as well ask. Anyway, initiating a jump." Jacob started up the engine, "This thing needs repairs by the way."

"Yeah, but we need to get out of here first and collect ourselves." Kendra replied and gave Jacob a nod. She then turned around and left the bridge, going for the ex-captain's room.

===== "Iron Ferret" Quarters =====

Upon the lounge, Kendra would find Nicholas leaning next to one of the rooms, "Hey, didn't want to start without you." Kendra just replied with a nod and looked around the lounge.

The lounge itself was actually relatively well-kept, not what you'd expect on a pirate ship. There were two small tables, each with four chairs on one side of the room, which one had what appeared to be the remnants of a card game. A trio of couches encircled a large T.V. screen on the other side, and a small bar was tucked into the corner next to the tables.

Nicholas nodded back, "So, let's see what hidden treasure troves lie behind these doors! I'm interested in McRenar's room."

"Lounge is not as bad as I feared." The new captain said with a smile. "Could use some drapes, pretty pictures and a stripper pole. And we need a bigger bar. This will do for now though. Anyway let's see McRenar's room first, then."

"Right, I would like to add that I plan to reside in this room." With that he opened the door to McRenar's room.

"Sure, you might get a roomie though. This is not a super large ship. I bet you could share it with Desmond if needed." Were the words Kendra told him back as she followed him into the room. "Careful about traps."

"Oh I'm sure McRenar didn't have any..." A second later a small turret popped out of the ceiling. Nicholas looked at it, "I stand corrected."

A voice popped over the intercom, apparently the turret itself, "Password."

"Uh..." Kendra stopped and whispered to Nick. "You remember name of the captain. She and Renar were getting it on weren't they?"

He whispered back, "I don't know if they were..." Nicholas spoke to the turret, "Kara."

The turret whirred, and folded back into the ceiling, "I guess they were." Nicholas stated.

"You better remember that password." Kendra said and breathed out. "Actually I could use a defense turret in my room. Ah well maybe captain had one of her own."

"Oh I'm sure she did, maybe she has two." Nicholas forced a chuckle, "Ha...haaa, Damn that was kinda scary, damn turrets." He shrugged, "Well, let's see what we got then."

The room was configured for one person, leaving just one bed, instead of two. The walls had a few landscape paintings hung up. The lockers were closed, and the display shelves between them had various art pieces, small statues, and other antique items.

"Well too bad we did not get to meet this guy," Kendra said with a shrug, before waving her hand around the room. "Looks like the man had taste. Mind if we move the pictures to the Lounge? Might liven up the room until we have time and money to refurnish it."

"Oh, I'd like to keep one or two, but I don't mind if you take a few." Nicholas walked around the room, inspecting some of the antiques, and turning his head to the computer, which had a bit more than standard, "Oh this guy, he must've managed the sales and such of their "goods"."

"Oh nice. I bet there will be valuable info on it." Was the reply he got as the Separa looked at the computer. "If he had some buyers on black market, maybe some of them have bounties on their head. It would be nice to get to them. If nothing else we could sell that info to authorities for some DA."

"Yeah, I'll look into it, it's what we are out to do, right?"

"Well if anything I would like to stay as legal as possible. I did enough work on the dark side to have enough of it for a life time. So I don't care if we hunt bounties or play merchants."

"Right, I know how you feel." Nicholas opened the lockers and peered inside, "Well, he's got my kind of clothes. Wait a second here..." Nicholas pushed aside some of the clothing, and found a button. "Oh, what's this?"

"Well let's hope it is not a bomb. Push it." Replied Kendra.

"Right." Nicholas pushed it, and for a moment, it seemed that nothing would happen. A click sounded, and Nicholas jumped back, "Woah." The locker rotated, and revealed a large safe, and shelving. On the shelves were some more art, but made seemingly of gold and other precious metals. Some jewelry as well, on display in glass boxes. "Well... that confirms that he's the business man."

"Oh. My." Kendra said and leaned in. She reached in and grabbed a ring from one of the shelf. It was golden with a small stone in it. "Oh. My. Indeed. All that will look great on me don't you think. All the lovely gold."

"Oh yes, it'll look great I'm sure, but..." Nicholas tapped the safe, "What's in there, is what I'm interested in."

"I can crack that," Kendra said, but then she frowned. "But I am going to need equipment for that and it will probably take time. I doubt it has kind of lock I can hack just with my data-jockey."

The safe had two "defenses". One was a keypad for a five-digit keycode, and the other was a key-lock. "Too bad we didn't check if he had the key..."

"Turning the ship around is kind of out of the question. I wonder if they have X-ray on this ship." Kendra said, rubbing her chin. "If we can even take this thing out. I wonder if it has self-destruction too. There are safes that destroy what is inside if opened wrongly. With small explosion or some acid. Or, there are those that just Explode, to kill the thieves as well."

Nicholas scratched his head, "Well, we don't want to lose what's inside. Maybe he left the key in here then? He does have a guard turret. Maybe he thought it was safe enough. For the keycode... well, I suppose you'll have to figure that out."

"Later though," Kendra replied and straightened up. "Hide it again, we will get to it later. Now I am curious about the room of the captain. But before we go in I will hook into outside panel and see what we can do about taking security offline. I doubt we will have more luck with the turret in her room if there is one."

Nicholas pushed an identical button, and the locker rotated, returning back to normal. "We might get lucky, maybe the password is McRenar, or John." He shrugged, "I am also curious though, she's bound to have some interesting pieces as well."

===== "Iron Ferret" Airlock =====

Lapas was just about to finish his rounds looking for the last few missing bombs, all that was left to check now was the air lock. He walked in and found a man who appeared to be resting in the airlock "Ummm hey you mind if I take a look around? I seemed misplaced my bombs so unless you value privacy over fiery death I'll start my search." He set his bag down and looked at the other man.

The Nepleslian looked up when Lapas entered, "Oh what do you all want now? Finally decide to kill me yet? Or just looking for FURTHER ways to "detain me"?" He grunted at Lapas's request, "Oh yeah sure, I don't have much of a choice anymore, damn snake."

As he was looking behind panels and in a few corners he laughed as he thought of the angry snake woman who made him put his guns away and worse failed to get any of his humor. "So she didn't give you any of the affection you deserve as a person either. Who would have guessed a snake bounty hunter wouldn't be all warm and fuzzy? Ah ha! There it is."

He began to slowly take the components out of the jar care not to have any of them touch. "Soo, how'd you incurr the wrath of the scaled beauty?"

"Stop bein all friendly, I ain't yer friend, I ain't nobody's friend." He turned away from Lapas, "She probably sent cha here, yer just waiting to put a bullet in my dome." He laughed, loudly, "But cha can't, I can tell ya that... "friend"." The word friend being laced with heavy sarcasm.

"First I don't use bullets, too expensive. Second she took my guns away too, so even if I wanted to put a bullet in you head, if I even had bullets in the first place I couldn't. Third, the whole grizzled friendless badass thing is so boring. Just once I want to meet Nepleslian who greets me with a nice smile or a friendly hug." He still had a few components left to remove from the jar but he figured those could wait a second.

"Yeah kiddo? Well this is the real world, not some fairy tail. People ain't that kind." The Nepleslian snapped back. "If ya want a hug, go back to yer mum."

"Ouch that hurts ya know it really does, but hey some people are just angry all the time. Oh by the way could you hold this for me." With that he tossed the half empty glass jar while the major explosive agents had been taken out the sodium would still cause quiet the noise and make a nice firework show. Unfortunatly only people trained in explosives would recognize that the jar was harmless.

The Nepleslian make any move to catch it, and it sailed by, "You know, you probably just got yourself killed with that bomb."

The jar went off on the wall opposite Lapas, the explosion it self was hardly that impressive about as loud as a gun shot with about the same about of fire actually being produced. "Damnit you ruined my brilliant team building exercise.... And my jar, stupid cynisim." Lapas stood up and grabbed his bag. " Ya know I thought we could be friends seeing as you were a member of the old crew of this ship and I pretended to be a member of the crew. Aw well the bonds of fake brotherhood really are that week, have fun being boring, I'm going to go make friends elsewhere."

"That's right, you pretended, and got all my mates killed, they owed me. Now I've got a Snake Princess slithering about, telling everyone what to do, damn shame it is." He threw his arms up in the air, "And now, I gotta sit here cuz she told me to. Why the hell should I have to listen to some scaly freak, and her gang of goonies."

"Hey I take offense to that I'm at least a thug in the grand scheme of things. Alright I'm gonna find someone far more a attractive to try my expert charms on see ya around." He left carrying his jars and explosive components down the hallway.

===== "Iron Ferret" Bridge =====

== After Kendra and Nicholas leave... ==

Lapas would find himself standing at the door to bridge. The ship wasn't big, but it figured that he didn't see anyone else on his "travels". He would hear a faint humming and drumming on the other side of the door. Of course, all the hostiles in the ship had been cleared out, except one, who was questionable.

He figured he could go to the bridge to relax maybe meet this other pilot that the snake girl mentioned. He opened the familar door to the bridge waiting to meet the competion for his job.

The room was much like Lapas left it, minus the dead body, and there was now only one resident. This resident was a blonde-haired, blue eyed Nepleslian male who was currently tapping a rhythm on the control panel, and humming to himself, "Who're you?" He said as he turned his head, not recognizing Lapas, or not remembering.

"Name's Lapas, I signed on after you guys killed the priates. Pleased to meet you" He was just happy that his statment about Neplesians was turning out correct.

"Oh yeah. I didn't do too much of the killing and all that, just tagged along." He turned the entire chair around and offered his hand, "Jacob Fuller, pleased to meet you as well."

Lapas shook his hand " So how long you been a pilot Jake?"

"Oh, I've been playing with shuttles since I was eight. Haven't flown many birds like this though, not what I'm trained for, but I can make do." was Jacob's reply.

"Yeah about the same for me diffrence I did getaway shuttles for most of my life and one big trader ship about a month ago." So far the other pilot didn't seem too bad.

Jacob's eyebrows rose, "You a pilot too? Seems we'll be workin together a bit then. Good to know I'll have some help then."

"Yeah good to have some back up around right?" He smiled maybe he could get used to the crew if they were as calm as this.

"Most definitely." Jacob agreed. "Well, what else do you do?"

"I'm also big into demo work sorta a hobby of mine, and I can shoot as good as any soldier. Oh and I'm incredibly attractive to females of every species."

Jacob guffawed, "If that was true, then why didn't Kendra swoon at your charms? Surely she is included in the "every species" category."

"Well she's a special case, a very angry, very special case, that just needs a little more work but one day even she won't be able to resist my devilish charm." He struck a mock hero pose just to emphasize his point.

"Yeah well, if that doesn't work, which I can almost guarantee it won't work, we brought some flight attendants from the starliner with us. I'm sure they'll be more susceptible to your "charms"." Jacob replied, rolling his eyes at Lapas.

Lapas smirked, "Really? I guess Kendra failed to tell me that. Guess she never learned how to welcome someone." He paused for a minute and suppressed the urge to go find some flight attendants. "So let's just say I wanted to meet them at some point in the near future. where would I go to find them?"

Jacob pointed out the door, "Hiding in the shuttle we used to get here, they're scared of being on a pirate ship, and they don't want to move. Feel free to encourage them to." He shrugged, "They can't stay in there forever."

"Hmmmm seem like my list of things to do just keeps getting longer. By the way what's the room situation for you guys? Is it claim what you want first or does scale boobs get to make a list of everything?"

Jacob shrugged again, "Hell if I know. I'm busy piloting this scrap-heap. I assume she'll be takin the Captain's Quarters, otherwise, I don't know." He chuckled, "Nice name for her."

"Ha thanks I told that guy in the airlock Neplesians had a sense of humor. Anyway good talk, see ya whenever you get off flying this thing."

Jacob waved, "Yeah, haven't talked to him yet, see ya later." He turned back around, and got back to work.

Lapas began his trek to the shuttle bay and began to whistle as he went through the hall kicking a loose ball bearing around like a tiny soccer ball.

The Shuttle Bay was like the Hunters had left it, even the bodies still remained on the floor, in a puddle of red. There were some cargo crates in the shuttlebay, but not nearly as many as what was in the other Cargo Hold. As Lapas entered, frantic talking could be heard from the open shuttle door.

He walked closer while he remained outside the shuttle he was out of view of door. Quietly he placed his horns against the shuttle trying to listen in and get an idea of how to approach the situation.

Inside Lapas would hear three female voices.

"I'm scared, they haven't come back, what if... the pirates killed them? Then the pirates will come for us!" One said.

"Maybe they forgot, or still fighting. You heard that explosion earlier." A second replied.

"What if that explosion killed them!?" A third piped in.

"We could try flying this shuttle away..." The second voice chimed.

He poked his head into the shuttle "We are not dead yet." He looked at the three girls and noticed some degree of fear on their faces. He stopped on a tall muscular looking Nepleslian with medium length blonde hair, dyed green at the tips.

"Aiiiieeeeeee!" shrieked the attendants, "PIRATE!" An empty cardboard box flew and hit Lapas in the chest. "Go Away!" stated the second attendant, a curvy Yamatarian with white hair and round gold eyes screamed at him.

Wow if I had a koun for every girl that's reacted that bad to me I'd probably have a nicer ship then this, on a beach somewhere "Calm down I'm not a pirate, more like a dashing rogue." He looked at the empty cardboard box and noticed that he crushed in one side "And I'm certainly not dangerous enough to go killing a poor box."

"Lying pirate scum, where's our... friends?" The second attendant replied, venom in her voice.

"Well our... friends are working around the ship, cept I think the snake girl is busy ordering all of the other people around." He placed the box down, "Name's Lapas and who might you all be."

The attendants turned away, and huddled together, whispering. The act was pretty futile, as Lapas could hear what they were saying, which revolved around whether they could trust him or not.

After a minute, they turned back, and the Blonde-haired Nepleslian reluctantly said, "My name is Ellie."

"I am Sayaka." The white-haired Yamtarian followed up.

They both turned to their silent compatriot, and nudged her.

"... Mary." The slim Geshrin with auburn colored hair, and dark-brown eyes, said, though she said it very quietly, making it hard to hear.

Lapas smiled "Good to meet you all glad to see we are finally making some progress. I always say any girl who doesnt think I'm a murdering pyschopath is a win in my book."

"We never said you weren't a murderer." Sayaka snapped.

Ellie turned to Sayaka and frowned, "Stop being so rude, at least we aren't dead, and he hasn't harmed us, or do what most pirates do with women." Sayaka huffed, and Ellie turned back to Lapas, "Don't mind her, she's always like that."

Mary didn't say anything.

"Oh its alright I've had far worse insults thrown at me in my time." He turned to Sayaka "I have standards and self control, think of me more like a member of the millitary with some idealogical diffrences." He half chuckled to himself, "So you girls gonna stay in this shuttle the whole rest of your lives?"

Sayaka sneered, but didn't say anything.

"Well, are all the pirates gone?" Ellie asked, shooting a glare at Sayaka.

"Yep all gone." He turned his head to look out at the dead bodies on the outside of the shuttle. "You can all come out in maybe two minutes." He quickly bolted out the door and began dragging bodies to the other side of the shuttle.

The flight attendants waited patiently for Lapas to return.

He poked his head back in the shuttle, "Alread you can come out now" When they emerge they would see the room clear of bodies at least from their perspective. There were also bullet ridden jackets over the worst of the blood stains.

"Oh, just starting to clean up after yourself? Murderer." Sayaka stated, as she walked past Lapas, chin up.

Ellie sighed, and gestured for Mary to follow, "Come on." She walked out of the shuttle, ignoring the obvious scene of death, Mary standing behind Ellie. "So Lapas, what now?" Ellie asked.

"Actually none of these were mine, These men went down by the other murderers that brought ya sweety." When the other two step out he held his hand out for both of them to help them from the shuttle. "Its your choice but we could go to the lounge and find some pirate food to eat or we can go look about finding you three some room sleep."

"I'm going to bed, maybe I'll wake up from this terrible dream with you in it." Sayaka called as she walked out of the shuttlebay.

Ellie took Lapas's hand, and left the shuttle, helping Mary off as well. "Thank you. I want to rest as well. It's been a trying day."

"Understandable, if you would please follow me to the staterooms hopefully we beat some of them to the rooms." He lead them into the hallway "I have to ask, how did three beautiful and two polite young ladies like yourselves end up with these guys?"

"They saved us from the pirates on the starliner, and we agreed to follow them. We didn't want any more pirates finding us." Ellie replied.

"Was... scary." Mary whispered.

"Makes sense, I had to hide from a few police raids when I was first starting out..... But don't worry its all good now, no more pirates, just some friendly neighborhood bounty hunters and their angry snake boss." He reached the staterooms, "Ah here we are now which one to pick."

The middle door opened and Lapas would recognize Nicholas, "Hey there, looking for something?"

"Who's that?" Ellie asked. Mary hid behind Ellie.

"He's ummmm, His name iiiiissssss um....". "It's Nicholas" he supplied.

"Nicholas! He's one of the bounty hunters don't worry." Lapas turned back to the bounty hunter "I was just looking to find a room for these nice women."

"Oh, hello there ladies." He waved at Ellie and Mary, and returned his attention to Lapas, "I can't really suggest these rooms right now... they are kinda... dangerous." He rubbed his neck, "Turrets in the ceiling. We got the password for the middle room, my room, and Kendra must've disabled the other turrets somehow, but we haven't opened that one." He pointed to the room on the far left.

He looked over at the door to the far left. "Define turret?"

"A mini-gun that pops out of the roof when the door opens, it asks for a passcode. If you don't supply, it supplies you with bullets, and not the way you like them." Nicholas replied, "To my knowledge, the pirates have some sort of living quarters set up in Cargo, or you could open the door, and guess. Wouldn't suggest it." He grinned, "Or these ladies could sleep in my room, I wouldn't mind."

Ellie rolled her eyes, "I'd rather take the safe route, but up to you Lapas."

Lapas flinched slightly at Nicholas's comment "I slept in those cargo room for a while, not the ideal place." He looked back at the far left door, " How long do you have to enter the password?"

Nicholas shrugged, "Well, we didn't wait to find out, but I'd say about ten seconds, maybe less. Why?"

"You girls stay here, I'm gonna get you a room." He started down breathing slowly he was beginning to zone out most of the world around him.

"Well, don't break it, that's useful equipment. Don't die either." Nicholas supplied.

"Careful..." Ellie said quietly.

He crouched down to ready to move the second the door opened. One hand was on the button, other hand had grabbed a neural uplink cord from his pocket. "3...2...1." He punched the open button.

The door slid open, and as Lapas crossed the threshold, a turret popped out of the ceiling. "Passcode Required." The room itself was unadorned, set up for two people, but it appeared that no one had lived in that room for a while.

He dove in and rolled so that he would be directly underneath the turret. He then jumped up so that he could hang from it. Lapas uncovered his wrist interface port and plugged in the cord he scrambled to find a programing port on the turrets surface.

Lapas would find one next to the turret barrel itself, "Password Required for Entry, Comply." The turret itself kept turning to try to get a fix on Lapas.

He shoved the cord into the entry port and began thinking of word user: find log. password trial logs. One word appeared in his mind. He screamed the word "DORWSSAP!!!!"

"Initiating Defense Protocols..." Lapas would see the barrel begin to spin.

"Password?"...."Oh god oh god please don't kill me."

*BAM* A single bullet fired missing Lapas's face by an inch. "Password accepted, standing by." Lapas would be forced to let go of the turret as it retreated into the ceiling.

Ellie ran in the room, "Are you allright?" Worry evident in her voice.

He fell down from the turret trying to catch his breath. " All good here" He raised a triumphant fist in the air.

Nicholas popped his head in, "Oh, you figured it out, lucky." He disappeared again, returning to his room.

Ellie shrugged, "You didn't have to risk dying to get a bed."

"Trust me, the things I've seen happen on those beds you are gonna want these rooms."

Ellie hid mild disgust, "Thank you then, Lapas." She walked over and embraced him.

Lapas hugged her back "You're very welcome Ellie, I hope you like it ." I still got it
Some time later Amanozako departed quietly from the Medical Bay. She returned to the cabin she had occupied during her short time covertly parading as a member of the pirate crew. It seemed this would be her cabin for a while longer. At least this time she did not have to share it with anyone since nearly all the pirates were dead and gone on that passenger ship far behind.

The former NMX neko put all her stuff back where she had been keeping it. Her armor vest she laid out on the second now unused bunk and eyed the new bullet holes that now adorned it and sighed. Those would take a little time to fix, maybe later.

Amanozako sprawled out on her bed and sighed, kicking her heavy combat boots off. Her mind drifted back to the last hour or so, musing on how that had all turned out. She wondered if the doctor thought she was going to slip into his cabin while he slept and slit his throat or something of the sort. She grinned. Maybe she should? But no, that would make a mess.

Instead she closed her eyes, letting herself relax and calm so her bodies systems could finish repairing its self.
=== Iron Ferret ===

Across the ship, a *click* sounded. A few seconds later Jacob's voice would be heard over the PA system.

"Testing... testing? This thing on?" A pause, "Sure it is, Announcement from your pilot, yada yada, we are arriving at our new home within a few minutes. Come on up to see it in all it's glory!" A chuckle and the PA system turned off.

=== Iron Ferret Quarters ===

Nicholas turned to Kendra after the announcement, "Care to see where our animated pilot decided to put us? I'm relatively curious to see what he thought is safe territory."
=== Iron Ferret Quarters ===

Kendra was still fidgeting with the door console. When Lapas and others came in she just gave them a nod of greeting. It was then amusing to see the Iroma playing the role of noble knight and getting the room for the attendants. Kendra preferred to play it safe.

"It is nice to see you girls getting settled," Kendra said to the three women before they departed to their new room. "We will chat about what comes next later. For now you are welcomed aboard." She said and then the announcement came up.

"Ah well Captain's room will have to wait then," Kendra added and gave a nod to Nicholas, waving at him to follow her.

=== The Cockpit ===

Kendra slithered her way back to the bridge where Jacob was piloting. The dead body was finally gone and that was a good thing, since by now it was probably getting a bit smelly.

"New home eh?" Started Kendra as she stood behind Jacob. "Well let's see what we got. We need to buy some booze and celebrate getting a ship!"
=== Cockpit ===

The airlock hissed and opened as Desmond stepped into the cockpit a few moments after Kendra, taking a deep drag of his cigarette. it was possible to see that the bounty hunter was missing his shotgun and SMG as he exhaled a lungful of smoke.

"What's our next stop?" He asked, leaning his back against a wall and crossing his arms. He was wondering what kind of place they would end up and how hard or easy it would be to find the needed parts to perform the maintenance on the ship.

He pulled out his data jockey and added another note on what needed to be fixed on the ship.

Lapas decided to follow the others into the cockpit "We're getting off? Awesome I've been wanting a change of scenery." He moved over to the side group. The Iroma wasn't sure if he was happier to finally see something new or that he might be getting his stuff back.
=== "Iron Ferret" Cockpit ===

Jacob turned his head, looking at the gathered crew, "Ladies and Gents, I present our new home..." He turned back around and prepped to return to normal space, "... annnnnnddd now!" They were still in warp-space, "Damn it, thought that would work..." Jacob mumbled.

A few seconds later, the ship suddenly decelerated, revealing their stop. It was a desert-world, sporting rings. The planet was almost completely brown, with little water pockets dotting the surface. There were some ships floating around, military and civilian alike.

"Welcome to Delsauria! Home of the Desert Lizards, and the sun-baked ground, little else." He laughed at his own joke, as he steered the ship towards the planet.

A few minutes later, Jacob turned around again, "Quiet down everyone, got an important call!" He pressed a button and spoke, "This is the ISC Iron Ferret requesting docking permission at Maharombi Spaceport."

A reply quickly followed, "ISC Iron Ferret, on our logs, you left in a hurry last time you were here, why was that?"

Jacob looked a bit wide-eyed at the crew, shrugging, "We had a really important job offer, so we rushed out. Sorry for any inconveniences that may have caused." He held his thumb up.

A pause, "You are cleared to dock ISC Iron Ferret, try to clear when leaving this time. Your docking pad is D-5." The channel closed. Jacob exhaled, "Woohoo!"

Some more minutes later, Jacob was fitting the "Iron Ferret" onto the docking platform. Upon landing, he stood, "You're free to go! Go make some new friends, or whatever you do. Make sure to put on some sun-screen."
Kendra was a bit nervous as they talked with the flight control. Hopefully this ship was not logged in the airliners sensors otherwise it could make for a bit of a trouble later on. Nothing they could not talk their way out off, but it would be troublesome. Other than that Delsauria was a good choice. It was important planet in Nepleslia, but not that important. Plus it had just enough people to mingle, but not too many at the same time.

"Okay I think we will be here several days. Venture out and get to do whatever you need to do. Also someone please toss Lucky out of the ship, but give him his things first. I don't want that guy aboard." Kendra told other then looked at Desmond.

"Des, you got a minute. I need to talk with you. Just you and me." She said, giving him a nod, before she slithered out of cockpit, hoping he would follow.
Desmond watched the docking procedure casually leaning against a wall in the back of the cockpit, much familiar with the lingo of it all. He didn't detect anything unusual, and noticed that the bluff had gone through or else they'd be docking at a pretty secluded docking platform and there would be several sirens.

He took another drag of his cigarette and slowly blew the smoke upwards as a some sort of celebration. They had docked at last.

The bounty hunter raised an inquisitive brow at the Separa'Shan and then shrugged a "Yeah, whatever." towards her before following Kendra out of the cockpit, finishing that cigarette before walking out.
Kendra walked just a bit. Enough to get as far as to not be heard. Aka in some room. The cargo bay in this instance, since that was currently empry, except fro the shuttle. She watched the boxy machine that got them on this ship and wondered what to do now.

"So," she said, turning to Desmond who was finishing his cigarette behind her. "I am looking for a first mate. Want the job? It will come with privilige of bossing others around and being overall swell chump."
Desmond waited a couple of moments to give his answer, although he already had made his mind the moment Kendra said 'First Mate'. No, not Desmond, he wasn't there to boss people around, he was there to make one thing:

Cold. Hard. Cash.

And the less strings he had attached the better it was for him to cut his losses and go. But he wasn't about to say that to the captain of the ship. " Thing is, I'm just here to make sure this thing flies, is all." He said, pausing, "Besides, ship this big doesn't need a first mate."
"Ship might not need one, but I do." Kendra responded with a chuckle. She leaned against the wall and smiled at Desmond. "I need him so I have less shit to do you know. it comes with better pay too. Oh and you will be able to boss others around."

Her eyes then linked with his and then she looked around if there was not anyone listening on them. "Plus. You are the one on the ship that I trust the most. We have been in a fight together and I like to think I got to know you a bit. That is why I am asking you and none of those other guys."