Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Bounty Hunts Prologue 2.1 - The "Iron Ferret"

"The others got it." Desmond said, looking down the ramp and watching Amanozako go over the remains of the bandits. If the rogue neko didn't do it, then he trusted Nicholas to do it himself and get all the info he could from the leader; Or at least he judged that the man would have the presence of spirit to.

Leaving that to the rest of the group, Desmond approached the wounded Separa'Shan, "Yeah. I'll get you there." The bounty hunter replied to Kendra, easing the bow off her hand and slung her non-injured arm over his shoulder to help her steady her balance.

"Doc's this way." He said, then started moving towards one of the cargo areas.
"Fuck," Kendra cursed as she was prompted up. Her tail hurt a lot and she had hard time moving. She tried to slither, but it was way too painful as her muscles flexed in a bad way. "I can't move. Damn it. Nick... NICHOLAS." Kendra shouted as Desmond dragged her away. "Desmond calls the shots while I am under knife." She said to the Nicholas once she got his attention. With that she let herself be dragged off.
=== Maharombi Spaceport - Landing Pad D-5 - "Iron Ferret" Ramp ===

Desmond and Kendra would reach Doc's room with no trouble. Doc immediately set to work on the Separa'Shan, saving his questions for later. A bit later he would report she would be fine in a few days, as no wounds were life-threatening.

Nicholas responded to Lapas as he stood, "Kendra is hit, Desmond took her to Doc." With that Nicholas crouched next to the barely living leader, "Who are you, Who do you work for, and what's your problem, if you don't mind me asking."

The leader laughed weakly, coughing up blood from the effort, "You can... go... fuck yourself. We'll be... back... we always... come back." He glared at Nicholas, offering no further words, until he eventually closed his eyes, and died.

Nicholas shrugged, and started searching through his pockets, finding a sort of token, a small wad of cash, and a folded up note, which had some of the man's blood on it.

Amanozako would find much of the same things, excluding the note. Each of the thugs had the same token on them, and some other small trinkets, including their wallets.

Nicholas opened the note, and immediately noticied much of it was unreadable. He could only pick out a few phrases. There was something about stolen goods, Kara, and the Iron Ferret. These guys were supposed to take back what Kara had apparently stolen. At the end were two letters, ' DK '. Nicholas looked at for a moment longer, and tucked it in his pocket.

"Amanozako, I'm going to try to see who these guys work for. Lapas, go see Doc for your foot. Tell the others what I'm doing, I'll let you know when I figure it out." He waited to hear their assent, and left.

Lapas groaned and shot a hand up for Amanozako to pull him up and help him to the Doc.

Amanozako gave no such help to Lapas. She examined the tokens, took the ID's and pocketed the money from the dead thugs wallets. She was certain there was some local bounty for these mooks and would collect on them as well. As for the token, she examined them in greater detail so see if she could determine some sort of significance to them.

The token was relatively simple, it was made of metal, and entirely black. It looked like two overlapping arrowheads, facing opposite direction, the bottom edge of one meeting the middle of the other, and vice versa.

"Fine, why help the guy in horrible pain when there's something shiny to stare at." Lapas rolled over and pushed himself up.

"No no, don't mind me I'll just hobble on my way then." He started hopping his way to the med bay.

Amanozako eyed Lapas. "You seem to be doing well enough." she commented, then put the token in her pocket and continued to look around.

At the entrance to the dock, a man stood looking at the scene, making a call on a phone. He left as Lapas re-entered the ship, unseen by the Amanozako. On the shoulder of his jacket, a token similar to the ones Amanozako was collecting, was sewn on.

===== Prologue 2.1 - The "Iron Ferret" Concluded =====