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RP: LSDF Akahar [Prologue] - From Dark

Vathr'dal couldn't keep his mouth from watering at the scent of the meat being prepared for lunch. His stomach growled with anticipation of the coming meal. It was pretty quiet in here, but he knew things would pick up soon. Horizon wondered what was on the menu.

Vathr'dal was broken from his contemplations by a sous-chef. He listened to the list of offered drinks, but couldn't resist the temptation of a cola. They almost never served that on the Akahar, so Horizon decided to take advantage of this rare opportunity.

"Yeah, I think I'll have the fizzy cola, please," he told the sous-chef.
By now Hakahn had moved toward the seats, selecting one in the front row for himself. He looked toward his 'friend' and underling, "I see that your rather attached to our recent acquisition... don't let it cloud your head to much... as far as our recent arrivals I'd say we have something useful in the toolbox for now, pending you don't throw it across the room this time."

His tone held a bit of humor but it was a ruse toward the true intention of his last words, a veiled threat for Keib to keep a lid on his past tendencies. "And as far as our little Helashio, learn anything else since our last discussion?"
Masakaji grabbed the note sitting on one of the beds of "his" quarters. He placed it back on the bed. He arranged some of the items from his duffle bag before he decided to head the gallery to see what food was available.

Once he arrived, he noticed Vathr'dal in there as well. Masakaji simply nodded his head in his direction before taking a seat away from him.
Bastion sat herself on one of the chairs and activated computer on table. A simple unit but more then she needed. Bastion and computers were not friend, but sadly she needed to use them too. She was barely able to use them for communication and search, but she would rarely need to do more on them. Actually mostly she was just forced to play some kinda of game on them with Keib.

"Aria I need you to bring me up some information," Mars contacted the ship's AI. "I need the reports of pirate activity in the area around Mok'ro's supposed location. Also I want to see what other ship were lost in that area in last... three years."

The doors opened and Liria came back, carrying a Bastion-sized cup of chocolate milk on a plate. She set the cup on the table. Mars thanked her with a nod.
"Well," Keib replied to his superior, his brow furrowed, "She seems to have disappeared after being threatened by Aiesu. I'm sure she'll be back for lunch, but I feel as though she's getting more reminders."

He then sighed, "Still, nothing concrete has surfaced, and she doesn't want to talk about it." He rolled his shoulders and fetched himself a cup of tea. It was his third one today, "And I don't blame her."


"Soldier Mist, here is a list:" The ARIA displayed a short list of species that could survive the vacuum of space. A majority of them were artificial 'life' forms such as nanomachines and Nekovalkyrja (for a short period anyway), and if they were organic and could survive such extreme temperatures, they were smaller than the fingernail on your pinkie, like the Water Bear.

It just seemed a bit too strange, then the ARIA added her two cents, "Nanomachines would give off a signal, even when dormant. They're easy to recognise with a deep scan."


"Trooper Bastion, the Tange system piracy has been a common occurrence since was is one of the outermost systems of the UOC, in addition to being a contested zone by Yamataian nationalists or under-the-table privateers." She bought up pictures of the planet and various recorded spats and incursions by various groups.

A list with thirty three entries showed a number of Lorath ships destroyed and later recovered by gravedigger vessels like the Akahar, including the most recent Mok'Ro at the top - yet to be recovered. Ten of the ships were simply in the area before the Tange sacking, and the rest were lost during the Tange sacking instantly, so it seemed as though activity was sporadic, at best.

"The NMX sacking of Tange and subsequent evacuation by the Nepleslian 4th Fleet have rendered the area a barren zone - most ships go there to try and salvage wrecks of all sorts, but get intercepted by pirates or NMX, or NMX pirates."


Vathr'dral received the cola drink without another word, except for a smile from the sous-chef, who then went back into the kitchen to resume his duties.

Then an announcement announced itself through the intercoms throughout the ship:
Attention Crew and New Arrivals, Lunch will be served in Ten minutes, followed by takeoff.

"Huh..." Aiesu began, unsure where to follow as she leant her weight from one leg to the other then back again, swaying her hips for a moment. "Are you hungry at all?"

Merril's stomach, as if summoned by the word "Hungry," growled at the prospect of food.

"Uh yeah. That sounds good," She replied, pocketing her gloves. "It feels damcketing her gloves. "It feels damn fine to punch one of these things again, let me tell you. When I was on leave, I wasn't anywhere near a gym! It was killing me!"

"Hum... I've... Never really tried hitting things like that." she said, her mind spoiling her sentence as she looked the other Lmanel up and down for a moment, interrupted only as her stomach growled audiably. "So ah... Hum. Sweet tooth? You look like the type."

"Eh, not really. Sugar burns me out," Merril said dissuasively, waving a hand softly for emphasis. She grabbed her coat once more, though she didn't put it back on.

"Burns you out?" the construct echoed. She hadn't really had much to say in the last hour or so, mostly observing. "Do you know where the messhall is?"

"Down the hall and to the right, I think," replied, the wildcat. She slipped on her shoes, then stood up straight and gestured to the door. "It's been a while since I've been on one of these, like I said. I can't remember whether it was right or left."



Merril lead the way down the hall, trying to remember the feel of the layout. She was wrong, of course, about the place being to the right (that just lead to a stairwell). It was, in fact, to the left.

"I hate being lost," she mumbled, opening the door to the mess hall. It looked like there was one of the others already in there, Horizon. She gave a friendly wave to the man just as the speakers boomed,
Attention Crew and New Arrivals, Lunch will be served in Ten minutes, followed by takeoff.

"Huh. Perfect timing."

"What kind of food do they serve on this crate?" Aiesu asked, still in her shirt and hotpants as she gave a slow stretch. Her things were still somewhere in the cargohold, waiting to be unpacked.

"Guessing from the reputation of this fine vessel, standard-issue grub. Don't expect anything besides grade-c food, no matter how good the cook is," warned Merril, grabbing a tray and standing in queue, waiting for the food to be served.
Potato peelings littered the bottom of the barrel the sous-chef was staring into. He'd just peeled his last spud and put it on the chopping block for his superior to cut up and place into the tray, with all the other potatoes and onions and carrots. Now that they were all there, it was the chef's duty to season it all with herbs, salt, pepper and a smattering of oil. Once all of that was spread evenly, he ran his hands through the spuds and mixed them up to ensure an even coating went all the way through.

"Okay kid, get your hands washed and get cleaning later. Spuds will be done soon." The Fyuunen chef told her underling, who gave her a respectful salute before walking over to the washing sink to clean his hands of dirt and potato peelings. Meanwhile, the chef put the potatoes into an oven, just underneath the juicy looking roast lamb that was close to finished. The kitchen's energy was now starting to wane now that the waiting game had to be played for the roast lamb and the vegetables to cook.

There were still some things lying around, including a bottle of wine that was left out on the central counter for seasoning the sauce and some broccoli that'd finished steaming. The chef was preoccupied with getting the front counter ready while the sous-chef started washing pans.

It was, of course, Four-Six's present target.

She viewed the world upside-down, from the darkness naturally resulting from an overhead that was littered with pipes and a considerable height over all the cooks, who never really looked up anyway. The smoke from their cooking rolled over her, but only bothered her minimally; a nearby fan was pulling it into a duct and spiriting it away. The duct went somewhere else, but had an opening in the hallway. The opening was just enough to squeeze through. And so, naturally, here she was.

Hooking her heels around one of the pipes, Four-Six made absolutely sure the cook wasn't looking.

One... two...

She let go and swung. She swiped.

She curled afterwards and just managed to grab another pipe to haul herself back into the overhead, cooking wine tucked against her stomach. Safe in her lofty perch, she examined the vintage, and discovered, to her disappointment, it was a Lorath vintage that wouldn't even peel thin paint, let alone stand up to a helashio's powerful livers.

The sous-chef looked up and scratched his head, looking around, "Is it just me, or is there a breeze?" He wasn't all that concerned with the roast's gravy, since that was made shortly after the roast was taken out of the oven.

The head chef turned back around and examined the room. She then raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Listen, I know not a lot goes on here but you do have to ask if you're going to nick the wine!"

The sous-chef's eyes looked over to where the wine was, and he blinked, pointing at himself for clarification. "You didn't take it?" The chef asked, now concerned. The sous-chef nodded and the head chef frowned, "Huh..." She stopped tending the front counters to search for the wine in question, now on the alert as crewmembers started to head into the mess hall, grabbing trays and waiting in line. The gravy had to be made.

Four-Six pulled herself back into the vent duct, and stopped the blades of the fan with one of her fingers near the outside, very very slowly. The fan motors weren't very powerful. Contorting herself enough to squeeze past them would be the hard part.

"I'll just get another." Ding! "Roast is ready. Get that, will you? You make the gravy, I'll cut the meat."


"Well, I guess we can mull this over at the command table over lunch. Hopefully my hospitality will shine through," Keib smiled at his superior as he smelt the roast lamb wafting through the halls, "It's not all that often we eat like this anyway."

"Stores that spoil go first," Commented Hakahn, his own sense of smell catching to tell tail bits of fresh vegstables. The very first thing to go on any LSDF ship. His subordinate nodded in agreement.

They walked into the canteen, and Keib grabbed two trays, one for him, one for his superior, passing the flat piece of plastic to Hakahn and queueing up.

"I hate lines." Said Hakahn with a bored tone, his eyes wandering up to the food being served. Roast lamb, broccoli, gravy, roasted vegetables. A hearty meal that had all the bases covered, and was more likely to be found on Nepleslian vessels than Lorath ones. However, this was only on for the fact that they were 'accepting' new crew today, and food usually consisted of standard military fare - the stuff that had to be washed down with extra water because it was so dry.

"Good things come to those who wait - or reach out there and grab it." Keib remarked as he got his serving, and then noticed something that the chefs weren't seeing, up above. While he was being served, the chef looked at him and stopped. Keib nodded for her to continue. He received his fair share and moved on to sit down at the command table.

The white tail disappeared the rest of the way into the air duct and that was more or less the end of it.

"Cheeky, cheeky." He thought.

Hakahn found his seat across from the Keib, his own tray loaded down with what would soon be scarce goods. Of course this wouldn't stop him from enjoying his meal as the hungry fyunnen dug in, stabbing the thick stems with his fork.

"So." Keib inquired as he carefully cut his meat and vegetables, before putting them together on his fork and eating them. "Did you see what I saw?"

"She's your problem not mine," replied Hakahn before shoveling the mixture of lamb and brocolli into his mouth, chewing heartily.

Keib smiled before looking out at the others who'd come to lunch, "I think she's remembering something and its in the muscles and movements. Something like that takes practice, not dumb luck."

"Motor neuron memory?" Hakahn asked, looking up for a moment. Keib nodded knowingly in reply as he used his fork to squash some potato into a mash, lathering it on a piece of meat and eating it.

Hakahn seemed to nod for a moment before turning back to his meal, coating the mixture of meat and veggies with pepper before pilling another stack of the mixture onto his fork. Gnawing on it for a few moments before swallowing to continue, "The question is.. when will she start picking up the deeper memory." He noted.

A light flickered. Keib looked up and made a guess as to who it was. He shrugged and continued eating.

"Or die from completing a light circuit, like a Yamatain squirrel." Noted Hakahn before chomping down on another fork full of lamb and vegatables. Keib didn't seem too happy about that last remark, giving Hakahn a stern look.

The lights went out. There was a thump immediately nearby. Then a shuffling happened further back in the line, which became a sort of fracas, which ended in a "Hey!" and a resulting thud.

When the lights came back on, they revealed a very bewildered Llmanel soldier on his ass, having been, apparently, bowled over. Keib put his cutlery down and grinned.

Hakahn's eyes didn't leave his tray, but somehow it had left them of its own accord. The Fyunnen looked up at Keib with a small smirk, "Clever girl." Keib tried to grab his cutlery, but it too was gone, his hands grasping air. He then made an exaggerated frown at Hakahn.

And felt the squirrel leaning back against his legs beneath the spread of the tablecloth that designated the Top Banana's table as apart from the rest of the crew's. Keib tried to ignore the weight against his legs and continued eye contact with Hakahn, keeping both hands on the table.

"Having fun old friend?" Said Hakahn, a slight grin emerging across his face. Keib nudged his toe against the overgrown squirrel, probably asking for cutlery in return for safe haven under the table, if such a thing could be communicated with a firm nudge. Apparently it could, because he felt the cutlery press into his crotch very shortly afterwards. Keib then continued eating his lunch.
Bastion gave a little nod to herself as she got message about lunch. 10 minutes was enough time though. She still wanted to do few things first. "ARIA, I want you to do three things for me," Mars said and stood up walking to where she tossed her jumpsuit. "First I want you to take the audio log and run it thoroughly. Analyse for background noise, they mention sound in shafts. See if you can pick up anything out of ordinary in the log. Second, I want what we have on Mok'Ro crew. What kind of people they were and their pasts. Any soldiers or crooks? Third check the ships that went missing there for last year or so that we know off. Mok'Ro found and salvaged goods off some ship and I would like to see what that could be. That would be all thank you."

While she talked she picked her jump-suit and put it on. Only she did not took it all on and rather tied the sleeves around her waist. Putting her wings into clothing was always annoying. If Mars could do so she would be either naked or wear backless clothing.

"Liria," she then said and smiled on the helashio. "Let's go have lunch now."
"Yes, mistress!" Liria said happily and stood up.
"And stop with the mistress stuff already." Mars sighed, knowing too well, that Liria will continue calling her that anyway.

One day Mars analysed her dislike for slavery. In theory it made little sense as she grew up with slaves around and in society so used to slavery. Maybe it was not the slavery itself that got on Bastion's mind, but most of the slaves were used and how they Lorath masters treated them. It was really as if those Helashio and Occhestian's were just things. Tool you just toss away when they are broken. Luckily having to register slaves now helped a lot. It was way harder to hurt registered slave as the Matriarchy was keeping an eye on those.

Mars still wished that Helashio could stop being slaves. Mars did not believe in paying for something you ancestor did. Such a mindset was not something she could wrap her hear around. She was sure it was just a tool for Matriarchy to keep the slaves from rebelling. That and good old brainwashing and collars. Mars though that everyone gets born with a blank slate and whatever your father or mother did should not taken into account unless you act like them. Everyone paves their own way.

Deep in though, Mars accompanied by Liria arrived into the mess-hall and picked up Tray. "Keep the broccoli," Mars said to the cook giving out the food. She bloody hated broccoli. Getting her food she and Liria found an empty table and sat by it.
Aiesu had parted ways with Merril, going through what posessions she had in other cases in the cargobay to change into something more appropriate - peeling what she did have to squeeze into a formal shirt of a sickly white that seemed to emphasize her paleness. Her fingertips were soon weaving a maroon tie with a silvery clip about one side of it into place, tucking a Consortium security card into her left breast pocket that hung on a chain from the clip and a registered guest identity card into a holder, which hung on silvery metal and a long bright red ribbon that hung about her neck, repeating the words "VISITOR" in much the same way police crime-scene tape tried to clue you in about what you were looking at, despite the fact you'd already spotted the body, chalk-outline and all.

She soon had her clothes in a heap, stood nude once more in the cargo-bay. Aiesu held bicycle shorts out, stepping into them, pulling the tight black shiny spandex up along her legs, ellated by the expression of limbs she'd almost forgotten. She had brought pants but she decided feeling the air against her legs was a sensation to be savored.

Bare feet padded over the textured grill floor of the cargo-bay. She pried through her other boxes, noting one with a number of computer parts and another with a pile of clothes. She fished out a box she'd been saving for herself. Like a child on christmas day, she slowly pulled and nagged at the brown paper-bag wrapping it then lifted the lid of the aged box inside.

Within sat a pair of white Nepleslian converse style sneakers, elongated to grip the calves up to the knees. The rubber that would usually be white against black fabric was inverted, giving a look that inspired images of early space-suits and shuttle-craft from before the Lorath had mastered leaving their own solar-system - the black rubber remmenicent of the tiles that struck the atmosphere. To this end, they were quite rare and vacuum-sealed in plastic that glistened. In her mind, they shined like diamonds, a personal private treasure granted by the original Aiesu to show she really did care.

Such wonders were secured with YSEBay, the same place she'd managed to find a genuine Yamataian Star Army uniform, apparently once worn by Ketsuri Hanako herself - a treasure far far too valuable to bring on an excursion like this.

She slipped her toes in, socks disregarded and soon began zipping the white material up over her calves, biting her lip in an ambivalent cocktail of fustration and ellation, feeling her dense toned calves squeeze into the canvas.

Sat below her knees, she took a few steps about the cargo-bay, the long messy assembly of laces already fed through the golden rings about the front of the boots.

It was heaven just to look at and not for reasons she could explain rationally.

Finally, she adorned a dark gray parker coat - fluff about the neckline the same wispy white she typically preferred.

She would then pause, eyeing the ID card that hung from the ribbon. Her hair color didn't match the one in the photo. It was a nuisance but if she didn't match, it could get her in hot water at a later date if she had ti identify herself.

Soon, Aiesu fumbled through several boxes, taking a small white moist square cloth and running it through her hair. The dye fell away as the cloth greedily absorbed it - stripping the darkness from her hair in individual lengths quite effortlessly. She then folded the square back up, folding it back into a ziploc bag bathed in numbers and bar-codes and then that into a box with a number of other bags. The colors were like some 8-bit approximation of visible light arranged in rainbow pattern, presumably applied or removed in much the same way, to be mixed and matched.

Her messy mane of hair was now striking white as it had been before, a very plain color for a Lorath to posess.

She took several steps about the cargo-bay, her smile warmer than she wanted to admit as she quite enjoyed herself before neatly packing her posessions away, finally taking a long parker coat, holding it up infront of her.

It was heavy and much too thick, a drab gray color with thick fluff about the hood thta hung behind it. She slipped the thing on, feeling her arms coarse through the thick metawool. She soon found her hands tucking the long trailing part of the coat up into its body, clipping it closed, giving her back a turtle-like impression. Adjusting a dial nested somewhere inside the pocket, the thing would soon thin and tighten as the electrolytic metawool shifted. The thing had shifted from a thick winter parker to a thin and light hooded sweater, the fluff about the hood retracted. The name of the consortium and its lagrange figure of eight insignia impressed upon with black microdot ink remmenicent of a squid over the left breast pocket, making it look more like a blazer.

Final tweaks would shift the gray sweater into a silvery white matching her hair and another about her shirt would tweak the color of its own fabric into something much darker, approaching black that helped break up her form.

Allowing a pair of glasses to hang from a golden chain about her neck which matched the ring buckles on her boots would be the final touch. The lenses were just barely a blue tint that only became obvious when the edges were seen through the lenses themselves, belying the displays built into them.

Softly, she began humming to herself. A simple song she'd heard her father play on his guitar.

These were expensive gifts. None she'd be able to afford if she were still at the dormatory where a link between her real self and the money could be made. Of course, for the sake of things out here, Aiesu Kalopsia was as common as John Smith on Lor so she could use her real name. The Lorath usually took to using their granted names or nicknames to identify and distinguish themselves from a small battery of relatively common names, even legally from one another. Aiesu however, had never taken a granted name, which allowed luxuries such as these when beyond her real body. Real.

She recounted her artificial nature for a moment. The feeling wasn't quite fond. Even if she wasn't real, it felt real. She wanted it to be real.
She even wanted to believe that these memories were her own, not belonging to some broken mess somewhere in a dormatory worlds away.

She wondered for a moment, pondering how many had come before her and how many more would come after her. What their individual thoughts and stories had been and how many had a complete picture of what was happening to them.

How much of her was Aiesu Kalopsia, really?

The humming came to a stop.

Behavioral inhibitors had robbed her of this line of thought. She had been left a few seconds to herself but never enough for it to get her down and never enough to be remembered after more than a few minutes.

But even if they weren't remembered, they did exist.

She didn't usually pay a lot of attention to her appearance unless it was mandated by mission - and usually no special attention beyond her first impression - which she'd blown. But for some reason, today she really cared.

Content with her appearance, she wrinkled her nose and packed her things up, proceeding with the mess-hall. Her look was strangely professional despite the very casual components that made it up, the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. It made her resemble some curious mixture of both teacher and student.

The construct took a peek at the occupants and at the lunch menu. A few things caught her fancy but her attention was soon on the clock. She'd have to be quick if she wanted to get what she wanted, having arrived late.

She soon shuffled into line, eyeing Keib dangerously before forcing her attentions to return to the luch menu, taking a tray for herself.

Maybe if she did donate some CPU cycles, she'd be sufficiently lobotomized as to not feel gravity luring her gaze back to him. She wondered how he'd react if she ever told him this, the thought making her smile before the inhibitors would do their job once more. She couldn't work out why she was smiling and soon the expression left her palette.

Never melencholy on the job.

Not even once.


β™« Thin Lizzy - "Whisky in a Jar"
"Well, I'll be damned!" Merril exclaimed when she saw the dishes in front of her. "This food looks pretty damn good, doesn't Ai-"

She turned to talk to her companion, only to notice the girl had disappeared on her. The medic gave a shrug and gathered a healthy helping of the delicious-looking delights that lay before her, then took a seat with Horizon. Her conversation with Aiesu would have to finish another time, she supposed.
As soon as the food was ready, Vathr'dal was up out of his seat and in line. He scanned over the vast array of meats set before him. "Damn," he said to himself, but just loud enough for others to hear, "They're pullin' all the stops to impress these new recruits." Horizon picked a nice, tender steak for himself and returned to his seat.

He was sitting there quietly thinking about what he would work on when he got back to his room when Merril took a seat next to him.

"Hey Merril. Are you getting settled in on the Akahar well?" he asked the Llmanel medic casually.
Aiesu soon sat and began tucking into a steak with a side of salad - not chips or fries or whatever confusing Nepleslian dialect defined them as. She handled her knife like a surgical implement, trying to be detatched from the meal before her with her mind elsewhere - the pale rubber fronts against the canvas riding up and down as her toes flexed beneath them. Realizing, she adjusted her posture, her heel vibrating an inch or so off the ground as her knee bounced beneath the table.

She tasted the steak, a slice of a baby tomato riding the back of her fork which disappeared between her teeth as she eased back on the fork and chewed for a moment.

She couldn't hide her smile - like a child on Christmas morning. In a sharp motion, she reached for a bottle of sauce across the center of the table, a steak-sauce specifically and poured a particularly large wad of it - rushing the contents back onto her fork to taste it again - leaning back in her seat as felt the sweetness and the heat.

Aiesu Kalopsia was someone who'd spent the last twelve years of her life living on food who's only nutritional value was that it filled a hole and didn't cost much.

This was of course not something she wanted those around her to suspect. Aiesu pursed her lips inwardly for a moment, realizing she'd been particularly candid. Moreso than was likely healthy. Her manner soon adjusted as she sat forward in her chair, pulling it toward the table to resume her meal - no longer rushing herself.
"Affirmative, Trooper Bastion." The ARIA replied to the soldier's query, "Searching available logs now. Please wait."

Once dinner was over, the following documents and items would be available for Bastion's inquiries. The crew list was long and fairly clean cut, but there were some stand out names delivered to her. In particular, they were identified as being relevant to the last piece of cargo the Mok'Ro bought in.
However, the background noise analysis would take a lot longer to complete as it triangulated and calculated the noise using the microphones throughout the ship. ARIA's predictions were that it'd take at least a week or more, but no more than a month.
By the time Mist had actually made his way to the chow hall the the line was nonexistent and he just worked his way down the line making his tray. The best pieces had long been snatched up but having been a hunter he was far less likely to be impressed either way.

Content with his tray he made his way to find a seat near Bastion. Taking a moment to salt the meat some he unceremoniously stuck it with his fork and started eating from the hunk of animal. Obviously his table manners were a hold over from his hunting days as well.
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