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RP: ISC Phoenix [Prologue] - Just For Today

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The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member

Luca Pavone was still wandering through the wake of his destruction in the Delsaurian desert, buffeted by dust devils and still trying to get a grip on his wounds. Now that the worst of it had settled, he could see his handiwork in the distance, crashed into the Maharhombi Duneway. If anything, it just made a hoverbike race there a lot more interesting.

Unsure of his bearings, he looked at the ship, looked at where the Industrial zone was - and where he was fighting only what he thought was an hour ago with his team, and started heading back towards the Industrial Zone and he noticed something sticking out along the way. An oasis.

Figuring that all of that sand in his wounds wasn't healthy, he started shambling towards it. He grunted and groaned under the weight of his own wounds as he watched the little pond come closer and closer, and then he noticed something else clearly unnatural amongst the scenery. He paused to assess it from a distance.

It was a woman in the water cleaning dirt and sand out of her hair.

Luca continued moving, cautiously towards the oasis - he was in no condition to fight, or no condition to talk as he approached the water, peered down into it to momentarily assess his injuries, and fell in - ignoring the woman entirely.

He floated, face down in the water for a few moments, staining the Oasis with streaks of red, yellow and brown.

And then someone pulled him out. He was lain out on the sand and squinted up at the sun, which pounded into his eyes until the brown hair obscured it.

Still faint, and still addled by his injuries, Luca examined the face before him. His mind was wandering - he felt as though he'd seen it before somewhere, but some things didn't quite match. Her eyes and hair colour belonged to someone else. He'd only seen that person a couple of moments ago... in the reflection of the pond.

And he still hadn't put two and two together. It was only a while ago that he did so on the most literal of terms.

The woman wiped some of the water off of his face with a sandy palm.

"How did you get this far gone?"

"How did I what?" Luca inquired.

The apparition smiled, taking damp strands of hair off of Luca's forehead with a delicate touch. "Coming to a graveyard with all these injuries. Are you here to die? Is this really what you want to do with yourself?"

Luca looked up into the sky and blinked somewhat. It hadn't occurred to him that it was about to start raining until he saw twinkles in the daylight sky - each streaking like a comet. He always kept it in the front of his mind - but how much time had passed between his fight against the NMX Cruiser and his escape?

There was a hole in his memory he couldn't fill, and something was being made up to cope with that hole. The rain had passed. "How... how long has it been since that over there fell?" He raised an arm meekly at the ruined NMX Cruiser in the distance.
"Shh. Its going to be okay. Do you feel like a Hero yet? You should."
"It is difficult to tell time, but I think three days since the battle." Luca's eyes widened in reply, punctuated with incredulous blinking.

"Wait. I don't remember three days." He put a sandy palm to his temple and rubbed the side of his head. "What was I doing, where was I, and who are you?" He still hadn't put it all together yet.

"I don't know," the woman answered - when she sat back, it became a little more obvious that she wasn't quite a woman yet. Or at least she hadn't been a woman for very long. Maybe thirteen? Fourteen? Fifteen, at most. "And, I don't know where you were, either."

"But," she added cheerfully, "I am pretty sure I'm your daughter."

"Are you now?" He blinked. All of the shocks that'd happened in what he perceived as the last few hours had dulled his mind against surprise and shock.

The girl giggled. "Hi dad."

And then it clicked as he sat up. "You got your mum's eyes." He then laid back down on the sand and exhaled. He then looked at the disturbed grave and made a simple inquiry: "Are you a zombie?"

Following his gaze, the girl shrugged. "I am pretty sure I am alive."

Luca then rose to his feet slowly, overbalancing somewhat and almost falling back over, but eventually standing up straight, watching the desert before him, putting a hand over his eyes to shade them. "All things considered, that's a good start to this predicament. Has anyone come looking for me yet? Crew? Bounty hunters? Anyone?"

"You're the first I've seen. It took me a long time to dig my way out." The girl rose to full height, which was a head shorter than Luca, at least. She modestly turned away, folding her arms over her breasts too. "Hey dad, do you have clothing on your ship?"

"If I knew where my ship was, I'd say yes." He inverted his pockets to show that his communicator and wallet had gone missing, as had most of his possessions, save for a dinky ODM 10mm Pistol, and the Grapple Stunner attached to his right arm. "Have this for now." He pulled his jacket off of his body and placed it around the girl. It might've been a size too big for her, but it was adequate cover.

The further extent of Luca's injuries could be seen now that the jacket was gone. How he wasn't on the floor in the fetal position was a mystery.

Buttoning the jacket up, the girl glanced Luca over, and said, "You're really hurt."

Luca started walking out towards the Industrial Zone, the unspoken plan was to get off of the planet without being noticed. "Tell me something I don't know. Two more things: One, let's get off this rock. Two, you don't have a name, do you?"

Padding along after Luca, sidestepping what she thought might be the more scalding sand, she said, "No. Sorry dad."

Luca sighed as he continued walking along the desert floor, feeling the occasional gust of sand on his face and in his wounds. "Well so far I've been a worse parent than my Dad. Better make amends ASAP. Naming time... and unlike most kids who get their name, you have a better say in the matter."

He was referring to the fact that most people got their name when they were infants. The lack of a grip on the language and the fact that they'd come out kicking, screaming and covered in blood, scared to death of it all would make you unable to object.

"Hmm..." He hmm'd aloud in thought as he and his daughter strode across the desert as two silhouettes. "Something starting with a V. Valencia... Victoria... nah, been done. Oh - I got one: Vitalia. Vita for short."

"Where is it from?" she asked as they started up a sand dune. Her voice had a sort of downturn to it - they were walking through a desert, in daylight, and she was almost dancing now.

"Vitality, a common attribute in people. I mean, if you dug out of that grave yourself, that's pretty fucking hardy." He then thought as the destination started to come closer. "Say, did the Cruiser crashing into the planet wake you up?"

"I was never asleep," Vitalia admitted, now bouncing from foot to foot. "But I heard it."

"And the name? Yay or Nay?"

"It's good. Ow. Ow ow."

"Good! Now what do you say we do some father/daughter bonding, and steal us a shuttle so Dad can lick his wounds and trick the universe into thinking that he's gone?"

"Ow," Vita whined, tearing up, "I hate sand. I hate all sand everywhere."

"Then hop on my shoulders." Luca responded, crouching down.

"You're really injured, though," said the bouncing Vita, torn. "I don't want to hurt you."

"Its fine. Nobody else can hurt me." He sighed as he awaited for her to hop up. “I don’t think I can feel anymore.”



About a month and a half would pass as Luca was laying low, but becoming restless enough to fight who he perceived as enemies by himself. NMX, traffickers, criminals, warlords - all of them fell by his hand in the shadows. His only calling cards to the rest of the universe would be the audacity, brutality and mysteriousness of each attack.

But, there were some common threads, and people were starting to suspect someone was responsible for it all - but that only made their blood freeze because they still didn't know who it was exactly. Even the perpetrator himself had fallen into a pattern.

Of course, after each excursion, there was someone waiting for him in the gloom of his retreat over on Nepleslia Prime. A reason for all the fighting.

One day he returned, more or less the same. Duffel bag full of ill gotten gains under one arm, and large-calibre revolver in the other. He'd put them both down on the dinner table and sit down on a couch. Unlike most of the other apartments in Ferros Towers, Luca did spend some time and money working on his little slice of home, stimulating Sargasso's economy a little, and making him feel a little better about himself. The apartment was in good shape all around, and liveable by a stingy Yamataian’s standards.

After all, he didn't have running water until a couple of weeks ago. "Vita, I'm home." He announced to little fanfare. His overexertion hadn't done anything good to the wounds. At this point, they were still only half-regenerated. He could barely see out of his once-blind right eye. This was in addition to a variety of fresh bruises and electrical burns.

Vitalia was sprawled out on the living room couch, which had its back to the door. She sat up, looped an arm over the cushion, and smiled at Luca. “Hey dad. Where you been?”

“Oh, doing the usual. Meeting old friends along the way too.” He replied offhandedly. He’d usually be gone for a few days at a time, returning inexplicably with all that money and those gains. He never elaborated upon how he got them, but given that he came back smelling like war and cordite each time - occasionally sporting a new injury in due process, it was fairly obvious. “Someone thought they could conspire to turn a block of flats into an NMX breeding ground in town.” He then chuckled. “Funny thing about conspiracies - they all have a plan until someone punches them in the nose.”

His daughter gave him an arched eyebrow, and settled her chin on her arm, examining him. He went out for long bouts at a time, but somehow it didn’t seem to bother Vitalia. She would always give him the same sort of quirky little smile, no matter what state he was in. Today was a little bit different. She normally didn’t get to hear how he got the wounds.

“Some friend. You look pretty bloody, dad. The hot water got turned on a couple of days ago, and I bought you new soap. You know, that machinist soap that cleans everything. The towels are all in the cabinet.” Vitalia gave him a genuinely worried expression. “You should let me help you, dad.”

“Thanks. Be sure to look through the haul, I think there’s something you’d like.” He removed his jacket and hung it up on the wall. It’d taken him a long time for him to get a new one, since he had to prove that he was the genuine article - he did so by sending his jacket to the manufacturer. They replied by sending a new one with a genuine assurance, free of charge - no questions asked.

Sitting upon the desk was a duffel bag. It appeared to be half-stuffed with hurriedly stacked bundles of currency acquired from Luca’s day out, and half-stuffed with crisp, clean clothing - all in Vitalia’s fit. She’d note that on some bits of the money, there’d be the occasional splotch of blood, or a bullet hole or two, confirming where the money came from.

Luca took a towel and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. The shower could be heard turning on shortly afterwards. Vita didn’t get up off the couch. She looked at the duffel, and looked at the door. And then, after she’d made certain the water was running, she tossed the magazine she’d been reading onto the end table and went to sort through her dad’s bag.

She found the clothing immediately, and held it up to herself to check it out. It seemed almost the right size, which turned her bemused smile into a full on grin, and she nearly skipped over to the mirror - which of course wasn’t too ostentatious, but at least it was still in one piece - to check it out.

The money she’d sort accurately later - the clothing she wanted to try on. It wasn’t local, that was for sure. Around Sargasso, everyone seemed to be wearing industrial clothes or hand-me-downs, stuff they’d bought in one of the corner stores that still clung to life on the cracked and dirty streets. She tossed the shirt she’d roughed up to fit in over on the back of the couch, and tried on a clean, new Zen Arms camo one.

She checked her profile real quick - and sighed, once again slightly disappointed.

The Nepleslian miners and workers around here, the ones that were always on the streets and in the clubs and everywhere, were fucking huge and here she was, just trying to get by on tight shirts. This wasn’t working.

“Hey, Dad!”

The shower eventually came to stop, followed by its occupant drying himself off, and donning some house clothing. Tracksuit pants, a plain shirt and socks. He exited the bathroom and asked: “Yeah?” He then got a look at how the clothing looked on his daughter. She noticed, and turned for him.

“It doesn’t look too bad, does it? Goes with the cargo pants, right?” He nodded in agreement - since he’d bought it in a hurry on his way out.

“I wonder, Vita.” He asked, his tone becoming slightly more subdued now that he’d settled back into home. He sat down on the couch and looked out at the view of the Sargasso bay. He watched someone catch a zipline towards the building. “Do you think I’m fated to keep doing this sort of thing? Finding someone I disagree with, destroying them, taking their stuff, running back here and suffering no consequences because I’m apparently ‘beneficial’?”

Vita settled her hands on her hips, and looked out the same window, as a man started to shimmy across towards the roof of their building. She looked sort of thoughtful, but wasn’t concerned - couldn’t really be. This sort of thing was pretty common with the residents of this building. That guy out there was actually kind of cute for a street rat and a housebreaker. Third time this week. Vita had been considering... but, well, he never looked in this window. She came up behind her dad, the scruffy beraggled guy, so worried he looked almost old. He fit in here, a little more than was natural.

She slipped her arms around her father, and kissed him on the cheek.

“Doing whatever you damn well please, right?” Vita rested her head against his, nuzzling in as she stooped over the back of the couch. She squeezed him, carefully. “You’re not a bad person, Dad. You’re actually really nice and it’s other people that are the problem. I still love you. Thanks for the clothes.”

“Do you think its time?” Luca responded as he accepted his daughter’s comforting embrace. “Time for me to step back out into the blinding sun and stop fighting the symptoms in shadow?” He contemplated the evening sky. “My friend gave me one hell of an epiphany. I have been a bad person.” Each and every Heavenly Fist that battered him earlier was smashing a layer of grime away - and he’d imagined that he was seeing the light now.

“Is that what you want?” Vitalia’s hair was warm against the side of his face. “I know you aren’t a bad person, dad. We’re not bad people. We’re not.”

He stood up. Vita had to let go of him. “I wasn’t a bad person, but I’ve slipped - I’ve let my impulses go out of control and now I need to take responsibility. It’s what I must do. I’ve avoided it for too long.” He looked back at her daughter, one of the reminders of his past. “I’ve had my fun, but its time again for me to put a brave face on for the audience.” He looked over to the computer he’d gotten last week as a thank-you present from the crew of the YSS Tanto. He sat down and opened up a mail client. The military-grade Kessaku OS was mostly familiar to him, and it had the power to put the message out.

“Who’s watching?” Vita asked, dropping down to her ankles, turning, and leaning against the couch back as her father started typing. She bored into his back with her brown eyes. Normally chipper and bright, she actually seemed a little forlorn as she hugged her legs. “You got a little beat up today but I don’t think you’re a loser, dad. Why do you care, anyway?”

It was actually exactly that - the fact that someone had confronted him about his conduct on this last job. Someone he knew. Someone who’d given him the convincing he’d needed all along. He opened a letterhead, flagged it and made it a public announcement. “Because someone cared about me, even like this.” He stated. He knew that the other people close to him cared, and they would’ve been disgusted by his excursions, even if Vitalia wasn’t.

I Return said:
Hi. I’ve been out for a while. Perhaps a little too long. My name is Luca Pavone. You might remember me from the Delsauria Incident a month back. Well, that was my doing, and earlier, the doing of the ISC Phoenix crew. Now defunct. To my former crew, I am sorry. John, Zeta, Matthew, Uriel, Seiren, Enzo, Echelon, Allison, Melissa, Jimmy, Crane, I apologise for my absence. The rumours of my death were exaggerated, and I couldn’t afford to give myself away while I was licking my wounds. I know you would’ve liked to hear more from me, even a peep, but I couldn’t risk endangering you.

For the past month or so, I’ve been laying low, hiding and doing operations on my own time by myself. If you want references, here they are. I am going to take full responsibility for all of these actions, however stupid they were:

The Delsauria Incident
Everlasting Squids Cell Massacre in Funky City
YSS Tanto of Legion V Rescue
Bioweapons Confiscation on some Iceball
Climbing up to the tallest artificial point in Yamatai, getting drunk and watching the Sunset, Stars and Sunrise
Shopping for Napkins with Shosho Ketsurui Hanako
Boarding Actions against the NMX
Everlasting Squids Cell Massacre in Nepleslia Prime
...and many more. If it seemed impossible or highly improbable, it was probably my doing.

With all that sorted, here’s my message:

I’m putting the team back together, and I’m doing more. I want a team of the Kikyo Sector's mightiest minds, strongest warriors and the most insane, deadly aliens together in order to fight against impossible evils. I can only anticipate that the enemies the Kikyo Sector will face in the future are going to be stronger, smarter, deadlier and more audacious than before - we must respond in kind with a team free of borders, prejudices and laws, working towards a common purpose.

If you think you have what it takes, reply. If you want to meet me in person to kill me, talk to me to confirm any of the above operations, or join me, I’m in apartment 7-02, Ferros Towers, Sargasso, Nepleslia Prime. Come dressed for war and ready to show off whatever skills you’ve got.

Come and get me.
He then pressed Send.

“Well.” Luca wiped his brow and stretched his fingers. “Now we wait. I wonder who’s going to come back. John? Zeta? Aerin? Uriel? Seiren? The chef? Smith?”

Vita shrugged and pulled the tie out of her ponytail, shaking her hair out. The resemblance, in darkness, sent a sort of eerie shiver down Luca’s spine. Vita with her hair down, in the dim and sort of grimy apartment lighting, really did seem like her mother’s daughter. Noticing his attention, she looked up in silent concern. Then she settled down even further, from her ankles to the floor, and stretched out her legs. She sounded mopey as she asked, “so do you want me fighting too, dad?”

Luca looked into Vitalia’s eyes, his expression stern, but caring. “I don’t think I could risk losing you again.” In response, his daughter looked down and thumbed at the hem of her shirt, just finding something to pick at with her hands. She didn’t really want to look at Luca just then.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“As far as the rest of this town is concerned, you’re just my daughter. You don’t have cat ears, and you don’t go to school, just like any self-respecting Nepleslian girl.” He said. “If you were to partake in the fights actively - it’d, ah, ruin the surprise.” He made an upwards nod.

Vitalia, amused, couldn’t help but smirk a little bit. “Coffee and doughnuts?” Luca mumbled a ‘yes’ and nodded. “Figures.”

“Salad too. I need to get back into shape.” Luca pinched a very thin roll of fat on his ‘pristine’ Yamataian body. His Nepleslian treatment of the Yamataian hardware was starting to wear on it - say nothing of all the half-healed wounds. He pouted: “Yamataians are supposed to live for a century and a quarter, but I doubt anyone has ever lived that long. We only have, what, thirty five years of recorded history?”

“I don’t know about you dad, but I’m going to live as long as I feel like living.” Vitalia thumped her head back against the couch. “So I can’t carry a gun or do stuff like ripping people’s arms off or stuff like that. I’ll just pretend like I’ve been doing. Right?”

“Unless its dramatically appropriate to do so - ie: we’re in a pinch. They’ll see someone like me coming to tear their arms off and flog them into dough with them, but they’d never see you coming.”

“I’ll be a good girl,” Vita said. Then she turned her head slightly, as if listening, eyes distant. “I think those guys you robbed are coming up the stairs. Someone just cocked a gun. Did you have to give them our address?” After a couple seconds looking straight at the door, Vita got up and dusted her hands off on the baggy cargo pants. Their floor wasn’t exactly the cleanest place to sit in the apartment. Gathering her hair and tying it back up as she walked, she said, “I’ll just go hide in the bathroom and see if I can get myself to cry. I like this couch, dad, so don’t shoot it up too badly.”

“‘course, sweetie.” He picked up the high-calibre revolver from the desk and moved to the door. He could hear them behind the door debating how to burst in.

Near the bathroom, he heard Vitalia say, in a perfectly level voice, “You have ten thousand and fifteen Nepleslian in the bag, dad. About as much as it will cost to repair the apartment probably.”

Then she slammed the bathroom door shut behind her with her toes. “Status Quo. Damned Status Quo!” Luca yelled as he put his hand to the doorknob.

“3... 2... 1...”

That’s when Luca opened the door, and watched someone overbalance and fall face first into the apartment while two men were standing nearby with assault rifles. Luca then pointed his revolver out of the door and fired a shot into one man’s head. The other started firing his rifle wildly while the man on the floor tried to get up.

The bullets ripped through the wood of the door, and Luca noticed that it wasn’t just three men trying to take back what was theirs. It was twelve. He leapt away and started firing again, watching the wild shots from the rifle go over his head, hitting the ceiling and shattering the glass out to the balcony behind him. Disappearing behind the couch after landing, he rolled backwards to reload. If he were counting his hits, he struck one man in the face (at the door earlier), his friend, a wall outside the apartment, a wall inside the apartment, another criminal’s heart, and a shotgun-wielding delinquent’s groin.

Four out of six wasn’t bad. He stood up and watched the remaining eight men storm in. Now it was getting too close for guns as Luca picked a sawn-off shotgun from under the coffee table and fired it one handed into the apartment. He fired both barrels into the crowd before dropping it and engaging in a melee - using the unwieldiness of their longarms against them.

During the melee, Vita watched as a Nepleslian man’s face was pushed through the bathroom wall, and pulled back out. She could hear several bones breaking. There was also the sound of screaming, and another series of gunshots. And then all was silent.

Vitalia dodged a bit of plaster that tried to brain her when she opened the bathroom door. She looked out around the apartment, and then, mutely, made her way over to the couch, dancing through partially mutilated corpses and trying not to get her boots too wet with blood, since it would probably stain them or something. Some of the stuffing had been shot out of it, but she flopped down on her front anyway, and grabbed a pillow, rubbing into it with her cheek.

Very tenderly, she said, “I’m sorry, couch.”

As far as a new lease on life was concerned, things were off to a flying start. Luca sat down on the couch with his daughter and waited for people to come. It might take a couple of days, it might take a couple of weeks or even a couple of hours before someone walked through that door to show off what they’re capable of.

“Well. Things can only get better from here. Rock bottom is a solid foundation.” He said as he looked at the open door to the interior walkways and ziplines of Ferros towers, hanging and swaying in the void precariously. He looked over to Vita and gave her a smile.

“I wish you hadn’t given them your address, dad. Everyone’s going to know, now. I won’t be able to talk to anybody,” his daughter complained against the couch pillow. “Sucks.”

“Oh just do what every girl does and sneak out beneath your parent’s notice. I was the master of it.” He rolled his eyes at his daughter, wistfully remembering his childhood escapades.

The conversation after that went back and forth about trivial things as they waited for arrivals, who eventually came, and died, joined, parted peacefully or ran away screaming as it seemed necessary to the theme of the story.

The couch, on the other hand, was royally fucked.


Luca was sitting on that couch, in that apartment, in that pisshole of a city, watching things go by. It'd only been a day and yet, people had already taken interest in him. Just earlier, a SAINT had asked him about the his intervention on the YSS Tanto. He was all too happy to explain, and she was off on her way. However, there were some troublemakers - bounty hunters mostly. They were dealt with promptly.

He was eyeing the door frame where the door to the apartment once was before it'd been de-hinged, and waiting for the next applicant, hand on HHG warily in case of trouble. Renovations were a little out of the question with interviews going on. His daughter was out for the afternoon.

Silence. Or what passed for silence in what the pisshole of a city that Luca had chosen as his current throne of awesome. Footsteps could be heard passing through the hall and past the open door frame but it was obviously tenants or even hopefuls wondering if they had been duped. Then the low rumble of words came. It was hard to make out what was being said through the cheap constructions, but the mumbling of two voices was unmistakable. The voices grew louder to the point that clearly an argument was being had. Then a man with a thick Nepleslian accent shouted:


The Nepleslian landed in front of the doorframe and had a very nasty, bright red abrasion across his face. His head rolled to the side and looked up at Luca, his eyes glazed over. He smiled, and blood flowed freely from his mouth. It was then Luca would see a thick digitigrade foot slam down on to the nepleslian's Chest. A thick, powerful looking figure clad in battered armor shifted his weight down onto the unfortunate man. The helmeted head leered over him and snarled. "Ya shoulda shot me, rather than wastin’ time talkin’ about it, dummy." The armored figure let out a loud belch and then turned to look into the doorway.

Luca's hand hovered over his HHG as he watched the whole affair unfold before him. He was used to the odd sounds of violence inside Ferros Towers, but this was a little more than your average domestic dispute. His stare at the strange, alien figure was even and tense: "Is that how you say hello?" An eyebrow quirked.

The figure stood resolute at the stare. "Eh?" He said tilting his head at the question Luca had just fired at him. "No, I say hello." He responded after a moment of contemplation.

Bronzi presented himself by turning so that the other, side burned man could see his full form. In his left hand he held a rather large intricately carved staff; the object the man on the ground had just been introduced to. "Now this guy here is the third one I have had to...introduce my self to on the way up here. Are you the stinking pinkskin offering the job or are you gonna be the fourth one?"

"Probably both." Luca smirked before lying back on the couch as he looked at the Gartagen up and down. He'd heard of them, but never seen one face-to-face this close before. "I can see that you're good at what you do, and I heard some of the demonstration from downstairs." Sounds tended to echo through the building, thanks to the lack of softer surfaces. "Come in, sit down, let's discuss." He gave the Gartagen an upwards nod and a wave to come in.

The apartment's living room had a battered and shot-through couch that was remaining together in spite of itself and Luca's backside upon it, an armchair, a wooden coffee table with some light reading and bullets in the wood, and some of the walls had holes - again, the reason was abundantly clear at this point. Off to one side was a bare kitchenette and a bench-table with some empty pizza boxes on it, and two doors, probably leading towards bedrooms. On the other side was a jury-rigged Military-grade computer, currently idling quietly.

Bronzi collapsed his staff into a much smaller cylinder and hung it at his belt as he stepped through the doorway. He took extra care to shift his weight down onto the semi-awake nepleslian, causing him to grunt abruptly. As he did so he kept his goggled eyes trained on the man he thought was Nepleslian. "Aye, when it serves me. Probably the only thing i've been good at." He said with a gruff bass toned voice.

"Mind ya, I was a little drunk when I read your little job advertisement. I was broke, needed work, said what the hell. So what do ya pay, and whose skull needs crackin'." Bronzi said as he started unfastening his mask. When done his mask fell down just below his chin revealing a thick, fattened bulldog like face, with light blue leathery skin. He sported a grim unamused scowl, and a set of blue cat like eyes that did not shine with any gleam of benevolence or intelligence.

Well admittedly, Luca was punch-drunk when he wrote that advertisement, so there were some similarities already. He took a look at his face, and got the Gartagen scent in his nose. "I hear you. Let me explain: A couple of months ago I was involved in what could be called a shitstorm of epic proportions. The universe thought I was dead, and now I'm coming back to life in the only way I know how." He looked over to a poster on the wall of himself in his glory days. "And my business is in doing things nobody else dares - simply because they're there to do. Savvy?"

Bronzi looked over at the poster and remained silent as if choosing his next words very carefully. "I ain't got no idea what Savvy means. I don't care whatcha do, just no killing kids. I'ma level with ya, I am in this for the boobs and explosions."

No killing kids. Luca could work with that, having his own daughter out there in Sargasso and enjoying the sun. "So was I, but times change. Deal?"

Bronzi puffed his chest our slightly, then held out his cloven hand, which he had found was the typical Nepleslian way of finishing negotiations. "You need somebody to watch ya back. I can do that, hell you can pay me in booze for all I care. Feed me, and you can count on me to do whatever you need." He said smiling, presenting a mouth full of sharp teeth.

"So....when do I start?"

Luca was able to return the handshake as he stared into the predator's visage. This must've been his 'war face' - complete with 'pearly' whites. "You'll be starting once more people come in. I'll keep in touch." He then sniffed the air as he passed Bronzi a card to signify his rank. A 3 of Spades - starting rank for a fighter. "Might want to get a breath mint while you're at it."

Bronzi took the card, and looked at it. He then stuffed it gruffly into one of the pouches on his belt. "Only if you are fixin' on kissing me." Bronzi retorted. "Is Lina's a bar?" Luca nodded in reply.

"Find me there when you are ready to go. I'll try to promises though." Bronzi said as he turned away. He stopped at the door frame and checked both sides. He then drew a rather primitive looking weapon off of his back and cautiously walked out into the hallway.

Bronzi vanished into the building. Several moments later a floor or two down, shouting started. It was followed by a brief exchange of gunfire, then a loud rumbling belch.

---#1 DONE!---

With one interview done and off on his way, Luca was counting on the breeze to wash first interviewee's smell out of the way. Say what he would about a Gartagen's brutality, it was only matched by their sense in perfume. He sat back down with a cup of tea and gave it a few sips to calm the nerves.

Meanwhile, a truck bearing a rather large load and a very small driver pulled into a small lot under the building's legs. The large bundle seemed to just barely clear the bottom of the building, thankfully, though it still wobbled as the driver parked.

"Man, I've got to find a better way to transport this thing," the pint-sized Yamataian complained, stepping out of the vehicle and inspecting the buckles that held that large construct down. "Now I've gotta climb. Stairs. Got to find stairs."

Miraculously, he found stairs. Good for him. Eight flights later, the out-of-breath entrepreneurial candyman gasped as he crawled up the final step, collapsing onto the floor.

"Staaaaaaiiiirrssss. . ." He groaned, face down. "I am so not ready for stairs again."

As Luca was looking into his tea, his ear twitched upon hearing a familiar voice. He put the mug down with a clunk, and walked over to the door frame, and looked out to find one of his previous crewmates face down. He didn't quite recognise him lying face down at first, but when he walked over to squat down and inspect him, it became apparent: "'lo Short-ren." He grinned, seeing if that would give the candyman a second wind.

"I'm up!" He yipped, popping straight back onto his feet, then nearly falling backwards down the stairs. Thankfully, his hand caught the railing in time so such a devastating occurrence was avoided. "Hiya, cap'- oh, man. You look like the thing the Neko dragged in. Er, no offense."

"None taken." Luca replied curtly. Most of his wounds were still half-regenerated, and he was still having some trouble seeing out of his right eye, which seemed to be turning orange as his overworked cells tried to regenerate it.

"I uh. . . have a packet of hemosynth in my car downstairs if you'd like. I mean, it's been awhile. How- er. . . Man, I feel awkward now!" Seiren grinned with not humor, but embarrassment.

"It can wait." He then stood back up and gave him a sidewards nod into the apartment. "C'mon in, kettle's boiled." He walked into the kitchen and gave the kettle a shake, watching it steam. "Tea?"

"Naw, I ate on the flight here. Gotta say though, this place is definitely the most isolated I've seen. An interstellar hero could definitely disappear here, unless he decides to make a miraculous comeback and advertise it on every channel available."

Seiren crashed down onto the couch, disengaging a track from one of his arms and placing it on the arm. "These things get really hot and sweaty after a while of wearing them. Had to hold onto it in case of vagabonds, though.

Luca pointed to the Grapple Stunner on the desk next to his computer. It looked as though it had some severe modifications, and even though it was turned 'off', it still crackled with electricity. "I know what you mean." He sat down on the couch next to him..

"Wow. You REALLY put that thing through the wringer."

"Yeah, but that's not why you're here, is it?" Luca asked as he looked at the Grapple Stunner and its electricity flickering away. "You're here to fight alongside me again and all that."

"Fighting alongside my idol? Why would anybody give THAT chance up?" The inventor asked, taking out his Vial and making some small adjustments to his tracks.

Luca sighed. "I almost did. Its good to have you back - but I am worried, some of the others won't be as accepting of my return. I feel they'll have words for me over my disappearing act."

"Of course. I mean, I wasn't there, but I heard about what happened through the grapevine. You did the craziest thing you possibly could do. It's one of those things where the laws of chaos are the only thing protectin' ya. Nobody was sure what they'd do when they found you, or HOW they found you. Y'know?"

"I had to find me first." He said as he looked over to the bedroom doors, closed for the sake of the interview process. "Well, you're back. Still have your card?" Luca inquired.

"You mean this old thing?" He asked, pulling the card from out of the opposite arm's track. It was neatly wedged between parts, and yet it wasn't at all scratched. "Of course I kept it. And the LEAF is downstairs, too."

"Good. Make yourself at home in this town." He gave Seiren a pat on the shoulder and smiled warmly, "There's a place called Lina's that'll keep you for the night."

"Cool beans!" Seiren exclaimed, standing up. He picked up the track that was disengaged, re-applying it to his arm. "I guess that means I gotta wait for everybody else, huh?" Luca nodded in reply.

"'K then! See ya around!"

Luca gave the pint sized inventor a wave as he left. "Bye!"


With two down and unknown to go, Luca was taking a break to finish his tea and get some of yesterday's pizza from the mini fridge. He reheated it and snacked down on it. Pepperoni and cheese always tasted a little better when it had time to ferment in the fridge. He was waiting for whoever else would enter.

And then he heard the sound of starship engines whirring outside. Blinking somewhat and looking out the kitchen window with the pizza still in his mouth, he spotted a familiar, Crimson coloured shape landing outside, down by the Long Road of Sargasso - the closest thing to a spaceport this city could muster on a shoestring's shoestring budget. Luca's face turned into a frown as he realised who would be on there.

Luca sat back and waited for them to approach, and sat on the balcony to watch them walk amongst the crumbling towers and exchange comments about the lack of finesse on the masonry. Eventually, one of them caught sight of Luca on the balcony. Luca turned around and walked back into his apartment, affixing the Grapple Stunner to his right arm, grabbing the balcony railing and using it to anchor the piton there and leaping over.

He eventually landed on the ground in one piece and looked ahead at the four people returning. The first was in a burgundy cardigan with thick sunglasses, brown scruffy hair, a goatee and a severe facial expression. To his left was a Nepleslian Delsaurian sporting black/blue hair, icy blue eyes, garbed in practical desert clothing and large-calibre rifle hoisted over her back.

To either side of them was a freckled, red-haired Yamataian woman with a toolbox in one hand and a taped-up Paragon IAW tucked under the other. Her facial expression seemed less severe than the others, laden with concern. Finally, a Demon power armour with a Freespacer's soul walked down, heavily modified and expanded upon to become a proper humanoid - including the senses of touch and smell. Respectively, these people were John Morris, Melissa Jones, Allison Kelly, and Echelon. All former crewmembers of the ISC Phoenix.

John was the first to speak, ignoring how injured Luca was: "You son of a bitch, you goddamn two-timer." He pointed his index finger at Luca accusingly, holding back tears in his eyes. "Where the fuck were you?"

"We looked for you! Why did you hide?" Melissa added sourly. "We thought you died a hero's death!" She had scoured the desert up and down to find anything, even a corpse. She had even given up hope and fled to John's side.

"WH04. WH4T H4PP3N3D T0 H1S F4C3?" The Freespacer inquired in surprise, in her synthesised voice. The redhead looked over to Echelon and nodded in agreement. "SH1T, Y0U SH0ULD G3T TH4T CH3CK3D."

Luca was content to let them vent their frustrations at him. This was what he was afraid of, but it'd be untoward to just crumble beneath these accusations. All of them were true. "Yeah guys I know you're mad. You aren't alone." He stated plainly. "The reason I ran was kinda childish, and I've returned because of reasons."

John made his own assumptions as to why: "You couldn't resist the spotlight again, could you?"

"Yes and no." Luca replied, trying to be diplomatic. "You all miss me, and the only spotlight was the one you all shone on me. I can't hog what's not in my hands. I just wanted to stay out of it for a little to lick my wounds."

Allison spoke up: "He's got a point." Melissa and John's expressions drooped from anger into confusion. "But, uh, you still look like shit, and you weren't just licking your wounds, like you admitted." Luca nodded in reply.

"And yer back now, but it doesn't make things better overnight." Melissa added her two cents. "I mean, what if you run away again?" She made her arms akimbo at Luca in demanding an explanation. "What if you leave us hanging again?" John nodded in agreement.

"None of us can stand losing you, you freaking wreck." John was hot on Melissa's heels. "I mean, the world loved you, but now that they've seen what you do when nobody's watching, I think they're gonna take you with a grain of salt."

"I'm only human." Luca replied. "I had to show that to the world. Everyone thought I was some sort of living god, and you know what - I got high on that idea for a little but it's stupid. It tricked me into thinking I couldn't lose anything - and it hurt me hardest on Delsauria. Naoko shouldn't have died - but she did, and it showed me what I was doing wrong. I would've ended up just like her in time if I just wrote it off."

"It took time and pain for me to realise this. Aerin found me and gave me a swift kick to get me off the ground. Now I'm here and ready to be human again." He folded his arms. That was his epiphany, and he was sticking to it. Of course, he omitted the identity and nature of his Daughter. That was going to be a surprise within itself.

John's frown faded and he pursed his lips. He looked over to the others and they nodded in agreement. "Human after all huh? Well. We'll see." John extended his hand for a handshake. Luca put his hand out, when John clenched his fist and jabbed Luca in the face. Luca did not attempt to counter or block it to mitigate the damage.

He probably deserved it. Luca just smiled through the bruise - and then John shook his hand.


After a few days of wandering around town with only a bottle of rum to keep him company, Makari Aeron, bounty hunter and odd-job extraordinaire spotted exactly what he had been looking for: A help wanted message from some name that sounded shady. The next day, he set out to find his potential employer.

Makari would find his employer-to-be in a dingy apartment, sitting on a shot-up couch and waiting. There had been a few other satisfied customers, and he was sporting a bruise on top of all of his previous injuries. Most notably, his right eye looked like hell, and it was hell to look through. A sense of chaos pervaded the room as the man sat down, sipping a cup of tea quietly, and watching the doorframe to his apartment.

As he entered the doorway, Makari removed his cowboy hat (as is appropriate for being inside) and clipped his red-tinted sunglasses to his trenchcoat. "I hear you're looking for some solid folk to accompany you. The name is Makari Aeron, but I assume we're all friends here so just call me Makari." Makari was pale with a mop of dark brown hair and deep green eyes. He sported a lengthy scar on the left side of his face from the earlobe to the middle of his cheek.

"Polite, and to the point." Luca grinned as he watched the self-styled cowboy make himself at home. "The name's Pavone. What's your game, Makari?"

"Whatever you need, I'm your man. Though more recently I've been a bounty hunter which allowed me to acquire some nifty contacts in both high and low places."

"Do I sense bravado in your voice? Careful now. I flew a little too close to the sun too." He pointed to his face, more specifically, to his right eye. "But, that's why I'm here. Its what I do to fly close to the sun."

"Bravado? Could be. I am an odd-job man after all. As for flying too close to the sun well...I've done that once or twice myself" Makari responded indicating his left cheek. He continued "I don't harm children ever, and I try to avoid harming women when necessary. Oh, and I should warn you, I like the drink from time to time. But don't we all? But I digress, I will warn you though, I'm not too keen on Nekovalkyrjas... I had a run in with a few back in my old military days. Maybe you've heard of them, Harm and Fhion."

Luca was nodding through the warnings and his life story. In particular, the last two names were alien to him. He shook his head at the last two names, but agreed to keep going: "Good words to live by, otherwise." He then extended his hand for a handshake. "What I'll be doing won't be easy, but it's worth the risks - even if for pride and profit."

Makari took the hand and shook it firmly. "Pride and profit? Sounds like it's right up my alley. And my alley likes to be filled with money and guns. Anything I should be aware of?"

"Not really. We do have a freespacer, so go figure. For now, head to a place called Lina's, and meet the others." He then handed him a card. 3-Spades. This was going to be his rank for now, bottom of the ladder. "I'm sure you'll all get along."

Makari took the card, put his hat back on and tipped it. "I'll see you there boss." And strolled out the room, happy to have a job of sorts. Some excitement in his life is EXACTLY what he needed.


Bronzi stepped into Lina's. Pavone told him it was a bar, but to say he was disappointed would have been a vast understatement. In his random travels Bronzi had grown to love Nepleslian bars. The smell of vomit and gunpowder...the music, the barfights, and on occasion the gun battles that broke out in the streets. Bronzi had grown to attribute Nepleslian Bars to being a very powerful and pissed off woman that you had to hump into submission. Not the battered courtesan who looked up at him in silent contempt.

His nose filled with the scent of cheap whisky and sadness; which gave him the sudden urge to put his mask back on. He then walked over to the bar top and sat down on the stool. He placed his credit chit on the bar top and awaited service of some kind to come his way.

"Well well..." Lina said as she took the chit, and placed it back down before turning around to grab a bottle of whiskey. Her voice was lilting and playful, but somewhat subdued. "You're a new face, newer than most." She turned back around to put the cup and bottle down, unscrewing the bottle with two fingers and pouring the contents in. She was somewhere in her thirties, had strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes dulled by her experiences and a formerly showy, now frayed outfit to show for it.

The cup smacked against the bar top swiftly. "You'd better just hand the bottle to me." He grunted as he reached over the bar top and grabbed the pack of cigarettes, taking one for himself and lighting it with a small lighter he had in one of his belt pouches. After a quick drag he tore the filter off of it. "Well, I'd hope so considering I'd never been in this place before."

Bronzi huffed looking over at the woman. For a pink skin she was probably once quite attractive. But where as most people were good for deep and involving conversation, Bronzi was not so refined. He said what he thought and expected the same. "Why is this shit hole so dead?" He said looking around. "I mean I've been to dozens of shitholes like this this planet, but this is the first one I have seen lacking drunks, corpses and bullet casings."

"A couple of years ago someone came in, invested, fucked us all over with their shit decisions. You saw the corpses on the lamp posts, no?" She intoned quietly. "They screwed us over with promises of a mining boom, I just cashed in at the wrong moment by setting up a business." She then sighed before handing him the rest of the bottle. "Of course, business is business and its always welcome - even if it is the same few guys over and over."

Of course, one of the questions she was a little too polite to ask was perhaps why a gartagen was in a Nepleslian bar in Sargasso - they usually went to Nepleslia Prime to drink, enjoy life and fight - usually all at once.

So of course, somebody else asked it.

"What brings you around?" asked a teenaged girl on the other end of the bar counter, leaning against one of the walls with her hands stuffed in the pockets of a ragged looking hoody. She peered out at him from beneath the hood, an olive-skinned, heart-shaped face framed by soft brown hair that curled a little. "If it is such a shitty little town. I mean, everyone knows everybody, and if you are going to stick around it might be cool to know you."

Bronzi took the bottle from the woman, and tipped it back taking a long drawn out swig of the bitter liquid. His head came back as the girl across the room started speaking to him. The bottle left his lips, and he turned to look at her, whiskey was dripping from his chin. "I never said the town was shitty." He snorted.

"I was just wondering why the bar was so empty, usually Nepleslian bars are....bad ass." He responded.

He then took another swig of his whiskey, turning around to view the teen as she spoke to him. "Job offer." He said looking at the girl, and then at the bar tender. Bronzi handed the empty whisky bottle back to the older woman and beckoned for more.

"Now what is a pinkskin larva doing lurking in a half abandoned booze house?"

"Drinking," the girl answered, crossing one boot over the other, "Soda, obviously. Not alcohol." Then the girl smiled a little, clearly at least trying to be warm but probably just covering her rear end by changing the subject. "What job?"

"Dunno yet. Some weird guy with sideburns needs extra hands. I figure hey I've got hands, why the hell not. He looked pretty roughed up to be honest. Come to think about it I probably should have stuck around..." Bronzi said looking thoughtfully into his empty glass. "Bah, the strong will flourish." He snorted as he grew impatient. Bronzi's tail thrashed wildly.

"Now what are you doing drinking a bar? I figure you can drink soda on a rock...outside..."

The credit chit continued to count down as Lina passed Bronzi another, full bottle, rolling her eyes. Business was business - for better or worse.

Bronzi took the additional bottle, but slowed down, reserving himself to sipping.

"Well," the girl explained, "It is kind of too sunny. I get sunburned sort of easily. Besides, Lina is a friend of mine, she helped me and my dad move in when we got here."

Bronzi grunted at the girl's response. His deep gruff voice seemingly shaking the bar. This would have been the part where the haughty Gartagen explained that his race defeated their sun in battle ages ago by developing skin hard enough to push back its painful rays. "You and your da were lookin’ for a bit of paradise eh?"

Bronzi stopped himself mid drink. "Or was it something else?"

"Quiet," the teen answered, "Just some peace away from the city. My dad is a consultant."

A small figure happened to enter at that particular moment, gray hair tinkling in the dim light of the bar. The individual, though small, seemed to have a cheer in his step as he entered the house. He approached the bar, taking a seat on the side of the Gartagen that was opposite the other possible Yamataian.

"One of your lightest alcoholic beverage, ma'am!" He asked, placing a small note on the bar.

"Credit chit first, son. You look a little young to be drinking, but who would pull you up?" Lina rolled her eyes incredulously at the short Yamataian before fetching a light beer.

"Sheesh, cut me some slack!" He half-whined, pulling out an ID and another monetary note. "And there's a reason I asked for the lightest drink possible. Also, could I have an empty glass, too?"

She put the bottle down, and handed him the bottle opener. "You could drink from the beer bottle too. What's the matter, didn't get enough milk from mum?"

Seiren scowled at the woman. This was exactly why he never went to bars, usually. The girl in the corner had shrank a little bit, but was watching him anyway.

"Very funny. I might look young, but I'm old enough to do mercenary work. Or take full-time employment at a company."

"And your ma?" Bronzi said as he placed his bottle down on the bar top.

"She's safely on Yamatai, as is my dad. Not sure what that has to do with anything, though."

"I was not speaking to you." Bronzi said growling loudly. The girl in the corner held up her hands, taking them out of her pockets.

"Hey, hey. It's ok, guy. Mom's dead, that's the other reason. It's OK, though. I never met her or anything. What's your names? I never saw you either, guy."

Seiren blushed slightly, embarrassed that he had gotten conversation confused. He didn't shrink back or anything at the growl, though.

"My name, considerin' you've asked for namesss-"

He took a moment to scowl at the Gartagen, then look back to the girl. "-is Seiren. Inventor and confectioner."

"Call me Bronzi." The Gartagen said gruffly. "I break shit."

The girl managed a winning smile that seemed, if the truth were to be told, kind of familiar, as she propped her combat boots up on the next seat over. "Bronzi. That's kind of a cool name. And Seiren. Well, hi. I'm Vita. You said you sold candy?"

"Sort of. I make candy. I haven't gotten my business off the ground yet, but someday I'm gonna be selling to every store in the known universe," the androgynous male declared, slipping in at the end slyly. "I've even got a few prank products."

And then to spice things up, four people entered the bar. One of them, a woman with a huge rifle on her back was mumbling: "...I still dun' think he's stickin' to it."

"I punched him in the face and he took it. He had to have been serious." John replied with a firm nod.

"H1S 3Y3 N33DS L00K1NG 4T." Echelon chimed in with her robotic bandsaw voice.

"Yeah, I think he needs- hey is that... Seiren?" Allison looked over at the Bar to see unfamiliar faces, except that one. "Oh! Did you get here early?"

As previously at Luca's apartment, Makari carefully removed his cowboy hat and sunglasses and strode in. "Why hello there potential drinking buddies! Barkeep, I'd like whatever he's having," indicating Bronzi with his right hand, his credit chit in his left as he approached the bar.

The girl had paused for all the new arrivals, because the bar was not that big and even her voice carried and echoed a little. Now it seemed pretty full, and the boots at least were making a sort of combined ruckus as everyone filed in, but she raised her voice a bit over it and said, "What kind of pranks?"

"Well, if it ain't everybody I know. And a freespacer. Heh, kidding!" Seiren replied to the group with a wave. "Tell the barkeep that I'm actually old enough to drink. She doesn't believe me!"

To Vita, the inventor tossed a blazing red, translucent candy over. "That thing is hotter than the fires of hell itself. I know, 'cuz I tested it."

Bronzi's hand snapped out catching the tiny bauble. The speed of his movement was surprising considering his size(for a Gartagen) He held it gingerly in between the tip's of his thick thumb and what could be assumed to be his index finger. "Candy." He cooed. He then took a sniff of it. "What does it do?" Bronzi said inquiring.

Vita, getting up out of her seat, came over to sit beside Bronzi, but with her back against the edge of the bar instead of to the door. Up close, she seemed even scrawnier than she had appeared at a distance. She shoved her hands back into her pockets, and said, "Why don't you try it?"

Makari took a stool a to the left of the candy fiasco and waited for the barkeep to hand him a bottle of whatever the big guy with the candy was drinking.

Makari was answered by a large glass of whiskey for his credit chit. In all, a fair trade. The proprietress was somewhat overwhelmed by the new arrivals.

Makari thanked her with a curt nod and downed the glass in a few seconds. Decent whiskey, he thought. He sat quietly, drinking in the camaraderie of the surrounding people and attempting (but failing) to find a way into their conversation.

Bronzi popped the candy into his mouth. He sat still for a moment letting the candy dissolve before he lifted his bottle of whiskey into his mouth. "It's alright." He said calmly.

John and Melissa sat down together, giving Bronzi some distance, and looking over to Seiren. They bought their own drinks quietly. Allison and Echelon, however, had other ideas. "So, you're making candy now? Can I have a taste?" Allison was enthusiastic. Echelon, however seemed a little less plussed.

"Jeez, are you made of DURANDIUM?" Seiren exclaimed at the Gartagen's antics, jaw dropping comically. His attention was drawn to his previous and renewed crewmate, so he turned to face her instead because gartagens are crazy. Or so he figured.

"Oh, yeah. I've got something. . . It's kind of in the works, but here," he said, passing along a small yellowish candy to Allison. She popped it into her mouth without a thought, and blinked for a few moments. She sucked on the candy thoughtfully.

"Tastes like Lemons and Bananas." Allison nodded. "Fizzy. I like it."

"WH4T 1S B4N4N4L3M0N?"

Bronzi smirked. "Give me about thirty minutes, and the whole room will get to experience that little piece of candy in...the less traditional sense."

"Ew," offered Vita, apparently reconsidering sitting so near the Gartagen, but not rude enough to just leave. "Serious?"

Bronzi let out a rumbling chuckle. Winking at the girl as if to say yea right.

"Bananas are a sweet potassium based fruit, and lemons are a highly acidic, citrus based fruit. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get clear of the blast zone," Seiren informed the AI as he stood up and threw a tip under the untouched beer bottle. "Later!" Lina took the untouched beer bottle and put it back in the fridge.

"Huh?" Allison wondered before looking at the Gartagen and connecting the dots. "Oh, hell. C'mon Ech, that sense of smell is gonna backfire on you!" She grabbed the AI by the arm and ran off. John and Melissa followed suit quickly. Lina, meanwhile, donned a gas-mask from under the the bar. She was just that kind of woman.

Bronzi fidgeted in his seat slightly, his tail thrashing slightly. He reached over for his credit chit, and as he did his 3 spade card slipped out of his open belt pouch, it tumbled swiftly to the floor. Vitalia snatched it before it got there, somehow or other, and then straightened, turning it between her fingers.

"So, that guy," she said, matter-of-factly. Then, she handed the card back.

"Blast zone...? OH," commented Makari as he brought his handkerchief up to his face for the impending "blast" of chemical warfare. "So you've got one too eh, big guy?" remarked Makari and flashed his own 3 of spades.

Bronzi nodded. Taking the Card from the girl. He nodded his thanks, slipping it back into his armored plate on his chest rather than stuffing it back into his belt pouches. Bronzi nodded to Makari. Then eyed up the girl. "I take it you know him eh.. Something tells me he is the reason why this bar is now....brimming with business."

"No." She replied from underneath the gas mask. "I'm just prepared for anything. It's part and parcel with being a bartender - no matter how great or small. And yes, I think Vita's dad has been good for business, too."

"She also has a Zen Arms beneath the counter," Vita explained, helpfully, folding her hands between her knees. "And in the bathroom. And in that space between the fridge and the counter."

"Sounds pretty lightly armed for a Nepleslian." Bronzi said looking at the Bartender with a surprised expression.

"I left out the grenades," Vita added, impishly. "And the boxing glove, the short-barrelled shotguns, alcohol flamethrower, and whip." Lina held up a flask. She'd drink it and demonstrate the flamethrower, but she was wearing a gas mask.

Bronzi smirked. He reached into his left back pouch. He presented a small white cap. to the bartender. It had the rank pin and emblem of the NMX. "Little gift from Ether for ya. Hang it over your bar, or use it as toilet paper. I got that one. Watched that freak snap my XO in half--literally.

"Firebreather? I must say, I'm impressed," whistled Makari. Then his eyes froze on the NMX emblem. "I'm glad to see others here dislike the NMX as much as I."

"Dislike?" Bronzi said growing bright. "You mistake me. I was honored to cut that NMX's head off." Bronzi said tipping his bottle up in a mock tost and taking a deep swig.

Makari nodded in approval and grinned.

It was at this point that Bronzi winced. " might want to clear..."


The room then filled with the scent of pure spice and sewerage (with some whiskey mixed in). Of course the feeling was like that of pepper spray. The toxins in that small piece of candy were now floating around in the air and could cause a vicious burning effect. Vita would find Bronzi had slapped his helmet and mask on her, and its fastened around her small head. "Yea...that was a pretty good piece of candy..."

Makari winced and put his handkerchief to his face, "That's a good one."

Lina moved over to the windows and got them open. If there were birds flying around, they would've died. She turned fans on in posthaste to vent the noxious fumes. "You truly are a freak of nature, aren't you." Lina told the Gartagen from underneath her protective gas mask.

Bronzi sat there seemingly unaffected by what he had just done. He sipped his whiskey. "Yea?" He said in response to Lina. "You know you want me."

Lina just shook her head in reply whilst wondering just how Makari was keeping it together. It must've been either bravado, the stiff drink, or her doing to vent the gases.

Well, the fact that the bar didn't quite have a roof in some places might have had something to do with it, but everyone glosses those sorts of details over just to be polite.

Meanwhile, from afar, Luca could see a mushroom cloud in Sargasso, and wondered where it came from. He wasn't responsible for it and shrugged. He then got on the phone to Vita. "You okay? I see a mushroom cloud." He raised an eyebrow into the communicator. "I don't remember giving you anything that does mushroom clouds." He did feel somewhat cheated for not being responsible for it.

"I met some people," Vita replied over the phone. "Apparently they work for you, dad."

"Oh, yeah. I'm going to take a lucky guess - the Gartagen had something to do with it." He said as he watched the cloud finally disperse.

"Yep," she said, popping the 'p'.


Seven down, unknown to go. Another day had passed since interview process of the first three newcomers, and the four old guards of the Phoenix. Although, Luca had to wonder: Where was Zeta? He knew that she'd never leave his side, and the Crimson Kestrel had been given safe haven on the Long Road of Sargasso. If John and the others were there, chances were that Zeta wasn't far off - and that they were staying in the Kestrel.

Luca, however, was still in his ruined apartment, waiting for any other applicants. He did have to deal with another foolhardy bounty hunter, and he ended up taking something of a fall. Luca was relaxing with a cup of tea as he watched someone zipline from one building to another, and waved at someone rappelling into the sixth floor of Ferros Towers.

Luca's communicator came to life. Looking at it there was single message. "She is coming up, take good care of her for me, like we talked about. G-" Nothing more there to explain, but Luca did not need any explanation. He knew who G was, and who the message was about.

Suddenly throuth a doorway walked a familiar figure. A tall blonde woman in black leather jacket. As Luca looked up into her face, he could see that she was not exactly happy. She came to stop and stood there for a while, just looking into his face. Her lips trembled a little.

"Why?" She asked.

His face wasn't all that much to look at, with a half-regenerated, discoloured right eye, and cuts that never quite fully healed in spite of being a Yamataian. The communicator was in his hands when he saw her, and he put it down on the couch. Rather than telling her to come to him, Luca stood up and cricked his neck, looking admittedly guilty. He took slow steps towards Zeta, and couldn't think of any words until he was face to face with her. "I did the wrong thing." He finally said, words heavy and dour in his mouth, still lingering as well as the bruise from John adorning his jawbone.

Slowly her hands reached forward, grabbing him by his singlet. She then drew him close to her. "Do you have any idea..." she started and shook her head. "Any idea what is it like? Fearing that any day Mel can come back, telling me that she found your body. Or that NMX captured you. Do you know how much I missed you? I was hoping you are alive, I did, but it was bloody hard when the whole universe believes you to be dead. And you did not send a single message. Not a bloody 'I need some time alone, do not tell anyone.' Nothing. You bloody prick." Tears started to appear running down her cheeks.

Nothing. Nothing. That's all he was destined for a couple of days ago, before he had sense beaten into him from another agency. He was afraid to dry those tears for her, fearing retaliation. "I didn't have those fears a couple of days ago - I had to learn them again." He started as he looked into her eyes and watched the tears roll down her face.

"I believed I was invincible once, I'm not. I've just got luck on my side. It ran dry on Delsauria, and that's when the truth dawned on me. Wasn't pretty. It took my brother and Naoko dying to tell me, and I only figured it out recently."

"Aerin was the first to find me. She beat the goddamn shit out of me for what I did in the shadows, and for abandoning you all." He then stood back and put his hands behind his back, eyes closed. "Feel free to take a punch at me, if it makes you feel better. John did."

Zeta did not say anything at first. She looked him in the eyes, then her natural hand released him and she pulled it back for a swing. But then she stopped, there was no more movement. Tears were leaving her eyes in flow now. "No," she whispered. "I won't."

Then she felt her legs weaken under all this mental pain and she slowly slid down, still holding his jacket. Her face buried into him as she wept and wept. "I missed you so much," were the words she said between the sobs.

He had no choice but to kneel down with her and accept her tears. He raised his arms slowly and put them around her shoulders, almost awkwardly at first. She was truly upset, and figured that one piece of good news was all she needed to lighten her day.

"I'm not alone, here. Someone's keeping an eye out for me here in Sargasso." Here at the end of the world, Luca whispered into her ear. "Does the name Gamma Three ring any bells?"

Zeta wiped her tears and looked up into his face as they huddled. "Y-yeah," she said and blinked a few times. "That is my brother. I have not heard about him in years. All I know is that he joined the marines and I cannot get a hold of him." Zeta was not sure what Luca was getting to.

"I couldn't have gotten here without his help. I thought he'd spill the beans and tell you about it, obviously I was wrong." He then stood up with her in his arms and said: "I have no idea where he's gone now, but he was the first to find me on Delsauria. Helped me get a shuttle under the radar."

Zeta finally stopped crying, save for a single sob now and then. "So it was my own brother who helped you hide from the universe." She said and snickered a little. Not a happy snicker, more like a forced one. "Think of the irony. The man I worried about, comes back and tells me about a brother I have not seen in close to ten years." She then added.

"Guess we found each other in shadow." Luca concluded, voice lightening somewhat.

Zeta swallowed and finally smiled a little. She then looked Luca into his eyes. Deep into them. "You won't disappear on me again, will you?" She asked and squeezed his hands. He looked into her eyes, and nodded without a flicker of doubt, a smile pulling across his face, and a couple of lone tears running down, even through the damaged eye.

Zeta answered with a smile and moved closer. They both kissed deeply and passionately. "I love you." Zeta whispered as the kiss was broken, her forehead pressed against his, their noses touching.


Meanwhile from building across the street the room was watched by a lone man. An older looking guy with some gray and white settling in his hair. He normally was not a man you would imagine to smile, but this time he was. He put the small binoculars he held into his pocket and smiled even wider. "Be happy little sister," he said aloud, turning around and leaving the room. He had one more little angel to look after.


"I do want to show you something else though. Something I haven't shown the others yet." Luca said as he passed her a freshly made Rank card. This one was made of brass rather than card, and still had the 7 of Spades on it in black. He then looked at one of the doors to the bedroom, adorned with a 'V'. "You may be surprised."

Zeta took the card, looked at it and smiled. Putting it into back pocket of her pants she followed Luca. "How surprised exactly?" Zeta asked looking at the door with a little bit of worry in her face. Doors to another room meant that Luca had someone here. Or something.

Luca walked over to it and opened the door. The interior of this room was much better kept than the rest of the apartment, as someone else was living in it. Free of the bulletholes or grime, it looked like a room that belonged to a teenager - but the bed was neatly made, a workbench private from her dad's was set up here with an idling computer. "This room belongs to..." He let that hang in the air for a moment.

Zeta peeked inside and looked at the room. "A girl obviously," she said, before Luca could finish the line after a dramatic pause. "A young one too," Zeta finished and looked up at Luca. This surely required an explanation.

"My daughter." Her finished. He blinked incredulously at his own words after admitting it, because nobody else he had interviewed caught on when they met her previously.

"Your..." Zeta started, having to pause herself, as if the word was impossible to say out loud. "Daughter?" Luca nodded in reply, still blinking. She blinked at him back, as this was surely the biggest surprise ever. At least it was not bad one. So far. "Care to go deeper into this?"

"That's not the weirdest thing. Guess who the parent was?" He still had difficulty believing it himself at the best of times. He then made some motions with his lips: 'NA-OH-KOH' and made cat-ears with his hands, sticking his fangs out. "That's not the weirdest thing either - she was born after she died."

Zeta had trouble handling that information. Making a few steps back she fell down on the couch and shook her head in disbelief. "So... Naoko died and then..." she started, her eyes narrowed as she was still wrapping her head around this all. "And then birthed a daughter... and she is your daughter." Zeta rubbed her forehead as if she tried to put all the pieces together inside her brain.

"While she was in her grave and dug out of it herself, yeah." Luca nodded before sitting down on the couch with her, mimicking her disbelief with a worrying amount of ease. "But in spite of all that, she's still my daughter. Her name's Vitalia."

"Poor thing," Zeta said and took a deep breath. "Is she... fine? It sounds like pretty traumatic start of life. Where is she now by the way?" Questions, there were many.

"She knew how her mother died, we talked about her. Told me not to be sad." Luca teared up a little. "And she's out on the town. She's just enjoying life as a teenager, free from worry, free from regret - all while I bought money and things home for her with all of those horrible things I did." Especially going shopping with Hanako - that was especially heinous.

Zeta gave him a nod and leaned back in the couch. "Say... she is a neko right?" She asked, turning her head to the side to look at Luca. "I mean... if Naoko was neko, Vitalia is one too. Is she... please don't take this badly. Is she like a new... verstion of Naoko? You hear things about Nekoes..."

Luca nodded on the part about being a neko, but there were some differences. "She's completely different to her mother. She's a lot kinder, gentler and she's been good for my psyche." He then tapped his chin with a nod. "But yeah, she still is what she is. Her mum and I were killers, but she doesn't see it as the first solution, thankfully - and I'm glad for that."

Zeta nodded and took a deep breath. She then blushed a little and leaned on Luca, her head resting on his shoulder. "Say... Vita is out in the town right...." She said and smiled a little, leaving the end of the sentence open.

"She'll probably be at a place called Lina's." Luca then grinned. "Wanna catch a zipline?"

"I actually thought we might use the time and...." she paused a little and smiled. "Catch up a little." Her hand rested on this thigh, luring him into a trap.

"Oh, you little..." Luca started mumbling before leaning in to nibble on her neck playfully. It'd been a long, long time since he'd enjoyed this sort of pleasure, being off the radar and all. He'd even turned it down on the YSS Tanto - taking the military-grade computer as a just due. "But I don't want another kid, 'kay?"

"Of course," Zeta said and chuckled. "But we can practice."


Eight interviewed and in, and still an unknown number to go. This was the third day of the interview process, with Zeta having had her interview yesterday. The only other person who showed up yesterday was the milkman, who commented on the 'half-destroyed' look of the apartment and offered to call a builder. Luca declined politely.

Vitalia had bought a new couch. The previous couch simply ceased to be, yesterday; in a rather dramatic fashion - quite literally falling apart at the seams and turning into a clogged mess of stuffing, cloth and woodwork. It was pushed out the window to make room for the new couch. Vita was already napping on it, sprawled out under a tatty old blanket. Her bedroom had been shot up pretty badly and this was Luca's apology. It was the only thing in the apartment that presently lacked bulletholes, and it was a cheery, chipper blue.

The rest of the apartment looked like a nuclear fallout zone. Luca was sitting down on the couch with his daughter and watching the door frame for new applicants, as always. There was also a stopwatch to measure the lifespan of THIS couch.

A Familiar figure walked through the door. It was the brutish Gartagen Luca hired on to his crew just two days before. Though now it appeared Bronzi had grown bored considering he now had gone “shopping.”

Bronzi walked into the apartment without knocking. “Woulda knocked, no door. I bought a carpet, got some free guns.” He snorted as he dropped a massive rug that unrolled presenting a new automatic shotgun, and a large amount of “Sushi” that was currently stored in a large clear plastic container (Wasabi and all).

“I had to go to the quick stop for that sushi-fish. Made from dust trout, smells great. Also I got ya this rug.” Bronzi stated as he reached down and picked up a small “wooden” box. He opened it removing an 8 inch long stogie, and by biting off the end of it. Bronzi then offered one of his cigars to Luca. He declined the cigar as politely as he could to the brute.

"I'll be right." He replied curtly. "Thanks for the rug though." He then looked at Vita as he wondered how one would store packaged fish in a rug. "How long do you think it'll survive? Two? Three days? Provided the cats don't run away with it?" He could smell the dust trout in the air and thick on the carpet - even though they were all packaged nicely. He wondered why Gartagens were always so ... pungent. Must've been part and parcel with the culture based on their bizarre biology, Luca reasoned. Vita sniffled in her sleep, and then curled up with the blanket over her head.

Unfortunately, it smelled. Out of reflex, Luca gave the air a wave to disperse the colourful smells in his apartment.

Bronzi lit his cigar and started puffing away. " is the little things. AH!" He said loudly, his gruff voice suddenly growing loud. "I see it, that girl is your little'un." A thick finger pointed to Vita. "Good lookin' kid, bit bold but feh. I got 17 of em myself." He grumbled as he stood in the door frame.

"I forgot to ask ya, when is pay day?"

Seventeen? I've got my hands full with one! "Once a week, real time." Luca nodded as he recalled the new system he'd cooked up for his crew. Of course, he knew what he meant by 'real time'. "As you do missions and big jobs, you get pay bonuses from them coupled with promotions, sound right?" Of course, a lot of the money came from the Merchandise campaign that was running in the background, coupled with Luca's previous 'excursions' - of which there'd be no more.

"So what do I call ya? Da bawss? Captian Badarse? ...Sir?"

Luca shrugged in reply. "Any will do. This isn't a ship run by Her Empress."

"Lewks it is then." Bronzi snorted as he took a deep drag from his Cigar, savoring the inhale. He then exhaled a large plume of sweet scented smoke that amazingly enough combated the Bronzi's manly musk that he exuded. Though ultimately the battle of the smells was won by Bronzi. Again, Luca's nose cringed as he gave the air a wave and hoped that the breeze would assist him.

Vita turned over, and buried herself in the corner of the couch, away from the free air, mumbling something inaudible.

"Well In any event the rug and sushi are yours. As are the guns. I reckon I’ma go pick a fight with somebody smaller than me... or maybe even bigger. If I had it my way this world would have nothing but Neko on it. Only woman that'd be able to handle this."

Bronzi then waved "Later." He turned about and calmly walked into the hallway.

Luca wondered if all this brutality that was following the Gart was reminiscent of his own spat of mindless violence. He wondered if it'd ever catch up to him. It was getting a little difficult to take him seriously since Bronzi's mind appeared to be a one track mind made of bullets, explosions and boobs, just as he'd said when he introduced himself. Maybe he had to put his foot down and knock the Gart into his place.

"He's nice," Vita answered, as if reading his thoughts - the girl hadn't actually been asleep. "Just stinks a lot." Luca nodded in agreement. Vita huffed into the couch, curling her arms up over her head and scratching at her scalp, then trying to dig down a little deeper. The sunlight filtering in through the window was apparently bugging her. Luca grabbed her blanket and adjusted it to put it over her head, assisting with blocking out the annoying sunlight. 150 or so million miles away, and still annoyingly accurate.

From somewhere outside Luca's apartment, they could hear a crash and a slam and a great chorus of chattering mechanics that came and then suddenly went away. All that remained after was the sound of heavy footsteps. And then, from nowhere, two little metallic robots that resembled six-legged beetle dogs came clattering in from the hallway through the apartment's wrecked and always-ajar door.

Vita mumbled, "Make sure they don't fuck up the couch, dad." Luca mumbled an indistinct reply as he watched the two junker drones clamber in, watching them like giant cockroaches with a raised eyebrow.

The Junker drones sat patiently on either side of the entryway as the owners of the heavy footsteps made their appearance. A man and a woman, Freespacers both, stumbled into the domicile, the smaller woman dragging along the taller man by each's only human-looking hand as they arrived inside the apartment. "This is it, Somerset!" the female announced. Much like any Freespacer, she looked half machine, with four cybernetic limbs, one of which was a giant metal claw for an arm, and only the front half of a head, the backside looking like a hollow cavern from which hundreds of cords and wires spilled out. Her eyes were bright yellow disks that spun as they darted about, looking for life in the tiny apartment.

There was life sitting down on the crisp-looking couch, with his daughter lying down beside him and eyeing the first Freespacer up and down, the first one to announce her presence. Short of an explanation, he gave them an upwards nod to come in and sit down on the armchair - which resembled swiss cheese. "I take it you're both here to see me?" He said before his eyes came down to look at the two Junker drones again - they were almost like dogs out for walkies.

"That's the ticket!" the man among the two newcomers announced, words spilling out with a bright metallic twine from the rebreather he wore. It covered most of his pale face and had a toothy, smiling maw painted on its front and a hose connected it to a boxy unit that hung on his ruffled brown blazer with thin peak lapels. Opposite his organic right arm hung a bundle of metal tentacles, each with a tiny manipulator on the end. His pants were a muddy grey and had chalkstripes going down to the cuffs above his feet — one of which was a mechanical replacement.

"Your voice is the voice that said 'come 'ere and join me on a quest!'" the Freespacer chuckled from behind dead turquoise eyes. "And so we came. Borrowed a ship to get here and everything! Because your glory is the only glory destined to complete our current destiny. You know what I mean, right?"

It certainly was. Some of the language used made Luca's eyes widen a couple of times. He was under the impression that destinies were immutable. There wasn't a "current" destiny in his eyes, but if there was such a thing he wouldn't have minded. At least they had a head for adventure and Luca's lips pursed in agreement upon that point. "Of course," he replied to the Freespacer, "So you're Somerset and you're...?" He turned his attention to the female Freespacer, keeping a pointer finger by his lap.

"Datajack Bootsector Eight One Five One Oh Two Nine Nine One Six," the Deoradh female answered, she peered at the two humanoid beings on the couch with a clinical gaze, "What are your designations? Even though Somerset is our compass, it doesn't mean we associate with just any sorts."

Designation? His views on freespacer culture were somewhat skewed because Echelon, his other resident freespacer, didn't speak much of it. "Well, I'm the guy who wrote the message and the Universe's current Action Hero, Luca Pavone." He mentioned as though it was an offhand fact, rising his arms in a gentle shrug before motioning to Vita. "And that's my daughter, Vitalia. Designation: Cute. What about yourselves and your, er, drone doggies?"

Somerset finally plopped himself down in an empty chair, letting his mechanical arm flop and flow over the edge of its armrest. "Boots has already stated her designation. She is a datajack and can master myriad systems as well as repair anything mechanical," he explained very matter-of-factly. "She also tangles a mean groundgame and can wrangle any being so long as its soul resides inside an unnatural shell." Luca nodded along in interest as he tried to decipher some of the language. He smiled when he figured it all out.

Vitalia began to lazily worm her way around in the other direction beneath the blanket, eventually coming out to rest her head in Luca's lap, so that she could see the two Freespacers. For a moment she lay there groggily, watching them through a mess of brown hair and idle speculation.

She smiled, contently, and said, "Hi."

The female Frespacer did not seem at ease at all, instead choosing to attend to her Junker drones. Kneeling down beside them, she requested they "Go check outside and make sure there's no more of those annoying little crab-bots hanging around." Applet and Servlet lowered their mechanical heads and skittered out the open door frame to patrol the sides of the complex walls. "Somerset," she began, turning back to the two lifeforms on the couch, "is a Wayfarer, skilled at hacking living tissue and biological systems, recoding it to repair and improve upon its faults. He is a — "

"In so many words, a doctor?" Luca interjected.

"I am a doctor of electronic life," Boots asserted, a little on edge from dealing with the non-Deoradh. "Somerset is a leader and plan-maker who can multitask millions of inscrutable commands at once. Even I have trouble following his complex, brilliant lines of thought sometimes. Also, he makes delicious sandwiches."

The lanky male Freespacer's mask lifted ever-so-slightly on his face in what could only be assumed was a smile underneath. He pressed a toggle on the box that connected to the rebreather, which caused a puff of fuschia gas to spurt out of it. "And I can brew excellently rude elixirs, ooold chap," he added on to the end of Bootsector's explanation, the last phrase coming out as a recording rather than his words. "They might be able to help with the fluctuations in the Pavone family's spectral hues, which have been dancing wildly since our arrival."

Luca's eyes glanced between the two - they were like a couple, a matched pair made for each other in this wide and weird universe. He leaned in and spoke: "You two seem like just the people I'm looking for." He smiled. "We have been short on logistics, computers and medicine roles." He checked his pocket for cards, and passed Somerset a brass 3 of Hearts, and Bootsector a brass 3 of Diamonds. "You'll start on 50 KS a week, plus bonus pay for missions - and believe me, there's lots of it. I'm sure neither of you will be short of work."

He then leaned back, "Anything else you two need to get set up? I know Freespacers require some heavier background radiation."

Accepting the card with some manner of suspicion, Boots' eyes glowed as they inspected the sundry item. "Your ship and associated automata will be of the finest working condition when I am done," she declared, stowing it into the pocket of her long coat.

Somerset lept only halfway out of the pockmarked chair to grab the card, extending his silvery tentacles across the room to wrap around Luca's hand before quickly retracting with the card. In microseconds, his mind disregarded Luca's query about radiation, placing it secondary to the token from Luca. He placed it in his jacket pocket, leaving the edge sticking out like a pocket square. "I am to assume this signifies we are now part of your adventure, our quests intertwined with yours?"

"Welcome to the ISC Phoenix." He replied with a smile.


Ten interviewed, and an unknown number left to go. Luca already had a fairly sizeable crew, including the old guard. In particular, John, Melissa, Allison and Echelon - and Zeta were there. Things were looking just like old times. Some time had passed between now and the interview with the freespacers, and Vita had gone out for the afternoon, perhaps to run free in the city.

And if the Crimson Kestrel had touched down, Luca couldn't help but wonder if any of the other old guard were returning. So he sat down on his crisp, new couch that was in stark contrast to every other bullet-filled surface in this dingy apartment, and awaited the next person. He was waiting with a bottle of cheap energy drink with his brand and logo upon it. It seemed somewhat Ironic that the advertisements were straying from the truth.

Although typically such an entrance was heralded with a great noise, Enzo's entrance was silent. Although it'd been a month and a half since he'd laid eyes on anyone, much less the Captain himself; he seemed unsurprised by Luca's presence. The vagabond himself was in no shape to look excited as it were, looking unusually gaunt and wearing just a black tank and pajama pants. His typical dark bags under his eyes even seemed to have swelled a little.

For once, Luca was the first to utter the greeting of: "You look like shit, Vincenzo." rather than being on the receiving end of it. Oh well, he was one to talk with a half-regenerated, discoloured eye. "Tea? Drinks?"

"Shure." Enzo's voice was raspy, perhaps a little thin, "Haven't drank nothin' since last nights, I think." Luca got up to search for a piece of crockery that hadn't been turned into ceramic splinters by gunfire, filled it with water and put it down in front of the vagabond, sitting back down and looking him in the eyes.

"So... Yous ain't dead..."

"Unfortunately." Luca coughed in reply. "You saw what I did, in the message, right?" The message he sent did answer a few questions as to his poor behaviour - especially the NMX trafficker massacres. "I wasn't exactly enjoying being dead - not 'living it up on a beach sipping pina colada'. I was drowning in blood, just like you seem to 'ave."

Enzo slid into a shot-up armchair and lit a cigarette with smokey sigh. "I, eh, I didn't really watch it... No-fense. I kinda been... ties up the loose ends and what not?" The captain nodded in reply.

"Really, I just had to sees it for myself, see?" Enzo waved the cigarette around in the air, "See it was real and shit. I didn't has any plans or nuttin'."

"See that men can come back from the dead." Luca waxed philosophically before making some quick reconsiderations. "...even though death is kind of superfluous with ST backups and brain spiders and PANTHEON and - oh fuck it you get the idea." He waved his hands open, shaking his head. This was more of a symbolic resurrection than a physical one anyway.

Enzo just shrugged.

"So here we are, in a dingy apartment in a rathole amongst ratholes, pondering the finer points of symbolic life and death." Luca summarised on no uncertain terms. "Looks like both of us need to get back to living." He then looked under the holey coffee table and drew a brass card. It was Enzo's old rank, 7 of Clubs. "Capaci?"

Enzo reached forward with some hesitation and eventually pried the card from Luca's hand to hold it up to the light. "I didn't even knows yous had one o' dese made for me."

Luca pointed to a 7 dimensional lathe sitting beside the military grade computer he'd pilfered from the Tanto. Spare time between criminal busts tended to give you time to make things using brass cartridge casings and inkwells from ballpoint pens as material to create rank pins. "There's plenty to go around."

Enzo set the card back on the table and upended the glass of water in a single stroke. After a couple of seconds of sitting with his eyes closed and smoke piling out of his nose, the Former 7 of Clubs decided to reapply for his old job. "If I do this, can I asks for a couple' o' favors?" Luca nodded in reply and nodded for the vagabond to continue.

"So, let's start with the work." Enzo began, flicking ashes onto the already filthy floor, "I want more jobs up my alley. I don't think I ever get tired of killin', don't get me wrong, but it's really just not my thing. Let me does what I'm good at, see?"

"I still get my jobs from without. The universe thinks that's all we're good for - point and shoot." Luca groaned. "I do want to prove I've got subtlety where it counts though. Maybe a side job or two won't hurt while I punch the black market in the balls." He grinned.

"Alright, two mores, an' I'll let it be." Enzo went on, "Now here's the other thing about the work. I gots friends, folk I maybe like. Maybe I decide I want to eat by them again someday before I die. If we's goin' after 'bad guys', well, that's my pals. Just... if I know a guy, give me a chance to try and pull him out, straighten him up, yeah? Maybe just a lil' chance before we burn the place to the ground?"

"By Black Market, I meant people who're trafficking Mishhu, military grade weapons, slaves, and the other seriously wrong shit - not white collar criminals or petty crime." Luca remembered the killing. "I can't make any guarantees, but if they want out by your hand, I won't stop you. Just keep an eye on them, okay?"

Enzo nodded in a puff of smoke and ash fell on the carpet again. So far, so good. "One last thing. And this is super-important. Vincenzo Bortelli's Seal of Pulchritude and Honor and Whatnot important, see?" Luca raised an eyebrow and nodded for him to go on. It wasn't often before that he bought out guarantees this long - so it must've been important!

"Help me convince Melissa that I'm done with hookers and drugs, and... And maybe I'm gonna be a stand-up guy she could stand to eat by once in awhile."

Luca's eyebrows almost fell off his forehead in raising, and his eyes were wide. This certainly was a change of character for the former freewheeling miscreant. "If John could throw away his porn and take up engineering, you can leave hookers and blow behind for something better." He smiled wryly. "But, I can't always speak for you, your actions have to. Got that?" He held out his hand for a handshake.

Enzo looked down at Luca's hand for nearly a full minute, puffing smoke and thinking incredibly hard. He wasn't sure if rejoining the crew was the best way get on the wagon. He wasn't sure if Melissa ever liked him that much in the first place, or if all the money in the world could do anything for him at this point. In the end, Vincenzo reached out shook Luca's hand for one simple reason: Working for a legendary mercenary sure beats living off of royalty checks and sleeping with beer bottles in said mercenary's cargo bay.


With her 'business' with Luca done and hearts both hers and Luca's at peace, Zeta needed to go. Luca needed to speak to a few other people. After all he was putting the crew together again and that needed his attention. Still it was great to see him again. It was great that the fear she felt was gone. Luca was not dead after all and he wants her to be with him.

There was a question what to do now though, as Luca was a busy man currently and even though Zeta would just want to sit next to him on the couch and chat away, that was not possible right now. There were people to talk, because according to Luca, the evil in the universe won't wait for him. Zeta liked that idea. Idea of small group of merry men and women and their courageous captain fighting who ever needs his or her arse kicked.

Zeta knew where to go now. Luca told her about his daughter and he told her where to find her. Lina's palace. A bar and quite frankly a brothel. It was curious to hear that the young nekovalkyrja - well human nekovalkyrja would be there. Though from what Zeta knew, nekoes were never children.

Catching a Zip-line down, Zeta was now rocketing through air, making sure to tighten the grip with her hard-gloves to slow the descent and fall butt-first on the mattresses ready down in front of the bar. It was quite a fun and Zeta could not help to realease a single 'Wheeee' as she rode down. It was nice to not be worried about stuff for once. After all she spent last month fighting with her own mind.

Landing safely on the mattresses, Zeta got on her feet and made sure her new revolver did not fall out of its holster. With everything right she went and walked to Lina's palace, walking through the doorway and looking for Vitalia.

The daughter in question was nestled up sideways in a booth near the corner, head on the back of the seat, napping in a mote of afternoon sun through one of the grubby bar windows. She was wearing a tight camo t-shirt, a pair of cargo pants, and what looked like nepleslian combat boots - though how she had found such a small size was beyond Zeta. Luca hadn't been kidding when he had said she was a kid; with her hair tied back, she looked all of maybe fifteen, and her ears were perfectly normal, too.

Zeta ducked under flying rock and get inside closing the doors behind her. It seemed some of the Sargaso kid-gangsters were around. Would it be any other day Zeta might give them some chase. As it was not late in the evening it seemed that the place was quite empty. Apart from bored looking barmaid behind the counter.

Zeta saw the girl in the corner, occupying whole booth for herself. She did not look exactly as Naoko did as Zeta excepted, but she was similiar enough. Smiling a little Zeta walked towards the girl who seemed to be asleep. Slowly and quietly she sat in the booth, across the table from napping little kitty. Zeta had time to waste anyway so she could wait until the girl wakes up.

Cracking an eye, then both, the girl roused herself enough to look at Zeta. There was hardly any mistake; she had her father's eyes. They were open, alive, and a sort of brighter brown. She tilted her head back, just slightly, to dislodge a stray hair that had fallen in front of her face, then asked, "Hey. What's up?"

Zeta smiled. Her elbow were on the table, supporting her hands and chim that rested on them. "Nothing," she said and smiled even. "Which is exactly what I need right now. Hello Vita." Zeta said and hoped she was right. Because it would be quite embarrasing if she spoke to wrong teen.

"Another one of dad's employees, right?" Vita asked, shifting in the seat so that she could sit up straighter. Her smile, when she smiled, was quick and charming. "I could have guessed. You don't look local. So what is your rank? Diamond or spade?"

"Spade," Zeta said simply, looking into girl's eyes. She really had Luca's eyes, a daughter of her father. It made the blode woman wonder in what other aspects she was like her father. "Also I am not sure if I still count as employee." She added and shrugged, then she reached out with her right hand for a handshake. "Hi I am Zeta Five, your father's girlfiriend."

"Oh," Vita said, but without seeming to miss much of a beat, she accepted the hand and shook it a little. Then she nodded, a little too far, several times as if for humor. "Yes, well, I always thought he might like larger girls, you know, he's so skinny and everything, but... Ha, hey, sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"I just meant, you know, the muscles. And everything." Vita stopped and looked up again, weakly concluding, "Uh, can I start over? Don't crush my hand."

"Believe me, it is awkward enough meeting for me too." Zeta said and cheerfuly laughed at the girl. She then looked on her left arm. Her muscles could not be seen by the leather jacker, she wore, but her broad shoulders were example on its own.

Zeta smiled a little and took the jacket off, showing her arms. One naked and athletic and ohter mechanical and tough looking. Both easy to see thank to the fact that she only wore white tank-top as usual. "Well now you can start over. And do not worry I don't crush hand of people I like."

Thumping back against the seat, Vitalia rubbed her hands together slowly, then looped an arm over the low back and crossed one leg over the other on the tatty cushion. The resemblance to Luca was stunning; but aside from that, there was a certain... resemblance, when seen in just such a light, to her mother.

"So you saw his ad," Vita started again, "and came back to get him. This town, you know, only has like three hundred or so people in it, and all these guys and soldiers and people coming around is the most they have seen in years. You been around anywhere else?"

Zeta inspected the girls face, looking at her. It was truly strange to see Luca's daughter. Well just few hours ago, she could not even imagine that Luca would have daughter, but now she sat in front of Zeta. A spitting image of her father and mother. Zeta wondered why Naoko did it, though that was a question she will never get an answer to. Did Naoko had enough of everything? Was this a way for her to finish everything and leave something good behind herself? Who knew. Does Vita know? Zeta doubted that.

"Yes," was simple reply. "It was the ad that lead me here. First I wanted to beat your father, but I guess I was just too glad to see him alive and well. Then he went and told me about you so I wanted to meet you. As for that other thing, yes I have been around. This planet, Funky city, Yamatai, Drift and Dawn. Saw some action, and had some fun with your father."

"I meant around here," Vita explained, tilting her head towards the solitary bar owner, "And, uh, this is kind of awkward, but don't have sex on the couch? I mean, I know you guys are gonna, well, you know. But not on the couch. OK?"

Glumly, Vita added, "Unless, you've already...?"

Zeta remined a silent for a second and blushed slightly. She coughed a little and looked aside. "Well...." she started. "I had time to go around Sargasso yet. Went straig to see your dad. Seems like a place forgotten by time itself." An easy attempt to change the topic.

"Fuck," Vita groaned, thumping her head against the side of the chair. "I liked the couch."

"There is nothing wrong with the couch," Zeta simply stated, still looked to the side. "We will stay off it in future all right?" She added, blushing a little more. One thing was talking about sex and one thing was talking about sex with daughter of your partner, you met just minutes ago.

"Yea," Vita added, "But dad fucked on it. I mean, I'm his daughter that's... ugh."

After a few seconds of pouting, and a shudder, she accepted the change of subject, morosely.

"There is a corner store that sells liquor and cigarettes, and you can buy guns just about anywhere, but Lina sells a lot more than just booze. She started selling ice cream and other stuff like that to stay in business, and she can cook pretty well too. I always come here for lunch, and then stay just to see who walks in."

"The rails are where all the gangs hang out. I'm not supposed to go there but pretty much all the guys hang out there, listening to all this crap about labor and they fire off guns and do drugs and rent whores and stuff. It's just outside of town, but it's pretty much abandoned now."

"The rest of town is just a bunch of closed shops and..."

Vita shuddered again, whining, "Oh crap, I just bought that couch! I was just sleeping there!"

"The couch is fine," Zeta replied like a broken answer-machine. "Nothing happened to it. Nothing is on it. Stop thinking about it. Just..." She stopped for a while rubbing her forehead. Zeta had little experience dealing with things like that. "I will buy you ice-cream or something how about that? Let's just forget that I sleep with your dad. Bugger, that came out wrong. I hate awkward situations."

"Yea, yea, I know." Vita brushed it off by blowing at wavy brown strand of stray hair. "You don't seem so bad. It's not your fault, really." After a moment's contemplation, Vitalia continued, clearly considering her options, "It's a bargaining chip, I think."

"So..... Icecream?" Zeta asked then looking at the girl with her eyebrows raised.

"Icecream," Vitalia confirmed, matter-of-fact, with a rather mischevious smile.

Zeta smiled and gave the girl a nod, getting up and walking ot the counter to speak with the woman behind it. Leaving the young girl to her own thoughts for a while.

Soon she was coming back, holding two sundea's in her hands. With long spoons and biscuits in it. Mix of simple chocolate and vannila icecram with some whipped cream on top along with various fruit scattered in it. Nothing too fancy, but surely more then enough. Zeta simply choose this, because that was what she liked. She did not have Ice-cream for quite some time.

"Dig in," she said as she put one in front of Vita. "Jolly this looks good. Seems like Lina knows her icecream."

Vitalia popped the little plastic thing off the top of the sundae, those stupid clear things that somehow ended up being slapped onto sundae cups to keep them from spilling over, and then dug the spoon in.

By all appearances, she seemed pleased.

This was no time for words, it was time to treat a taste cells to a treat, that they don't get every time. Icecream. An ultimate calmer of wars and heated situations. All women in the universe knew that things gets better if you get a bucket of ice-cream. It seemed to be written somewhere in their DNA. Zeta was a not a person to argue with her own DNA.

Scraping a bit of it off the side of the cup, after mostly finishing, Vita, looking up, gave Zeta an appraising look.

"This doesn't make you my mom," she clarified. "But you really don't seem so bad."

Zeta cheerfully laughed and stopped her spoon in middle of the way towards he lips. "Don't take this personally," she said, with jokeful voice. "But last thing I need is to be someone's mum. I can give you any advice you want, but I will let Luca do the parenting. Plus I am still plenty young to get my own kid sometime in future."

"Boy or girl, you think?" Vita asked, looking back down at her sundae.

"Hah," Zeta grinned looking at the girl across the table. "I have not even get to the part when to seriously think about it yet. But probably a girl. Not like i will have much choice in that matter." She said with shrug. She never really gave this a serious thought. Having a child. She might, she might not. Maybe with Luca? Who knows if they even be still together. Zeta was reasonable enough to realise that what she has with Luca might not be forever. Even though right now, she would probably like that.

"Why a girl?" Luca's actual daughter mused, "Why not a boy?"

"Hmm," Zeta gave that question a thought. Why not a boy? She sub-concisouly though about a girl and not a boy. Why? "Well... I think because I would be afraid that he might grow up to be like Luca. But mentioning this, daughter might grow up to be like me....."

"Well, I don't know why that would scare you," Vita chided, digging out the very last bit of sundae, "Honestly, dad's not a bad guy."

"No he is a great man indeed," Zeta said with very serious voice. "He is probably the best man ever. But the gets into very dangerous situations. I am worried enough about Luca. I cannot even imagine how I would be worried about my own son. There would be of course pride too, but what would be bigger the pride that my son would be doing great things or the fear of him getting hurt? That is what I don't have any answer for."

"Yea." The sundae was finished, so Vitalia set it down on the table and then, laying out across the bench and with her back against the wall, she tucked her hands together between her thighs. "My dad doesn't want me fighting with him, because of that."

"It most likely is not just because of he is protective of you," Zeta set her own spoon down, finishing her icecream and showing it aside. "He is worried about you and he could not focus well in fights too. I know what I am talking about. But... that does not mean you cannot learn how to defend yourself."

Vita smiled a little bit. "Nah, I don't mind it at all. But sometimes I worry too. Like, a couple of days ago, he met an old friend or someone, sounded like a girl, and she beat the tar out of him so he came home and moped for a while, and then decided to write that letter. He seemed fine, to me, up until that point. I kind of wish I had been there. Dad seemed pretty out of it afterwards."

There was just a hint of her mother in her voice, and in the way that she glanced over, brown Pavone eyes grown cold, when she said, "I would kind of like to know who it was. Do you have any ideas?"

Vitalia must have talk about that bitch from Origin. Zeta might have been glad that Aerin kicked sense into Luca, but she won't go and say it out loud. "No idea," Zeta said with shrug. "You dad met many women in his past. Might have been that IPG agent he knows. Did she have a thick accent to her trade?" Zeta asked with a feint. No chance in hell she will talk about Aerin.

"No," Vitalia said, the strange look in her eyes passing as quickly as a drizzle on an october day. She glanced to the door, as if willing someone to walk through it just at that moment. "I heard her over a phone speaker. She talked like she knew dad, before, and went on about how he'd fallen and needed the shit kicked out of him. Sounded younger, but not a native Nepleslian speaker."

"Your dad was in SAoY in past," Zeta said with shrug. "It might have been someone from those times. Whoever it was, let's just be greateful she knocked some sense into your dad. Though there is a question if she had to do it literaly."

"Yes," Vitalia affirmed, "She literally did. And she will be around, sooner or later. I thought you might have been her, but you don't sound anything like her. And just so you know, there is nothing wrong with my dad, and there never was. The last month and a half, he has been cleaning up this little town and the surrounding area. He likes to think I don't know what he does, but I do. We've lived well. I'd help him if he wanted it. There are very few people who have... that quality."

The girl frowned, just slightly, and it was like watching a tulip close its petals. Rather than angry, she sounded depressed and sullen. "He didn't -need- sense knocked into him. We were doing fine. He was getting better. And then all of a sudden he is off on a quest to save the whole universe, because someone beat him up. I don't like that. We were just getting the apartment settled, and now it's full of bullet holes. Everyone had thought he was dead, and now they are all after him, again. He had a decent job, and now he's gonna be out there... again. I don't want him to go."

"You know what he told me just an hour ago? When and arrived and found out about you?" Zeta sked with raised eyebrow gently smiling at the girl. It seemed she really loved Luca and cared about him. The mand needed this. "He told me that in whatever bad shape he was it was thanks to you that he got through. Yes maybe he thinks that woman knocked sense into him, but he knows you helped and cared for him. Saved his mental healt or whatever. He talked about you, not her."

Sulkily, the girl settled her head aside the booth backing, folding her arms over her camo-print sleeveless, "You can clean up a town," Vitalia explained, quietly, "But you cannot clean up a whole universe. It's too big. People don't have the right to demand that out of him."

"But you can always try," Zeta said with rather sad smile. "Believe me if Luca would just settle here I would love that. But I know him for some time and he cannot just do that. You heard in his message what all he was doing while he was 'dead'. That man simply cannot just stand aside. If he got it into his head that he wants to save the universe I will be there to support him and make sure he won't get himself killed. But right now at this moment, I do not think I can stop him."

Vitalia rubbed at one of her eyes with a thumb, ducking her head down a little bit. "This is so fucking stupid. Guh. What's the problem? All of you guys think he's some sort of destined savior coming to unscrew your lives. Yea he acts like he does, because he cares about people. But it's still wrong to fool him and take advantage of him. You could have stopped him. But now you can't, because someone gave him the idea what he was doing was bad."

"Want to know what I was doing yesterday?" Zeta asked suddenly with rather cold voice. "I was laying in my bed in my flat on Yamatai and crying, because I was worried that your dad might be dead. That was what I was doing. Suddenly he send that message like nothing happened. A month a single month and no message from him. Nothing. So do not tell me what I could stop or not."

"I'll tell you something you could stop," Vitalia said, swinging her boots onto the floor of Lina's, with its thin coating of dust and grime, some of it very carefully and lovingly placed. "Talking to me about your silly problems. He pretended to be dead for a reason. So go back home and cry." Vita blurted out, close to tears herself, as she placed her hands on the table and lifted out of the seat a few inches. "And leave my dad alone."

Vita stopped, blinked a few times, and settled back down into the seat slowly. Then, she folded her arms on the tabletop and buried her head. When that wasn't sufficient, she groped on the seat beside herself and pulled her zip-hoodie around her shoulders, fixing the hood up and hiding away.

"Sorry. Just... I guess I... yea," Vita sniffed. "Just leave me alone for a bit. Please?"

"If only world consisted of nice things." Zeta said half for herself. She took a deep breath and grabbed her jacket. "You have good head on your shoulders. All this stuff you just told me. Say it to your dad, as often as you can. I will try to make sure he won't get himself killed until you kill that delusion of this that he can save anyone. Oh and I won't leave him alone. I cannot, as you could not. Do not sit here alone for too long. It will eat away on you."

With those words she stood up, gave the girl a single gentle pat on her head and left.


Eleven under the wing - and things were still seeming like old times with Enzo back under the wing. That evening, Luca gazed out onto Sargasso from the comfort of his blue couch, which was remaining together - and nobody had tried to shoot it, bludgeon it or defenestrate it. All of these factors were good for its lifespan.

It was a shame the rest of the apartment still seemed to be in a state of shot-up disrepair. It was like the couch was the one symbol of hope left in the torrent of violence that'd consumed everything else. Luca had his back to the doorframe as he waited once more for someone to step in, heeding his message. Nobody else had tried to kill him today, so that was a plus. While he looked out onto the streets, he noticed that the corpse of the would-be bounty collector he defenestrated earlier had disappeared. Maybe it walked off in disgust of its own stupidity.

The next person through the door, though, was his own daughter.

The new couch faced the door - Luca had turned it like that, to welcome the newcomers. Vitalia stopped in the entryway, looked at it, looked at Luca, and then back at the couch. Then she gave him a frown and, with her hands on her hips, said, "You did it with that woman on the couch? Really, dad?"

"I bet the last couch we had was worse, bulletholes aside." It was a secondhand couch that was here before the current one, but the old one was still in good condition as a couch before its purpose became superfluous due to bullets. "Zeta let it slip, didn't she?"

"Yea-hu," Vitalia affirmed. Luca rubbed his forehead in response.

"Pray, tell, what else happened?" Luca looked at the couch once more, before looking into Vita, eyebrow raised. She very pointedly did not sit down.

"She bought me icecream," Vitalia continued, her hands still on her hips, accusing Luca. "And we talked about stuff." Luca motioned for her to extrapolate what she meant by 'stuff'.

"Well." Glancing around the apartment, Vitalia found herself a bare spot on a thing which had once served as an end-table. It was now too blasted apart to really serve that purpose; it had become a wobbly stool. "I was sitting in Lina's just watching people, and she came in, and sat down and started talking to me."

Luca nodded along, eyes tired. "And eventually you told her not to fuck with the couch."

"Well, yea, basically that." Vitalia tested the weight of the stool and found it relatively satisfactory.

"You might want to throw out the rug and the coffee table." He mentioned offhandedly. "Just to be safe." He winked.

Vitalia grimaced, then shuddered and held her head in her hands. "Daaaaaaad. You can't be serious. Ugh."

"Kidding. Kidding. But yeah. Couch." He chuckled, playing it off. "Think we need a new one?"

The smile that his daughter suddenly dawned when she peeked out from beneath her fingers, a single brown eye and a grin, reminded Luca eerily of a legend he'd heard about a shapeshifting fox, fooling travelers in Yamatai.

"I'm just kidding dad," she said, undoing her ponytail and shaking it out, only to start tying it back again. "I don't actually care who you do. Just, uh, I sleep on the couch. You know."

"What if I buy you a bed?" Luca raised a finger, still grinning.

"Then, I couldn't be a couch waif." Finishing up her ponytail, Vitalia crossed her legs at the ankles, folded her hands over her knees, and grinned again. "Really, she looks like a score. But, dad, I really do need to ask you something. Can I?" He nodded, smile falling into a wry position.

She had the most honest look that Luca thought Vitalia had ever worn. Her brown eyes, level, glittered with the strange sort of chilliness that her mother had worn until the day she had died. Framed by the lazy, wavy bangs she had left out of her ponytail for style, the style she wore to look cuter for all the teenage gang bangers running around the tiny burnt-out nowhereville, those brown eyes searched his soul.

"Why are you really doing this?"

Why oh why indeed. Luca's eyes, both the one living and the one damaged affixed themselves upon Vita's. His left was able to show the youth, the honesty and the optimism that he'd embraced when he started his bizarre adventure - not knowing where it would lead him. His other eye was still damaged, burnt by overexposure, cynicism and pain in one swift stroke. And yet, the whole was a rounded picture - good in hand with the bad, experiences teaching him lessons.

"I'm doing this because people look up to me - but I'm not leaping into it as far as I was before." He sighed. "I'm going to stay heroic as they want me to look, but I'll play it safe and small to begin with." He looked at his hands - his preferred tools of the trade. "Even if I can keep single town safe, that's good enough for me - scorn be damned. The whole universe can wait until I'm ready." He clenched his hands into fists.

Vitalia looked down at her hands - olive, slender fingers, too perfect for a teenager's - and rubbed them together slowly, as if there were something fascinating about them.

"Why do you even have to be heroic, at all, dad?" Vitalia questioned, her voice both soft and patient. "Why all the glory, and the publicity? I liked it when you were just killing the people who deserved it."

"We're probably going to be hitting people who deserve it still - you know the sorts." Luca nodded knowingly, recalling the black marketeers he was smashing into jelly throughout his excursions. "Only now, we've got some backup. We're still making a difference one thing at a time, just with a little extra help. I can act rather than react as I always have in the past."

The villains act, the heroes react. That's how it always went with engagements against the unsavoury. You could never see them until it was too late.

But under Vitalia's gaze, that honest, forlorn, and even tired gaze, that black and white seemed to merge somewhere closer to gray.


"I think we've gotten enough for now." Luca shrugged as he watched Lina's place from his apartment balcony, dressed in his jacket, pants, boots and singlet - all of his old signature gear from times past in crisp condition. Affixed to his right arm was the Grapple Stunner, and by his left hip was his HHG. On his back was the Styrling Shot-12, now modified to take eight gauge slugs. "Want us to zip down, give them some direction?" He looked down at his daughter, her long hair all in elf-locks as the afternoon breeze teased and toyed with it.

Luca's right eye was still somewhat blurry, but he had to aim with it as he pointed the Grapple Stunner to the line to Lina's place. "Hang on." He cautioned as he gave his back a shake, motioning to his belt harnesses with his other hand, before returning it to his right wrist to aim.

"Sure," she said, grabbing on and holding tightly. Paf. The original function of the Grapple Stunner was to grapple onto things from a distance, and reel them in. Compared to what else it had to offer, it seemed boring - but it had its uses. The piton's claws opened and clamped onto the line, and then the device made the father and daughter ascend into the air, eventually reaching the line and hanging in the air for a moment. After a couple of tense moments in the open air and swaying in the breeze, Luca grabbed onto the cable by the glove's robust fingertips and he started to make his descent toward's Lina's.

Air rushed past his face as he made his way down between buildings and amidst other cables hanging in the air and dancing to the tune of the afternoon gale. Eventually the end of their journey came near as Luca held tight onto his ward. He put his feet up and his legs impacted against the mattress, still maintaining his grip on the cable. Some of the shock had been subconsciously mitigated by his limited of degree of gravity control that all Yamataians could call upon. When he saw that all was safe, he released and landed on his feet.

He then let go of his daughter, when he knew it was safe to move. They were upon the Roof of Lina's establishment standing upon a robustly constructed platform, and a ladder was leading into the bar beneath them. A small barrel containing the tools others would use to zipline were here, mostly harnesses and carabiners.

Vita danced a couple of steps over, and looked back up, all the way to the apartment they'd started from and said, "You know, I have always wanted to try that, dad. It's strange, and funny, but I always thought I'd fall."

Then she looked over to it with her hair even more messed up, and grinned. Luca returned the grin and gave her hair a quick ruffle. "You've got nothing to worry about while I'm here." He smiled warmly. "Dad will always look out for you." He then looked over to the ladder as he bent his knees to get the feeling back into them. "I guess I have to address my peers now. They might not like what I'm about to ask them."

"And that is?" Vitalia asked, holding her hair out of her face as she turned to him. The wind had caught it.

"Why." He stated simply as he started climbing down the ladder.

Coming right to the edge, she looked down and said, "You must have got the question from me, I ask it often enough." As Luca further descended, Vitalia took a seat on the edge of the building, looking down from above at the congregation that had chosen to flock around her father.

There they were, just as Luca had requested. The portion of the old guard of the Phoenix, the gartagen, the self-styled cowboy and the two freespacers that'd enlisted so far. John gave Luca a wave and said: "Hey, there you are." Melissa snapped up to attention and turned around, face straight as she examined Luca.

"Oh, are we going now?" Allison guessed aloud as she and Echelon were playing checkers. Allison was losing since she could not calculate several thousand moves per second, like the Freespacer could.

Lina looked up to Luca as he hopped off of the ladder and into the bar's open second storey. "Oh, and they've been so good for business too." She waxed as she leaned against the bar and watched Luca press himself against the banisters, looking down at everyone and their faces. Faces old and new peered at him for an answer, for something, for a direction - even though Luca was similarly without direction. So it was the directionless leading the directionless. "Pray tell you aren't leaving me? Its the most business I've had in weeks."

Luca raised an eyebrow at Lina. He looked at her, a has been that had dragged herself through the dirt and retained some pride by continuing to run this establishment of ill-repute even though the world around her was still dead - but not by her own devices. "Don't worry we'll be back, but we're going to be leaving for the moment."

He then looked to the others assembled in the room and cleared his throat. John mumbled something along the lines of 'speech' and a murmur resonated through the assembled posse. The main question to the veterans was what he'd talk about - because Luca wasn't the same Luca they'd met years ago. Not since Delsauria.

"Ladies, Gentlemen." Luca began as he rested his arms on the hand ails and leaned in. A poor posture for speech. "Before we begin, I have a question that's been bugging me all this time, since I've put the mantle back on and come out of hiding." He glanced to people around the room. "I couldn't ask you all one by one." He snapped his fingers as he tried to think of more words. Speeches and human contact to a large audience had become an unfamiliar sensation. "And it is the question of what drives you. What drives your hearts to this profession - and to my side?"

"H3'S g3tt1n' 1nt3r3st1ng..." Echelon's bandsaw voice intoned as gently as a bandsaw voice could. "D03s h3 d0 th1s 0ft3n?" Allison shook her head. The speeches she remembered were much more pomp and circumstance.

"See, I've had to wonder about this very big question myself as I've put the reins back on." Luca continued as he searched for a drink. There was none nearby. "It was a childish power fantasy that drove me to begin with, wanting everything and yet having nowhere to put it or take it and you were all in for the ride. I was too shortsighted to realise that I was gambling with your lives and mine - and everyone else we faced either to kill or to rescue."

He rubbed his face with his Grapple-Stunner clad hand. The gentle jolts of electricity tingled his skin and made his hairs stand on end. "And maybe. Just maybe. Deep down I might've been no worse than the things and people I was trying to destroy. I just had a better PR department, action figures and a stupid energy drink that tastes like piss." He groaned. In retrospect it was a move for funding and that's probably how he wanted it to remain. He swore never to let himself get caught up in the merchandise again. "Realising all of these responsibilities without the right mind broke me and I went into hiding, damning the consequences and the void I left behind."

"But - the Universe wanted me back. They wondered. Someone was afraid that without me things would go wrong and I would fix its problems overnight like some godly figure." His face turned into a scowl: "But I am not a God. Far from it. It took the loss of the things I loved to realise that - but the universe doesn't see it that way. They see me as a beacon of hope amongst darkness, out of politeness overlooking my flaws."

"And now after vicarious, brutal introspection and fumbling in darkness I am here, ready to walk in the sunlight again as my shadows trail behind me. But ask yourself - What drives you? What bought you all here, into the sun? Why are you following me? Money? Adventure? Women? Glory?" Luca stood up straight and cricked his neck, grimmacing. "Think on it. I'm not doing it for those reasons alone - I'm doing what I do because nobody else will when the chips are down and the situation is darkest and because lives depend on it."

He then leapt over the handrail and landed in the bar, making a three-point landing. He moved to the bar and snapped his fingers. He had a credit racked up here at Lina's - more some sort of investment from personal charm alone. He received a stiff drink.

Vitalia peeked down from a vent in the top of the building. Eventually, she crawled through, dangled, and then dropped the rest of the way, next to Luca like a small, teenage acrobat, sticking a landing.

She promptly found a bar stool.

John was unsure of whether to clap or discuss his point. It felt less like a triumphant reentry and more like a slow burn back into the orbit of this bloody business. He was only following Luca thanks to his lifelong attachment to him as a neighbour and a friend through college - seeing the world through a candied lens. He stood up from his booth and sat down next to Luca. They exchanged a glance, and after some silence, John spoke: "I'm here because you've been a friend. I probably never would have embarked upon all of this on my own accord and seen all of the things the universe has to offer."

The others were welcome to ponder what the Captain had said.

"Well, seeing as I'm one of the 'new kids' on the block, I'm here because your escapades sound....exciting for lack of a better word. That's a plus in my book as I'm all about having good time. Now don't get me wrong, money and women and guns and those things are great but they can only get you so far, sadly. You need a good team, some damn good luck, and too many guns to count to get shit done in this universe. I believe I've found all three," Makari stated then ordered a drink.

He sipped it a bit, contemplating how to phrase the next part of his speech. "You say shadows trail behind you? Let your crew fend off those shadows as you climb ever higher towards the sun. Just make sure your safety net is in place to catch you once your wings melt and there's nowhere to go but down. Let your crew supply you with new wings to climb ever higher. Rinse and repeat, y'know? But, you're one man, and we're your one crew. There's only so much one group of people can do, regardless of the amount of luck involved," Makari swallowed the rest of his drink and finished his soap box spiel, "Ya know, even if you did become as corrupted as the things you were trying to destroy....well, sometimes good men and women have to do evil things in the name of righteousness."
Bronzi sat back and puffed on a very large black Cigar and listened patiently to the speech taking in every word(the ones he could comprehend) and doing is best to pay attention. Luca looked like he was taking it quite seriously and Bronzi found that his unique views on serious issues often caused others to grow wry of him.

Money? Bronzi reckoned if he wanted money he could walk into the streets and take it. Adventure? He had done it, not all of it but Bronzi had done adventure, and Ether was hell. Women? Again Women, any fool with a prick could walk out and get a woman, now an attractive one was another matter but it was not that hard to get laid. Glory? A dreamy eyed school boy wants Glory. All are fun and good But Bronzi required none of them to quantify his existence so he simply responded to the question Pavone had posed with pure brutal honesty.

"As of right now...I am here because I ain't got nothin better ta do."
Zeta stood amidst the others. John came to fetch her from the ship, where she was setting things up. Luca did not have time for her and she needed to get busy. Preparing the ship for journey seemed like a good idea. She sent an order to Lisa, since ships kitchen and mini-bar needed re-stocking. Also had Allyson and Echelon look for any spare parts they might need. Who knew how quickly they will end up in middle of some strange combat. She had one worry though, there was no doctor or medic on the ship. Maybe they should buy some automatic one.

But then John called and the crew masses at Lisa. Zeta smiled as she saw Enzo, he looked horrible, but at least a little sober. There was also the girly-man aka Seiren. She could not see Smith, which made her a little sad. But there were new people. Some Cowboy looking guy, who spoke quite nicely. So nicely, that Zeta could not help, but to start suspect him of something. Maybe bounty-hunter who is after Luca and has a long-term plan?

Then there was that... thing. A Gartagen, if her memory worked well. Tentacly hair, legs bent in bad angle and it acted like a.... like a brute. And its reason did not really made Zeta worry any less. What a strange creature, but maybe its honesty is something she should count on. It did not have any flowery speech. It just said what is had to do. Or he. At least Zeta assumed it was he, because of that deep voice.

THere others, freespacers. Very strange, but what Freespacer is not strange? Luca's own walks around in Demon armour. Who knew what these two will be like. They seemed to be even more out of it then Echelon.

Since no on else seemed to go up and answer Luca's question, Zeta sighed and made step forward. The blonde ex-bodyguard slowly took out a cigarette and lit it. "Well, at first it was for the adventure," she said looking at the ground, but then she looked up into Luca's eyes. "Now it is for Love and Adventure." Zeta did not care, what everyone will think about what she said.
From where he'd sat in a booth opposite the crowd, Enzo poked miserably at his Salisbury Steak and mashed potatoes while Luca went on about this or that and other chimed in with what Enzo viewed as peacocky bulllcrap and pseudo-philosophical pondering. It turned his thoughts inwards, as the speech originally intended, to his own reasons for acting. He glanced over the trailing smoke of the cigarette he'd blearily lit halfway through eating, forgetting that he was eating, only to put out and resume his meal. He glanced to Melissa, and to Vitalia, though the second glance was more out of curiosity. Some teenage girl.

Why did he come back? The royalty checks were enough for him to buy food and live out his miserable existence on his ship in peace, forging honest friendships with non-criminals and non-heroes. Greedy though he'd been in the past, the once conman was now satisfied with what little he had. There was always this sneaking suspicion in the back of his mind that maybe he needed some kind of approval, but that never seemed to be the case before. How does a sociopath know if he's a sociopath?

"Still." Enzo admitted to his steak. He sliced into the steaming meat, not realizing that this came out as his reason for returning to everyone that heard him, "It's nice to eats somethin' solid fer a change."
"A hero isn't a hero without his buddies to help him there!" Seiren cheerfully said, chowing down on a bar of chocolate. "And if they just happen to find a mother-lode of awesome and cataclysmic baddie along the way? Blow 'em down and save the day!"

His naivety was almost infectious. Still, the inventor had his heart in what he said, though he looked childish.
The scent ends here... thought the stranger in a brown hooded jacket and black sweat pants. He bent his arms slightly to feel the cold steel hiding in the sleeves, ready to be drawn. The assassin began to slow his breathing as he approached the door, knowing that when dealing with this human is as unpredictable as the wind. As he opened the door he could smell the different people inside, but most importantly his prey. He walked in to find a group turned toward a single figure. The man did not seemed daunted as he approached the crowd, pulling down his hood revealing his Kohanian identity.

His yellow eyes focused on the human legend as asked in a deep voice, "Are you the human Luca?" He wanted to confirm that this was the right human, he had mixed scents before and humans tend to look alike. "I am what humans named me Panther. If you are indeed Luca, I would like to offer my services once again. If not, I will kill you."
As the Kohanian had reached under his clothing, Bronzi's hand had already drawn his revolver on the alien. He was quick, but this movement was not the swift lightening draw of one who hadp racticed it over and over in a mirror. Bronzi's draw was smoother, pure reflex. Maybe it had been was his scent.

He did not stand up, he merely let the being talk. "You can kill em." Bronzi said to Panther. He smiled, clinching his half smoked stogie with his teeth

"But ya can bet yer sweet vagina you'll be right behind him." Bronzi looked the creature in its face.

"Eh, Lewks...whats with puss in boots here?"
Makari moved his trenchcoat out of the way and to reveal his HHG and slowly slid his hand over the grip. "As my friend here said, you're welcome to kill him. But the reds in this gun miiiight have something else to say about that. Come, have a drink. Let's all be friends."
"Yous guys..." Enzo moaned, "This is Panther. He's..."

Enzo shoved a forkful of steak into his mouth, chewed twice, and swallowed. "He ain't gonna hoit the Cap'n. Geeze, what's it with yous bozo's and tossin idle threats arounds all the times? Doncha recognize one of the former members of 'Legendary Phoenix Mercenaries' when yous sees one."

Enzo shook his head and shoved his plate forward to make room for the cloud of smoke that wafted from his freshly lit cigarette presently.

"Why, I oughta... I oughta... Educate yous guys." Enzo stood from his seat and finally joined the crowd to approach Panther, throwing an arm around the Kohanian's shoulder, "By the way, Panths, just so yous know, the bounty on Luca Pavone has been off for a while. So... There really ain't a point in blastin' him!"
Panther took note of the quick draw alien with the tentacle face alien who's race he could not recognize. He did note that the creature looked strong and probably would have had the upper hand if Panther had tried to fight him one on one. His overall impression was that the Gartagen was some kind of demon race that the Mishu might have rejected, though being in the company of humans probably meant he wasn't that bad, or he would have shot already.

The second one was human, but Panther almost chuckled at his slow draw of his weapon. He was threatened in similar way on other jobs.

The third one to speak was Enzo. His eyes glanced to the side as his ears picked up the familiar sarcasm of Panther's actions. "You understand nothing," Panther began as he speak his point of view, "I heard many rumors that this human died, I want to make certain that this human is no impostor or clone." His right hand seemed to tense up a little, it was ready to pull out a dagger if things didn't go as planned.
In a world where it was difficult to prove if you were the genuine article when your enemies made clones of you simply to spite you, you had to be creative. The clones might have had the body and a generalisation of the mind correct, but something was missing - the soul and the experience that made the original so unique.

Luca remained still as Panther nestled behind him, making acquaintance with the new members and eyeing Enzo. He put the glass down with an importantly audible clink, and in a blur of motion the following things happened:

The first thing he did was swivel his hips to face Panther, as he did so, his hand reached into his belt and drew his HHG to eye level - during which he was able to release the safety and pull the hammer back with two thumb movements - finally his legs were planted firmly on the ground in a correct shooting stance. This was all done in the space of half a second. The only intentional anomaly in this draw was that the finger was off the trigger and resting on the guard.

No mere clone could impersonate the speed and fury of such a fast draw. All they could do was study and impersonate - and there was little doubt as to this Luca Pavone being the genuine article. "That answer your question, Whispering Trees?" He asked. He then pulled the HHG away from Panther, re-engaged the safety and chuckled jovially. "Thought I'd never see you again! How have you been keeping?"
"Hah, I didn't know the cat-man was back in town!" Seiren laughed jovially, shooting the Kohanian a thumbs up rather than the now-customary quick draw.

The new guys were jumpy, but that was to be expected considering the number of assassination attempts he's heard about in the last few days. The inventor reminded himself that he needed to perfect his spice bomb pretty soon for such an occasion.
Outside, a black-painted Advent A2 hovercar landed, parking itself in the street, and the small driver extricating herself from within the vehicle. She was talking to herself. "Don't act like it's my fault we couldn't find it!" she rebuked some sort of imagined argument.

"No, why would I have any idea where it could have gone? remember, I've been dead for, what was it? Three years now?" She frowned grimly and paused at that vocalization, realizing that she had parked in front of a bar, and a rather rowdy one at that from the sounds of it.

"Are you sure I'm allowed in here? It may be Nepleslia Prime, but I'm still a sixteen year old!" She shook her head, leaning it to one side and rolling her eyes as if some unheard voice explained something to her.

"Alright, alright, I'll go in, but if he's not there, I'm leaving, got it?" The final acquiesce was followed by the short, black-haired Yamataian girl stepping into Lina's in the midst of all the Chaos. The person she was told to look for was indeed there, but, she still wanted to leave. something seemed to urge her on, and she growled in dissent before slipping her way into the crowd and trying to disappear for a moment.
Lina looked up at the woman who entered the bar. She said: "Oh. Another new face." She then glanced to Luca and back at Ellen. "He's been so good for business~." Her tone was somewhat teasing before she stepped towards her leaned in on her bar, hands resting on her chin and showing assets, voice sultry. "Now what would you like, little girl? Soda? Beer? Wine?" She looked over to Luca, casting bedroom eyes towards the girl. "Him~?"

Luca, meanwhile was awaiting conversation from Panther, having not noticed the new addition to the bar just yet - the face was unfamiliar to him, as was the voice. Something about it just didn't have the same intensity.
Bronzi flicked his weapon off and slid it gently back into its holster. He went back to puffing on his cigar. He reached over the bar and picked up a bottle of whiskey and popped it open, he then began sipping.
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