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RP: LSDF Val'ta [Prologue] - Sing about the Valleys

LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar

"Better get this one one of those aphrodisiac wines she was telling me about on our way here so she has plausible deniability." Akemi pointed with his thumb to the suddenly saddened L'manel. Maybe teasing her again would take her mind off of whatever had got her down.
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LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar

It didn't take long for Ix'ion to get the hint, being involved in things yet at the same time regarded out of necessity or simply not at all. As the Captain received her drink and made the comment that such actions as his were not necessary, he nodded silently to Porrim and turned to Ursula behind the counter. "I will have whatever is recommended by the house for the occasion. To go along with the equally intoxication view, of course." He offered her a charming smile and awaited what surprise the Morale Corps L'manel would offer in return.
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Two, Port Science
GJan - Nobody Around

Ny’za was pleasantly surprised to see the facilities present for taking take of any acquired animals. Though she was not too pleased with the temperature she did understand the need for it. Rhiq was quick to hop off her shoulder and over to the bed for pets, making himself comfortable, he had little interest in the place because he wasn’t going to be in the cages.

After a quick glance around she noticed that no one was around and began tapping her foot in rhythm before she began to sing to herself. She didn’t sing in front of people often, since she often got treated like she was cheating, since she could change her vocal cords. But when she was alone none of that mattered she could express herself and only Rhiq who loved her voice was there to hear.

As she sung she twirled and danced around the room, looking over different things in the room and making sure things were stocked. Seeing everything was good she slid into the chair at the computer desk, spinning around once before typing on the computer and looking up the medical records of any registered aspection partner or pet being brought on the trip. She then transferred it to her glasses computer.

As her song came to an end she whistled to Rhiq to call him over, the gif’elm getting up and climbing back onto her shoulder. She continued to hum to herself as she stepped out of the lab wandering into the corridor.
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar

Aran'ya was shaken out of her funk of certain regrets when Akemi mentioned the very special type of wine, and moved to intercept the request before the morale officer could fulfill it. A small part of her previous attitude reasserted itself thanks to his distraction, as she slid her eyes over his way with a knowing stare. "Ugh, I should never have mentioned that... you've got a libido bigger than a solar system already, who knows what it would do to you," quipped the forlorn Medic, before she turned her view back more inwardly to the still empty glass in front of her. "Not like I have an occasion to use the stuff anymore, anyway..." The comment implied some of her tragedy was likely relationship-related.
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar

"Y'know you seem pretty bummed out. Do I need to kiss you again?" Akemi wanted to ask her what she'd like to talk about but he doubted that'd improve things much given the direction her thoughts had taken. "What're you gonna do for rooming arrangements? Gonna be a real model soldier and bunk with with me to keep me out of trouble? Maybe I should nibble your ear. I'd rather you be trying to chase me than being all gloomy."
LSDF Val'ta, Deck three, Iron Church(Corridor Outside)

Ash blinked as she was roused from her continual inquiries into the ships computer, Glancing at Mirage she grinned, "I found the closest mess hall, Showers, escape pods..." She rattled off a short list of sundry places they would likely eventually learn by themselves, The data strip was obviously something new to her before she clammed shut and nodded, " She found us bunks? And.. no, I currently don't have any specific orders to any area. So I guess I'm bunking with you two, if that's alright?"
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar
Akemi could feel a surprised shiver sent up J'ann's spine and through his hand after the captain passed by - apparently he wasn't expecting her to be so forward. Another thing to add to the tally, he supposed. A curt wave was all he offered to Mene as he departed, but he never removed his hand from Akemi's back. That was, until about a minute later and J'ann took the Nepleslian's seat, leaving the neko to have a slight burning feeling lingering in the exact spot the hand was.

Figures that I can't read their minds. At least I can still deal with the nerves. All in all, very educational experience. The New Tur'listan thought.

He collected his thoughts, and then immediately put all effort into ignoring Akemi's presence entirely and funneling them towards his duty. "So, Aran'ya, was it? A little bird told me that you've gotten to use one of those rifles that Consortium has been working on. I've heard they're quite destructive, no?"
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar

An upturned open palm suddenly shot out between Aran'ya and J'ann. "That'll be eight stones and two pebbles. All that sustained contact doesn't come cheap. I thought you'd never get your hand off my shoulder. And Menelik was grabbing mine too. Are my shoulders super sexy or something? Is it a Lorath thing? This is not the morale corps symbol." Akemi pinched the piece of fabric he had his little cat outline put on.
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LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Corridors

Mirage nodded with a warm smile in answer to Ashlinn's question, motioning for the Neko to follow as she spoke up, "Come on we'll get settled in and then you can go explore the other features of the ship. If you want to." Heading down the hall it wasn't long before Mirage made her way into the communal quarters that Petra had picked out. It wasn't far as most things in the ship were conveniently close together and soon enough the task was seeking out Petra's chosen bunks, a relatively easy task complicated only by the need to acquire lockers for Ashlinn and herself.

For the purposes of bedding Mirage offered to take the bottom bunk, however she conceded the choice to Ashlinn not wanting to force the girl into a position she didn't want.
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Observation Bar

Seeing someone who seemed so capriciously positive all the time was certainly different, and it was likely because of Akemi's annoyingly infectious attitude that Aran'ya hadn't already run away to a quiet place. She nonetheless gave a tiny smirk at the suave Nekovalkyrja's attempts to cheer her up. "You've got some nerve, cat... nibbling my ear is one thing, but me bunk with you? You that desperate already?" the L'manel replied, at least implying that she was at the moment currently unattached and though might want to keep her privacy. "With my luck, you'll probably be dragging half of the ship in there for a roll in the nest before we even get to Tange." The question, while absurd did however make her wonder why the Captain or the ship itself did not assign rooming arrangements before departure. What if she actually did get stuck with Akemi...?

The fellow Trooper didn't get to contemplate that fate as J'ann played a bit of musical chairs with the stool next to her, Menelik departing before she could barely even get the curious Nepleslian's name. Normally Aran'ya wouldn't mind a swap of drinking buddies with a New'Turlistan (seeing has she had her controversial history of romantic involvements with the caste), but the words the morale corps member uttered still rang in her head along with uncomfortable memories and regrets they engendered. He could see Widow was definitely in defensive mode to his attempts at starting up a conversation... probably not what he was shooting for as a first impression laying an uphill climb before him.

After an uncomfortable moment of silence, Aran'ya quirked an eyebrow towards Pulse when he seemed interested in that weapon. "You mean the Silva? It's destructive, yeah. A portable microwave cannon that can cause biological targets to explode from resonance with the water in their bodies expanding. It's also effective on electronics, and could even melt the bulkheads of a ship under sustained fire. I've pulled the trigger enough times in a real world scenario to say it performs as Lazarus advertises." She seemed to be keeping things very technical to him, playing it safe until she felt out what he was really after. "Why do you ask?"
LSDF Val'ta, Deck Three, Corridors

Ash grinned widely at Mirage, stretched up as high as she could and poked her on the nose with a smirk, "You, Ma'am, Are Awesome." The more she relaxed, the more she let go of the rigid personality she had begun to stubbornly hold onto. She'd follow along, the prospect of learning the inside and outs and the decks and understanding whats going on on the ship. In the end she'd pause and smirk as she studied the bed, She'd let Mirage have the bottom bunk as she chucked her bag beside the nearby bed, found herself a locker and locked it to the deck, "Unpacking first, Exploration and trouble later? Or do you two have plans?" She was stripped down to her skivvies once more as she tugged out her duty uniform, and generally made a mess of her footlocker as she emptied the bag and then began organizing everything, A few catcalls made her pause and she'd glance about, make a face and hollar back whatever expletive was proper for whichever race had made said catcall. Once dressed she stretched and with multi-colored hair in a ponytail sticking out the back of her cap she'd grin, "Have you two eaten yet?"

Every soldiers priority, sleep, food and nocturnal proclivities.
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