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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Prologue] The Gathering, and Launch?

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Nesha Starsystem - Levia Planet, Vectes Naval Base.
Seu'vuria Garden

Seu'vuria Garden is a mostly all glass restaurant located in the military city of Vectes, the city itself appeared to be somewhat quiet, with the occasional transport or a group of patrol fighters flying overhead. The light from the systems sun was quickly fadding away in the distance, and soon the day would start, people would begin waking up to go to work and the city would soon start buzzing with activity. For Seu'vuria Garden, a restaurant famed for its gorgeous view and great cooking but also the occasional bar fights that would occur during the feisty night hours of the day, it was quiet.

The restaurants top floor was its largest display, overlapping the top with external balconies for customers to sit and eat. The restaurant had several tables with chairs currently on top, signifying that the place was supposed to be closed, but a bar located on the rooms west side showed that was not the case. Standing behind it was a Laibe, a male who was mixing and shaking drinks, getting ready for some event he knew about. Several others walked the floor, Daur, Laibe, and My'leke alike all dressed in suits and getting ready to receive clients.

Located on the restaurants northern side, surrounded visual terminals, was a Daur that stood four feet one inch tall. This Daur was called Sa'kira Yuna'me, she was wearing her militaries uniform, crisp and clean – no crises, just the way she wanted it. Oh, and she was busy reading dossiers.

"So, this is quite an assemblage of crew," she commented somewhat excitedly as she read the various details present for her. Each of the displays was showing a crewmen’s past history, either at a job or if they were part of a youth division, it also showed their age, name, address and place of contact but also training. It also had a picture of the crewmen, along with any other details she had requested.

Normally she’d have looked at this information in private, away from the prying eyes of civilians such as those behind her, but those civilians couldn’t see what was on the dossiers because the backs of the floating displays were black and the displays were at such an angle that unless someone actually came up directly behind her it’d be difficult to make out details.

She let out a small sigh before grabbing one of the dossiers and tapping it a few times, zooming in on the crewman’s facial features before tapping it once more to cause it to return to normal. She let go of the display and it slowly floated back to where it was just moments ago. She then grabbed another, this one showed a kit, a person part of the Youth Division and specially assigned to her ship by order of the Youth Divisions current commander but also high command. “I have very few crewmen who are experienced; and it seems most don't have combat experience…” she rubbed her chin worriedly. “I’ll have to draw up combat simulation runs that can be done to teach them, though,” she looked through the dossiers and shook her head. “I have no XO, so I’ll be busy,” she knew that would happen, XO’s were in short supply but then again so were Shipmasters.

Taking another look at the dossiers, she grabbed a cup of water off the table and took a small sip of it - before her eyes caught a speck on the dark horizon, made out only thanks to her nocturnal vision but also due to the light coming off the buildings, it was a military shuttle bus that was ferrying some of her ship’s crew to this Garden not only to celebrate their graduation from training but to also get them together to socialize while they waited for the launching ceremony to begin.

Looking over her shoulder, her eyes spotted a marine standing by a set of clear double door that had the name ‘Seu'vuria Garden’ on it. "Z'Nyu, head to the landing pad please and inform any of my ships crew to come to the top floor then please stay on the ground floor just in case anyone arrives by car or other non-military shuttle," she ordered. The Z'Nyu gave a salute and then turned around to leave for the VIP area.

Military-shuttle Bus

“We’ll be arriving at the Garden shortly, anyone destined to go there, prepare to disembark,” announced the pilot over the shuttles internal comm.’s
Nesha Starsystem - Levia, Vectes Naval Base
Outside the Seu'vuria Garden

The first off of the shuttle was a slender My'leke. He stood tall, a full 3'8" at the shoulder, his darkish red fur reflecting the light of the city. He gave a quick stretch, emphasizing his 5'11" body as his 6'3" tail flicked around. His eyes, one purple and one blue, glanced around before they locked onto the Z'Nyucese exiting the Seu'vuria Garden.

The red My'leke approached the Z'Nyu before stopping several feet away, stood at attention, and flicked his tail up to his forehead in a salute. After he was directed where he could find the Shipmaster, the My'leke saluted one more and proceeded towards the top floor of the restaurant.

Top floor of the Seu'vuria Garden

The red My'leke entered the top floor of the restaurant and immediately noticed the Daur with the U'Cetrinal sitting on the northern side of the room. He immediately recognized this Daur from his orders paperwork as the Shipmaster of the ship that he had been assigned to, the NSV Gam'trosha. As the My'leke looked at his Shipmaster, his ears stood slightly forward, a sign of curiosity among the My'leke.

After his initial analysis of the Daur in front of him, the red My'leke approached. When he stopped in front of her, he stood with his front paws forward of his head and flicked his tail into a salute.

"C'Baruce Gam'trosha Mar'Tendo Gai'Tano Tite'Yanus, reporting U'Centrinal Sa'kira." Up close, the U'Centrinal had a much younger look and Tite'Yanus could easily tell that she took care of herself. His Shipmaster's gold fur also caught his eye. If it wasn't for his immense sense of honor and respect, he probably would have found the Daur in front of him rather cute.
Shar walked down the ramp of shuttle, getting used to sudden light ot outside. It was morning and she had to wake early for this thing, whatever it was. Apparently it was time to meet her new boss and say hello. Shar was not really interesting in meeting her, if she would be looking for anythign it would be actually going and do something. Become active and start serving. This meeting being in the restaurant mean that she might at least get hammered.

Shar lighted a ciggarete and walked trough gate, nodding to the soldier there with greetings. He sent her up to the highest level of the restaurant. Shar headed to stairs and started scaling them up, finishing one ciggaret throwing it's butt over the railing and lighting new one right after it.

Up there she saw a high-ranking officer who must have been her new Co and some my'leke. Shar herself was in uniform since thist thing was quasi formal. She went there to say hello and get over with pleasantries so she could move on to drinking.

"Lu'man Yar'ica Shar'ica reporting," she said plainly and saluted when she finished her stide. She held her ciggarete in left hand to be at least a little polite.
Nesha Star system - Levia, Vectes Naval Base
Outside the Seu'vuria Garden

Def'leor stepped out of the shuttle thinking about how the pilot handled their approach. She was trying to think if there was anything on the approach she could have done different. She took a few steps stretched a few times to unkink the muscles in her back. Def'leor took a breath of the fresh air, and surveyed the area. The gentle breeze blew the purple strips of her black hair into her face, until she pushed it back.

She spotted the Z'Nyucese standing by the entrance of the garden. Hopefully they will have information on where the commander is. she thought as she crossed over.

She stopped two paces from the Z'Nyu, came to attention and saluted crisply, and identified her self and asked where the commander was waiting for her. After receiving her instructions, she saluted again and made her way through the doors.

As she approached the elevators the yellow furred Daur saw a My'leke enter the elevator and the doors closed. "Srisa" she swore softly as she approached and pushed the call button for the next car.

After a moment or two, Def'leor was not sure which, one of the cars arrived and disgorged its passengers. She stepped in and pushed the button for the top floor.

She took a moment to double check her appearance during the elevator ride up. It would not be good to make a bad first impression. When the door opened she stepped out and saw another Daur saluting an officer who by rank was probaly her commander.

Def'leor approached and stopped two paces away, saluted, "C'baruce Vail'ant Def'leor reporting for duty ma'am." She said holding the salute until the officer returned it.
Seu'vuria Garden

Sa'kira heard the doors open and, using the reflection in the window, could see the three crewmen walk inside. She waited for a moment, then waved her hand over the displays to cause each of them to disappear except for three.

These three displays spun around, presenting their dark backsides to the three assembled crew. "Welcome," said Sa'kira softly as she returned their salute, then waited a moment before lowering her hand and glancing at the displays for one last time. "We aren't onboard ship, so you may be at ease and just relax for the time being. We are still waiting on the rest of the crew to arrive, then I'll make a few announcements. Until then," she looked over at the bar owner and made a gesture with the hand. The owner gave a nod and dipped down under, there was the sound of bottles being moved around before the owner came up with two bottles in her hands and set them down on the table.

"Order any drinks you like, no alcohol though please, since we'll be having a formal ceremony in just a few hectra. Though, if you have any questions, feel free to ask," said the red-eyed Shipmaster. She relaxed her poster again, and gestured to a few chairs at the very table she was standing beside - offering them a seat, though she knew their resident My'leke wouldn't be able to sit in seats designed for Shukaren. So instead, she had a large pillow brought over for the crewmen to 'sit' in, provided he wanted it.
Shar was exactly happy about upcoming time. First some force socialising with these guys and then stupi formality of a ceremony. Couldn't they just have a nigh in bar and then set sail another day? WIth that everyone would be happy. Shar frowned and sat on one of the chairs, dragging ashtray to herself and letting the cherry of her cig fall upon it, before putting it back in between her lips.

She though about asking few question or just chatting, but in the end decided to stay quiet and let others handle the conversation. They will pull her in the conversation most likely soon enough anyway. Shar just ordered a juice and was enjoying her ciggarete.
Def'leor approached the bartender and requested a Orangina. She accepted it from him when proffered and she returned to the table. Not knowing who else was coming and their ranks, she felt it was best to take a place at the opposite end of the table from the commander, and on the side. She took a seat and took a sip from the bottle. As usual it had very little flavor, but it was cold and wet so it was sufficient.
Noticing the silence, Sa'kira thought for a moment, she still wasn't entirely used to command - even when she was an XO she never got involved in the actual process of getting new crew assigned and together, it was always her superior at the time who deeply enjoyed it, leaving her to deal with more 'pressing' matters onboard a ship.

Picking up her glass, she looked at its contents before setting it back down and saying. "How about the three of you introduce yourselves, I may know you thanks to these," she waved her hand at the dossiers. "But your fellow crewmen and future companions do not," she said this again with a soft tone, it wasn't an order, but it was a suggestion.
Def'leor pushed one of her errant purple locks away from her face, "I will go first then. My name is Vail'ant Def'leor, you can see my rank. I have been training to be a Starship Aviator. I am looking forward to getting on our ship and checking it out. The only thing I enjoy currently as much as flying, is dancing. I enjoy the challenges of both, of pitting my skill against the situation.

And while I enjoy camaraderie, eating in restaurants for me is more of a social activity."
Nesha Starsystem - Levia, Vectes Navel Base
Outside the Seu'vuria Garden

After grabbing his bag and slinging the strap over one of his shoulders, Keri'cruen stepped down the military transport shuttle's exit ramp -- his feet making a clanking noise with each foot-fall. The young kit's blue-green eyes shined faintly from behind his silver-framed glasses, reflecting back the dim light. The young engineer's expression was one of fascination -- platinum-furred ear's laid flat and forward as he peered curiously at his new surroundings. Though the adolescent was becoming increasingly familiar with the military city of Vectes -- he had spent most of his basic training period here after all -- he hadn't been to Seu'vuria Garden before this though.

In moments, Keri saw Z'Nyucese lying in wait beside the entrance. The silver-furred Daur repositioned himself to stand beside the soldier and saluted with a small, friendly plastered upon his features. The Daur kit gave his name and asked after the whereabouts of Sa'kira Yuna'me -- his new commanding officer. Keri memorized Z'Nyu's succinct reply, thanked him, saluted once more, then passed through the threshold of the Garden. It took him a moment to get his bearings in the glass structures interior, but soon he was able to locate the elevators which would take him to where the crew of the Gam'trosha's crew were waiting.

Top floor of the Seu'vuria Garden

When Keri stepped out of the elevator car, he stopped a small assemblage of uniformed individuals -- he crossed the distance and upon identifying which was Sa'kira, laid down his bags in order to properly greet his superior with a salute.

"C'baruce Se'verem Keri'cruen, reporting for duty U'Cet." Though he tried to mask his nervousness and excitement with a friendly smile as he had given Z'Nyu, the young kit's body language nonetheless managed to let some of his hidden emotions slip to one paying close enough attention.
Seu'vuria Garden

Tite'Yanus approached the bar with the other two, eyeing the selection of drinks.

"Bartender's choice," he said in a cheerful voice. It wasn't until then that he glanced at the bar and noticed a Laibe standing behind it. "Non-alcoholic, of course," he added. He trusted their lot more than most, but you can still never be too careful around them.

Once he had his drink, the red My'Leke returned towards the others and took a seat. As he sat, he could hear the black Daur finish introducing herself. Once he was comfortable, he began using his tail to hold his cup while he sipped from it. From how he sat, the gold streak down his back and the white inner fur of his ears became more prominent. As he talked his eyes, one purple and on blue, began flicking back and forth around the table.

"The name's Tite'Yanus. Mar'tendo Gai'Tano Tite'Yanus. Heavy Infantry. I'm what you'd call the protecting type, the side affect of having a little sister. And it probably doesn't help that it appears I'll be in the company of all females."

At this point, Tite'Yanus noticed the new guy enter. "Or, at least, mostly females. The point is, when we're out in the field, I'm that guy that always has your back. But enough about me, I'm more interested in learning about the cutie across the table." As he finished his sentence his multi-colored eyes flicked over to Shar'ica. The tone of his voice wasn't quite what one would have expected from that sort of statement. It was much more playful with just a hint of flirtatiousness, a clever way of getting the quiet one to talk while complimenting her at the same time.
Sa'kira listened attentively to the introductions, though she was now curious about their quiet one and the one who had just entered. While she waited, she walked over to the bar and ordered some sliced yuka'shane chips, she also put in the order to dry some of them so that are least thier My'leke crewmate could enjoy themself a bit.

"Bring them to the table when they are ready please," she said to the bartender before pouring herself some juice and then walked back over to the table. She took a seat at it, and set the glass down, she would introduce herself but she wanted to wait until those who had entered were done.

Not to mention, she was curious as to what they would tell compared to what was on the dossiers - three of which were still active but now she activated two additionals in relation to the two who had come in. Although Shar was the person she was most curious about, considering what she read of the girls background.
While others talked Shar finished other ciggarete and pressed it into ashtray to put it out. Other then appeared in her hand and soon was lit. She ordered tomato juice and waited for chance for herself to talk. Female daur was aviator, which was something Shar really did not have opinion about.

When young male Daur came greeted the rest of the team and Shipmaster, Shar nodded to greet him back. She puffed some smoke out and paid attention to My'Leke that got word. His introduction really did not tell what his occupation was and he finished with calling Shar cutie. Apparently he was not once to be put off by scars and burn-marks.

"I am Shar, I am marine, I kill people." Shar just said and flicked of burn ashes at end of her ciggarete into the ashtray.
Short, simple, too the point, thought Sa'kira curiously as she rubbed her chin. She looked over at their new arrival and smiled approvingly, though she could tell he seemed a bit nervous.

"Don't looks so nervous," she said calmly to the kit. "Welcome to the Garden, go ahead and get something to drink, order some food, and take a seat," she gestured at the table. "Then, introduce yourself to your fellow crewmen and give a bit about yourself."
Def'leor chuckled as she listened to what her fellow crew mates had to say. Seems our My'leke is looking for company... she thought.

"Well, Mar'tendo Gai'Tano Tite'Yanus. Heavy Infantry.... the way I see it we're all soldiers here. So we have each others back. That's team work, so don't go getting all Cheva'lier. I am perfectly capable of taking care of my self, and I do not need a 'big brother'. Are we clear?" she said with a smile.
Shar took a good swig of her tomato juice awaitng any reaction to her comment, but even Shipmistress did not say a word. Aviator lady had something to say to the My'leke and Shar had to admit she was starting to like the girl. She seemed pretty levelheaded in her response. Confident too. Shar could not help but chuckle as she bruised the My'leke off.

"Deathstick?" Shar asked offering her pack of cigs the aviator.
After Shar's blunt statement that she 'Kills People', Keri let out a somewhat uneasy giggle. Sa'kira's welcome managed to soothe his frayed nerves a little, so he followed her suggestion to grab something to drink or eat, acquiring one of his favorite fruit drinks -- a bright green liquid with a very distinct, flower-like smell.

Keri'cruen then stood next to one of the empty seats by the table. Prior to sitting he rested his glass down on a coaster and continued his introduction as the others had. Though formal in his speech, his friendly smile was back, much more cheerful and less apprehensive than before.

"As I said previously, my given name is Keri'cruen. I was born as one of the Se'verem nobility. I am a C'baruce as you can see, as well as a member of V'kaste's Legion. I'm in the Engineering career track -- though I must profess an interest in the sciences as well." Keri then took his seat, taking a small sip from his drink.
Def'leor took a moment to look at the proffered cigarette Shar offered. She shook her head, "No thanks, I have a hard enough time with my sense of taste. I'm sure that wouldn't help it any. And since my sense of taste sucks, it would probably taste like old dirty socks to me." she said with a grin.
"Just cus you don't need a big brother doesn't mean you won't get one," Tite'Yanus responded to Def'Leor with a wink. At the mention of killing, his head looked over at her and his ear moved forward. "Well, it seems that we will be working together quite often."

At this point, Tite'Yanus placed his drink on the table on looked over the new guy. "I was wondering if we were gonna get a little dude. At least I won't have any competition with the women." He chuckled to himself as he spoke.
Sa'kira's smile remained as she watched the crew as they talked amongst themselves, but when she saw the cigerrate she had to respond to that. "I don't mind you smoking onboard ship, but just remember - don't smoke in Engineering, the Infirmary, or the Bridge please. Also, keep in mind that if a crew member doesn't want you smoking around them, please respect their wishes."

With that out of the way, she rubbed her chin for a moment before glancing at those currently. As she was about to say something, her ears perked when she heard a slight rumbling sound and looked over her shoulder out the window.

With the reflection of the base's lights, clouds have quickly moved over the base and a light rain was starting to fall accompanied by rolling thunder.

Thinking curious, she then addressed the crew by asking them, "so, what do you expect to get out of being a crewmen of the Gam'trosha? What are your aspirations? And, what do you think you can contribute to the ship?"

While waiting for a reply, she noticed one of the dossiers had a flashing 'incoming message' text on it, she tapped it once and saw that the message was 'on-hold', which meant she'd have to wait until who-ever had tried to send her a video message resumed the connection.
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