Star Army

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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Prologue] The Gathering, and Launch?

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Corridor Def'leor seeing no sign of fires near the bridge, contacted the ship's computer requesting a report on fire locations.

Priority - O2 Storage Tanks
Secondary - Armory

Def started moving as fast as she could in her suit with her extinguisher. If the fire reached or ruptured the O2 tanks, it was over for all of them. There was no real threat with the armory, after all they hadn't had time to load anything destructive prior to launch.

She stopped near the storage area seeing smoke coming from many of the ventilation ducts. She hit the intercom, "Fire in the O2 Storage Area, require assistance." She sent over the speakers.

She stood to the side of the door, and opened it, watching a gout of flame backdraft into the hall briefly. Then she turned loose her extinguisher to start making her way into the room and deal with the fire.
Vectes Naval Base

"Right" Levi replied as he positioned himself to help the medic and provide maximum effective effort to reposition the shuttle so that others can move the pinned soldier beneath the stricken vehicle.

"Ready when you are; On the count of three; okay?" he asks as he braces himself once he's in position.

The inside of the vent looked destroyed, like an explosive had gone off, a bit deeper into it Shar would discover a blown oxygen line that was currently melted shut but shpranel on the sides would show that the line 'had' exploded at some point.

Near the hatch, Quin continued to shake her head. "Keri, help C'bar Def'leor please..." she asked and then turned to Shar. "What are you seeing in there C'bar?" she asked.

O2 Storage

The fire raged from all sides, but it was mostly located near two of the oxygen tanks that were presently ruptured. There was another tank nearby that the fire was getting close to, while the majority of these O2 tanks were located in the rooms far-side.

Water dripped from the overhead suppression system, showing that the system 'had' engaged at some point but was strangely off.


Sa'kira made her way to the infirmary, shaking her head at the way the hallways looked. For her first command, things had really sucked in her mind given how badly her ship was damaged, this wasn't something that would reflect great on her and she knew that she would get questioned by her superior later.

With a heavy sigh, and the rubbing her forehead, she stepped into the infirmary and toward the medical bed. "Prisoner ready C'bar?" she asked Tite'yanus.

Navy Base

The shuttle was lifted up just enough for another soldier to pull the one who had been under it out, pulling him clear of the shuttle. The medic ran to the side of the soldier and looked at the mangled leg and shook her head. "C'bar," she looked at Levi, "there should be a medical within the shuttle, climb in there and get me the kit please. Open it up, and hand me some bandages and an IV kit!"
Shar shook her head and look at the broken pipe. She lit her torch at it to properly estimate the damages. It was not big explosion, and it closed of the pipes themselves luckily, but it was still enough to start a fire. How could that possibly happen? Why would oxygen line explode?

"It was oxygen line!" Shar shouted back at young girl. "The pipe is closed of now, but you better shut off oxygen to this line! How the hell could have oxygen line explode?" Shar than listened for a while if she won't hear crackling of fire in the distance too.

"As ready as she'll ever be," Tite responded as he looked over at Sa'kira. After making sure that the prisoner was properly restrained, he stood her up and began pushing her over to Sa'kira. "She's your problem now, almost killed me twice already."

Sa'kira stared at their prisoner, she wasn't a Daur like she had been lead to believe but a Laibe given that she was talller than she was. Sa'kira stared up at the person but saw that they either had no intention of fighting - given their hands and arms had been rebound it seemed, or perhaps were just bidding their time.

She glanced over at Tite'yanus. "Help me escort her outside, where we'll hand her off to a few soldiers," said the Shipmistress as she pulled her sword out and gestured for the prisoner to get walking.
Vectes Naval Base

"Understood" Levi replies after a moments breather to recover from the strain of pushing shuttle.
He then enters the shuttle and sifts through the debris scattered about in the broken shuttle until he finds the portable medkit, luckily still intact; taking a quick second to think about it of course it's still intact these medkits are constructed out of the same material as aerospace craft data recorders also known as black boxes are made of; it will take a lot more than being tossed about to damage one these.
Coming out of the shuttle he hands the supplies to the medic "Is there anything else I can do to help?" he asks with genuine concern; and a need to be useful in the current situation knowing now he can do something to help unlike all those years ago when he was a young helpless kit.
Naval Base

The medic opened the kit and grumbled with frustration as she pulled out a nanite injector and set it down on the ground along with a bandage spray. "First thing's first," she turned toward Levi. "Take this tape," she held up a disinfectant tape, "and begin to wrap it around the bloody wound, once you're done, take this bandage spray and spray the wound - don't worry if you get too much, it's designed to help prevent the person from bleeding out so the more on the wound the better."

She then picked up the nanite injector and placed it up against the soldiers arm.

Tite'Yanus nodded as he glared at the prisoner. Getting behind her, he gave an "encouraging" shove with his shoulder, a clear indication that he wasn't going to be patient much longer. Guiding the way through the ship, he was overjoyed when he saw the exit ramp. Giving one final push, he escorted the prisoner down the ramp, at which point he located the nearest person with a firearm and gave a loud whistle.

"Hey there, I need you to take this woman into custody. Be careful, she likes to try to blow herself up."
O2 Storage

Def'leor using her extinguisher made her way to the panel on the wall that had the manual system commands. She switched the extinguisher system to manual and charged and activated them. For a moment all of the nozzles started spraying copious amounts of water driving the fire back. But after about thirty seconds, the flow trickled down and stopped.

"Merde... the water lines must be damaged elsewhere. At least that helped some." She said moving forward with her extinguisher aiming it at the flames nearest the intact tanks to keep the fire away.
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