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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Prologue] The Gathering, and Launch?

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As the shockwave passed around the ship, armor plating was peeled off, exposing the bare hull plates beneath it. The ships engines flared wildly before three of it's eight auxillery engines failed and detonated, though the ships main engines kept it from falling out of the sky.

After several moments, the shockwave passed, leaving the ship behind as it headed for the Naval Base.

Vectes Naval Base

The bulk of shockwave took at least a minute to arrive, but when it hit, it did so hard. Trucks and vehicles, along with unsecured fighters were tossed aside like matchsticks. Several starships that were parked on the ground found themselves shoved aside and either into buildings or into one another.

As Levi had run, a female medic grabbed him and pulled the Laibe behind one of the various deployed barricades just as the shockwave hit, sending the shuttle spining onto it's top and sliding across the ground while other soldiers who had been in it's path was tossed like ragdolls down the tarmac.

Gam'trosha: Engineering

Engineering was bathed in a red hue, as more than a dozen warning displays. One display painted the ships exterior hull in nearly sixty one percent dark red, indicating multiple breaches in the hull. Another displayed showed the loss of three of the ships auxillery engines, while the final showed a breach in the blastdoors that had sealed what was left of the cargohold from the rest of the ship.

In the 'cacoon', Quin's tail began to twitch as the Engineer regained conciousness. "What... happened..." she muttered.

Gam'trosha: Bridge

Sa'kira rubbed the back of her neck, when the ship had stopped shuddering she looked up from one of the displays she had been monitoring and at the viewscreen.

"C'bar, I want a status report on all seconds of the ship, along with a status of the ship itself. How much damage did we sustain?" she asked and continued to rub the back of her neck, a tell that told just how nervous she was right now.

Gam'trosha: Infirmary

When the shockwave had it, several of the items in the infirmary had come loss in addition to what had already been loss from the combat. But the josling had been just enough for the prisoner to get one of her hands free from the restraints and go for the flashbang to trigger it.

Def'leor nodded at the Ship Mistress' orders. She pulled up what data she could, collated it while keeping the Gam'trosha airborne.

"Ma'am, we lost three of the auxiliary engines, the main engines are operational, but with the strain on them, I can't guarantee how long they will hold up. The hull is a mess, we have massive sections of the exterior sheared off between the reentry and the shockwave. There is less than thirty percent of the hull that appears to be intact. We have fires in the cargo hold, most likely any cargo we had is a complete loss, either because it was sucked out and plummeted to the surface, or it was burnt up." she reported as the ship shuddered as it passed through another wave of turbulence.

"I suggest we find a flat space and land as soon as possible, before the keel fails and we break up in flight." Def said ending her report.
Vectes Naval Base:

After the shockwave passed; Levi along with the medic rose up from the barricade to survey the damage. The base was a scene of chaos like nuclear weapons had gone off (which wasn't too far from the truth in the level of damage the meteor had caused).
Young Lev stood transfixed as he look over the base; from deep in his memory flashbacks of the explosion at his elementary school where he lost a good number of friends and his meemaw (grandmother) paralysed him.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri's hands shifted from one control to the next as fast as they could -- though the arm with the injured shoulder lagged behind. The kit's eyes darted towards each glaring red messages that appeared before him, noting the details, then acted as best as he could to minimize the damage being caused -- redistributing power to prevent overloads, locking down interior bulkheads to prevent loss of air pressure, and remotely activating safety systems which weren't kicking in due to excessive damage -- preventing the spread of electrical fires by initializing the ships fire supressors.

There wasn't much more he could do though -- looking at a holographic projection of the ship with damaged areas highlighted, he saw that most of the hull was gone and the systems still functioning were approaching their tolerance limits.

When Tite saw the assailant go for the flash bang he dropped to the floor, cover his face with his front paws, and wildly flinging his tail in the general direction of the assailant. Once the initial blast was over he would turn and pounce at the terrorist.
Gam'trosha, Bridge

"The base should be close enough for us to get to," Sa'kira glanced at the damage displays. "If you feel we can make it that far, get us to one of the crash pads which are located everywhere outside of the base."

Gam'trosha, Infirmary

The terrorist had no time to react, when the flashbang went off - which they considered themselves lucky to even trigger - it had blown their ear-drums thanks to a crack in their helmet, they were temporarily deaf and unable to hear as well as see due to the blinding flash.

When the deafness was going away and the blindness was starting to subside, the prisoner found themselves pounced upon by Tite and unable to move. "Grabbed the wrong one..." Tite would near the prisoner grumble in disappointment.

Gam'trosha - Engineering

Thin trails of black smoke started to appear from the hatch the Shar and Keri had come from, there was a sound of crackling flames somewhere near the hatch.

Vectes Naval Base

The medic looked at the damage and shook her head. There was damage everywhere, but the vast majority seemed to be localized around anything that had been tied down such as ships and vehicles, all of the buildings were intact with the exception of one that was on the western side that was collapsed and on fire.

She glanecd at Leiv for a moment and then at a carnage, before doing a double take and getting in front of the young soldier. "Pull yourself together!" she shouted and placed her hands on his shoulders, being a medic she recognized when someone was shocked. "We need you here to help."

Def plotted a course and brought the Gam'trosha about. "I will try for the base, but I'm going to bring her lower to the ground so that if anything catastrophic happens, we can set down quickly."

Once the wounded ship was on course she began a gradual descent while watching the hull stress indicators. Flying the ship was an interesting challenge between the damage to the hull causing undue stress and dragg and the loss of so many auxiliary engines. She leveled the ship off at 100 meters above any obstacle ahead. Now it was a matter of how long their luck would hold.
The black furred daur smiled on Quin. "Well I hoped you would tell me," she said and helped the young girl slid out of the cocoon completely. "But that has to wait, you need to go and help Keri. No one else is here!" Shar said and helped the girl on her legs, hoping she was strong enough.

Then she could hear crackling of fire. She grumbled and started looking for some sort of fire extinguisher.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Seeing that another warning message that indicated a fire breaking out in the viscinity of Engineering, Keri abandoned the control terminal and lurched over towards the nearest storage locker that would contain portable fire extinguishers.

"Shar'ica, give me a hand here! We've got a fire and supression systems not responding!" Shouted the kit, lugging cannister with him back towards the hatch that the pair had used to enter engineering.

There he finally noticed Quin'trema and the fact she had been inside the 'cocoon' that Shar'ica and he had forced their way past. "Wha... what the... Xeui?" he croaked out, completely bewildered by his old friends strange reappearance.
Gam'trosha Engineering

Quin shook her head as she sat up. "Ughs..." she groaned and looked down at her arms and saw the green goo that was slowly dripping and sliding off. "This stuff ain't going to be easy to--" she stopped when she sniffed the air and smelled something burning.

She turned her around to see the smoke coming out of the maintenance and swung her head around to Shar and Keri. "Get that fire under control!" she shouted and jumped to her feet.

Embers from the ongoing fire began to slowly float out of the conduit, carried afloat by the ships air circulation system.

There were several extinguishers in the bay, one was located between the terminal that Keri was at while another was located right next to the hatchway where the fire was. There was another, but it was above Shar and attached to the side of the wall in the green gooey substance.
Vectes Naval Base

With the medic places her hands on his shoulders Levi is snapped back to the present and the grim reality it entails; the horrible memories from his childhood are once again submerged into his mind's recesses so that he may deal with the present as it unfurls.
"Huh, Oh, right, Sorry about that bad memories" he says as answers the medic who brought him back; no longer locked in the past he is now firmly fixed in the present and ready to do what he can to help.
"Let's check out the shuttle first, I'm sure there are survivors and wounded in there; unless you have another suggestion."
Shar did not bother replying to the kit. She knew well enough what to do, though she wondered why there is no automated fire-fighting system. It just might be offline though.

Shar quickly ran and took the extinguisher next to Keri, moving up to hatch and putting it down. She then took the one next to hatch leaving the spare one down. The black furred daur took the safety off and started spraying the foam at the base of the flames carefully.
As the Gam'trosha slowly approuched the base, it was easy to see that the base faired better than the surrounding landscape, at least in terms of it's buildings and hanger. The bridge viewscreen showed many of the She'tan'ora's that hadn't scrambled to be knocked into the side of some buildings, some were in even on fire with the blazes currently being handled by dedicated fire crews.

Ahead of the Gam'trosha were several crash pads, pads designed to use to help slow down a damaged ship and prevent further damage due to the material found within the pad itself.

However, most of these pads seemed to already be taken up, the only one's available appeared to be the pads on the eastern side of the base.

Gam'trosha, Engineering

The fire slowly began to go out, making it clear that it wasn't as serious as the smoke made it out to be. The black, black some had turned into gray haze after a few seconds of the foam being spread on the fire. Soon, the fire was out.

Gam'trosha, Bridge

Sa'kira stared at the pads and shook her head. "Looks like we weren't the only ones needing to land," she muttered when she saw several fighters, transports, and other shuttles. "Check and see if there are any available pads, and find us one to land on please," she glanced at the displays and shook her head.

Gam'trosha, Infirmary

The prisoner grumbled. "You're heavy... get off me..." they complained.


The medic nodded. "That's fine," she said and looked over at the shuttle, which was overturned onto it's side. There was light black smoke coming from the shuttles main engines, and the sounds of people moaning and groaning could be heard inside, including one person complaing that they couldn't feel their legs.

All around them though, people who had been swept off their feet and survived the shockwave were slowly getting up, while others seemed to remain down - either unconcious, or worse.

Def'leor slowed her approach, and opened a channel to the base approach control.

"This is the Gam'trosha, Shipmaster U'Cetrinal Sa'kira Yuna'me commander. We are heavily damaged and need a pad to set down." she said into the comms.

The Gam'trosha shook and groaned when it was buffeted by turbulence from the air masses trying to settle after the impact. Def watched many of the ship's status indicators flicker from yellow to red.

"Vectes Base to Gam'trosha. We have you on the scope, take a heading of 217 relative and proceed. Unfortunately your pad is on the outer ring. We have crash teams standing by just in case. Good luck." came across the speakers.

Def brought the ship slowly onto the new heading, the Gam'trosha was unbelievably sluggish, but she did not try to push the ship. Once on course she spotted their pad.

"We are 15,000 meters from the pad. ETA ten minutes to touch down. Ma'am." she called out.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

With his good arm, Keri'cruen waved away the lingering wisps of acrid black smoke that blocked his vision and caused his eyes to water behind his silver-framed glasses.

"That's not the only fire that... that the automated fire supressors have failed to catch -- the ships coming apart at the seams... and half the emergency systems are malfunctioning or off-line due to damage." The kit said, directing his words to his formerly cacooned crew-mate. He winced, then clutched at his shoulder.

"W...what happened? Where did this... disgusting slime... come from?"

Def'leor slowly brought the ship towards the landing pad. She had never actually used one of these crash pads, only simulations. "This has to be some sort of record for the shortest mission. We launched, barely broke orbit and now we are limping along hoping to set down before the Gam falls apart. Definitely not how I expected my first mission would go. I'm sure its not how the shipmistress probably expected either." she muttered to herself.
Shar'ica threw the extinguisher to the side and picked up a second one. She wondered what could have start the fire and wanted to check if it was truly put out. She crouched and slowly looked into the maintenance tunnel checking which side the fire came from. The marine then climbed in and went to investigate.
Gam'trosha Engineering

"A stickybang... a non-lethal device used to incap a person and prevent them from being able to move. Problem is," Quin placed a finger in her ear and pulled some of the gunk out that was likewise the same color as the gunk around them. "Using more than one can be a royal pain in the ass to deal with," she glanced at the stuff on the walls.

Behind the hatch where the fire had been, Shar would take notice of some bits of white and black smoke coming from a vent.

Naval Base

The wounded ship came close over the pad, right over Levi and the medic who were presently tending to wounded. The medic glanced upward, taking note of the holes in the ship and it's oddly missing cargohold. "The heck happened to her..." she muttered and glanced at Levi. "Help me right this shuttle up please!" she shouted wilst grabbing the top of the shuttle so she could pull it 'down' and off the leg of another soldier.

The Gam'trosha's landing gear deployed, extending out from the bottom of the ship as she touched down rather harshly onto the pad. There was a loud whine from her engines and black smoke could be seen coming from several areas of the ship.

Gam'trosha Bridge

Sa'kira let out a sigh of relief, then quickly got up from her seat and tapped the seats tiny control pad which caused it to recess into the chair.

"C'bar, I'm temporarily discharging you from your duties. We've got fires and I need every man to help fight them, grab a extinguisher, then use the ships computer to locate any fires."

She turned toward the viewscreen, which was flickering due to several deep cracks. "Before you leave though, make sure to lock out your console so only you or myself can access it, create a passkey that only 'you' would know."

"Although we do need to get rid of our 'passenger...'" the shipmaster rubbed her forehead, it was obvious she had a headache. "C'bar Tite'yanus, I'm headed down to you, prepare our prisoner for transport please," said Sa'kira.

Def'leor too a moment to let out the breath she had not realized she was holding when she brought the Gam'trosha in. As she exhaled she began entering the commands to secure from flight mode. Turning off the external sensors that were still working, and setting all the engines to off.

"I will get on it right away ma'am." She replied to the mistresses orders. She took a moment to consider what to use for a command. She chose a name that she would always remember, entered it in as her password, and secured her station.

She stood and stretched, she was so tense from everything that had occurred that even her tail was stiff. "Well, no time to stand around, she exited the bridge and located the nearest locker that held extinguishers. She proceeded down the hallway looking for any obvious signs of fire.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri'cruen lurched sideways as the ship touched down roughly, narrowly managing to brace himself against a wall.

"Ahhh..." He hissed, wincing as the pain from his injured shoulder flared up once more. He took a few moments to recover himself, then made his way to the storage locker for the fire extinguishers -- taking another one for himself.

The kit made his way to the main engineering terminal and brought up an interior layout of the ship. The image highlighted various damaged sections and warning indicators showed where fires had broken out.

"We... need to get these fires under... control...." The kit pointed and indicated the nearest problem spots on the holographic display. "These are the closest areas -- but... but that one is the most pressing concern right now. We can't let it reached the.... the reserve O2 storage tanks for the main life support system... or it will explode and cause... another hull breach, and the fires will likely be... be beyond our ability to put out.
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