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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Prologue] The Gathering, and Launch?

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Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri didn't recognise the green goop that seemed to be all over the place any more than Shar'ica did-- and both he and Shar'ica didn't have the time to properly investigate. Keri thought it possible that it was somehow partially responsible for their hardware malfunctions or the ship's immenent reactor failure -- he could now feel excess heat radiating off the walls -- but dealing with it would have to wait. As Shar'ica tried to push it out of the way, the computers's warning that the reactor was about to shut down was foremost in Keri's mind.

Keri continued forward, intent upon reaching the control terminal in engineering -- once that crisis was adverted, they could come back and deal with the green goop, whatever it was.

Tite'Yanus snatched up the object, making sure not to trigger it. Once he knew it was secure he switched on the mic to his headset.

"Bridge, Tite'yanus. The incapacitated prisoner had a flashbang on her, Neshaten issue. I'll search her for additional supplies."

Once he switched his mic off, he made sure that prisoner was completely secured to her infirmary bed before beginning to do a more thorough search.

"Let me know what you find", Sa'kira said to Tite'yanus's message.

A search of the body suit would reveal the presence of two detonators, one remote, and one shock. There was also a plain booklet in the suits left pocket, while the right had a small energy crystal incased in a protective shell that was used for small weapons.

Gam'trosha Engineering Bay/Maintenance Conduit

The door whined somemore as the two pushed hard against the green slop that was on the ground, there was a sickening sound as the slop began to move slowly untli finally the door was opened as much as it would go - three feet and provided them access to the bay.

With the door now mostly open, the two could see that the green goo was everywhere, not just on the circuits and panels that they were able to see before, but also on control terminals and on the reactor itself.

Def'leor trained all the forward weapons for one last volley at the asteroid. Regardless of the results she would not be able to do anymore. The Gam'Trosha was fighting her as it sliced deeper into the atmosphere. After firing the weapons she switched her focus to navigation. The area that the Mistress identified was probably their best chance, but was still a long shot.

Def was uncertain how many systems were reliable, engineering from the reports she heard was problematic to say the least.
Tite'yanus shook his head as he collected the items from the prisoner. Once he had them all in a pile he began inspecting them individually. Most importantly, he made sure to slip through the booklet for any information that caught his attention.
Engineering Bay

"Oh... you have got to be kidding me!" Keri exclaimed as he saw that the thick, green slime now coated most of the instruments and equipment in the engineering bay.

"Shar'ica... try... try to pry off what you can from the Lunebaren reactor... and watch out for the heat! I'll get the control terminal clear and see if I can't start the venting process, stabilize the power flow... and buy us some time. Srisa!"

Keri'cruen rushed over to the control panel, slipping his fingers beneath the slimy green substance that coated the surface of the controls, trying to peel the unfamiliar matter off and give himself a chance to keep the reactor functional. As he tried to get the substance off, the kit had to wonder what had become of Xeui'na -- last he had seen her, Xeui had been in the Engineering Bay and their had been no sign of the green substance that presently coated everything.

The moment the kit got the material off the panel, he would have to immediately start the vent process. His eyes were locked upon the controls that he needed -- just out of reach.

There's no more time! The kit thought to himself, frustrated.
Engineering Bay

Klaxanz blarred at the bay was bathed in red emergency lights; warning alarms sounded loudly as the computer warned of emergency venting needed, but then the warning ceased as a series of automated systems engaged.

Containment field suddenly snapped to life, forming a circular field just half a foot away from the reactor although the field also extended up toward several ducts in the ceiling. The field was shimmering, in an effort to contain the rising heat, and it was rising as the bay felt very hot right now.

"Alert! Automated venting in progress per trial protocal Cheron Bay One! Reactor monitoring required in the event venting fails, manually release can be engaged main console."


Along the ships dorsal side small metallic hatches began to fly open the hull just behind these hatches began to get noticably red as the heat from the reactor started to vent off out into the coldness of space.


In the bridge, additional alarms went off warning of heat buildup on the ships dorsal side, damage monitors zero'd in the area just south of the reactors venting hatches.

"Engineering staff must've gotten it," remarked Sa'kira who was looking at the power levels. "Cease fire C'bar and engage the ships anti-gravity drives, with the size of that rock we won't be able to escape the blast radius so point our ship directly at it and shunt all available power to forward shields. Pull power from the weapons if you must."

There was another thud as a damage display showed more of the cargohold being torn away from the ship.


The book had the appearance of a large pocketbook, with depth in it's pages and a plain looking back. The front, on the other hand, showed a Shukaran Daur Kit being slayed alongside a number of adults. There were the words: 'we shall be free' etched into the cover along with an image of a spear just below those woods.

There was a small lock on the side of the book though, preventing anyone from actually opening it without first unlocking it.

Tite'yanus began trying to pick through the lock on the book, meanwhile he commed into the bridge.

"Bridge, Tite'yanus. I'm still not sure what to make of it, but I have a strong belief that this group may be a Daur terrorist group working towards Laibe genocide."
With Keri finally being free to work on containing the reactor, Shar turned and walked back to the entrance they used to get here. She wondered why there was no one in here. No one at all, only all this green goo. Shar looked at the thing they pushed away wondering what it is. She was still on alert though, because if someone took care of the engineering crew, they might come back for Shar and Keri.

"Daur huh... rare but possible..." Sa'kira said through her message to Tite'yanus. "Hold onto that book, intel might want to take a look at it after we are done.." there was noticable static in the line for a moment. "Also, how is our 'guest' doing?"


The object looked like a cacoon, there was green smudges on the ground where it had been forcefully shoved out of the way. There were small patches of bluish discoloration along the end of the one part of the cacoon.

Some areas of this cacoon also looked to be in the process of 'melting'
Shar wondered if any other person would be too disgusted. She sure never saw something like this, but after all she was through seeing some kind of cocoon was nothing. Shar drew her knife and moved closer carefully. She wondered what or who is inside and there was one very simple way to find out. Shar just had to be careful with her knife, while she cuts to not hurt what inside.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri'cruen winced painfully and one of his hands drifted to cover his wounded shoulder, whilst the other continued to dart across the control terminal as he tried his best to restore the ships systems to normal functionality. He started a diagnostic that would identify all the compromised shipboard systems, then turned to regard Shar'ica and the caccoon that they had bypassed when entering the engineering bay.

The knife cut easily into the cacoon, as green wet goo began to trickle out onto the knife and down the sides. When the knife cut even deeper, a light blue tail suddenly dropped out of the hole that Shar had opened.

Def'leor nodded in response to the Ship Mistress' orders. She shut down the various weapon systems, and shunted their power into the forward shields. She configured the ship's shielding as best as she could, with 85% of the power in the front and the remaining to protect the rest of the ship.

Def'leor started firing reverse thrust to increase the distance between the asteroid and the ship. The more distance, the greater their chance of surviving. Of course that required the ship staying flight worthy.

"Structural integrity failures in the hull ma'am. I don't know how much more of this the Gam'trosha can take before she breaks apart." she said noting the departure of another piece of the hull.
As Shar started opening the cocoon, something started to come out. "Bridge, I suggest you watch the feed from my visort." She commed up and resumed her work. She cut deeper and made the hole larger, when a tail suddenly fell out. Shar saw tail like that on the young engineer Keri talked with earlier when they were about to board the ship.

"Drisa!" Shar shouted and started working with her knife to get the girl out of the thing fast. "What in sodded hell happened here?"
Time had run out, ahead of them was the meteor, worn down by the barrage that the Gam'trosha and her sister ships had put it through. It was racing far ahead now, already beyond weapons range, once the meteor was nearly three hundred miles away there was a bright flash as it detonated not far above the ground.

An explosion rocked the surface, flattening trees and pulverizing any animals that had been caught within the first one hundred miles of the explosion. A number of buildings that were initially on the ground, found themselves flattened in a matter of seconds, and vehicles on the roads were destroyed by debris.

In the air, shuttles that hadn't been lucky enough to clear the area found themselves tossed around like ragdolls. When the shockwave hit the Gam'trosha, it did so with enough force to push the ship backwards, its engines whining violenty in protest.


The impact sent Sa'kira forward for a moment before she regained herself, she could hear the impact and the sound of the shockwave rushing past them, they were much closer to the external hull than anyone else on the ship right now.

"Try and keep our nose into the shockwave C'bar!" Sa'kira shouted over the warning alarms that were blaring.


When the shockwave had impacted the ship, two emergency dispalys opened up on either side of Keri and warned him that the ships engines were overheating. Being deep inside the ship, Shar and Keri would not only hear the impact against the ship was a 'thump' but they'd also feel the vibrations.

From the 'cacoon' another moan could be heard.

Vectes Naval Base

Everyone could see the sudden flash in the distance, and although it was far away, the base had still given the evacuation order for all personnel to head to shelters. It didn't take long, though, for those shelters to fill up - resulting in a number of people not being able to get into them.

On the bases eastern far side, a number of shuttles were still taking on passengers and waiting to evacuate. "Get on!" one pilot shoutted to a group of soldiers, some of which looked very green, who were watching the bright light in the distanec.

When the light began to fade, a number of blast shutters suddenly flung up out of the ground, one of which flipped a cargo-truck that the driver had parked on.
Def'leor found herself flung forward when the Gam was suddenly going backwards. Only her chair restraints kept her from being bodily slammed into the control console. She felt something pull in her left shoulder, but she bit back the pain.

She fought with the controls watching warning indicators light across the console. To keep the engines from overloading she briefly reduced thrust, it would not do them any good to have the engines sheared off from excessive stress. The Gam was losing altitude with the lost of speed, once the shock wave was past she engaged the thrust and routed power to the anti-gravity system. She would need that to help slow the wounded ship.
Vectes Naval Base

With the truck flipping over, to serve as a reminder of the impending danger they were all the group of soldiers broke out of their amazement of light and hurried to the evacuation shuttles/ Among them was a young. tall blue furred laibe with white tipped ears and tail.

"Right" Levi said as hefted his duffel bag containing his belongings over his shoulder as jraced to the nearest shuttle.

"Can't keep the shuttle waiting, 'Hurry up' he shouted to those that were straggling behind him; "It won't take long for the shockwave to reach here and we better be away from here when it does hit."
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay

Keri'cruen muttered a curse under his breath as the ship shook heavily as the shockwave hit, barely managing to brace himself against the terminal in front of him. The ongoing system diagnostic then revealed that the Gam'trosha's main propulsion system -- the Crena engines -- were approaching maximum heat tolerance.

The engineer opened another holographic control screen and increased the coolant alotment for the main engines. Then, noticing on the power distribution screen that Def'leor was re-allocating power from the main drives to the anti-gravity system, he also brought the ships eight smaller auxiliary engines online to try and supplement her efforts to keep the ship up and in the air and take some of the strain off of the main drives.

Tite'yanus clung to the nearest large object as he felt the shock wave rock through the ship. Growling in protest at the situation, he flipped his comm back on to report it.

"Our guest is doing fine, probably better than most since she's strapped down as tight as a I could manage. She's been thoroughly searched and I am confident that she has nothing left on her that could cause us or herself any harm."
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