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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Prologue] The Gathering, and Launch?

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The response that Def got back was nothing more than a poppicock of confusion. There were many people sending out SOS's, some reporting that their ships were out of control, others reporting casualties and requesting help.

Others were sending messages of intruders on their ships. It was around this time that Sa'kira received the message from Shar and scowled but also heard Keri's response as well although she had to boost the volume slightly to hear clearly; she was tempted to order Def to go after the pod but seeing the asteriod accelerating toward the planet told her which was more important.

"C'bar, I don't care what you need to do, but I want our nose on that asteriod. Get us into position just behind it and begin firing all weapons, we need to wittle that thing down more! Also, scan it please I want to know 'why' it's accelerating!" shouted Sa'kira, still very calm but there was a hint of worry in her tone.

She took a seat and thought for a moment, she hadn't gotten a reply from Engineering or from the Mainframe and that worried her. However, hearing that there might be jamming made her wonder if that was the reason they couldn't hear from Engineering right now. "C'bar Shar, get Keri to medical and address his wounds. If the armor is doing it's job and sealing up the wound, then get him onto a table and get your ass to Engineering; I've had no response and are unsure if the jamming C'bar Keri'cruen is talking about is the reason or if the bay was breached."

Gam'trosha Deck 3, Forward Section, Main Corridor

There was damage all over the corridor, floor panels were blown apart and wall panels were bent in every which direction from internal wiring having shorted out or exploded. There was also no lights on, leaving the corridor almost completely dark.

In Shar's path were several obstacles, not including the debris from the walls and floor. However, there was also a sparking sound coming from somewhere in the area.


A new warning flashed in front of Erm'olai.

Warning: Power Flow Error on Deck 3
Gam'trosha - En Route to Sickbay

Keri's eyes were clenched shut as he tried to pace out his briefing and keep from yelling aloud to the constant throbbing ache in his shoulder or due to the brief flare-up's of pain when Shar'ica unintentionally jostled him whilst carrying him in her arms to the ships medical facilities.

Though the kit was in considerable physical discomfort -- his thoughts began to turn towards his failure at not only stopping the Laibe saboteur, but also getting injured and almost being killed on top of everything else. Though he knew with the aid of his armor death from loss of blood was most likely not going to occur, he was beginning to feel worry at just how severe his internal injuries were. Without a trained physician on board, their was no one aboard the ship with medical skills beyond basic first-aid.
Erm'olai's tail was moving in agitation again. Data collection on the errors was leading to a telling story, but this new message was critical.

"Warning, we have a power flow error on Deck 3," he contacted both engineering and the bridge simultaneously. "I'm trying to isolate the source now," he continued as he set the mainframe to narrow that down as well. "Please note that shield generators and turret controls are now fully operational. My apologies for the lateness of that announcement, but I'm currently collecting data on how this all happened."
Shar frowned at what she saw in front of her. Lot's of things in there and she could hear some sparking. Armoured suits were not insulated so should she touch obstacle under power it would be troublesome. "Hang in there kit!" She said and tried to identify what sparked and where. Also what would be the best route to go trough.
Def'leor looked at the sensor data, what she saw troubled her. The rate of acceleration was way too high. Upon hearing the Ship Mistresses orders, she flipped the Gam'trosha on its axis so that she was facing towards the asteroid. She then engaged the engines and sent the ship on an arc that would bring them up and over the asteroid and let them see what was going on in behind it. As she did so, she rolled the ship so that the cannons on the the top of the ship could be brought to bear. She activated them and set them to firing at at stress points she could spot.

As the ship moved around the debris and up behind the asteriod, several things could be seen. The first being a trail of ice-crystals that was leading behind the asteriod, while the second was that chunks of it were starting to fall away from the roid.

One such chunk broke off and flew off, missing the Gam'trosha by a mere thirty meters off it's starboard bow, but close enough that the ships auto-collision system registered the object for the brief few seconds it had gotten close.

Then, as they drew closer, the ships sensors began to pick up a heat source, but whatever was generating it was masked by the ice-particles that were floating away, but against the particles, something red and orange could be see flaring up the particles in what could be described as a sunset in space.


Sa'kira monitored the sensors and frowned slightly. "C'bar, what's your take on this?" she asked, bringing up a fuzzy image of the ice particles along with their sunset-like background.

While waiting, she brought the ships turrets about and began to search for a point to fire upon.


No problem C'bar, just make sure you create a copy of the data please. Also, let me know what you find.

The mainframe's ship diagnostics showed the the power flow error was due to power cables on deck three being severed but it also showed that at least one primary power conduit was sending 'more' power than it should've been, something that shouldn't have been happening.

Erm'olai would also notice that he had gotten no response from Engineering.

Deck 3

The sound of the sparking was nearby, but somewhat muffled as well either by the sound of the ships now active engines again or from other noises from active systems.

There was a maintenance hatch to Shar's left, it's hatch had some carbon scaring on it but the control panel that was on it still showed life and could be accessed.

Keri's suit started giving out an audible warning, stating that the medical foam had solified and that the suit was no longer breached. This was followed by a womens voice that said:

"Alert, breach sealed, wearer no longer in danger. Summon medical personnal! Medical Code I918"

Flying into the tail of the object was trying all of Def's ability and nerve. The Gam'trosha was badly damaged and her primary systems were heavily compromised. She did her best to approach the the source of the energy readings.

"Ship Mistress, we have a situation. The fragment is accelerating too fast to be due to gravity alone. Sensors are showing an energy source attached to the back of the object. It must be some sort of a propulsion system. I'd suggest we blast it, but if we are going to save the planet, we need to find a way to use that to push the rock on a different course." She called out.

As the ship came around the asteriod, and fully cleared the debris field, something else came into view: Levia, being eclipsed by the systems sun in the background to where only it's outline could be seen. Their damaged sensors hadn't even warned them that they had gotten so close to the planet in the time of their battle.

A warning light suddenly blipped to life on Def's console, along with in her IDS system. It showed a red line circling around the asteriod, and a dotted yellow line that moved out toward Levia.

Other, much smaller circles appeared around some debris from the asteriod and showed their estimated trejectories in yellow.

Def expanded the IDS image before her. She did not like what she saw. The smaller objects must be fragments of the asteroid. They will cause damage, but we need to change the trajectory of the large one or it won't matter about the little ones. she thought.

She trained the ship's radar at the asteroid looking to identify any potential ice pockets with in it. If she could find a few large ones, she could try drilling with the ship's cannons and use the heat of the weapons to convert the ice to steam and make it serve as large thrusters to alter the trajectory.
Gam'trosha Deck 3

From his place in the arms of Shar'ica, Keri'cruen breathed a pained sigh of relief when the computer for the body suit beneath his uniform audibly announced that he was no longer in imminent danger of bleeding out.

"I think..." the young kit began, but his words were interrupted by a pained cough. "I think I'll be able... to move myself, C'bar." The kit cast a fluttering glance at the maintenance conduit which appeared to be the only viable route for them to take past the wrecked corridor. "Besides... you won't be able to carry... me... if we have to crawl in there."

Slowly, the kit tried to untangle himself from Shar'ica's grip and stand on his own feet once more, occasionally wincing and intaking breath sharply due to an occasional flare up of pain.
Shar frowned at the situation. There was no other way to deal with this, then go trough crawl-space. Kit really shouldn't move on his own and she could drag him carefully through there, without aggravating his wound.

"Damn," she let out to calm herself a little. She opened the hatch by punching the control panel. "I will go in first. I can drag you then. Even though you feel better I can move you effortlessly through the crawl-space. You should not move your body, as you can reopen your wound. Let's go." She said and moved in the shaft. She held Keri by his healthy arm, slowly pulling him inside, making sure that he won't hit the edges of the entrance with hurt part of body.
Deck 3 - Maintainence Conduit

With an exasperated sigh, followed by an additional pained wince, Keri allowed Shar'ica to pull him through the aperture of the maintainence shaft. As his eyes quickly adjusted to the dimmer light, the young kit put most of his concentration towards navigating the narrow passage without accidently banging his shoulder against something due to moving in zero-g.
Deck 3 - Maintenance Shaft

The shaft looked relatively bare compared to the damage that was in the hallway. Most of it's panels were in place, allowing Shar and Keri to easily navigate it without issues.

After a bit of navigating, they'd run across an interactive diagram that showed the ships entire maintance pathways. The shaft they were in lead straight around the obstruction that had been in their path and would have another exit ten feet down, but the diagram also showed them that they could get directly to medical - had it not been for a red bar blocking the path, indicating another obstruction. However, the diagram didn't say 'what' it was.

The shaft rumbled slightly.
Shar checked the diagram and frowned. She did not like what she saw. What could be in the maintenance shaft? Whatever it was, it was not far and was worth checking it out. What if another terrorist put a bomb there or something.

"Okay Keri," Shar said and smiled at the kit. "We will keep going in the shaft. It leads straight to medical and there is something ahead, that we should check out. Easy and slowly, we don't want to make your wound worse." She said and carefully pulled him down the shaft. She was ready to draw her pistol if needed though.

With the Ship's Mistress' attention obviously required elsewhere, Def'leor continued her drilling into the asteroid, when a sufficient bloom of venting steam occurred, she trained the weapons on another spot. Each vent she could create, was another chance for saving the planet. She realized it was a race against time, and focused her attention on the task leaving the others to their business.
Deck 3 - Maintainence Shaft

Keri'cruen nodded softly in response to Shar'ica's words, allowing the Daur to pull him further along through the passage. The young kit stifled another grimace -- though this one was not caused by pain, but by the thought of how much work would be needed to return the Gam'trosha to perfect condition. At least, the next time around he would personally oversee what he could of the repairs and make sure it was done properly.

The kits blue-green gaze focused upon what little part of the way ahead he could see around Shar'ica, trying to make out what lay in their path.
Deck 3 - Maintainence Shaft

The two would notice a lot of debris blocking the path to the medical bay, there were blown pipes, loss cables, wall panelings, and even parts of the floor that were gutted; it was nearly impossible to get by.


Def's sensors showed that the asteriod was gradually changing course, before suddenly religning with the planet. Small cracks began to appear on the surface, caused by the intense heat build up by the ships weaponry.
Shar look pressed herself against the wall and sighed. She looked at the kit and suddenly looked little tired. "Okay go any idea so we won't have to go back? You are the engineer here." She asked and studied the rubble herself. She would hate to push the kid all the way back to the opening.
Deck 3 - Maintainence Shaft

Keri'cruen released a pained sigh. "Short of digging... there's no way we're getting through... this way. It would be... faster... to back-track and take one of the longer routes." The young, platinum-haired kit closed his eyes -- trying to mentally recall the layout of maze-like shafts and tunnels that were strewn throughout the structure of the ship, previously shown to the pair on the interactive display Shar'ica and Keri had viewed when entering the maintenance shaft.

"Back two junctions... and then take a right... I think. We should be able... to find another path that... way."
Shar sighed ans took Keri's healthy arm. She smiled at him through her visor. "Don't worry it will be okay." She said and pushed him back carefully. "Back two junctions and to the right it is then. Let's move. I am worried of what sort of shenanigans Tit is causing while I am crawling here." She tried to get his morale a little more up. This Kit was strong and had strong will. Many would just give up with wound like that.
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