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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Prologue] The Gathering, and Launch?

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Outside the Mainframe

The intruder pulled back, but not before one of Tite'yanus's plasma bolts smacked them in the shoulder. There was a hellish, sizzling found as the plasma burned through the body suit but the intruder just ignored this and kept on firing and quickly ducked out of the corridor and went running.


As Shar drew into the tank, goblets of water splashed against her helmets faceplate. The inside of the tank appeared to be clean, and devoid of any persons, the only items of interest were two sleeping bags that were bundled up along with an opened brown box that had several items inside including unopened snacks and waterpackets amongst other things such as tools. A closer inspection of the flashing light would reveal that it was just a device used to warn when a tank was breached.

However, there was another item in the tank, a large bundled up object that was tethered to the inside of the tank toward the backend that was barely noticable except when the tank's emergency light flashed.


The originator of the message tried again. "Gam'trosha! Beware of---" the message washed out. The ships sensors showed the origin of the message suddenly disappearing off their display.
Outside the Mainframe

"Shipmistress, the intruder's on the move!" Tite'Yanus pursued, again increasing the power on his weapon. He fired whenever he had a clear shot, and tried to use his four-legged running as an advantage to catch up to the intruder.

Def'leor smiled briefly when the communications started coming through clear. "Ma'am... communications are ... damn it. Ma'am we were receiving a message clear and then the source of the transmission just vanished..."

She accessed her IDT and expanded the image. First conducting a scan of the signal point of origin, and secondly running a scan of the space surrounding the Gam'Trosha out to 500 KM in all directions. Ship's and signals don't just vanish, unless someone does something to them. she thought.
Gam'trosha Engineering Bay - Maintenance Conduit

Though he could hear the dull sounds of movement echoing through the maintenance conduit within which he was currently within, Keri was unable to identify its source -- the proximity of the sound ultimately inclined the young kit towards the belief that the noise was coming from another conduit adjacent to the one which he presently occupied.

Trying to recall the layout of the maze-like tubes, the young kit crawled through the narrow passage to the nearest access hatch that would permit him entry into the most probable source of the worrying sound of movement -- the conduit below the one he now occupied. With a timid gulp, Keri turned the manual control for the hatch -- which then swished open -- permitting the kit to slide down and seek once more for the cause of errant noises.
Shar smirked. Just her luck she is swimming in broken water tank, , when she could be kicking some terrorist in the ass instead of Tite. The tank seemed pretty harmless, though she wondered how did those terrorists survived in the tank filled in water, or why did not whatever made the hole in the tank did not kill them.

Without any mean of discovering those answers, Shar just went on. Checking that bundled bag was priority now. "I found suspicious package here ma'am." She reported. "If you hear a loud bang, then don't bother with Cargohold no more." She said with ironic laugh and neared the package.

She took out her knife so slowly unravel its contents, making sure to not trip any wire it could have there. Shar just hoped it won't be triggered by light or something. If she will be lucky it will just have some food or something in it.

As the cloth started to tear apart from the knife, small patches of blood started to appear, followed by bits of clothing that the knife tore into. Soon, after the cloth was unraveled more, the face of a dead Laibe soon appeared, their throat slit and their eyes wide open - staring straight into Shar's faceplate.


A new window appeared next to Erm'olai, showing a series of backups coming online. Turret control was restored, along with full communications, sensors would take time and shields were operately as they should since the virus was contained.

Outside Mainframe

Plasma blasts pockmarked the hallway walls as the intruder continued to flee from Tite'yanus, stopping only briefly to let loss a stream of plasma from their rifle before continuing toward the ships cafeteria.

Engineering Conduit

The metallic metal banging stopped when the hatch began to hiss open, only starting up against when the hatch stopped moving. Down below, wires were strewn about 'everywhere', as if someone had been hastily pulling wires out.

Down the hallway, the glint of a reflective surface flashed in the dim light.


Sa'kira nodded at both Shar and Tite's messages. "Becareful in pursueing the intruder," he told Tite'yanus then addressed Shar. "Let's hope that doesn't happen..." he transmitted to the marine.

The IDT system showed the origin of signal as a blow sphere, but all that was in the area was a destroyed She'tan'ora, it's center section blown in half, there was sparks and the appearance of fire, though the movement of fighters could be seen around the craft along with escape pods fleeing the stricken ship.

Sa'kira could only shake her head as she thought about the situation, on one display the nuclear missiles they had fired seemed to be moving in slow motion as she bridged the gap between the ships and the asteriod. She thought perhaps something wasn't right with the sensor data, but upon closer examination, found that it was only because the formation of ships had actually moved away from the asteriod when they had fired.

In another display, she noticed that the planet - Levia - was looming dangerously close.

"C'bar, once those nukes go off, you'll need to pull us back a bit so that we don't get caught in any of the roids debris..." she warned and kept her hand on the back of his chair while watching the displays.


Outside, the nukes closed in on the asteriod, aiming for a spot where the ships had racked minutes earlier. When the missiles struck, they did so in a brillent, almost chorographed display as one nuke went off followed by another, and another, depicting a bright red and white flash followed by a wave of EMP and radiation that would temporarily short out everyone's sensors.
"Oh Bugger," Shar said out loud when she found a body. Of course it could be heard in the radio. Scarred marine started examining dead body. Slit throat looked like a work of someone who knows his work, but now real professional. Professional were stabbing at the base of the skull to get instant kill. Shar dug up dead man's dog tags.

"Ma'am I have a dead Laibe here." She reported, her voice full of grimness. "His name Xe'nasia Qyu'tena, he was from the 2nd shipbuilding division. He is not dead for very long." Blood appering meant he really did not die that long ago.

Shar sighed looking into dead bodies eyes. Someone else might have been put off by this, but she already saw dead people. Slit throat is nothing compared to body torn into pieces by a grenade thrown by some terrorist scum.

"I would like to leave the Cargo now and assist Tit ma'am." Shar said to ship-mistress waiting for her response. She meanwhile exited the tank and moved back towards the doors.
Gam'trosha Maintenance Conduit

Keri'cruen muttered a quiet oath as the kit crawled his way forward from the open hatch -- only to pause suddenly due to the need to untangle himself from a mess of wires that had been pulled from their proper places and left strewn across the ground. Once free, the kit continued onwards once more in pursuit of the source of the sounds.

In the distance, Keri saw a glint of light reflect from further down the conduit -- the source of the light too far away to make out any details. With a dull groan of effort, the kit crawled faster -- trying to catch up to whatever it was that lay in wait ahead of him.
Erm'olai heard the fire outside and let loose a relaxing sigh. It seemed the Marines weren't so useless after all. "Back-ups are starting up now, Ship Master," Erm'olai sent his communication to the Bridge. "However, Sensors will take some time until full operation has been restored," he continued his report.

"The virus has also been contained for study, however I appeared to have been locked in from the outside."
Running around the shp

"He's on his way to the cafeteria," Tite reported up to the shipmistress before proceeding to pursue the intruder. "He's putting up a good run, I might need Shar to help me out and head him off."

When Sa'kira heard Tite'yanus's message, she thought to herself for a moment and then nodded. "Contain the intruder there," was all she sent to her fellow crewmen.

Upon receiving Shar's message, Sa'kira sent a response. "Srisa... take the body to the infirmary and place the deceased in the morge please before joining Tite'yanus on containing the intruder. However, before you do that, I want you to record 'everything' in the tank for a later investigation."

"Thank you C'bar Erm'olai," said Sa'kira after she finished her message to Shar, the shipmaster glanced down at her volumetric display. "There are two ways you can do this. The first is to short circuit the opposing lock, you can do this directly from the doors keypad, though you'll have to find the right combination of wires."

Sa'kira thought about the second, this one was something she honestly should've thought of before but it didn't cross her mind due to everything that was going on - well - that and she was afraid that the intruder might be listening in on their comm's. "The second option should be right above your head, there is a keypad that is hidden behind a false panel. Remove the panel, enter in the code I'm sending you, and then you'll be able to come up here into the bridge. Just remember to close the hatch behind you please," as she was saying this, she sent the bridge-mainframe hatch code to Erm'olai and then looked over to the bridges western side where the hatch was.

Gam'trosha Maintenance Conduit

The glint of reflective metal didn't seem to go away, at least not initially, then once Keri got closer whatever it was moved away. In the distance, there was the sound of a maintenance hatch opening, but not closing. The tunnel would take Keri to the ships main corridor.
Maintainence Conduit

Keri'cruen pursued the source of the reflecting light relentlessly -- most likely to be a person due to the fact it seemed to keep fleeing from him, though the kit had yet to see them face-to-face. Ths sound of a hatch opening could be heard echoing down the conduit to his location, and so the kit set off crawling towards the noise.

Gam'trosha Main Corridor

Passing through the aperture of the maintenance hatch a matter of seconds later, Keri'cruen Severem pulled himself to his feet with the unlit plasma torch still in his hand. The kit then cast his gaze about whilst he took a second to catch his breath -- seeking signs of the individual he chased.
"Bloody waste of time," Shar muttered under her breath, but she could most likely be heard over the line. "Yes ma'am!" She said, and returned for the body, showing little care for it, she just took it by leg and dragged it. She did not have time to take some dead guy to morgue, when there were terrorists about.

Black furred daur exited the Cargo-hold and pressurised the hallway in front of it. Dead body fell to the ground with noticable THUD, as gravity when back on. Shar turned of her mag-boots and picked body over head shoulders. It being laibe meant it was little too big and heavy for her. "Why do I have to carry your dead, fat ass?" She muttered some more, as she embarked on the way towards morgue.
Deck 2, Central Corridor

The intruder stopped just short of a blast door, it was down, sealing their path. "Srisa..." scowled the intruder as they looked around before walking over to a control panel and typing in a code.

"Deck 2 Blast Doors Unlocked", announced the computer.

As the doors opened, the intruder turned around and opened fire down the hallway toward Tite'yanus in an effort to keep the My'leke pinned until the door opened.
Shar walked. Body on he shoulder was heavy and she was pissed off. At least she could have open her helmet now, and let her tail free to swing around, showing up her mood. That helped ease off a little but not much. She wondered if Tite already caught that intruder. Probably yes, because if not he would surely call for help.

Shar took elevator one deck up and walked into the infirmary, putting dead body on of the tables. She looked around to see it was empty. Her eyes went up to look at the ceiling in disbelief. This ship did not even have doctor yet. If Shar would get shot now, she will bleed out. Typical.

Shar stuffed the body in the freezer with little care and stomped out. Without any orders, Shar just stopped and called bridge. She then headed towards upper level entrance to check on Tite'Yanus.
Somewhere on the ship

Tite'yanus used the opportunity given. When the intruder stopped at the blast door, he jumped into the middle of the corridor and opened fire, hoping that his aim would simply be better than the intruder's. He cared little for accidentally damaging the ship, and fired shots until either the intruder fell or the door closed again.

Def'leor listed to the Ship Mistress, and waited a moment before she answered. "Ma'am, I am moving us away from the Asteroid on a vector to take us away from its flight path. However, I am limited in what I can do as far as rapid or sudden movements. We have multiple sections of the ship without inertial protection. Until that changes, I am doing what I can without jeopardizing the other crew members."
Deck 3, outside infirmary

Shar's communicator wasn't working, all she'd get from it was static. However, just down the hallway, there was the faint sound of weapons fire.

Deck 3, near closed blastdoor

The Intruder was trying to avoid being hit, squishing as far up against the wall as possible, but Neshaten hallways weren't typically designed for cover in a firefight. Some of Tite'yanus's weapons fire however came very close to the intruder, with one plasma shot graving the shoulder and another splashing across the top of the helmet.

However, the intruders shots, despite being hasty and wild, managed to score two hits on Tite'yanus. One hit was on his body suit, burning away some of the shoulder armor, while the second shot hit his module and shorted it out, rendering the weapon useless and nothimg more than a giant weight.

However, the blast door was about three fourths of the way up and slowly retracting.

Deck 3, forward secton, main corridor

Just as Keri came out and was taking a breath, a figure appeared down the hallway, standing almost six feet tall. Whoever it was, wielded a single Seta'sis Sword and was staring straight at the Kit.

The figure cocked their head curiously to one side, as if examining Keri for the first time and pondering what to do, then the person placed a foot forward and brought their sword up into an attack posture.

There was something though about the armor, the body suit this figure was wearing was blood red that had a number of hash marks on the left shoulder but also had an odd serpeant insignia on the right.


As time ticked by, the rest of the ships backups finally came online, which were comprised of secondary backups used by non-essential systems.

One such backup restored the majority of the ships mainframe, causing the ships shields to flicker on and off but solidifying. Other systems came back on as well, including one that translated several pieces of text that had originally been garbled.

One such line of garbled text was:

XBSOJOH! Vobvuipsjafe Bddftt efufdufe jo Tijfme Hfofsbups Sppn!

Which the computer translated to:

WARNING! Unauthorized Access detected in Shield Generator Room!

Other warnings appeared, including another that read:

ALERT! Unauthorized access attemtped to ships mainframe, external data-connections severed as per security protocals.


The Gam'trosha shuddered under the shockwave from the nuclear explosion, but with sensors still out, there was still no way of knowing whether the explosion actually accomplished anything. What was known, however, was with the ships systems back online shields flared fully to life and sustained themselves enough to protect the ships from rocky debris.

However, several smaller ships in the area which had been to close to the asteriod when the nukes had gone off were vaporized in the shockwave, several She'tan'ora's whose hulls were already damaged suffered even more damages as their shields failed and their hulls began to buckle.
Gam'trosha - Deck 3, Forward Section, Main Corridor

Keri'cruen stood frozen in shock for a moment as he was confronted with the scrutinizing gaze of the unfamiliarly armored, sword-wielding foe. The nearby nuclear explosions caused the ship to shudder beneath his feet. His suprise was so all-encompassing that the kit almost forgot to pull his own sword free from its scabbard as the enemy fell into a battle stance in preparation for an attack.

Schooling his facial features to a calmness that belied his inner panic, the kit abandoned the plasma torch he carried to the floor and raised up his own blade in a two-handed grip. As his opponent sized him up, Keri did the same in turn with a piercing blue-green gaze -- the enemy stood head and shoulder's above him in height, and had a significant advantage in not only reach but probably arm-strength as well. Keri's only chances were to be faster and hopefully more skillful with a blade, or else good enough to hold his opponent at bay until help arrived.

The kit was trained in the use of the Curan, Vrete and Guikane sword styles -- and used a personalized bastardized form of all three together when he had fought in competition and during basic training back home. As he had done countless times during previous fights the young shukaren daur visualized the individual spheres of reach and influence each fighter possessed within the confines of his mind. He rapidly considered the possible sword-forms that his enemy could enact from his present stance and considered his own possible moves and counter-moves in the space of a few heartbeats.

With a yell, he took action almost instictively due to his training -- falling into a new fighting stance and shifting his weight onto his lead foot. He raised his sword and drove straightforward in a sudden strike toward's his opponents armored visage -- or as near to as he could reach given the disparity in their heights. With luck, the sudden aggressive move from such a young foe would startle the enemy, unbalance his defense and provide an opening within his guard.
Near the Blastdoor

Tite'yanus growled as he took the enemy fire. Luckily, none of the shots hit him directly. Since his weapon was no longer of use to him as a firearm, he would simply have to use it as a bludgeon. Lowering his shoulders, he charged, intent on ramming the intruder with the large paperweight strapped to his back. There was nowhere for the intruder to escape to, at least nowhere that he would be able to get to before Tite'yanus caught him. Plus, Tite hopped he would get lucky and the intruder would hit their head on the still-opening door.
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