Star Army

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RP Promised Land: Espionage - Chasing Dawnlight

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Loading Bay

Seeing everything unfold so neatly made Nicky smile, things quickly got out of control and degraded into a a fight, exactly what she wanted. However there were a few annoyances, like making sure the target wasn't harmed. So she decided to try and scare the armored car off in a hurry before they decided to help. She reached into her bag and pulled out her specially made bat and a movement restricting grenade commonly used by law enforcement. She quickly set the timer and then tossed it up before smacking it with her back right at the crowd of soldiers. There was a little delay to make them panic but hopefully she;'d catch most in the blast.
Guns Train Car

Ayla found herself a duffle just a few steps away from the gun locker she was pilfering. With the lack of response so far and the sounds of animals fighting outside, she decided to fill up the bag with as many of the fanciest looking guns from the lockers she could fit into the bag. She wanted to look around more, the thought of leaving some many of the fine little beauties stung in the back of her mind, but gunfire outside reminded her that they were here to steal something other than guns.

With a reluctant sigh and kiss goodbye, she hurried through the train cars towards the back of train with her goods. As soon as she exited, she saw the whole scene unfolding between the security forces and the giant loaderboat, with a surprise guest in the form an armored car. Using the commotion she tried to hurry past the fight, scurrying between some of the machinery left around the loading bay and towards the armored car to do... something? She didn't think this far ahead in her plan. Grabbing onto didn't seem too dumb at this point.
Road Rage

Brigid gave an exasperated sigh. "They're still coming? Fine, I'm done screwing around now." She said angrily as she picked up her HAS. "Keep the truck still. If they didn't know we were coming, they do now, so subtlety is out the window." She touched Squeakies cheek gently. "I hope I don't die. I still want to do a thorough exam of you later." With a grunt, she climbed out of her seat and moved to the back of the truck.

She muttered to herself. "This is going to come back and kick my ass later, but I don't see a way around it." She moved to the door on the rear of the truck and kicked it open. As soon as it was open she opened fire on the cars behind them, hopefully impeding the invisible ninja's progress by denying it a place to jump.
Post-Term Paper Burnout Return:

As Brigid opened fire on random civilians, there was first a moment of stillness. One where the unsleeping streets of Funky City were almost normal. Then one car started to swerve, then another. And then anarchy broke out proper. Cars reeling over, and tumbling into one another, like an orgy of metal pounding into yet more metal, with lives lost. And before it all, a spark of metallic footprints on pavement as the pursuer no longer had anything to launch off of to maintain speed. Flickering back into view, the cyborg just sheathed its sword and lept aside.

They were safe from one pursuer. But they still had a job to do... And now that armored car was on the move.

Ayla's armored car surfing adventures:

Ayla would feel a distinct impact across most of her body. Then faintly feel like she'd been dunked in cold water as she impacted a car now moving at speed. But, still, she had been hired on to do this line of work for a reason quite presumably. The sensations would give away to becoming aware of seeing a swarm of mercenaries being stomped upon by a giant loader-bot. And the sudden realization that she had managed to cling to one of the side panels of the armored car.

She was on board. The tiny armored slots of windows made it difficult for anyone to see outside and detect her. If she was going to improvise a heroic rescue, this would be it...

Earnie and Nicky Save the Day:

As Nicky's grenade landed in the back of the pack, a good portion of the now-scattered mercenary soldiers were in turn caught in the ensuing blast of goop. Forced out of cover, the loader-bot started to crush them left and right. But not before those who had gotten out of the way were able to work out that someone other than the machine itself was here. Gunfire rattling off the machine, others turned around to look for the source of the grenade.

Soon, one of the mercenaries pointed out to the catwalk, where the two offending parties were watching the chaos below. Gunfire starting to turn their way. Up where they had no cover. This was not a good position to be in.
Ayla Tries Not to Have a Heart Attack

As the feeling that she had reached the car hit her, she couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. Then the feeling that she was now clinging to a moving armored car hit her and she scrambled her way to the roof of it for some sort of flat surface to be on. She quickly unslung the bag off her shoulder as she considered her options real quickly. From the handful of heists she'd done before, few left with her much of a precedent to work with. She pulled on her communicator and sent a text to the group before grabbing the shotgun she pilfered earlier: Going to hijck, will need hlp on hghway soon.

Considering how the rest of the mission had gone so far, this probably wasn't going to be the worst idea. Ayla quickly scurried to give her self a bit of sitting position on the what she assumed was the hood of the armored car before bringing her shotgun and firing at the driver's window.
Earnie and Nicky Save the Day:

Nicky was a bit upset seeing the grenade catch so few, but she noticed something much more worrisome as well. Everyone had started to turn their direction so before they could really start to fire at them she tackled Earnie down against the catwalk to keep him from getting shot. To his pleasure she had her chest squarely on his face, which to her was simply support and posture. She grabbed her shot gun from her bag and put in a magazine full of slugs and fired back at those who shot at her.
Road Rage at it's Finest

'Squeakies' kept the truck steady for Brigid to do her thing as she sped down the road to the next wait spot. She was thinking of ditching the truck for another one. But time was against them as by now the operation was in full swing by those on the train. She had to be at the assigned spot or close by for the transfer. This was a lot different from driving and fighting tanks against an enemy. You just cruised till an enemy was sighted and rain hell upon them. Or went to a location to support infantry against armored positions to bust them up.

She just drove keeping the truck steady for Brigid return, awaiting the radio call for pick-up at a location those on the train decided at. She saw the cars behind her fly out of control and wreck from glimpses of the cargo doors swinging in the breeze and slipstream.
On the road

Brigid gave the ninja the middle finger and carefully made her way back to the front of the truck. She was grinning from ear to ear. "This is the most fun I've had in weeks. Might even be more fun than those Nekovalkyrja I hooked up with last month. She admitted, climbing back into her seat. That had been quite an experience. "I'll have to tell you about it sometime. Let's just say I have a new appreciation for kaserine."

She didn't seem to feel any remorse for what she had just done. After a few minutes, she started fixing her hair in the rearview mirror. "How's the rest of the team? I hope they don't fuck this up for us. I know Jacob's a professional but that Nicky girl might be a liability. I would love to spend a few hours alone with her, though. She might actually teach me a few things."
On The Road

'Squeakies' nodded with a smile toward Brigid when she returned and listened to her. "No word yet. And we're getting to the last possible transfer point."

She hoped the team on the train was okay and successful. She pulled over into a loading zone that allowed trucks such as she was driving to park without harassment. But that would last till the slot was needed by the business that owned the loading zone. If the team didn't transmit the pick-up signal, They were on their own after this spot.

"This is the last chance for them." 'Squeakies spoke as she leaned back and relaxed in her seat.
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