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OOC Promised Land

Which starting plot do you want to play?

  • Espionage

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Assassination

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Infilitration

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Inactive Member
So with expressed interest being surprisingly high (as I honestly expected this to only get two or three people), I can actually start this thing.

Character submission is more or less going to go through standard process for the site; but since this is going straight in Open RP, people can feel free to jump in and start playing by just sending me a brief summary of your character and a list of skills they can bring to the team.

As I said, if there's a lot of you interested I'd give you an option for what sort of jobs you're after. Three options are up there, and their details are... Here:

Espionage: The Interception Job.

Your middleman has found a new client; one who has come forward at very short notice with a rushed job. They have discovered that a rival tech conglomerate has elected to move an object of tremendous importance, and classified nature. The route bringing it into the city limits of Funky City... But it wont stay there for long. Your client wants that package, and is willing to pay out large to get it... Of course this leaves you little time to gather resources, and no time to clean up after yourself to cover your involvement.

What to expect: Urban tracking, vehicular chase scenes, light combat, a need to clean up after yourself.

Pros: More action oriented, no penalty for combat engagement, high payoff.
Cons: No backup, no armory access, no clean up crew, you can only take with you the gear you start with, high post-mission repercussion potential.

Assassination: The Tower Job.

Your middleman has come to you with wet work: The Yamataian Funky City regional manager of a certain import/export firm has earned one too many enemies, and you are the ones on call this time. What's gone wrong? They know about it, and have spared little expense on their own protection. The already secure Argent Towers are on high alert, and your client expresses a wish for minimum collateral damage. Large bonus pay if you can deliver a package secretly into the tower at the same time.

What to expect: Stakeouts, security circumvention, vent crawling, assassination.

Pros: High possibility for side profits, armory access, backup available, clean up crew available.
Cons: Penalty for combat engagement, high potential for being shot.

Infiltration: The Party Job.

Your middleman hands you a stack of invitations to a party: Your client wants you to attend a high society social event... And make sure four specific people at the party don't meet; they must also survive the night without being accosted. You must navigate labyrinthine social circles, watch each others' backs, and learn what it means to work hard to make sure someone else enjoys a party. If you're skilled enough to not be noticed at all: Your stock in these same circles may go up, giving you higher profits on later missions. You will need a few people on the outside to make sure those on the inside are well coordinated.

What to expect: Ordering your drink shaken, not stirred. Dangerous misunderstandings. Everybody looking good in a black tie dress code.

Pros: "Easy" money, awesome buffet, champagne for days, captain tightpants.
Cons: Payoff is forfeit if party is disrupted, you'll probably want to shoot most of the people at the party.


Some general information:

As mentioned, this is a plot for those wishing to play something akin to a SARP shadowrunner. It's assumed that any characters are either part of a pre-existing group (I encourage you to work together and make characters that know each other!), or individual agents who work odd jobs. Your main call to work together: You get your jobs from the same middleman.

Those of you who have done a few jobs know that you work for a group of corporate bigwigs, and high society folk who are only referred to obtusely as 'The Associates' by your middleman. Whether this refers to a variety of differing individuals, or to a specific organisation is unknown. That's a mystery you can look in to if you're interested! Just beware that they might like their secrecy.

Whoever they are: They are powerful enough, or moneyed enough to have access to significant resources. Those of you who have worked a few jobs for them know that your middleman's Associates have access to among other things: Vehicles, a small private security force, a private armory you can requisition arms from, and 'cleaners' who can remove any evidence of your presence from the scene of a messy job. Their availability is subject to the job in question, however.

The option for an old hand:

I've mentioned several times that you might have worked a few times for these people already. Normally it's assumed that new characters are new hires, but: This is an option you can take. It implies that you and I will have a short exchange where we work out what you've done for them already, for clues and flavor. But it also comes with a few advantages and disadvantages!

1) You gain priority requesting status from the armory. You can request rarer gear.
2) Clients will trust you more, and you can gain lesser penalties for making a misstep.
3) You have made enemies. Whether you know it or not.

The NPC's in brief:

The Associates:
Employers, unknown quantity and quality.

The Middleman:

A slight, redheaded Nepleslian woman with business cards bearing the name J.J. Newhouse. Eminently professional, and the one who is responsible for gathering people with very particular sets of skills. Probably the most terrifying thing you could meet in a Funky City back alley: A lawyer. Carries a suspiciously long briefcase everywhere she goes.

The Courier:
Representative of the Armory. A young, clean cut Minkan fellow with bright eyes named Magnus Aomame. Drives a sweet delivery van with guns on the inside, and airbrushed murals on the outside. People call him Beansy. Sings along to the radio when on deliveries. Seems to be a big fan of those in your line of work.

The Heavy:
A walking mountain. Head of the Associates' private security squad. No known name or ethnicity. Seems to be on Newhouse's speed dial. Only turns up when things have gone disastrously wrong, but when she does turn up it's almost always immediately after a few hundred 30mm rounds have leveled everything in front of her.

The Driver:
Takes you places. Permanent suit and tie, topped with brightly dyed hair that seems to change color every time he turns up. A surprisingly muscular Nepleslian, with a smooth deep voice that carries over most engine noise. Capable pilot and pursuit driver, with a daredevil streak. Goes by Nero Summers.

The Cleaner:
Mysterious. Rarely seen, yet frequently alluded to forensics expert. Seems to be embedded into the police force in some capacity; employed to eliminate physical evidence of your wrongdoings. Insists you are very dirty. Has no nasal hair. Beansy claims to have touched him once; his sweat turning blue as a consequence.

And that's it for now. Discuss, ask questions, but overall just don't be boring.
Dumont, what a great introduction, well done. I would be interested in playing this. My thoughts on a character:

Jacob Miller
Jacob, on the ourside is as average as can be, completely forgettable. Growing up it was as if he was never around. He tried and tried to get noticed in the big city of Funky Town but he was always passed over. Bullies passed over him, teachers never called on him. This led to a pretty uneventful childhood, even young adulthood.

It took a chance encounter during a free class that Jacob found his outlet. On a whim he decided to try an acting class. Lo and behold he was a true natural. He was able to easily slip into almost any role given to him. He found that he could finally get noticed thanks to costumes and make-up.

His teacher, being the normal Nepleslian, found that both Jacob's forgettable visage and skill in acting would be a great asset in a more criminal sense. He taught Jacob the basics in self defense, mostly subduing someone, and infiltration. Jacob took to the lifestyle more and more because finally, he was getting attention.

He went on to become a go to for any impersonation needs or infiltrations. He had a variety of talents suited for most underworld dealings

Skills (sarp style)
Communications - Nepleslian, Yamataigo
Fighting - very basic. Good at non lethal
Rogue -stealthy, picking locks
Acting - including costuming, make up etc.
Knowledge - A little bits of a lot of things
Physical - great shape, gymnastics, climbing, parkour
Maintenance/repair - he knows which wires to cut to activate/deactivate most general equipment found in an urban setting (elevators, doors, alarms, etc.)

Little Killer
Disguise/Stealth Shroud
5 oz. Pico-Jelly w/ Multi Frequency Delux control device
Utility Gloves
Extending Baton
Generic Stungun
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Looks good to me.

Only thing I should point to is that the poll is leaning towards the 'no access to team armory' mission, so you might want to slap on an inventory in brief.
Obviously equipment should be within the normal new character budget however, are there any particular inventory rules? I.e. equipment of a normal person or specialized armor of awesomeness?
You can own whatever you want as long as you have the means to procure it, and afford it. Normal folk stuff, in other words.

If you want restricted military equipment right from your standard starting allowance, I'll allow it provided that you have taken the Rogue skill with a particular emphasis on navigating the black market. Or alternately you demonstrate that you have a standing relationship with another player character who has such a skill.

You can have specialised armor of awesomeness. But if it's a good idea to stomp around everywhere in power armor, or specialised combat gear is a completely different matter.
Yeah, armor was more of a joke lol. Thanks for answering.

Also, to all those looking to play, I am more than happy to have Jacob know anyone you all come up with. Just let me know
First in, best dressed. No one else has gone for it so git it done before someone else nabs it.
I tend to prefer heavy type characters so that's probably what I will make.
NAM sells its export model Corona Gunship for only 9,500 DA. It might make a good team vehicle.
I'd be okay with my character having prior dealings with this group. He has enough enemies already what would a few more hurt. I'm most interested in the party job, but I'm cool with whatever happens. That preticular job plays to his strengths the best.

Wiki Link to character: (Was previously approved for a different plot)
Daman Tilak
Working on a Combat Medic type. What other skills would be useful for a Medic here? I was thinking maybe she could basically be a distraction using seduction and whatnot. I'm considering making her a https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=emrys:em_j2-3a. Does anyone want her to be their companion?
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I gotta finish arranging things, but I think I'll have my character show up here on a contract to contract sort of thing, not here for all missions but when she can.
Arsenic, I think Jacob and your medic would be a good spy team. My character is based on disguises and such and we could help each other as partners. Let me know.
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