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OOC Promised Land

Which starting plot do you want to play?

  • Espionage

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Assassination

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Infilitration

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters
@Whitehart That would be cool.
I will write up my character tomorrow and see if anything needs changing.
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I've decided she'll be a Nepleslian Medic instead of an android. Do you still want her to be Jacob's partner @Whitehart?
As a heads up people, I'll be starting this tomorrow after I get home from the theater.
Oh, and since this came up in chat: While this is non-canon, that's only the case because I'm GM-ing before an arbitrary three month limit. I'll see about making it canon after June 3rd-ish.

I'm talkin' at you @ArsenicJohn
Reactions: Wes
@Dumont I didn't mean anything by it, just noting it's in Open RP. Also, considering Frost's character does it matter that I was going to make a redheaded seductress? Do I need to change my character now?
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I don't think there's a limit on how many redheads we can have. I'm really excited to see how this roleplay goes.
It's not so much the hair color alone.. She was also going to be similar in terms of being basically a lust-fueled sex machine, thus her being good at seduction. :/
If it is your characters only thing then it could be a problem, but if you have other skills to go along with it than it should all be ok. James Bond is a seductor but I bet a bunch of the other double o's are too, they just all have other talents that make them stand out
I'll be able to write up my character for this in a few days. Work schedule had been leaving me short on writing creativity
If it's not too late to hop on this train, I'm planning on having a character up and ready for this in a day or two.
Got a page up for mine, working on history. A day or two and my Doctor Brigid should be done.
@ArsenicJohn Apologies for utilizing a character so similar to yours. It's not something I did intentionally; rather, it's because, well, Suzume was already "complete" - and I'm trying to "cut back" on the number of unfinished projects/characters/etc. I have.
@FrostJaeger No problem, I believe there are enough differences that it won't be redundant. After reading Suzume's history I realize they are really going to be nothing alike.
Looking good so far, but I'd like it if @Zack could sign off on the stuff involving Wazu, since this is rather specific 'The Associates are your enemy' things.
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