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Senate: Defeated Proposal #123: Regional Suzerainty Act

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"If my fellow colleagues would write up their amendments, I will add it to the relevant portions of the proposal. These are all reasonable amendments with the exception of extending the radius of the Imperial Demense. The goal of the Imperial Dominion was to give systems that do not wish to form such associations to remain as is, not to limit their options.

Title IV, subsection 9: A System considered Imperial Demesne may not associate itself with any existing or future Region.

If it was extended to the proposed 50 light years, has anyone noticed the systems that are excluded? I don't think it was the intention of the honorable senator of Tami to only allow the Motoyoshi Colonial Sector the ability to form these units. It would certainly exclude and limit the options of my own system from the ability to form such an association with neighboring Red majority systems, being that we are located within the Samurai Sector.

I propose instead of extending it we strike Title III and amend Title II to be renamed the Imperial Dominion and include the Core worlds and any worlds that do not want to form a charter nor a local government. They may be directly managed by the Imperial government."

Proposal: Strike Title III (and adjust numbers of Titles after II) and amend Title II to the following:

===== Definitions =====
  - Major Population :  A system's population that consists of 1 million non-refugee individuals shall be considered a major population.

==== Title II ====
Imperial Dominion created by this act or by prior act of law or treaty, or historical practice, preempting any any article, section, or clause in this Act:

  - Systems considered //Imperial Dominion// include:
    - The [[System:yamatai]] //and//
    - All Systems within 10 light years of that System, known as Core Yamatai, //including://
      - [[places:Nataria]], //and//
      - [[places:Tatiana]], //and//
      - [[System:anisa|Anisa]], //and//
      - [[System:albini]], //and//
      - [[System:tami|Tami]], //and//
      - [[places:kohana_nebula|Kohana]], //and//
      - Any other System, known or heretofore undiscovered, within 10 light years of the [[System:yamatai]] that at any time becomes part of the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]], unless admitted by treaty under different terms.
/Addition/      - Any system outside of the 10 light year radius of the Core designated as strategic by the Star Army of Yamatai and do not have a major civilian population.
/Addition/        - Systems with a major population will cede governing authority of land with a radius of 10 km around Star Army of Yamatai strategic assets to the Star Army of Yamatai if the population desires to form a charter and not part of the Imperial Dominion.
/Addition/  - Any System that desires to not be considered part of a Regional Suzerainty.

All references to Imperial Demense in the proposal will be amended to Imperial Dominion.

OOC Notes: Ignore the dokuwiki formatting, its just easier to make the actual changes in the long run for myself.
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Elysia seconds the modifications proposed by the honorable Senator from Fujiko,” said Karael with a nod of approval.

Sorry for the brevity and strange wording of this - typed it up while walking into work.
"I was speaking of the Samurai Sector as it is traditionally defined, being comprised Vicky, Valentine, and Virginia plus Veronica," Senator Maeda clarified. "Those systems are vital to Yamatai's national defense, and are further directly tied to our Empire's national identity having been discovered by Ketsurui Hanako and named after the honored samurai servants who serve our ruling clan.

"The inclusion of systems colloquially known as the 'Red Hinterlands,' which only became associated with the Samurai Sector later, was not intended in the suggested modification to the Imperial Demesne," Tami's representative continued. "Though, frankly, those systems likely ought to be part of the Imperial Demesne. The Yamatai Star Empire did not host and shield Red Nepleslians on our worlds to create a politically distinct region that would one day seek to become a suzerain. And further, the diplomatic implications of your peoples' status within the Empire intersecting with the Empire's wider relationship to the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia, our allies and civilizational cousins, is a subject that this body should be careful when making acts that may influence such matters."

Yusuke stood idly for a couple of seconds after a draft of his changes, as was requested by Tamafune and provided by her in a similar fashion for her proposals, was sent to him for review. It only took another instant for him to approve it and send it along to each of his fellow Senators' desks. Particularly, the text of his changes was careful to omit mention of Red Nepleslian worlds despite his concerns.

"The text of the Tami System's suggested modification, as seconded by both the Koukotsu System and the Yamatai System, has been provided for amendment," he said, and then took his seat again.

==== Title II ====
Imperial Demesne created by this act or by prior act of law or treaty, or historical practice, preempting any any article, section, or clause in this Act:

  - Systems considered //Imperial Demesne// include:
    - The [[System:yamatai]] //and//
    - All Systems within 40 light years of that System, known as Core Yamatai, //including://
      - [[places:Nataria]], //and//
      - [[places:Tatiana]], //and//
      - [[System:anisa|Anisa]], //and//
      - [[System:albini]], //and//
      - [[System:tami|Tami]], //and//
      - [[places:kohana_nebula|Kohana]], //and//
    - The specific [[places:samurai_sector]] worlds of:
         - [[system:vicky]], //and//
         - [[system:valentine]], //and//
         - [[system:virginia]], //and//
         - [[system:veronica]], //and//
    - All systems in the [[places:bard_cluster]]
    - Any other System, known or heretofore undiscovered, within 40 light years of the [[System:yamatai]] that at any time becomes part of the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]], unless admitted by treaty under different terms.
The Norian Senator and Aestaesys read the amendment and he shook his head, " The people of Tsenlan joined the Yamatai Star Empire, to be part of the Yamatai Star Empire ruled by its sovereign Empress Ketsurui Himiko I and protected by its Star Army. We disagree to be placed under some regional government and regional militia force. We have experienced this twice in our history, leading to devastating results in reckless ambitions and questionable loyalties. We cannot support this document even with the first amendment by the Senator from Fujiko. However, the amendment proposed by the Tami System thankfully includes us where we wish to be. We can therefore as Akina and Tsenlan located in the Bard Cluster, accept that amendment reluctantly. " Cheol tried to keep up as the changes were proposed. "Regardless of amendments and what we are willing to support, the people of Tsenlan must stress our concern with this apparent fracturing of a whole. While, as I said we will support the document that places us within the Imperial Demesne, we are in strong opposition of these divisions, and express our dissatisfaction with these proceedings."
"I see nothing stopping Akina or Tsenlan from opting into the Imperial Demense as it had been written, though please do correct me if I am wrong," Shretas gave a small chuckle. "And, if you wouldn't mind, clarify for a crotchety old man who still needs a translator for some Yamataigo terms. I think the way it was initially written was to allow far flung or oddball... Is that the right word? Anyway. Allows worlds with vastly different cultures from the Yamataian Core such as Essia, Gashemere, or Elysia to maintain some modicum of cultural identity and pride. If that is not what is wished, I see no reason to exclude you from Imperial jurisdiction. I suppose it is a matter best discussed with the Premier in post voting."

Another shrug as he motioned, sending his updated definition of a system to the other Senators.

System: any habitable body or network thereof containing at least one major population which can be, but is not limited to naturally formed planetary bodies whether orbiting a stellar body or not, artificial constructions, or organic growths
"Would that make large space stations like White Harbor a system?" Minori asked Shretas, worried about creating a weird setup where any number of random space stations had senators, perhaps outnumbering the star systems.
In the interest of good faith - and to demonstrate that the Discourse Party is willing to compromise with its political opposition in the interests of fellowship and cooperation, something I hope is reciprocated in the future - we are all subjects of Yamatai, are we not? - I’d like to propose the following modifications to Proposal 123,” said Karael Malarch once the Senator from Shurista had finished.

===== Definitions =====
  - Major Population :  A system's population that consists of 1 million non-refugee individuals shall be considered a major population.
  - System : Any habitable body or network thereof containing at least one major population which can be, but is not limited to naturally formed planetary bodies whether orbiting a stellar body or not, artificial constructions, or organic growths.

==== Title II ====
Imperial Dominion created by this act or by prior act of law or treaty, or historical practice, preempting any any article, section, or clause in this Act:

  - Systems considered //Imperial Dominion// include:
    - The [[System:yamatai]] //and//
    - All Systems within 10 light years of that System, known as Core Yamatai, //including://
      - [[places:Nataria]], //and//
      - [[places:Tatiana]], //and//
      - [[System:anisa|Anisa]], //and//
      - [[System:albini]], //and//
      - [[System:tami|Tami]], //and//
      - [[places:kohana_nebula|Kohana]], //and//
/Addition/      - The specific [[places:samurai_sector]] worlds of:
         - [[system:vicky]], //and//
         - [[system:valentine]], //and//
         - [[system:virginia]], //and//
         - [[system:veronica]], //and//
/Addition/      - All systems in the [[places:bard_cluster]]
 /Change/      - Any other System, known or heretofore undiscovered, within 20 light years of the [[System:yamatai]] that at any time becomes part of the [[faction:yamatai_star_empire]], unless admitted by treaty under different terms.
/Addition/      - Any system outside of the 10 light year radius of the Core designated as strategic by the Star Army of Yamatai and do not have a major civilian population.
/Addition/        - Systems with a major population will cede governing authority of land with a radius of 10 km around Star Army of Yamatai strategic assets to the Star Army of Yamatai if the population desires to form a charter and not part of the Imperial Dominion.
/Addition/  - Any System that desires to not be considered part of a Regional Suzerainty.

All references to Imperial Demense in the proposal will be amended to Imperial Dominion.
"Yamatai opposes the suggested change by Elysia on the basis that the minimum population for a senator should be increased, perhaps to something like ten million," Minori said.
"I have to agree with Yamatai," Shretas observed. "Without changing the minimum system population, any number of outposts can be made independent systems. I propose we instead change the system definition again that a system is any habitable loclae with at least one major population capable of independent operation in agriculture, technology, and governance. This allows for low population centers with financial or import independence their own, without requiring some arbitrary number of people involved. Thank you for the correction, Senator. As far as I am aware, White Harbor is not agriculturally independent at this time. Nor are most space stations. But I would normally presume a system would include its space stations as its major populations."

He gave a short laugh before finishing, "But yes, my definition was designed to include stations such as Shurista as a system, therefore preserving our Senatorial representation."
"Koukotsu also concurs with Yamatai, however what constitutes a major population center needs to be defined with a threshold irrespective of other factors, of which Shurista named some salient ones. Aside from that, going over Takagawa-sensei's relevant notes accompanying the unifinished 117 that she left in the office for the turnover," Kára Kurogane spoke up before anyone else could close the gap after Shretas finished, "Koukotsu moves to add to the definitions Imperial Demesne being systems subject immediately and solely to Imperial jurisdiction."
The modifications proposed by Yamatai, Shurista, and Koukotsu are fine with me,” replied Karael, “and I shall update my proposed changes to reflect as such.

To avoid confusion and make sure everyone’s on the same page, once I get home from work in ~90 minutes I’ll be making a separate wiki page detailing Karael’s proposed changes to Proposal 123.
Kára Kurogane of Koukotsu stands once more and pauses before solemnly asking, "If as in Tami's changes the Bard Cluster is included as completely under imperial control, I, and I am sure my fellow MCS Senators will concur, Koukotsu moves that the Taiie Nebula and a 2 light year clearance around it be excluded so as to symbolically remain part of our existing regional association." She struggled to hold back a tear, sitting down rapidly, almost immediately after the last word left her lips.
Anslen rose to take the floor. "I second Karael's motion and agree with what he's included except for one piece of it. I'm not clear on what Strategic Asset means in this context and I feel it is too vague to be a useful classification. I think that doing away with the zone and instead describe it as land publicly owned by the Government of the Empire? On Imperial Land, only Imperial law applies. This would apply not merely the Star Army, but other Imperial organs as well. We should also add some places as already existing Suzarins." He suggested as a compromise.

-Systems with a major population will cede governing authority of land with a radius of 10 km around Star Army of Yamatai strategic assets to the Star Army of Yamatai publicly owned by the Star Empire of Yamatai if the population desires to form a charter and not part of the Imperial Dominion.

Title VII
- Essia
- Gashmere
- Ohara
- The Abwehran Star Empire shall encompass the entirety of the Abwehran Star Empire before integration, including the Systems:
-- Meltra
-- Schongebiet

-- ASE-006
-- Himmel Der Bergleute
-- Neue Jaspis
-- Star's Crossroads
"My amendment would be simply to add 'Xiuluria' to the list of suzerainties, if you please and if that isn't too difficult for you." The elven senator said. "I would be hesitant to be so direct, but several senators have agreed on this point that one of the two actual suzerainties of Yamatai be included in the bill on Yamataian suzerainties."

No matter the outcome, Sachiko had more difficulties waiting for her within the gated city of elves that she had to prepare for. Omitting this slight from the serpentine senator and the original text to her brethren would certainly be for the best. With a deep intake of breath, Sachiko put her slender fingers on atop each other. Her expression had been painted with a smile while she spoke, but it had fallen to morose as she looked on, waiting for the addition of her and her people's home.
"I believe Xiuluria's inclusion to be unanimous and, on behalf of my predecessor and system, apologize for the oversight in the prior document that was carried forward by others, but Koukotsu seconds again. Koukotsu however, moves to amend specifically no suzerainties are created by this act, and only existing ones are recognized." Kára answered Sachiko and continued on, "This word has a special meaning when applied to Elysia and Xiuluria, indicative of very special autonomous status. The word is not applied to anything else in the bill except for multi-system nations that join Yamatai in the future. There is no other means to create such a suzerainty in the bill, only to form regional blocs with a shared government, whose powers are wholly devolved from the Imperial government. I believe this proposal was poorly-titled when reintroduced."
"Shurista seconds this motion. In full. We have seen Elvish bravery and might. They have protected their nation as their home as should make us all proud to know them. Xirulia's suzerainty should never have been implied, but given the honor it deserves." Shretas nodded firmly, offering a smile to Sachiko. "They certainly make us look the cowards we have been called by some of our formers."
After several long minutes of silence, the representative from Elysia stood up and said “Here is what the proposal would look like with most of the modifications proposed by my fellow honorable Senators. I do apologize for not including for the removal of the 'Imperial Demesne' term that Fujiko proposed - such a change, in my opinion, caused Point 1 of Title III to lose coherency and not make sense. If you want to send me a clarification of what you meant in your earlier proposal, I'd be more then happy to remove the 'Demesne' term, provided such a change is agreeable to the rest of my honorable colleagues.” With that, Karael sat back down and forwarded an electronic copy of the aforementioned modification compilation to the rest of the Senators.

If I forgot to include anyone's changes - save for the changes to the size of what is considered "Core Yamatai," which Karael ICly disagrees with and Wes OOCly recommends against - I sincerely apologize, as I threw this together at 1 in the morning and thus probably missed something. >v<
Disappointment seemed to weigh down Sachiko's opalescent eyes while her ever-present smile was raised with tired muscles.

"Requesting revision of title two, article one, subsection nine, Senator. Xiuluria is not a part of the Imperial Demesne and should be in title seven. Along with your Elysian Celestial Empire in the suzerainties section seeing as it's been deemed unanimous for its inclusion. If that's really not too much trouble, that is."
"Fujiko seconds the proposed amendment from Elysia and the inclusion Xiuluria for tradition sake. Think there has been enough that we should start voting to include or deny the large amount of amendments proposed." Tamafune said, looking towards the premier.
"Tami's amendment, provided to you all only a few minutes ago, was 'accepted' by Akina and the State of Tsenlan," Yusuke began from behind a flat, uncomfortable looking grimace. Between putting Xiuluria, the Empire's oldest suzerain, within the Imperial Demesne and reducing the proposed 40 lightyear zone of Imperial territory, Tami's senator was not impressed by the latest amalgamated version of the proposal. "The Koukotsu System previously seconded Tami's amendment in principle, and Koukotsu's support was itself seconded by Yamatai. Please do not refuse to so much as consider the will of four star systems' citizens — including those residing upon the heart of this Empire — by significantly warping what has already been presented."
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