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Senate: Passed Proposal: Unified Law of Yamatai Star Empire, YE 30


Inactive Member
TO: The Imperial Office of Bill and Law
Kyoto, Yamatai

Due to the more progressive turn this Empire is beginning to follow, I request that this amended version of the Unified Law of the Yamatai Star Empire be put into practice. The points are indeed negotiable: I confess to never having written law before. Items in italics or crossed out are new additions or removals.

FILE ATTACHED: Proposed Unified Law of YSE, YE 30 (unifiedlaw.dat)


Kage Yaichiro Shosa
Chief Engineer
YSS Eucharis, NG-X1-408
(I would honestly suggest that the theft law be revised to note that the article stolen is not a person, otherwise there might be other attempts to claim a POW has a stolen object.)
(OOC: ...I don't see what you mean. a POW isn't an object though. That claim wouldn't hold up in court, especially since ownership of people has been fully abolished.)
(At the peace talks Hanako claimed her previously captured self as a stolen object, ignoring that A) It was war time, and b) that a living being cannot be considered an object, and thus not a "stolen commodity.")
(OOC: Laws regarding ST copies have changed since that time, and they are now considered individual people, different from any surviving originals. Also, this isn't the place to have OOC discussion on it. Please PM me or Wes if you have more issues to address.)
Citizens no longer have the right to own living property
Let's change this to "other people" so it isn't mistaken to cover farm animals and such.
(Living sentient property would be best, as I don't think everyone would consider their 'property' to be other people. Especially if it is a different race, which we certainly have barrel loads.)
(( guys, this is an In-Character proposal. I don't think it's right to debate over it like you are doing. Let the Empress answer Yaichiro and derive IC consequences from this instead. Fine-tuning of this should ideally be done ICly - it's a great roleplaying opportunity for Yaichiro.

I recommend all these OoC posts be removed and that a IC reply be thought about. :) ))
(OOC: Thank you, let's split the topic please. Note that Yai is inexperienced in law and that debate is invited with him. It shouldn't be expected to be perfect.)
( All YSE citizens can give input. )
(OOC: Yes. You'll all have an IC chance to vote on it or amend later. Now PLEASE stop derailing my IC thread with OOC chatter?)
(OOC: Okay. The thread's been moved to the senate floor, where everyone can ICly comment on it.

NOW's the time to get this trainwreck on the road. XP)
Himiko: "I propose each change be voted on individually."
Communication from Yaichiro:

Seconded. This is fully negotiable. I also invite the Imperial Seat to make recommendations if they wish. They naturally must be approved by the majority of the voters though, as legally necessary.

Additions will be in green in the new version, removals will be in red text in the original version.

This Article is unchanged:

1. Background Information and Notes

Military Laws will not be included within the Unified Law (Proposal 63, Item 1).

Laws passed are not retroactive (Proposal 31, Item 1).

Old version of Article 2, New version of Article 2:

2. Citizenship

Any person who wishes to become a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire must go through the Department of Immigration (Proposal 3, Item 1).

Any person who wishes to revoke their citizenship is subject to confiscation of their personal possessions, especially pieces of technological or military nature (Proposal 3, Item 2).

Citizenship to the YSE is not obtainable by birth alone. To become a citizen, the owners of the child must register it (Proposal 3, Item 3) or the person must register herself.

A citizen is an official member of the Empire, while a plebian is not. Plebeians include willingly conquered members of other nations, and unregistered Geshrin (Proposal 3, Item 4).
2. Citizenship

1. Any person who wishes to become a citizen of the Yamatai Star Empire must go through the Department of Immigration (Proposal 3, Item 1). All beings are permitted to apply, even non-citizens from other nations, but the Yamatai Star Empire reserves the right to restrict citizenship for any reasonable reason. Those with military records will be screened by the military as well as the Department of Immigration.

2. Any person who wishes to revoke their citizenship is subject to confiscation of their personal possessions, especially pieces of technological or military nature (Proposal 3, Item 2).

3. Citizenship to the YSE is not obtainable by birth alone. To become a citizen, the owners of the child must register it (Proposal 3, Item 3) or the person must register herself.

4. A citizen is an official member of the Empire, while a plebian is not. Plebeians include willingly conquered members of other nations, and unregistered Geshrin (Proposal 3, Item 4). Sprites created by the Star Army of Yamatai and later honorably discharged are immediately given full-fledged citizenship. Those once owned by Citizens or Corporations owned by Citizens now hold Plebian status.

5. The Yamatai Star Empire will designate plebian rights to citizens of any nation with whom such an agreement has been previously made in treaty.

Old version of Article 3, New version of Article 3

3. Basic Rights and Freedoms of Citizens

Every citizen and plebian has the right to their own thoughts, opinions, and mind (Proposal 3, Item 8).

Every citizen and plebian has the right to express themselves and speak freely, so long as their speech does not 1) libel, or present knowingly false information regarding a person or the actions of that person. 2) reveal information that the government, Star Army, or a Major Corporation has deemed as classified (Proposal 3, Item 9).

Any citizen or plebian may own a firearm, energy rifle, or small explosives launcher. Weapons of mass destruction and quantum weaponry will be the only restricted weaponry for non-military personnel (Proposal 3, Item 10).

3. Basic Rights and Freedoms of Citizens

1. Every citizen and plebian has the right to their own thoughts, opinions, and mind (Proposal 3, Item 8).

2. Every citizen and plebian has the right to express themselves and speak freely, so long as their speech does not 1) libel, or present knowingly false information regarding a person or the actions of that person. 2) reveal information that the government, Star Army, or a Major Corporation has deemed as classified (Proposal 3, Item 9).

3. Any citizen or plebian may own a firearm, energy rifle, or small explosives launcher. Weapons of mass destruction and quantum weaponry will be the only restricted weaponry for non-military personnel (Proposal 3, Item 10).

4. Every plebian has the right to apply for citizenship, and will not be refused it unless they have committed a felony.

5. Every citizen and plebian has the right to live safely and unmolested, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others.

6. Any citizen, given the financial backing and skills needed, has the right to be permitted to start their own company if in compliance with Yamatai Star Empire law. Grants to found and maintain these companies are awarded at the will of the government, but can be applied for by any citizen.

7. Any citizen may vote upon and propose law for the Yamatai Star Empire.

8. Citizens and plebians have the defense of the Star Army of Yamatai and various non-military government offices to support their safety.

9. Citizens no longer have the right to own living property.

New Article 4, no equivalent. (Note that this pushes the article numbers off by 1):

4. Basic Rights and Freedoms of Non-Citizens

A non-citizen is defined as a being who is an alien to the Star Army of Yamatai and applicable allies. This is the base definition for all sentient life not holding membership or citizenship in the Yamatai Star Empire.

1. Every non-citizen has the right to their own thoughts, opinions, and mind.

2. Every non-citizen has the right to express themselves and speak freely, so long as their speech does not 1) libel, or present knowingly false information regarding a person or the actions of that person. 2) reveal information that the government, Star Army, or a Major Corporation has deemed as classified.

3. Every non-citizen has the right to apply for citizenship, but they are not entitled to citizenship itself.

4. Every non-citizen has the right to live safely and unmolested, as long as they do not infringe on the legal rights of others.

5. Non-military non-citizens will not be singled out by race or political belief, unless the Empire has initiated a total war against that person’s government AND civilian population, IE: Mishhu. However, proper security measures can be taken as the situation demands.

New Article 5, no equivalent. (Note that this pushes the article numbers off by 1):

5. Other Statuses of Citizenry

1. The Yamatai Star Empire can grant Asylum to people from outside the Empire by the the Empress or the Mistress Taisho. These people will have the same rights as Citizens, sans the ability to vote or propose law.

2. The Yamatai Star Empire, in times of emergency, can label a group of people as refugees and take them into their care. Refugees have the same rights as Plebians.

Old Article 4 (with parts removed from New Article 6 in red), New Article 6:

4. Criminal Law

The following are crimes and will be punished as directed by the Crimes and Punishments list:

It is illegal for a nonmilitary person in Star Army territory to kill a sentient being that he/she does not own, except when acting in self-defense (Proposal 13, Item 1).

It is illegal for any person in Star Army territory to force an unwilling sentient being that he/she does not own to engage in or be subject to sexual intercourse or sexual activity (Proposal 15, Item 1).

It is illegal to clone (make physical copies of) or ST-clone (make mental copies of) any Star Army citizen/plebian/soldier that you do not own without their consent (Proposal 39, Item 2).

All nekos already have a unique genetic ID code. Attempting to modify the code, or a neko as a whole, is illegal, and punishable by life imprisonment (Proposal 39 Item 4).

Any person who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind with intent permanently to deprive another person of the use and benefit of property or to appropriate it to his use (or the use of any person other than the owner) from the possession of the owner steals that property and is guilty of larceny (Proposal 35, Item 1) Doing the above, but for a temporary nature, is guilty of wrongful appropriation (Proposal 35, Item 2). Doing the above, but with violence or threat of violence, is guilty of robbery (Proposal 35, Item 3).

Any person who in time of war is found acting as a spy in or around any place, vessel, or aircraft, within the control of the Star Army, or in or about any shipyard, any manufacturing or industrial plant, or any other place or institution supporting the Star Army, or elsewhere, be punished by torture, until death (Proposal 37, Item 1).

No person or organization is allowed to use restricted military or corporate technologies or enter restricted military areas without authorization. Restricted Military Areas include, but are not limited to: Military States (Such as Melanchol, Geshrintall) and Newly-discovered planets and systems on the YSE's borders. Restricted Technologies include, but are not limited to: Nekovalkyrja, HSCS, TDD, RDD, WARMS and like devices, Aether Weaponry, Transposition Cannons, Scalar Weapons, ST/SS Tech, Technology involved in the creation of Zesuaium, Interdictor Devices

6. Criminal Law

The following are crimes and will be punished as directed by the Crimes and Punishments list:

1. It is illegal for a nonmilitary person in Star Army territory to kill a sentient being that he/she does not own, except when acting in self-defense (Proposal 13, Item 1).

2. It is illegal for any person in Star Army territory to force an unwilling sentient being that he/she does not own to engage in or be subject to sexual intercourse or sexual activity (Proposal 15, Item 1).

3. It is illegal to clone (make physical copies of) or ST-clone (make mental copies of) any Star Army citizen/plebian/soldier that you do not own without their consent (Proposal 39, Item 2).

4. All nekos already have a unique genetic ID code. Attempting to modify the code, or a neko as a whole, is illegal, and punishable by life imprisonment (Proposal 39 Item 4).

5. Any person who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind with intent permanently to deprive another person of the use and benefit of property or to appropriate it to his use (or the use of any person other than the owner) from the possession of the owner steals that property and is guilty of larceny (Proposal 35, Item 1) Doing the above, but for a temporary nature, is guilty of wrongful appropriation (Proposal 35, Item 2). Doing the above, but with violence or threat of violence, is guilty of robbery (Proposal 35, Item 3).

6. Any person who in time of war is found acting as a spy in or around any place, vessel, or aircraft, within the control of the Star Army, or in or about any shipyard, any manufacturing or industrial plant, or any other place or institution supporting the Star Army, or elsewhere, be punished by torture, until death (Proposal 37, Item 1).

7. No person or organization is allowed to use restricted military or corporate technologies or enter restricted military areas without authorization. Restricted Military Areas include, but are not limited to: Military States (Such as Melanchol, Geshrintall) and Newly-discovered planets and systems on the YSE's borders. Restricted Technologies include, but are not limited to: Nekovalkyrja, HSCS, TDD, RDD, WARMS and like devices, Aether Weaponry, Transposition Cannons, Scalar Weapons, ST/SS Tech, Technology involved in the creation of Zesuaium, Interdictor Devices.

8. Any citizen discovering a new star system must notify the Empire immediately. If sentient life exists in the system, the Rights of Early Contact ( ) must be upheld: To not do so is a serious crime recognized by multiple nations.

9. Any citizen, plebian, or otherwise who knowingly commits crime in a government installation is liable to be charged with additional crimes brought forth by the Star Army of Yamatai, as well as civilian charges.

10. Those who lie to obtain citizenship in the Yamatai Star Empire will be charged with Fraud with Intent to Infiltrate, and can suffer deportation or imprisonment.
Message from Princess ((non-Imperial)) Taisho Shimizu:

This is quite interesting. I do have a few notes however. I would make it clear that police agencies will not be charged with murder if acting in the best interests of safety of the nation when discharging their weapons.

Another matter, is that if both the Empress (stars bless her), and the Mistress Taisho both agree they can grant the power of asylum to clan heads that fall under Imperial reign, and military commanders the rank Shosho or above. I am close to some interesting borders, and it will be less taxing on the Imperial Clan.

Proposal three, item nine should include Clans sanctioned by the Imperial reign, or the Imperial Clan itself if we're going to speak about classified information.

In addition, I don't believe that we should be required by law to simply hand over citizenship because someone hasn't committed a crime. Do not make it some simple triviality to be a citizen of the Empire, it should mean something. I suggest making a requirement system for this.

A fine proposal on the whole, Shosa. If you ever need work come for a chat, dear.

Princess Shimizu Akina

Taisho, Fourth Fleet
Message from Kurusu Misaki:

If I read this correctly, you would make the repossession of items criminal even if done because the person or company intended to collect on goods that were not wholly paid off, thus depriving it of the item the victim in question did not finish paying for, say a star ship? I think this should have been thought of for all possible snags before actually submitting it to the senate, Kage-Shosa. I could have sat down to do this with you. Think as life would act-also I feel this makes it far too simple for just about anyone to become a citizen. Perhaps a test or interview should be included with the application, but we should reword it to say if they complete everything with satisfaction to the agency receiving them that it may be awarded?

Kurusu Chusa,
XO 1st XF 2nd Squadron
Communication from Yaichiro:

It is difficult to make a test for the citizenship of a plebian; since many plebians are Yamataian newborns who are unable to take any form of test or satisfy much in the way of criteria, nor should be penalized should their parents fail such criteria. This is why it seems simple. Perhaps some other idea is warranted, such as exemption from any criterion for children (not younglings) under a certain age? Also, I will remember your advice in the future.

As for your advice, Shizumu-Taisho, I will give deep thought on how to word that properly. I'd relied on Section 5 of Articles 3 and 4 to allow action to be taken against criminal civilians, but there is indeed not enough protection for police forces.

Perhaps I should add a Section 11 to Articles 6: Criminal Law to say:

"11. Police, Star Army of Yamatai, Ketsurui Samurai, and other offices dedicated to the protection of the people, the clans, and the Empire will not face charges for taking life, causing physical or emotional harm, or causing collateral damage; as long as their actions are warranted given the specific situation. Gross excess in actions or abuse of authority which are disproportionate to the situation, however, can result in charges."


Regarding the Asylum idea, I ask that you word it in a way it can be used in the document. I will have to read a full description of your idea to be sure, but I may support it -- as long as the power to grant Asylum is granted to such individuals in the Clans and Army on a case-by-case basis.

It was nice to hear from you again, Shizumu-Taisho. I will keep your gracious offer in mind.
A reply came soon enough from Taiie

5. Other Statuses of Citizenry

1. The Yamatai Star Empire can grant Asylum to people from outside the Empire by the the Empress, the Mistress Taisho, or qualified persons meeting the requirements mentioned in section 1.1. These people will have the same rights as Citizens, sans the ability to vote or propose law.

1.1 In order to apply, or retain the ability to declare Asylum on behalf of the Empire as listed in this article the individual must have official approval from both the Empress, and the Mistress Taisho. Only individuals are eligible, and must be either: a ranking officer of Shosho or higher in the Star Army of Yamatai or leader of a clan that has previously been sanctioned by the Imperial Clan.

2. The Yamatai Star Empire, in times of emergency, can label a group of people as refugees and take them into their care. Refugees have the same rights as Plebians.

Now I assume that other officials charged with protection of their clans is meant to mirror organisations for similar purposes to the Ketsurui Samurai? If so article 11 is more sound.

Additionally, I would make the distinction between natural born children, as long as one member of the family unit is a citizen should have the option to be added to their family registry, and become citizens also. Vat grown soldiers and other sorts should remain plebeians unless they demonstrate their civic familiarity with the Empire. Would you like that written out also? And yes, always keep that offer in mind when considering your future.

Princess Shimizu Akina

Taisho, Fourth Fleet