6. Criminal Law
The following are crimes and will be punished as directed by the Crimes and Punishments list:
1. It is illegal for a nonmilitary person in Star Army territory to kill a sentient being that he/she does not own, except when acting in self-defense (Proposal 13, Item 1).
2. It is illegal for any person in Star Army territory to force an unwilling sentient being that he/she does not own to engage in or be subject to sexual intercourse or sexual activity (Proposal 15, Item 1).
3. It is illegal to clone (make physical copies of) or ST-clone (make mental copies of) any Star Army citizen/plebian/soldier that you do not own without their consent (Proposal 39, Item 2).
4. All nekos already have a unique genetic ID code. Attempting to modify the code, or a neko as a whole, is illegal, and punishable by life imprisonment (Proposal 39 Item 4).
5. Any person who wrongfully takes, obtains, or withholds any money, personal property, or article of value of any kind with intent permanently to deprive another person of the use and benefit of property or to appropriate it to his use (or the use of any person other than the owner) from the possession of the owner steals that property and is guilty of larceny (Proposal 35, Item 1) Doing the above, but for a temporary nature, is guilty of wrongful appropriation (Proposal 35, Item 2). Doing the above, but with violence or threat of violence, is guilty of robbery (Proposal 35, Item 3).
6. Any person who in time of war is found acting as a spy in or around any place, vessel, or aircraft, within the control of the Star Army, or in or about any shipyard, any manufacturing or industrial plant, or any other place or institution supporting the Star Army, or elsewhere, be punished by torture, until death (Proposal 37, Item 1).
7. No person or organization is allowed to use restricted military or corporate technologies or enter restricted military areas without authorization. Restricted Military Areas include, but are not limited to: Military States (Such as Melanchol, Geshrintall) and Newly-discovered planets and systems on the YSE's borders. Restricted Technologies include, but are not limited to: Nekovalkyrja, HSCS, TDD, RDD, WARMS and like devices, Aether Weaponry, Transposition Cannons, Scalar Weapons, ST/SS Tech, Technology involved in the creation of Zesuaium, Interdictor Devices.
8. Any citizen discovering a new star system must notify the Empire immediately. If sentient life exists in the system, the Rights of Early Contact ( https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?...ce_of_ye_30:documents:rights_of_early_contact ) must be upheld: To not do so is a serious crime recognized by multiple nations.
9. Any citizen, plebian, or otherwise who knowingly commits crime in a government installation is liable to be charged with additional crimes brought forth by the Star Army of Yamatai, as well as civilian charges.
10. Those who lie to obtain citizenship in the Yamatai Star Empire will be charged with Fraud with Intent to Infiltrate, and can suffer deportation or imprisonment.
11. Police, Star Army of Yamatai, Ketsurui Samurai, and other offices dedicated to the protection of the people, the clans, and the Empire will not face charges for taking life, causing physical or emotional harm, or causing collateral damage; as long as their actions are warranted given the specific situation. Gross excess in actions or abuse of authority which are disproportionate to the situation, however, can result in charges.
12. It is a crime for any citizen or plebian to claim or maintain ownership of another sapient being. Non-citizens may only maintain ownership of their sapient property while in Imperial Space with the consent of the government, to be decided on a case-by-case basis.