Q: What about charge times?
A: They are not affected by the revisions. Currently there are no guidelines, but the recommended time is one to three combat rounds worth of time (various by GM, usually 5-15 or 15-45 seconds) for dramatic effect.
Q: How can fighters dodge big ships?
A: Fighters can evade with FTL jumps or STL maneuvers, just like always.
Q: What about teleportation?
A: It is not affected by the update.
Q: Does this restrict torpedo speed?
A: Torpedoes can still use FTL as a vehicle to get to the target area, but they have to attack at STL in order to hit anything. FTL speeds on torpedoes have been nerfed to 4 to 12 times light speed by a previous unrelated discussion.
Q: Can graviton beams be used to keep a ship from jumping to FTL?
A: Yes. They work in the (non-stacking) way described earlier in the thread.
Q: What about charge times?
A: They are not affected by the revisions. Currently there are no guidelines, but the recommended time is one to three combat rounds worth of time (various by GM, usually 5-15 or 15-45 seconds) for dramatic effect.
Q: How can fighters dodge big ships?
A: Fighters can evade with FTL jumps or STL maneuvers, just like always.
Q: What about teleportation?
A: It is not affected by the update.
Q: Does this restrict torpedo speed?
A: Torpedoes can still use FTL as a vehicle to get to the target area, but they have to attack at STL in order to hit anything. FTL speeds on torpedoes have been nerfed to 4 to 12 times light speed by a previous unrelated discussion.
Q: Can graviton beams be used to keep a ship from jumping to FTL?
A: Yes. They work in the (non-stacking) way described earlier in the thread.