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Rejected Submission [Psychopomp] Aether Battery

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I would like to first say that this is not an attempt to gatekeep Aether out of anyone's hands, and that im simply trying to give constructive criticism and use IC logic and not OOC chest-beating for it. And I am not telling anyone they can't have it, but just want to point a couple of things out and leave the overall decision-making to the NTSE and the SM.

Aether is an extremely complex power source and is highly regulated in setting with only a single non-superpower holding it, being origin, and only because they are backed by both yamatai and nepleslia who are the authority of the sector and both regulate and restrict aether technology.

Its so complex that only Yamatai has yet been able to successfully miniaturize it technology-wise. And Nepleslia has only recently been able to make their own Aether-powered batteries. It's the kind of tech that requires the sheer R&D backing of a superpower like Yamatai or Nepleslia to even break ground in understanding how the stuff works, as its not as simple as taking a look inside to see how everything works even if PP did drain their entire budget to make it so.

The technology is also highly regulated by not only Yamatai but also Nepleslia, who i recall PP being rather close to location-wise. And as a mercenary group, even an unaffiliated one, Nepleslia imposes strict laws onto any mercenary force encountered by its forces, vessels, or is even known about. And one of the rules they enforce is that technologies like Aether are restricted from mercenary groups and are subject to immediate seizure.

Military-grade warship hulls and restricted technologies as well are barred from civilian or mercenary groups as well. Meaning the ship PP has would no doubt be discovered while so close to Nepspace as Aether generation leaves a very distinct and easy-to-track signature that when discovered so close to Nepspace would get a taskforce from one of the sectors most powerful navies on PP within hours. And finders keepers salvaging logic doesn't stand when one of the two superpowers takes a stance.

All that said i can only speak for Nepleslia and what would happen IC from them when not if it's found out an unaffiliated mercenary group has restricted technologies and a military-grade warship also containing them. I would recommend PP keep their aether ship secret and simply use it as a one-off trophy and not free aether-tech to retrofit.
The ship was a salvage it is only there to establish how the company got its hands on aether tech to reverse engineer. As for Nep and Yamatai PP does have deals with both in terms of trade and tech with the deal being that any advancements they make must be shared if asked for. It's nothing big the ship will not be kept (PP has any interest in a Space presence so there would be no need.) It was merely an attempt to meet a power requirement that they needed to fill. I can find another alternative if need be but was told by NTSE that I just needed to make an article for this.
Psychopomp LLC is a genetics and cybernetics company with a PMC portion as part of their business. They also have been working on military technology for quite some time. While I cannot speak for Ace, I know that he has a reason why he was able to access the technology. Even if it is limited, These batteries are currently not powering any Aether weapons, as this submission is for the power source to the Silverback Submission thread. Which uses Rail guns.

I don't think we should approve this.

  1. So if the canister "just" holds aether plasma, who is creating it for the corporation?
  2. Why Aether? Honestly, Outside of Major Yamatai and Nepleslia Corporations, Possibly the NDC and Origin, as we mentioned it, I don't see an independent corporation having access to this kind of technology. There are plenty of other power options. Why does this have to be aether? Why not just a plasma cell?
  3. In terms of trade deals, I'm sure someone would be concerned about the trade of aether technology. It for the most part is restricted, and even the civilian aether tech in Yamatai is controlled as to not make it weaponized.
Of course, @Wes has final say in all this.
1. I was planning on doing rp to set that up currently the first batches are just from why limited amounts the company does hold (enough for maybe 12 models)
2. I chose aether since it can be the most compact while still providing enormous power (It is an EMC railgun those take a lot of power) and I wanted to have it set up for that to be the case since most of the product this is used for is made up of armor hence there’s not a lot of space for a large reactor or the like.
3. Aether has been around a very long time I'm a little surprised that no one else had try to make adapted versions of it no matter how advanced it is someone else is bound to stumble upon how to make it with enough time.
If an alternative could be provided that offers similar power output I would love to use it. I have considered using dark matter since I know it existed at one point but got abandoned
Origin uses some kind of exotic material with fusion as an aether alternative.
I might turn to that or as i said before look into anti or dark matter. I just would like to have more to the company since its been around a few decades and most of its specialty products have been copied or made not as useful within the years of my abscense